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Everything posted by SeeKer

  1. ^^Speaking in $ and cents but your moral fiber negates everything in the face of logic.
  2. Lmao. No they are not traveling imams but I think they are apprenticing. There are two regular imams and the rest just take turns reciting Quran during Taraweh. Sudais is just my sis fav so when we listen to Quran she always asks for his recitations (at home). Ps:- I wouldn't find the brother How could I? I have never seen his face.
  3. Simply put by legalizing the trade the pimps would have to fall under regulations of federal law. One couldn't get a license unless there is a clean bill of health for each employee and a continuous screening would ensure that safe practices are upheld. Thereby spread of diseases would be stymied. Off course there are holes in the theory since the customers could be carriers but due to the screening process this should eventually decrease with time. Che, which column wins economically:Pro or Con?
  4. SeeKer


    Isn't man's life pre determined though? So what kind of change will you initiate but what you are meant to change C'est la vie. Learning to live in the moment is a change I can believe in! ~~Has a feeling of being mocked~~
  5. I just love the voice ya akhi, I swear I didn't peek at him through the screen. In all seriousness, isn't it then wrong when people ask for specific reciters? My sister luv al sudias and I luv one of my local imam...'s voice I even thought of recording his talks too.
  6. ^^^Is there something you are awaiting? I find unfinished thoughts distracting.........
  7. Seems pertinent for this period in Ramadhan: Sprinting in the Last Days of Ramadhan by . I am always confused about the I'tekaf and Laylatul Qadr. I'tekaf seems to mean staying at the mosque for the whole ten days, is that what we are expected to do? Oh, and one more question, is it wrong to be so moved by a reciter of Quran that you feel the need to meet them and get to know them Edit: SomaliCentric, I used to go to the other Shia school in Nai but we were in no means a religious lot. I remember being successful in removing religious education from the senior class curriculum. I got PO'ed after three months of continuously hearing about Ali (RA) being overlooked as the right Khalifa.
  8. Nin.......I was being facetious. If we made harmful things illegal life would be dull. I am by no means encouraging the use of drugs by claiming that. I am just stating that for a species that claims they were granted free will we sure do take a lot of liberties by making certain things illegal. C&H erm......I don't think I can stand my co-workers if they didn't go home to booze each night. Life is just too stressful for certain folks! Che, there is a case for legalizing prostitution even from a healthcare POV.
  9. BOB, I have your poem speak into me engraved somewhere in my soul. Its been a while since I felt words jumping from a medium. so thanks!
  10. SeeKer


    I will try to work on it but most of the time it dies when the ink dries. I think its something to do with the emotional roller coaster one is on when then put pen to paper. If man was never changing this world would indeed be dull And on that note......... It is with the dawn feeble light that I realize I am a solitary soul roaming the earth the pink, orange and blues merge together to form a new day whilst I wait in anticipation to form a new me born from the magma flowing inside of you cracking through the crust sinewy muscle and long limbs I emerge and sigh I am still the only solitary soul walking the earth
  11. :eek: @ this post. I had to dust it off for another viewing. I remember my mom found a paper with scribbles rolled up around a stick in my bag when I came back from Kenya and she immediately called a sheikh. Mtu akifikiri uganga haufanyiki hajui mengi lakini ultimately Mola ndiye akuchunga na wenye kupractice uganga siku za malipo yawangojea.
  12. SeeKer


    Originally posted by humble.: Anyway, I had entertained this crazy idea that the spirit (eternal) is genderless, and so we are who we are now (in body - in one kind of a life-form) but we retreat to a unison spiritual state later on - in the relief of death of the body. Interesting theory that could somehow explain why some people are gender confused when dwelling in the vessels we call bodies. As to who I was when I wrote the piece, I was a daughter, then a mother and finally i sunk into the soft earth and called my home mother earth. I guess it sort of lead me down that path and inspired another poem that is still slumbering in my notebook. Ps:- Do you change names like you change shirts? Its hard to keep up with you since my trips to SOL are irregular I always have to reacquaint myself with you and your trippy mind.
  13. I was not being violent.......I just said I have urges that I don't express :cool: Translation to my signature can be found here.
  14. SeeKer


    I am confused. You want to know my gender or what persona I am when I wrote the piece? Ps:-the piece had started out as one thing and by the time I was done it had evolved to something else. It isn't about a man and woman though
  15. Originally posted by Indhoos: I think most Somali men are green in that area. Erm.......I am not sure about that. I met quite a few brothers that not green by a long shot. Aha! You are in charge of a bunch of toms, farahs and nancys. I hate working in teams, I prefer working alone and hand in those boring projects. My teams always end up with a know it all among them. I wonder if anyone ever feels the urge to cause them bodily injury with their laser pointers.......or is it just me :mad:
  16. I read a study done on Amsterdam and what the effects of legalizing marijuana has done to the country and it seemed to indicate that legalizing marijuana increased the amount of people who experimented with marijuana or was it the age decreased? :confused: Personally, I think anything that alters a human body should be banned including caffeine. (Whistling as I drink my extra light, hold the whip, triple shot, orange truffle grande starbucks) My bank account would be forever be thankful to congress. Anywho ,Nin would you clarify what drug in particular you are lobbying for? I sense you really meant Khat but threw in the word cocaine as an afterthought.
  17. Originally posted by Senior Junior: so every married dude that i bump into these days is frustrated and is dreaming of #2. (must be the summer) No offense meant but every time I hear anything about polygamy I keep envisioning a husband playing musical chairs . I would give you some lines but so far they haven't worked on me
  18. Lmao @ its not Tuesday honey and I told you I loved you when we got married me think Ardo askari's friend's husband must be a green . I thought it was just a quiz but it looks like its a corporate team builder sort of like the FISH video. Indhoos did you have to sit through that or do you work in HR?
  19. SeeKer


    I have loved man and found him lacking I have desired man and found him insane I have let man drink thirstily from my petals I have sheltered him during storms I have loved man and found him lacking I have desired man and found him insane I have let man sow his seeds nurtured them till they kiss the sky I have been a source of wealth and posterity Yet I have loved him and found him lacking I have desired man and found nothing! Disclaimer: This is a work in progress
  20. Sounds like you are about to pop. Hope you feel better......otherwis e stick the pads of your thumb on the top part of your eye socket and pull it upwards
  21. ^^^ To quote someone its just words on a screen!
  22. He is the short mail at the corner selling lo mein out of a blue cart. Don't thank me Zu. Ibti.... I should say I only posted on SOL when I was supposed to be hunched over my books. Speaking of which I better get back to them.
  23. Edit : LOZ Kichwa kama mandazi! I should really calculate my rate versus yours since the length of time is diff......... grabbing a pen I might be 4.3522 times slower but thats because I have to look up every somali word scattered in the posts I read. j/k
  24. ^^^I am not sure the answer to that could even be phrased to come out correctly. Maybe Zu is a man of less words i.e Cheers! Speaking of which Zu you could do like some and just put in every thread and your count should drastically increase,
  25. Originally posted by -MARX-: All I ask is that she has a liberal arts degree and can debate with me so we can have intellectual orgasms Why in particular liberal arts? Anything higher make her infallible doesn't it and therefore unbecoming with a view to marriage in 2.5 years. Such an odd timeline. :confused: Are you meeting a deadline in your calender? I like beains. I hope you like them on toast! But all ribbing aside, if you are really interested in a girlfriend perhaps the best advise is to being open minded. Most people are hell bent looking for specifics traits when its this narrow focus that defeats the purpose. Good luck!