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Everything posted by SeeKer

  1. Originally posted by Farancab: Green(15), Gold(14), blue(11) then orange(10). :eek: :eek: I am worried about my results they are exactly the same. The part about my work has to be mentally challenging for me to be engaged is spot on! I am bored with my job already and need to find new avenues to pursue.
  2. AZ's heat cannot be that lethal but to each his own. Thank God I never took my friend up on the offer to visit the state. Sounds like mars on earth. I definitely find the idea of a drive thru funeral parlor disturbing. Any of those in AZ too?
  3. ^^^ If her beef is that he doesn't shower her gifts maybe she needs to try to remember why she married the man. Marriage is not an easy thing and requires hard work and if she can honestly say that both parties have put in the effort to make it work and it still doesn't work then perhaps its time to cut your losses. Disclaimer:- Divorce is frowned upon in our religion but there are times when it is the only alternative. I am in no way saying this is the case with your friend. She alone can be the judge of that. I wish her the best.
  4. Ardo you probably know more than anyone here in SOL what the situation is. I doubt whether a stranger's advice can provide a better alternative than yours. Divorce is a hard thing especially speaking as a someone whose parents are divorced. Everyone handles it differently. Important thing to do is to be honest with each other (spouses) and to be upfront with the child. As long as a child has two parents that loves them and support them it is ultimately a better environment than one which the parents are constantly squabbling and unhappy.
  5. Really the first time I saw a drive thru coffee place I was ok.....people could be in a hurry to get to work and don't want to get out of the car and what not. Then I saw a drive thru wedding chapel but it was in vegas what happens in vegas stays in vegas . Except now in Arizona there is a drive thru prayer stand where you can pray with someone about whatever is bothering you. Read More Ps:- A block form my home is a drive thru skate sharpening store. I wonder what else in the future we can do without getting out of our cars. :cool:
  6. BAD Classic reason why some people shouldn't be allowed into social networks. Ewww! GOOD If you are dumb enough to pose with a weapon in a social network then you should be jailed
  7. I have nothing wrong with me :eek: Just from the voicemails there are a couple things wrong with him Olga should give him some of her antidepressants!
  8. Originally posted by Arac: I suppose not many American trollers will make a showing today. Unless you work in government most people still work on labor day. This answers the question of how the troll corner seem vacant during the weekends and evening. Most of the people are trolling when they should be at work.
  9. Three years later and I wonder if things are seen through different lenses.
  10. ^^^Where you hiding these days? Preseason is over and it would be interesting to see who gets starting line up on certain teams. What about Ian Johnson being dropped by the Vikings? Stup!d :rolleyes: Lance Long should make cardinals better, they couldn't get any worse after such a poor preseason. Ps:-I am going to be attempting my first fantasy football this year. Any pointers?
  11. ^^^ I don't think I have ever come across this poem before. Vivid images though
  12. SeeKer

    Today I....

    Today I learnt that listening to someone read Quran beautifully can make your heart go thud thud........
  13. ^^ :confused: your sense of humor is at times in need of admonishing. Trollers about?
  14. She'll be trolling around SOL when she comes She'll be trolling around SOL when she comes She'll be trolling around SOL She'll be trolling around SOL She'll be trolling around SOL when she comes Now try it this way If it wasn't for the Yanks you'd all be Germans, If it wasn't for the Yanks you'd all be Germans, If it wasn't for the Yanks, if it wasn't for the Yanks, If it wasn't for the Yanks you'd all be Germans Thought I would break the ice a bit to ask this who is the real heir of King Solomon's Temple? The Muslims or the Jews?
  15. Originally posted by Valenteenah: CL , sure some girls probably like B-Ball. I know our own Seeker definitely does, but they are the exception I think. Oi.......I am not sure how to take that. I could sure use some tickets but I don't think I have gotten over losing Garnett to Celtics
  16. goodnight NG'. Edit: I luv stewie for some odd Reason. I am watching this wedding and wondering if I were that bride party if I would have done it. :cool: Practicing her cha cha slide
  17. How about the ones who claim that it was fate. Are they part of the liars or do they fall within the realm of madness? You know what its time for? A sexy party
  18. I never do anything I am asked dee. Can't even follow a recipe without adding my own spices. NG' what is your method to madness? I think you are unto something here.
  19. Reason dictates logic and if the person you are dealing with has no logic there is no reason. Most people who walk this earth are illogical. So sowwie NG' there is a high probability you will never find reason! On another note, your NGO advice didn't bear fruition.
  20. Philosophical ya akhi. Women are wired different. What can I say? Personally, I tend to be emotional only when it comes to family. Everything else be da!ned
  21. lmao you are a God send. I am trying to find reason where there is none. Any suggestions?
  22. Sxb, The premise for the business minded Africans was thrown out there to refute the allegations that we are inherently lazy. Lazy people don't sit and think up ideas then see them through. Whether the ideas/business have any economic thinking is a reflection of said individual as opposed to an entire race/creed. As for Chile, I will have to sit down and formulate a response. Forgive me, but I have had an emotional day and I can't think straight let alone lay down an opposition to Chicago Boys and their economic plans in Chile. The rest of the factors you mentioned certainly play a role in our problem (lagging behind the rest of the world) and require analysis. Will be back when my dementia lifts.
  23. Originally posted by NGONGE: All the people above, ladies and gentlemen, are NOT from the UK. Am I bovvered though? I could claim your little Island but I feel that I wouldn't do it justice. Lots of remnants left over from my trip including my obsession with Eastenders. But back to Catherine Tate
  24. Check out this Hope it lightens your day and make you chuckle if not guffaw.