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Everything posted by Muriidi

  1. news : and embassy personel , u.n. officials etc. i got your back : looking for me , punk .. ? escort help-org. workers and refugees across border to red cross camp .. take only thos the help-org. camps .. they all have tags and have been registering for months ..
  2. britney spears goormay la baxday ahlu-jameeco .. wikipedia goormay labaxaday xisbi-islan .. ? waxyaalaha qaar waa qayr-munasib buu yiri ninkii culimada ahaa ..
  3. i know more about rice than you ! 我现在并不觉得如何..我们必 39035;决定..我不能作出决定..有人 20915;定对我来说.. .. just trying to save the rice .. you know as a foodtype ..
  4. heshiisyadyii waa hore dhexmaray .. odayaasha , waxaa kamid ahaa in ciyaarta la dhaho "xukun" iyo "dalwad" inaanan lagu soo darin iyadoo awalba iska cayaar ahayd , waxyaabo diin ah . dhulka Kii Abuuratay baa u taliya , kaagamana baahno kaalmo .. 1- wikiknowledge halkan kama socdo .. 2- quoting al-jazeera makes you lose credibility at the wadaadtooyo 3-nothing wrong with aikido 4-the internet belongs to us .. if you want to report such spam .. apply for a job at aljazeera 5- even though we have freedom of speech , there is so much we can not speak about .. yet .. because no one will believe you if you're standing next to a liar .. 6- i just informed our navy .. they will send presents to the coordinates you passed and candy for the children 7- the navy-command will ... inform the somali-pirates to take necessary steps on those no-names * hadaad rabto inaad ka hadasho nidaam iyo horumar iyadoo ciyaar aanan ahayn .. - quit the gangster-crap saying "you need me ,let me the bad man in your scheme " - xuquuqda aadamah iyo dhirta iyo xoolaha -ilaalinta deegaanka (xitaa ciidda iyo buuraha iyo badda) .. when do we start ..? alqaida , nazis and such are not allowed to practice their stuff anywhere anytime .. their supporters if they want to march or rally ,cannot do that constantly .. no respectable newscast reports exclusively on that issue .. what is wrong with y'all .. how often can you say the word nazi(even if joking) without seeming suspicious ?
  5. Muriidi


    during my coma .. the government put a chip in my head .. it was kinda like this :
  6. that acutally happened .. even in europe .. all national gov. members are hiding in brussels .. sh. sharif is in cairo and silanyo is in addis .. .. so is the world news .. i think .. wheather one should call it "gone fishing" or .. some say , that's what got p.m omar abirashid "fired" , he was actually able to do the job and stay in mogadishu .. which means he has a system that works .. a system ? .. the cssino threw him out .. he was winning too much .. with his system ..
  7. now that this is over .. sol'er BoB was reciting surat(20) Taha " geral-duke was reciting surat(21)Al-Anbiyaa we found out a lot ... corrected much .. and helped recognize the choices Allah gave each and everyone of us .. Peace and Prayer be upon the Messenger .. ------------------------ we would like to return to the usual formation .. as written above in the first post ,until further notice ..
  8. c/karim jama - masjid correspondent for "xog-ogaalka banadir"
  9. news : koo aa intuu mid ka mid ah shaqaalaha aqalka cad ee maraykanka u tagay yiri : waxaan ahay sirdoonka wadanka u.s.a. , .. waliba wuxuu oo la soo baxay teesaro .. baastooladna wuu wadtay .. saanaa ku dhacday .. .. war waa ku sidee ?
  10. wafdi danish ah .. oo culus .. kuw oo somali ah : waxyaabihii ay ku heshiiyeen :
  11. Muriidi


    serious wake-up call ... hargeisa-times xog-ogaalka banadir --------------------------------------- may abow , xafiisyada dawladda wadaadtoyada waa halkan ..
  12. correction , the first post contained this video-link :
  13. mr medvedev , tear down the euro-wall .. translator crew say : Г-н Медведев, снести Евро-стены
  14. how 'bout something fun today .. ? captain's bridge .. sahih muslim ------------------------------------------- sickbay(health-center) .. imam ghazali ,ihya ulumudin ------------------------------------------- living quarters , sunan ibn majah ------------------------------------------- 1- machine-room - warp-cxore .. riyadusalihin 2- machine-room-control-console-section , sahih bukhari .. lol .. laughing from the heart .. astaghfiru Allah ------------------------------
  15. yaa yaqaanna xadiis-nabawi'ga ku saabsan saxaabi intuu isdilay yiri kufaartaan naarta ooga daba tagi?
  16. 1- *for telepathy , wheather you want to stop communicating ..or do it all day .. lol.. money .. ---------------------- 2- * for teleportation , wheather you want to do it or something is forcing you but you don't want to .. it's like being an illegal immigrant in your own body .. it's about virtual reality .. and how a bridge would collapse if we give the metal it's made of more virtue than it naturally has .. and how some would tell us to compensate that deficit with politics .. because of (Citiqaadka iyo awoodiisa/ The power of belief- by positive) , making one mutate into some sort of super-hero/villain , and the health-care issues .. but the doctor is also sick .. so .. tele-portation and tele-pathy ,wheather you see it as a disease ,or blessing .. they're not more difficult to deal with than the internet or the national-state(country) your soul-mate and your faith are personal issues.. psychology and religion are sociological and political perversions .. but you already knew that .. can anybody read/write algorithms .. here .. ? algorithms anyone ?
  17. Muriidi


    x^2+2 = 6 with stuff like in your head .. - (minus) .. now you can undeerstand what some call machine language .. or binary ... try it it's quite interesting ... this -(minus) this budhcadbadeed (somali-pirate) and you can understand this on your virtual computer . .. you will develop a natural and smooth relation to technology .. without superstitions !
  18. Muriidi


    .. i don't get it ..
  19. now that we know that somalia is neither a republic nor a monarchy .. they're letting us know that somalia is a "wadaadtoyo" next they'll let us know that somalia is busy being built or rebuilt and osman ato for pres. waa wareey .. waaba gaalo xog-ogaal ah , gobolada intaad magacyo u bixisid , kuwo oo .. atoore camal ah iigana madaxweynayaal ooga dhig ! .. lol .. wadaadtooyo ! amaa bacd .. war bal sug , kanna maxuu la neeftuuri ? xaji-xunjuf jijiga ii fariisi .. ! i wuv australia .. .. inaader hana dhagatirinee .. muriidi isna djibouti ii gee ! nesce pas ?
  20. Muriidi


    السلام عليكم و رحمة الله بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم from : Fiqh-us-Sunnah , Sayyid Saabiq Volume 1, Page 1b: Rain water, snow, and hail These substances are pure because Allah says so: "And sent down water from the sky upon you, that thereby He might purify you..." (al-Anfal 1), and "We send down purifying water from the sky" (al-Furqan 48). This is also supported by the following hadith: Abu Hurairah reported that the Messenger of Allah, upon whom be peace, used to be silent between the (opening) takbir of the prayer and the verbal Qur'anic recitation. Abu Hurairah asked him, "O Messenger of Allah, may my father and mother be sacrificed for you, why do you remain silent between the takbir and the recital? What do you say (silently during that time)?" He said, "I say, 'O Allah, make a distance between me and my sins similar to the distance you have made between the East and the West. O Allah, cleanse me of my sins in the manner that a white garment (is cleansed) from dirt. O Allah, wash my sins from me with snow, water, and hail."' This hadith is related by the "group", except for at-Tirmizhi.
  21. news : -what's up with all the "tachion-emissions" ? - maybe it's all the people paying with "time-flux" - oh .. it's not just trekkies now ey ?
  22. "telepathy" the ability to communicate , sometimes without words , the "hadd-shar'i" is called "'hawaar" --- "teleportation" the ability to travel , sometimes skipping the physical rules of time and/or space .. the "'hadd-shar'i" is called "israa" moalim abchaasi say so ..