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Everything posted by Muriidi

  1. in the 1700's when they introduced passports and "legal-tender" .. there were still some people who continued to pay in diamonds and gold-coins .. when they got off a ship at the coast they were greeted as lord or count so and so and they payed with gold coins and prescious stones .. but since travelling was made easier and more accessible to everyone as time went by , it became necessary to issue passports and pay in "legal-tender" .. lord/count so and so : "what is all this commotion" shop/hotel-clerk : " ah , it's them common people ,now anyone can afford to stay at the fine hotel just 'cause they have passports and "legal-tender" .... lol in a time where "telepathy" is an everyday game .. and "teleportation" is on everyones mind .. here are some scenes from any city : "i am a somali citizen , here's my passport .. i would like to pay in somali shilin i believe the legal exchange rate is 1:100 in euro ,so here's 10,000 shilin .. what all this commotion?" "ah .. it's those googlers , now with their new collective paying system , anyone can afford to stay at the fine hotel and fly with the airline" * the collective pay system uses the new "legal-valuta" called tuff(time-flux) --------------------------------------- there have been made several comparisons to the berlin wall being opened .. well that's up to you. ---------------------------------------- informed circles say changing the "legal-valuta" to (time-flux) is a minor formality , which security authorities (police) insist upon .. the current situation is that decision-makers are waiting for advice from church(all the way to the vatican) and other institutions of faith . -rumours saying that not making that formal change could mean a crisis as deep as going back to the old days of communist atomic threat or religious crisis in the churches .. but those are simply roumours.. .. so anyone for even more anonymous shopping and travelling ? .. yes ,carrying a passport is more anonymous than coming to a hotel as lord/count so and so .. * it's time to get even more anonymous .. "telepathy" is already accessible to everyone .. you know what's next .. teleportation , telekenisis .. birth-certificate issues(medical-jurisdiction) i think it's evolution .. but hey evolution takes millions of years .. that's why we call the new money "tim-flux" , so that's why the i.m.f. joined the i.a.e.a. ------------------------------ اعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم وَاذْكُرْ رَبَّكَ إِذَا نَسِيتَ وَقُلْ عَسَى أَنْ يَهْدِيَنِ رَبِّي لِأَقْرَبَ مِنْ هَذَا رَشَدًا tafsiir ,,,,,, فتقول: إن شاء الله. واذكر ربك عند النسيان بقول: إن شاء الله، وكلما نسيت فاذكر الله; فإن ذِكْرَ الله يُذهِب النسيان، وقل: عسى أن يهديني ربي لأقرب الطرق الموصلة إلى الهدى والرشاد
  2. news : ..after watching the news , i went to an irish pub and had a "bar-fight" with a scott ..
  3. i watch tv news every day .. i mutated .. i'm stronger now .. ----------------------------------- .. my mother doesn't like it : .. why my baby why ? ---------------------------------- .. stop telling me these horrible things you heard on radio news ! ------------------------------------------- .. you're my baby , i will learn to keep loving you .. determined mothers determined mohters
  4. .. maya ,yacni waxaan ka wadaa .. hadaad somali ahayd , wadamada khalijka ha ku xadgudbin , .. ciidamada ay u.n. 'ta ee filibinka : web page iyo dareenkaada soomaaliga haduu ku kaafin waayay,.. wait sorry , hadaad rabto dareen sida wadamada khalifka, waa laguu heli ciidamo indonesia :
  5. = 4,5 .. marqaan waalan olympics :confused:
  6. khilaafka h.e. president shariif iyo mudane raisulwasaare sharmaarke hadii lagu soo koobo inaysan iskumeel ku shiri karin ,maadaamo mudane raisulwasaare c/rashid sharmaarke uusan ogoleyn in la shido (airocondition) , h.e. president shariif 'se uusan ka maarmin (aircondition) taas ka sokow lakin .. as we got used to , from you folks who are trying to sell us this reality .. what's next ? according to the current events , are you gonna claim that al-qaeda is now opening a base in tokyo ? i remember how some people laughed at this headlne: al-qaeda opens training camps in cote d'ivoire , but wait maybe it's the tunisians .. or som'n .. .. according to the current events .. .. tokyo ???? web page toxic city theory
  7. news: islam people say .. islamic ideals : + not so islamic ideals or how that makes you feel (my opinion?) = toxic city theory but there's hope ..
  8. walaal .. you are soooo right ! so many things that we have to deal with are considered sihir and sourcery in the sharia . here's a good guide on how to avoid sihir .. only for home use .. unless you're a licensed alaama .
  9. the following is an example of advertisement for "way of thought" used in some schools .. web page web page
  10. ok .. first here's some "virtual money" for everyone .. it takes too long to explain .. you can receive more info , from u.n.d.p. i.a.e.a. greenpeace max planck institute ,berlin like factories have become automatic and many people fired .. imagine you have been excused from handling money,guns and passports 'cause the process is now automatic .. or som'n ..
  11. news : clean your room ! are you trying to grow bactereria cultures here ? :mad:
  12. Infinity Beach by Jack McDevitt A review by Greg L. Johnson Are we alone in the universe? Scientists take both optimistic and pessimistic views. Arguments that life must be common are countered with arguments that our situation is improbable and may very well be unique. In Jack McDevitt's Infinity Beach, human beings have interstellar spaceflight, they have colonized several worlds, and they have found no evidence of other intelligent life in our galaxy. Many people have come to believe that they never will. Dr. Kimberly Brandywine is in charge of public relations for the Seabright Institute, which is engaged in a spectacular feat of stellar engineering in an attempt to signal hypothetical aliens. Her life begins to change when a phone call from an old teacher causes her to re-examine the circumstances of her sister's death. Emily had disappeared twenty years earlier, shortly after the early return of an exploratory voyage. As Kim starts to investigate, questions arise over what really happened. Was someone on the crew a murderer? Did they find evidence of alien life? From this point on, the question of whether or not there are aliens becomes slowly secondary to the story of Kim's search for the truth. Indeed, the pace of the plot changes with Kim's state of mind. It starts out slowly, as she is indecisive about whether to proceed. The story gathers momentum as Kim resolves to go ahead, even at the possible risk of her job. Other characters get involved, from Solly Hobbs, an old friend who helps out, to Ben Tripley a corporate magnate and leading candidate for villain, who, in Tolkien's classic phrase "seems fairer and feels fouler" than anyone else in the book. Infinity Beach is, in the end, a kind of story that Jack McDevitt does very well. There are mysteries to be solved, both personal and scientific, and the background is well thought out, both in the human society depicted and in the astronomical details that play a part in the narrative. Still, it's hard not to think that McDevitt had a different sort of book in mind when he first started writing Infinity Beach. The opening chapters -- with their portrayal of a society built on exploration that has started to lose its edge, that has started to doubt the worth of it all -- have a different atmosphere than the rest of the novel. There's a world-weariness in the characters here that pervades the opening scenes, and is then pushed aside as Kim's story and the force of her personality take over the book. That's not a bad thing. Kimberly Brandywine is one of those rarities in science fiction: a character who is believable both as a scientist and as a woman. Infinity Beach is her story and as such it delivers both as a novel of character and as a science fiction novel with interesting speculations, plausible science, and a good adventure story. That it might have been a different sort of book altogether, with a deeper exploration of the culture Kim lives in, suggests that the author has it in him to write more good books, with themes that he has only touched on tangentially until now. Meanwhile, we can enjoy Infinity Beach for what it is, and look forward to the next novel from Jack McDevitt as well.
  13. moalim abchaasi salutes you ..
  14. fatwa ? عن أم المؤمنين أم عبد الله عائشة رضي الله عنها قالت : قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم : يغزو جيش الكعبة فإذا كانوا ببيداء من الأرض يخسف بأولهم وآخرهم قالت : قلت يا رسول الله ، كيف يخسف بأولهم وآخرهم وفيهم أسواقهم ومن ليس منهم ؟ قال ، يخسف بأولهم وآخرهم ، ثم يبعثون على نياتهم متفق عليه ، هذا لفظ البخاري عن أبي هريرة أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم قال: أحب البلاد إلى الله مساجدها وأبغض البلاد إلى الله أسواقها رواه مسلم moalim abchaasi said : anyone who works works in a place where people are supposed to get stuff .. and makes them pay anything more than السلام عليكم .. is considred ahlu-kitaab , and does not enjoy the full rights of the islamic society .. 'cause they only pay "jizya" , not "zakaat"
  15. .. lol .. ^ ^ waxaad tidhiba lagu yidhi ,,,, news : nin yaaban said : web page
  16. the constitutional court : it is illegal to make anything compulsory unless it is necessary like in an emergency .. *you can't force people to carry : -guns -money -passports unless it's necessary .. like in an emergency .. gun laws are more elaborate and shall not be discussed in this session .. money and personal i.d. .. whether these things are necessary or whether it is an emergency will be decided by : the environmental court defendant : can't i make it compolsory in my private business to show i.d. and pay money ? people's attorney : objection your honour .. suggesting that there is an emergency that requires such measures .. judge : objection sustained , current situation is that any individual who feels the need to carry a gun,money or personal i.d. , may do so .. people's attorney : something should be done immediately to protect the people who don't judge the situation as an emergency .. judge : hold on what you said gave me a bad feeling .. what are you trying to say ? defendant : he's calling for an apartheid situation ,where some citizens see the catastrophy and some don't .. judge : the constitutional court already decided what is unconstitutional and what is not .. please watch your language and don't insult the court .. please continue people's attorney : let me put it otherwise .. really bluntly and contemporarily .. for you to judge sir if it is inappropriate for the court to be contemporary .. who should have the authority to judge whether it is an emergency or not ? any shopkeeper ? defendant : well no .. the environmental court of course and appointed officers .. judge : and so is the situation at an airport for example .. the customer is recommende and may therefore just take the flight without paying money or showing a passport .. unless one is convinced that one needs the therapy(legal term) and wants to pay and show a passport .. answering that by allowing people to smoke in the plane would be too radical .. that was also an environmental court decision .. people's attorney : so , people can call the police if some shopkeeper demands money .. ? defendant : may one also call the police if some shopkeeper denies one the right to pay money and show identification ? judge : both right .. so is the current situation.
  17. web page walaal wariye (xitaa kuwa sol-camelmilkthreads) .. hadda waa soo afuray .. maxaad ku keentay , ciidamada ka shaqeeya (Allaha ilaaliyee ) dhulka ku yaallaan 3da xaram ee islaamka .. Makka , Jerusalem iyo Medinah .. inaad caydo oo sameysatid kartoon camal kuwa ah oo ku kacaya falal foolxun .. wadamada ka dacwooday in la caayo mujahidinta : -- jagged edge
  18. السلام عليكم Eid Mubarak this ramadan ,i learned a lot .. ..hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown (revelation 3:11) ..فليصلوا معك وليأخذوا حذرهم و أسلحتهم.. (alnisaa 102) Jah Bless ..
  19. news : scenes form mogadishu : .. he comes early every morning and brings a "jawaan" of bread , and lays it out on a street corner by the bus stop ... it's free of charge .. * she comes every hour to the same place and brings a fresh "thermus" of tea .. also free .. - aar shaahii aa dhamaaday- - wax yar sug saacadii mar ay imaataa ..
  20. If we're not to remain perpetual bystandsers 3/10/1998 - Political - Article Ref: AN9803-118 Number of comments: By: Khaled al-Maeena Arab News* - Throughout the world governments are presently revitalizing their economies - some through drastic reforms, others through laws that streamline their systems. Arab economies, however, are not being liberalized quickly enough. Arab countries have not participated fully in the trade liberalization drive and so have not derived as much benefit as they should. These observations were made by Peter Sutherland former head of the International trade body, GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade). Years of economic decay, bureaucratic bunglings and a lack of vision have placed Arab economies at the bottom of the scale. What is more frustrating are the obstacles to trade which prevent all but the strongest from venturing into the region. These obstacles have prevented the flow of capital which went painlessly to other economies, such as those in Asia and Latin America. Obstacles also arose from a lack of clear and well-defined banking procedures as well as restrictions from various monetary agencies. While other countries liberalized and embarked on investment drives, too many Arab countries were content with printing glossy brochures saying how they could provide industrial facilities which unfortunately existed only in the expensively-produced brochures. What was even more disturbing to potential investors was the lack of accurate statistics. Different ministries gave different figures. And for the disciplined peoples of South East Asia, this was a serious indication that all was not well. The lack of demographical studies, in addition to a lack of market surveys and other relevant information, contributed significantly to the absence of outside trade and investment. ** from political articles ** ..IslamiCity ... 2 ... The tussle between the "B's" - business and bureaucracy - is obvious. Where, in a normal situation, captains of business and industry march together with bureaucrats, here each one competes with the other. It is, therefore, of vital importance that in order for development to take place, a change in the way of operating - and not only a cosmetic one - must occur. The Arabs also watch, wait and see; they should by now, however, have had enough of this. Others have undertaken reforms and made progress. Arabs wait and see. Liberal economies usher in prosperity while trade barriers, restrictive ownership rules, closed financial markets, a lack of data and information create obstacles to free trade in Arab countries. It is imperative that, as we approach the 21st century, Arab governments abolish archaic rules and regulations and streamline their legal and administrative structures to attract foreign investors. Arab countries must also diversify. As Sutherland said, they will reap additional benefits through greater economic growth. The Arabs have no choice. Either they can shape up and get their act together or they will remain perpetual bystanders, watching the participants in the world trading system move forward as they are left behind. Shall we take hold of our fate or leave it for others to dictate to us? * through out the history of jihad .. the importance of logistics ..
  21. let your desire for/to the future just pass through.. don't try to stop it or question it .. web page * kuwan lalama murmo ..waxay u baahanyihiin concentration .. - kuwan soo socdana waa lala murmi karaa .. waxoodu waa "chaos&anarchy"
  22. * i think i'll bookmark this ! quotes to send around with every email ..