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Posts posted by Castro

  1. Originally posted by shyhem:

    Stop hanging around bitter ugly old woman like missy elliot-the lesbian.Those three words say alot about you than previuosly thought.Think about! while you're at it stop picking unnecessary fights with senior members coz some of us can dismantle u'r defense faster than a global hawk on Taliban azz.

    Bacaadka skool jabuuti gadaashisa iskeen barri lix saac

  2. Originally posted by Legend of Zu:

    If a girl asks me to marry her...I would kindly decline and then ask her...


    Good plan..dont you think?

    Not a very good plan. You say no and the coach (your woman) brings in Faarax2 off the bench. You are out of uniform and in the locker room. You're done. You only get one chance to step up to the plate, don't blow it. And according to my research, women hate men who can't close the deal. Bada bim bada bum!


    Think about it.

  3. Originally posted by waryaa_liibaanow:

    U a crazy guy,Fidel.There are about 20 Vietnamese women where I work and when I go into the lunchroom at 7:00,I swear it smells like about 20 cats have just died!!It reeks so bad,I have to make a mad dash for the smoke room(yes,we can still smoke inside,HAHA!)

    Dude, Vietnamese soups, also known as Pho, are probably the best light meal of any cuisine. The ones I like are made with beef. Raw at first but it cooks in the boiling hot soup right at your table. Mmmmmmm, nirvana. I don't know about cats and what else people eat. I can't say I like or hate it. Never had cat and don't plan to either. But Salmon sashimi. Now that's the SH!T. Anyhoo, try it. You just might like it.

  4. Originally posted by Zephyrine:

    Maxay cuqdad faaraxyadu qabaan!

    Rap on sister.


    Fidel, you attention-seeker you.

    Hunger for attention, food and sex are the most basic instincts of humans. And madam, I take my instincts very seriously :D

  5. Originally posted by xiinfaniin:

    ^^Given the fact that contraceptives were the mainstay of the cultural revolution of sixties, I suppose that has some relevancy in this discussion.


    War waa tagey. Waa inoo berri, haddii ALLE idmo.

    Dude this is nonesense. Look, poor people, much like the not so poor, ain't gonna stop fcuking. But to have children whom they have no capacity to raise is disgusting. Contraceptives are made for that. They don't make anyone more or less horny or immoral.


    Wa bila inoo bari. I can't listen to any more of this doodoo.

  6. Originally posted by xiinfaniin:

    ^^I always get more!


    To be sure, it does effectively facilitate and excite boundless sexuality. It appeals to the most animalistic behavior of ours and gets us all animated! It unties the chain of human morality and detains our ethics.

    What are you talking about here? Pornography?

  7. Originally posted by NGONGE:

    The tired old idea of giving them contraceptives is not very practical either. Knowing the simplicity of our people (all nomadic people) they’ll probably rib the top of the condoms off for a better performance and still think it will work. The women might take the pill once or twice, but like all backwards societies that rely on hearsay and rumour in life, they’ll soon stop using it because, allegedly, it’s a Western evil plot to wipe out the Somali race (a race, in case you didn’t know, that is essential to the workings of international diplomacy).

    Ngonge, I reject that argument. Simplicity and nomadic lifestyles are no excuse for this. At least not anymore. If these same mofos, men, can walk around parading GSM and satellite mobile phones, their rejection of contraceptives is deliberate and, as you would say, obtuse.

  8. Originally posted by Sky:

    The International Community has the responsibility to look out for nations like Somalia and has the means to do so.

    Wrong. The international community has absolutely no responsibility or obligation to Somalia or any other failed state. They do try to help but even that is often met with ridicule and resistance.


    The sins of the fathers are why these kids are dying. Break the cycle and stop your own sins. Let your kids have a chance. One father at a time. I'm not talking about religious sins here but those of abandonment, neglect, and laziness.


    One quick way to do this in Somalia is the use of contraceptives and stop the birth of so many children. If you can't keep on child alive, why on earth have seven or nine? Against the religion you say. I'll tell you what's against the religion, it's neglect and careless disregard of human life once it's here. That's wrong.

  9. This is not an unforseen outcome of myopic selfishness. When one generation refuses to look ahead and create an environment where their offspring can live and prosper. I blame Somali men entirely for failing their women and children. When they're not killing them, they're abandoning them to drugs.


    I feel sorry for the women and children. It's unnecessary and entirely preventable what they're going through.


    What to do? I mostly do what makes me feel better about this whole thing. I help those close to me. But the most important thing I'm doing is honoring my children by ensuring that the brightness of their future is the sole reason I exist at this time. Something many fathers in Somalia either can't see, won't do or don't care about.

  10. Originally posted by Pucca:

    ^you find him hot?



    what exactly is hot?

    It's differs for different people. But mostly it means not ugly. Good looking. Etc..


    ps. aint nothin wrong with you complimenting the dude...

    I know :D

  11. Originally posted by rudy:

    also, then what wazzup with wearing skirts Fidel!! huh! we still all confused..... :confused:

    I think yours is a permanent case of confusion. Let me 'splain this to ya!!!!! ;) I wear a skirt 8-10 hours a day, every day. Sometimes, on weekends, I wear it longer than that. In some countries it's called Macawiis or Hoos gunti. Gunti roughly means wrap. Something to wrap around your waist. Much like a skirt. All of my non-Somali roommates referred to it as skirt as they know not the name macawiis. You should try it sometime.


    If you're trying to insinuate that a skirt is forbidden to men then you're wrong. Many cultures, including some "western" ones wear it. You probably also believe women shouldn't wear pants.

  12. Originally posted by Raganimo:

    it must mean that they are either "female" or "Gay" Simple.

    You're either with us or you're against us. I'm neither female nor gay. I do have eyes and a (good) taste. When I see an ugly dude, I process that information as ugly and if the circumstance permit, I say he's ugly. And vice versa. It has nothing to do with being female, gay or a rabbit.



  13. Originally posted by OG_MOTI:

    .... seriously one problem with these muscle guys is later stages of life, they will have saggy hands like women.. but hey at least we can say no we have a bit of everything..

    Saggy hands? Like women? Lord have mercy.


    With your types, we DEFINITELY have a bit of everything.

  14. Originally posted by Ducaqabe:

    Non-Muslim rest in peace??? Is that supposed to duco?

    Why not? What does it matter to you if a person rests in peace or not. Either say nothing or say rest in peace.

  15. Originally posted by Haddad:

    You can only hope a dead Muslim rests in peace, because the agonies that lie beyond doesn't compare to the one here, even in miniscule.

    True that. Even if the person is not muslim at all, it must be said that they rest in peace and may the lord have mercy on their souls.