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Posts posted by Castro

  1. The beauty of living in a western country is the ability to believe (for the most part) what you want to believe without fearing for your life.


    It is sadly ironic that some of the same people who sought assylum for fear of persecution in their homelands are perpetrating the same acts. What's even more sad is who they're committing these crimes against. Probably the most defenseless members of society. Much like they themselves were back home.


    If you look at my signature below, you can understand where I'm coming from. If you'd like to read the complete article where that quote is from, point your browser to: A Designer Universe


    As for Ayaan Hirsi Ali, I'm more bothered by her membership in a right wing government that is anti immigration and immigrants while herself being an immigrant. Much like a black person in America joining the KKK. Go figure.

  2. To have the same list of characteristics for men would be to admit that men are as complex as women are. In my opinion, that's not that case. Therefore, if a similar list were contemplated for men it would have, at most, 3 to 4 types.


    In fact, I think women have many more types not mentioned here and combinations of types found on this list.


    The comparison between men and women, if you will, would be similar to that of an automobile and a bicycle. The former is more modern, has 4 wheels, an engine and a transmission and can operate (although not very well) without a driver. The latter, mind you, is older, has two wheels, two pedals and a medieval chain. It will not operate without a driver.


    Crude analogy, I agree, but I think it's pretty darn close.



    (A super fast and sophistacted, two wheeled, two pedaled bicycle)

  3. I think the reason you haven't heard of Togane is the constant censorship he faces publishing his work on other Somali sites. A true artist will tackle and talk about difficult issues that are often the least popular. Issues like politics, religion, culture, etc..


    Now that Togane has his own crib online, you should be able to enjoy, as many people do, his work without any censorship.



  4. For those of you who love the eloquence of the written word, the wit of a master and the satire of one M.S. Togane, feel free to visit his home on the web:


    There you will learn about the crackerjack, mythical being called Togane.


    Come one, come all!



  5. Why isn't anyone bothered by the signature of "Professer" that dehumanizes Jews? I think it is repulsive and should be removed. Shame on you sir for spewing such hate.