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Posts posted by Castro

  1. Originally posted by Taqwa:

    Doesn't mean I practice everything I preach but the fact that I recognized their importance is faith itself.

    Would you then extend the same courtesy to others who do the same?


    And to answer your question, if I told you those who I would like to immitate in life, you'd think worse of me than you already. Not that I care one way or the other.

  2. Originally posted by Jamaal11:

    If you don't care about what Islam says or if Islam isn't your life's view-point, then you shouldn' be here at all or be ignoring this topic. Fair and square

    Dude, these people you're asking to ignore the topic are the same ones you're trying to save. What the...? So it's like this: accept my points or go away. That's infantile and you know it. Either engage people with their diverse opinions and understanding of the deen or take your weak preaching to the comfort of the Islam section. Fair and square?

  3. Originally posted by Taqwa:

    If perfection is what your seeking in impersonating someone, wouldn't you go the extra mile to get it done? Would you slack off and say that you will only adopt certain aspects of his traits?

    That's the quintessential issue of religion, Taqwa. It's about wholesale acceptance or rejection of the deen. You want people to either completely accept your version of Islam or reject it. Nothing in between. No middle ground. No compromise. No ease of worship. That's fundamentalism Taqwa and it doesn't work. People are simple, they're normal, they're limited, they're sinners, they're weak and they're fallable. Wanting them to be perfect and their becoming perfect are miles apart. That's me laba kumi iyo tano.

  4. Originally posted by Taqwa:

    Hadaad cajistaay let me show you the door to opinions because this issue is not based on personal opinions.

    It is about personal opinions fundamentally. It's flexible and open to interpretation. Everything is. Including islam. Taqwa, you're opening a can of worms here. The stifling of conversation is a terrible thing. You alienate the very people you're trying to save by looking down on them, ridiculing them. They in turn, will look down on you and do the same. Pray on your own time for others' guidance. Don't mock them for their alleged ignorance. You may be just as ignorant, if not more.


    I can't think of a more honest way to put things. LazyGirl said it outright. She's not looked up nor is she interested in the verdict. That's not a subliminal sign. It's 20X20 banner. Next thing I know, you'll recommend her for stonning to death.

  5. Originally posted by Taqwa:

    If the last generation of Somali's where moderate then surely you can see the consequence today.

    So the demise of Somalia is punishment for our fathers' sins?. I'll buy that. In fact, I'll go as far as agree with you. Where we diverge is the definition of sin. I believe the demise of Somalia occured because of the sin of our fathers' lack of hard work and selfishness. Their reluctance to sacrifice their own lives to create a good place for their children to live. You believe it's their lack of piety and observance of Islam.


    I don't see the whole world in terms of religion. You do. And that's where you'll find many disagreements on dating, dress code, marriage, smoking, hugging, kissing, riding a bus, having belly rings, etc...

  6. Originally posted by Lexy:

    He is long gone!

    Unfortunately, those who commit such crimes have limited forsight to be long gone. As soon as they put a reward on his head, he'll be found. If he doesn't call the police on himself to collect the reward, that is.

  7. Originally posted by Taqwa:

    The sisters are just telling you what is HARAM and what isn't.

    The "sisters" should know that those who speak positively of dating are NOT interested in what the sisters have to say. Therefore, it is a waste of the sisters' time. Unless, of course, the sisters want to start trouble with the other sisters.


    Somalis have always been moderates in Islam. This shift to fundamentalism is new and disturbing. You scream what the hell is a moderate muslim? I say someone who's not shoving things down others' throats.

  8. Originally posted by Xoogsade:

    Seven of Nine


    How are you? You are unusually quite lately. You are one of the few people I click on their name sometimes to see what they have been writing recently. Ma lagu aroosey?

    WTF? So aroos is a form of disability now?

  9. Originally posted by Haddad:

    For me, I can know a lot about my future spouse from my/her relatives, acquiantances, friends and etc. It suffices for me that she's
    and a Muslima who practices her

    These are all medieaval ways of marrying. They're changing everywhere. The Korniesh in Cairo was a popular destination for those dating and engaged. The held hands and god knows what else.


    While the mullahs are preaching, the people are quietly doing what they want. And this is causing even further alienation of the mullahs and those who speak like them.

  10. Originally posted by rayaana:

    AssalaMu Alaikum brothers and sisters.


    Iam shocked and despondent of what i read. Knowing especially that such has been written by

    That's right, it is shocking. Hibo, Bishaaro, Keyf and others, you people wanna have your cake and eat it too. You want to obey god's laws while improvising and using culture as an excuse.


    There is no dating in Islam. The chaperoning thing is a joke. Every tried it? It's basically an interview conducted on a sofa with a stiff sitting between the two of you. There is dating in Somali culture. No chaperon required. Islam and Somalinimo are not the same and many times they're conflicting. This has nothing to do with western style dating. That's another type altogether.


    So either come out and say no dating in Islam. And therefore, we will not date. Or say we're not really gonna follow the Islamic way but we're gonna do it the Somali way. Bada bim bada bum.

  11. Originally posted by Wordette:

    I read this
    that if you act as if though you're already married before you truly are, then you either won't end up married, or your marriage might not be successful.

    Sample or not, up to 70% of marriages are ending in divorce nowadays. This is cross cultural, cross religious and cross just about any differences people have.


    The last thing you'd want is to marry (buy?) a faarax without sampling, find out he doesn't work, then have to return him to his mama. Look lady, you promised he was functional but he can't do sh!t. I want my money back.

  12. Originally posted by Haddad:

    My thinking is, only those involved in the consumption of alcohol and/or the use of drugs commit violent crimes.

    For someone who prides himself in spotting logical fallacies, you make the likes of Liebniz roll over in their graves with this one. Bravo!

  13. Originally posted by FyrKanten:

    Any Canadian nomads knows this guy?

    On the one hand, if this kid did what they say he did, he's bad news. On the other hand, his alleged crime occured as a minor but he will be tried as an adult (read: black) and will be locked up forever.

  14. Originally posted by England girl:

    If anyone would like to enlighten me on somali history or anything somali, please do as I'd love to learn!!

    It's best to do the Google search as someone advised earlier. You are not looking for lost family as some nomads above mistakenly believe. You're searching for historical and cultural narratives. This site is really not where you can get them.


    Start here and go from there.

  15. Originally posted by Bishaaro:

    Mmmm? Drop that thought before you become grape jelly.

    Hey now. First you get the dirty thoughts in my head then you lambast me for thinking them. C'mon mamasita, that's not fair. Papi is running out of patience with you. I like the hunt but once in a while, a kill would be nice. :D

  16. Originally posted by Ducaqabe:

    [QB] Please share with us your best vacation destination if you don't mind.[QB]

    Sunshine coast British Columbia, Canada. A paradise not accessible except by ferry. Nice people. Cheap accomodations. Fabulous beaches and rocking parties. No maryooley within 300 miles. Jet skiing by day. BBQ beef and marshmellows at night. Hanky panky early in the morning. Fantabulous!

  17. Originally posted by Viking:

    Nasty BBD!


    Enjoying the tracks you downloaded eh?

    I'm having a retro kinda year. The Commodores, Atlantic Starr, Lionel Ritchie and Johnny Kemp. Beautiful music. Driving in a beat up Mazda 626 in Xamar. Cheap speakers pumping nothing but treble. Wind blowing in my hair. Waving at award-winning budonkadonks and eating xalwo straight out the plastic bag. Now those were the days.


    wipes the tears off his eyes and reaches for the nuts

  18. Originally posted by Ducaqabe:


    Whatever you've been smoking can't be good for ya. I wonder if you sucked those Air Dust cans out coz Office Depot run out of them. They said the Air Dust are the hottest way of getting high now.

    I don't get high brah. Drugs are bad for you.

  19. Bartender, I'll have what Foxxy is having. Shaken, not stirred.


    Boyfriend, girlfriend. Humans are instinctively attracted to the opposite sex. It's hard-wired (read: natural). It's how we evolved (read: created). Fighting it with threats of hell and BBQ is not going to help. What might help is explaining the consequences of extra-marital relationships. Unwanted pregnancies, disease, and so on. People will find a way to have sex even if hell was right next door.


    I don't see the point in this. Non-married Somalis were having more sex in Xamar 20 years ago than they are in the diaspora now. People prayed, they feared god and once in a while, had a little hanky panky. As arabs say, an hour for you and an hour for the lord. Bada bim bada bum.