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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. 1. Haabsade arrived in Hargeisa for the first time since 1997 ... read more 2. Food Aid distributed in Lascaanood + Local Police starts policing the streetsHalgan News 3. Different Police Stations equiped and open to serve community Qaran news 4. More Support mobilised for LA Hadhwanaag News
  2. ^ Geedkii midho leh ayaa dhagaxa lagu tuurtuura
  3. ^ I second that. Istithmar paid 50 million dollars for 3.5% share of SpiceJet. That means the Indian startup Airliner was valued nearly $1.5 billion dollars. I hope Mr. Olaad hit the jackpot on this sale.
  4. ^^ Awoowe, one doesn't need to be enlightened to see how s*lly and foolish your position is. I am out...
  5. ^^the way you are reasoning is very typical to that of a clan blinded Soomaali person. My clan vs other clan. The other clan is the enemy. The enemy good or bad is bad. My clan good or bad is good. Very premitive.
  6. Are "Punlanders" among the most patriotic Somalis? Was this meant to be a joke?
  7. Originally posted by -: ^^Not really Soomaali ayaa tay. Kula yaabi maayo. Peacefulman, People who fled the initial fear of a widespread fighting are now, according to a local source, coming back to their city. As security strengthens and local police start to work more people will return to their city.
  8. ^^ isn't that better than those who ain't sharing anything?
  9. Originally posted by Castro: quote:Originally posted by Faarax-Brawn: Economic Left/Right: -2.12 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.56 We're politically related FB. Come to think of it, most Somalilanders who took this survey are in the second quadrant. Hmmm. And except for Fatboy (the statistical anomaly ), we're all in the 2nd or 3rd quadrant, the left side of center. Interesting indeed. Naxar, you are what you are atheer. This questionnaire is probably meaningless though it shouldn't be dismissed entirely. I think by nature most Somalis are semi-authoritarian and semi-communists by culture. Hence, if everyone was true to himself/herself they shall fall in the red-zone or nearby. The way I look at it, the more you go down the axis the more you become "free thinker", "progressive" or "favourable to [social/religious] change", which I don't believe is the case for Somalis.
  10. Originally posted by Caamir: Do you know that SYL was the first Somali political party to open an office in the North. When was the Union initiated? Before the "Independence" or after the much repeated five days? When is a marriage a marriage? the time two agree to get married or the time when the Qaadi reads out the ritual? No one is denying the fact that Somaliland people were the ones that were spearheading union of the two sides. No one is denying the fact that a union took place. We all know that took place. But Somaliland's position today is not the same position as the 1960s. It is the opposite. The people who volunteerly initiated the union, have today also dissolved the union. It is that simple.
  11. Originally posted by Naxar Nugaaleed: suldaanka, is me or are you little close to the pope Prolly you cheated the test... Miyaa iska click gareysay uun? I am not sure about the Pope but I believe we share the same views about a lot of issues including homosexuality which I believe should be eradicated and the banning of abortion among other issues.
  12. Buuba waa nin shaqo tagay oo calooshiisa u shaqo tagay. Hadii uu Somaliland wax ka noqon waayay uma malayn maayo inuu meel kale wax ka noqon karo waxna fulin karo. Waa nin hungrigiisu hogaamiyo oon cidna dan kalahayn laakin kolba la saaxib ah kan shilinka uu la qaybsanaayo. Laakin waxa nasiibdarro ah isagoo Professor ah inuu maanta la jaal noqdo dhiigyocab waligii askari ahaa. Maskax khasaartay uun dheh.
  13. Interesting tool Here is my result Economic Left/Right: -3.38 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 2.56
  14. The document there confirms what we all know/knew. We are aware that Somaliland was independent for a couple of days and had a seperate government with her own ministers and parliament and constitution. Had it not been the SL people's desire to volunteerly initiate the union themselves neither the UK Gov't nor any Gov't in Southern Somalia would have made us to unite with Somalia. So, Caamir, what else are you trying to prove here?
  15. Very accurate depiction of Siyad Barre's corrupt and inept inner circle and how they used to run the country. Riyaawad. "Soomaalay dhagayso, kursigan qori caradiis ayaan ku qabtay qori caradiis ayaa la igaga qaadaya".
  16. Xoogsadow Frankly, sometimes I wonder if this patronising attitude that people like you display towards Somaliland was emanating from the Southern perception that if the older generation "Qaldaans" were able to bring their soveriegnty on a silver-platter to the Southern vultures with no strings attached; then surely these younger generation Qaldaans will be able to handover themselves to the current parasites that rule the South. Well, sxb, How else can one explain what people like you spew here towards Somaliland? With all due respects, I think you are taking Somaliland's resolve too lightly and it isn't helping anyone. The lease you could say that might have brought some change in the situation might be: "Rer Somalilandow, midnimo waa wax fiican laakin hadaad garateen inaad midnimodii ka noqotaan, Good luck". If you had said that, we would have replied "Gee! kuwii wax ayaabay noo ogolyihiin" Laakin sxb, inta Southerners saying that "Ma go'i kartaan, ma seexan kartaan, wax ma cuni kartaan"... specialy those coming, of all places, from Banadir folks? Bal adba caqlaad leedahee, what response would you give? It is beyond absurdity sxb. It is an extreme case of enemosity. Sheekh iyo shariif iyo shaydaan in whatever colour in whatever shade in whatever name or banner, the only thing that they are uninamously united about is their enemosity towards Somaliland. Sxbow, ilaahay Xabashidda ha idinka dulqaado waanu idiinso ducaynaynaa. Ilaahay sidii fiican ha idin siiyo. Laakin sxbow, wixii aad dadka rer Somaliland ay rabaan u hanbalyee ha ka xasdiyine.
  17. For the sake everyone reer Sool and Somaliland as well as reer Puntland themselves bring our troops back to their original locations in Adhi cadeeye and Oog. Very well. But do you think that, you will stay in peace in Adhi Cadeeye? I think you've forgotten already how this conflict was started. The current conflict was firstly between Xaabsade's local clan melitia and Puntland. By turning the conflict into a Puntland vs Somaliland one, Puntland was banking on the hope that it will wane down the local upraising against its melitia in Lascaanood. But as we all know, it turned out to be a big miscalculation on their part. Because this time, they weren't getting away with shelling Somaliland's positions. It was always the Puntland side that was provoking and shelling Somaliland's positions and Somaliland was always trying to defend itself. Somaliland will still be defending itself just like it was before but this time it will keep whatever gains it makes. There is no going back.
  18. Maamulka Somaliland waxaanu ka filaynaa si ka maamul fiican kii hore ee Puntland haddii kale waxa uu lamid noqonayaa Puntland. Khariirad ahaan dhulku waa Somaliland ee maaha dal cusub oo la qabsaday waxaana kusoo dhawaynaynaa hadba siday wax uga qabtaan amniga,caafimaadka,waxbarashada iyo dhamaanba arimaha bulshada iyo kuwa dawliga ah. Baaq
  19. ^^ Sxb, Somaliland xadkeeda waa la yaqaan. Wixii ka shisheeya xadka, waliba duco ayaan idinku darayna idinka ayaa iska leh, laakin dhulkan xadkiisa waa muqadas. Xadku reer-reer malaha ee waa xeer international ah. ---- Markay ciinka daaqdaan Dabka ugu xiddigiyaa Nin dumaala baan ahay Degel fule ka bara kacay Nin ku diirsadaan ahay Maalintay u daran tahay Marka daawad lala tago Nin didsani iskaga hadho Annagaa ku dirirnoo Halka daranku dhicinoo Sida loogu dabar go'ay Deelley ka tirinnee Nin debcow dhan uga guro
  20. ^^ Qaranka Somaliland oo isku duuban ayaa dhulkiisa difaacaya. Dagaal anagu qaadimayno laakin ninkii dagaal soo qaada jawaabtiisa ayuu helayaa mar walba. That is the bottomline.
  21. ^^ I know the level of devastation suffered by the Puntland melitia was so great that you leaders are crying "Tolaayey" even on public radios around the world. There was this minister the other day on SBS radio here in Melbourne, Australia. I thought I was the only one disgusted by the croc-sized tears that man shed on radio, the Radio Host himself (a puntlander) was shocked beyond belief. An old Somali adage goes: Afka-nool itaal baranbaro.
  22. Secessionist Militia being fought in every alley of Lascaanod Such an original title, Duke!! We are not worried about few kids throwing stones here and there, the main thing is that the back of the Puntland melitia has been broken. And that is what counts on the ground. Somaliland's pursuit of settling the case in peaceful means has been translated by many as lack of action and cowardice. I am sure Mr. Cadde Muuse, former petrol station labourer, will not be making hasty and foolish military provocations as before.
  23. Originally posted by Castro: quote:Originally posted by Suldaanka: It isn't unique to Somaliland Somalia to have people of different opinions and point of views, we respect their position but this country can't afford to be divided into mini-me-lands. Think outside the box. Sxb, Somalia ilaahay ha u naxariisto. Maanta, oo xabashi la isku soo kaxaysanaayo ayaa ka daran Siyaad Bare'hii meesha kharibay. It is in worse position today than it was when we jumped off that sinking boat.
  24. Oodweine, Libaax garashadiisa ayuu hadlay, ha la yaabin. Ninka yidhi Lascaanood ayaa lagu soo duulay weeyan. Somaliland las Caanood kuma duulin ee ciidamada Puntland ayay meesha ka saartay. Wuxu kaloo yidhi Somaliland qabiilada ayay iska horkeenaysa, taas waxa been ka dhigaysa taariikhda Somaliland ku leeday gobolka oo ah inay heshiisiiso oo u gurmato marka qabiiladu is qabtaan. So the answer is the affirmative, ya suldanow?It matters not what the people of Lasanod want, rather precedence and weight is given to what the colonialists drew?But even this way of reasoning is severely flawed. Given the fact that the the international communtiy recognizes Somalia and not Somaliland. As of yet the borders of 1960 still stand. The international community never recognized the declaration of independence by the S.N.M and other various clans in 1991. In any case, I think it is very sad that Somalilanders value a meer line drawn by an Englishman above anything else. The answer is the obvious one. Ilaa 1991kii ilaa maanta wax is bedelay ma jiraan. Dhulka Somaliland iyo xadkiisu nabad iyo colaad labada waa lagu tagaya, nabadda ayaana priority leh.