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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. Suldaanka....This time around Riyaale will be instructed to lose LA,and we will have Duke posting a thread titled "Laas Caanod liberated", much like your boy Ayoub did when LA changed hands. And we won't see you in SOL for while atleast till Somaliland makes another excursion into SSC town or village. Sxb, qof waliba wuxu jecelyey oo maskaxda ku haysto haduu ku hadlo we will be filling these pages with endless nonsense. But good to know that you entertain those sort of things in your mind. Your leader is in Addis but you claim to be against what Ethiopians are doing in Xamar right? You don't protest against your leader visiting the same people you accuse of committing genocide? Hypocrites! When your leader Egal died, no one was laughing or gloating about it calling him a warlord or drunk? So show some class! LOOL This guy is a joke. Ethiopia is a neighboring country. Waxba kuma jabna inu qofku cilaaqaad la yeesho. But, you are trying hard to defend the undefendable - the occupation of Ethiopian forces of Somalia's capital. If Egal was rushed to hospital every couple of weeks like Col. Yey is, I am sure he would have been adviced to retire from the political scene. Qof walba waa dhimanayaa one day, but the funny thing about Warlord Yey is that, one minute he is claiming that he is 100% healthy and kicking and the next minute he is in Emergency Room somewhere in Kenya or now Ethiopia. Tol miyaanu lahayn duqa la talisa oo runta u sheegta. ^^Suldaanka, are you saying Riyale will replace him to become the president of Somalia and that the Somaliland dream will come to an end? That is nonesense.
  2. Originally posted by -: LoooooooooooooL I am wondering why Addis Abeba and not Nairobi?? And specialy considering that Daahir Riyaale is currently in Addis Abeba himself too? Could this be more than just poor health reasons?
  3. BBC Somali interim leader collapses Somalia's interim President Abdullahi Yusuf has fallen ill and been flown to neighbouring Ethiopia for treatment. The BBC's Yusuf Hassan Mursal says Mr Yusuf, 72, collapsed on Friday morning in the seat of government, Baidoa. Prime Minister Nur Hussein Hassan said his condition was not serious, but close aides have suggested otherwise. The president, who had a liver transplant 14 years ago, was last month admitted to a Kenyan hospital, suffering from bronchitis. Ethiopia helped Somalia's transitional government end the Union of Islamic Courts' (UIC) six-month rule over large parts of southern Somalia a year ago. Since then the government has been battling insurgents in the capital, Mogadishu. The UN says 60% of the residents of the capital, Mogadishu, have fled their homes because of fighting in recent months. Somalia has not had a functioning national government since 1991.
  4. Madaxweyne Yuusuf oo saacadaha soo socda loo soo duulin doono magaalada london Adisbab Madaxweyneha DFKMG oo xiligaan lagu dabiibayo isbitaal ku yaalo wadanka Itoobiya ayaa saacadaha soo socda loo soo dulinayaa dalka Inghariiska magaladiisa Londan si loogu siidaaweyo xanuunka wali haaya xiligaan ka sii dararya. Warkaan oo noo xaqiijiyeen masuuliyiin ka tirsan safaarada Soomalida ee Itoobiya ayaa intaa ku daraya in saacadaha soo socda loo soo dulin raba wadanka Ingariiska oo uu ku sugan yahay dhaqtarkiisa gaarka ah . Lama oga waxaa xiligaan keenay madaxweynha in loo soo duliya wadanka Ingariiska uu Asbuuc wax ka yar uu ka yimid iyadoona walina aan lagu dhawaaqin dowladii laga sugaayey wasiirka koowaad Nuur Cadde Dhaqaatiirtiisa oo hoey ugala talisay in uu siyaasada ka fadhiista madaxweyne Yuusuf ayaan la ogeyn in xanuunka ku soo booday uu yimid markii uu qilaaf soo dhex galay isaga iyo wasiirka koowaad Nuurcade oo isagu soo diyaarsaday liis wasiiraha ah taasooo uu laadka ku dhuftay madaxweyne Yuusuf oo aan looga baran qdarin iyo Tansul wax walba oo dan u ah jiitaanka dowladiisa Xafiiska war qabadka Dayniile Goternburg, Sweden
  5. Madaxweyne Yuusuf oo xanuun degdeg ah kusoo booday maantay isla markaana loola cararay isbitaal ku yaal Addis ababa (source) Baydhaba, Soomaaliya Warar lagu kalsoon yahay oo naga soo gaaraya magaalada Baydhaba ayaa sheegaya in maantay xanuun degdeg ah uu kusoo booday madaxweynaha dowladdda kumeelgaarka ee Soomaaliya Mudane Cabdullaahi Yuusuf isla markaana loola cararay isbitaal ku yaal magaalada Addis Aababa ee dalka Itoobiya. Xanuunka madaxweynaha ayaa kusoo aadey xili ay meel gabagabo mareyso diyaargarowga iyo wada tashiyada laga yeelanaayo ku dhawaaqida golaha wasiiradda. Awal waxaa qorsheysneed in golaha wasiiradda lagu dhawaaqo maantay iyadoo madaxweynuhu uu goob joog yahay laakiinse khilaaf xoogan oo soo kala dhexgalay madaxda sarsare ee dowladda oo ku saabsan qaabka awoodwqaybsiga ayaa dib u dhigay sida ay wararku sheegayaan. Madaxweyne Yuusuf ayaa ku adkeysanayay in la siiyo wasiirka maaliyadda iyadoo uu horey u heystay gudoomiyaha bankiga dhexe taasoo dhumineysa qaabka awood qaybsiga ee dalka sida ay ku doodayaan sheekh aadan Madoobe iyo Nuur Cadde. Waxaan la ogeen sida ay noqon doonto ku dhawaaqida golaha wasiirada iyo saameenta ay ku yeelan doonto xanuunkaan degdega ee madaxweynaha soo food saray. Xaalada caafimaad ee madaxweynaha ayaa aheed mid daala dhacyayneysa tan iyo bishii lasoo dhaafay isagoo daweyn caafimaad u yimid dalalka Kenya iyo Ingiriiska. Madaxweyne Yuusuf ayaa dhowr maalmood dib ugu soo noqdey magaalada Baydhaba isaga oo quuddaraynayay inuu howlihiisa shaqo uu sii wato. Haddii xanuunka degdeg ee laga soo sheegayo madaxweynaha uu sii dheeraado ayaa waxaan shaki ku jirin in su'aalo badan ay ka imaan karaana awoodda shaqo ee uu u yeelan karo inuu hogaamiyo dal rabshado iyo dagaalo ay dumiyeen oo u baahan dib u dhis iyo shaqo aan nasasho laheen. Xafiiska war qabadka Dayniile Goternburg, Sweden
  6. ^^ Our friend from Daami is in a big dilemma. Laakin maanta ayuu ugu dhawyey wadadii aan ku tirinjiray oo Col. Yey iyo Xabashida u sacabo tumaya.
  7. ^^Any particular reason why you hand picked Xaabsade and not AfQudhac? Originally posted by Nayruus: quote:Originally posted by Suldaanka: Yey shall be defeated along with his Xabashi colonialists. I know that you support the Xabashi occupation. And so long that you support Col. Yey and his Xabashi colonialists, you are only fooling yoruself if you talk about "Somalinimo". The formation for Somali Republic was forever for better or for worse. People like you and the SNM Gang that you seem to be their spokesman in here SOL, CAN NOT dismember it because the Somali people wherever they will not agree to it just like Mr. Samatar, a renowned Somali scholar does not. By the way the man you respect his position, Mr. Samatar believes Xabashes do not control Mogadishu only, but also controls Hargeisa. So, why on earth, you are not fighting in Hargeisa to drive Mele Zenawis militia out? [/b]Xabashi Army in Hargeisa? Caasimadii Somaliya oo Gen. Gebre ku xaasuuqaayo dadkii Somalida ahaa ayaa laga hadlaya, adiguna bal inay Somalinimodu kaa dheertay waxaad la shir timid mala-awaal iyo sheekodii maqaaxi. Dhiig Somaliyeed hadii uu kugu jiro dadka Soomaalida ah ee Mogadishu lagu xaasuuaqaayo ayaa ka danqanlayd. Full Stop. Wixii intaa soo raaca waa "Eyna waa ciyaa, qofna waa hadlaa", waa hadal meel waayay. The formation for Somali Republic was forever for better or for worse. People like you and the SNM Gang that you seem to be their spokesman in here SOL, CAN NOT dismember it because the Somali people wherever they will not agree to it just like Mr. Samatar, a renowned Somali scholar does not. Somali Unity or dismemberment, wax adiga lagaala xaajoonaayo ma'aha. You are not a stakeholder.
  8. Ahmed Samatar waa nin mab'da leh Somalinimo raba. I respect that position although I disagree with him. I am sure Ahmed Samatar equally respects the commendable job that Somalilanders have done and in his own words "Somaliland waa meesha kaliya ee Soomaali hogaaminkarta". Although I disagree with Ahmed Samatar on his "unity" position, simply because we have tried the "Unity" and we all see where that got us to. That said, Me and Ahmed Samatar are in agreement to the fact that Col. Yey shall be defeated along with his Xabashi colonialists. I know that you support the Xabashi occupation. And so long that you support Col. Yey and his Xabashi colonialists, you are only fooling yoruself if you talk about "Somalinimo".
  9. ^^ You are a joke. Waxa lagaala doodo maba jirto. Somali Republic raqdeedi waata Col. Yey Xabashida u loogay ee Maanta wasaarada Gaashaandhiga Somaliya Gen. Gebre cagaha loogu maydho. I support those that are fighting the Xabashi occupation, and you support those that are with the Gumaysiga Xabashiga.
  10. Originally posted by Nayruus: quote:Originally posted by Suldaanka: Duke Gebresalaase, Your melitias were decimated and their back broken. The small number that got away wounded are de-moralised and chased all the way to the outskirts of Garoowe (your capital). That is the difference. Lying is not going to give you the elusive recognition that you have been crying for in every corner of the universe for the last 16 years. Worst than that it will not change the mind of the Queen of London that had rejected the legitimacy of your claim that you are her orphans. The military of the northeast of Somalia, the believers of Somali unity, were never defeated by the SNM gangs that you are squeezing yourself to be their spokesperson here in SOL. When the traitor Xaabse started prostituting himself to you, the Somali forces withdrew the city so that SNM gang should not be given a chance to turn the situation into inter tribal civil war. Had they start killing Xaabse and his followers, some residents of the city would have misinterpreted the war as an attack from Bosaso and Garowe. In other words, the people of SSC were given a chance to unite their voices against the traitors that are working with SSM gang that are trying to dismember the Somali Republic. As a result, the Boocame conference was held and it is agreed upon that if traitors like Xaabse is killed, no blood money should be given to his family or there shouldn’t be vengeance against the individuals of the liberating Somali army. Laughable and baby talk!!! As if he is out of the shade of Gebresalaase’s hagomony. Imika Col. Yey iyo Puntlander ayaa noqotay? ahahaha
  11. ^^ Puntland clan melitia are in suicidal trek if they try to fight again in Sool. This time, the Green, White, Red flag will be hoisted up in Garoowe.
  12. Duke Gebresalaase, Puntland never chased no body. I have never seen them chase anybody during the 17 years of civilwar an they will never have. Somaliland withdrew from Dhahar. In fact, the small unit of SL army had the objective to provide security to the 21 strong Ministerial delgation that visited Dhahar. Puntland melitia was routed out of Dhahar by that small force. And the level of success was unsurpassed. But it was political interfereces that made the SL army to withdraw while you melitia was still on the Puntland side of the boarder. It was that political interefences that infuriated the Somalianders. All the army needed was to get re-enforcements and Dhahar would have been in SL hands today. Call that a defeat?? You must be kidding me. As for Lascaanood, it is a different case. You were defeated simply as that. Your melitias were decimated and their back broken. The small number that got away wounded are de-moralised and chased all the way to the outskirts of Garoowe (your capital). That is the difference.
  13. Gen. Duke Gebresalaase You remind me of the Spoon Boy in the Matrix movie: Spoon boy: Do not try and bend the spoon. That's impossible. Instead... only try to realize the truth. Neo: What truth? Spoon boy: There is no spoon. Neo: There is no spoon? Spoon boy: Then you'll see, that it is not the spoon that bends, it is only yourself.
  14. Hadaba Guriga Gobolka oo horey u ahaa meel marka aad aragto aadan maankaaga uusan kusoo dhacayn waa xarun dawlaeed oo teetal sare leh oo ahayd meel si wayn uburburswanayd waxna uusan ka qaban maamulka Puntland intii uu gacanta ku hayay Gobolka ayaa hadda waxa ay umuuqataa meel lagu tilmaami karo xafiis Dawladeed oo wax wayna laga qabtay walina uu hadda socdoto hawsheedii. Dibuhabayn ku socotay Guriga Gobolka Sool oo hadda gabogabo maraysa (Daawo Sawiro). Warkii 01-Jan-2008 iyo Qormadii: Afnugaal News Desk Waxaa maalmihii lasoo dhaafay ay dibuhabayn ku socotay Guriga Gobolka ee magaalada Laascaanood dibuhabayntaa oo ay bixisay maamulka Somaliland kadib markii ay la wareegtay gacan ku hanyta Gobolka Sool kalana wareegtay maamulka Puntland. Dibuhabaynta lagu samaynayay Guriga Gobolka Sool ayaa keentay kadib markii maamulka Somaliland uu bixiyay dhawr mashruuc oo wax lagaga badalayo qaabka xafiisyada Dawlada ee kuyaal magaalada Laascaanood kuwaas oo ahaa kuwo aad u dayacan. Axmed Cabdi Timir oo ahaa gadhwadeenka hawsha mashruuca dibuhabaynta Guriga Gobolka Sool kana mid ah ganacsata Gobolka oo aan la kulanay ayaa waxaan wax ka waydiinay sida ay hawshu ku bilaabatay iyo cidda mashruucan sida tooska u fangaranaysay?. Hadaba Axmed oo su’aashaa ka jawaabayaa ayaa waxa uu yiri waxa aan kamid ahaa shaqsiyaad ganacsato ah kuwaas oo lagu kala magacaabay dhar mashruuc oo wax looga kala qabanayo xafiisada Dawlada ee ku yaal magaalada Laascaanood kuwaas oo dayactir iyo dibu habayntoona aan helin tan iyo Dawladii dhexe ee dalka waxaana mashruucan bixiyay Dawlada Somaliland ee maaha mid hay’ado bixiyeen. Hadaba Guriga Gobolka oo horey u ahaa meel marka aad aragto aadan maankaaga uusan kusoo dhacayn waa xarun dawlaeed oo teetal sare leh oo ahayd meel si wayn uburburswanayd waxna uusan ka qaban maamulka Puntland intii uu gacanta ku hayay Gobolka ayaa hadda waxa ay umuuqataa meel lagu tilmaami karo xafiis Dawladeed oo wax wayna laga qabtay walina uu hadda socdoto hawsheedii. "]" alt="" />
  15. ^^ Horn, Obviously, America's credibility was at stake by condoning this daylight rigged elections. I think if this is not corrected and condomned, it will have a very bad effect on the rest of the continent. Government supporters would have us believe that Kenyans voted decisively against the ruling party's parliamentary candidates, that they turfed out the vice-president, but that they then split their tickets to return Mr Kibaki. It is as though President Kibaki is flicking two fingers at the international community. Yup, I stole the poll: what are you going to do about it? source
  16. DHANXIIR Waaryaadhaheen; waxa la yidhi, ‘cimrigaaga oo raagaa geel dhalayana waa ku tusaa!’ Budhcaddii shandadaha haweenka kala baxsan jiray ayeynu khaati ka joognee ma maantaynu laadariintii Talyaaniga iyo LEEBAANADII Xabashida hoy innag dhigteen? Kaaga darane waxa la yidhi, duhurkii gaadhiga ku aamini maysid gurigaaga hortiisa oo iyagoo aan biyo ku kaban ayey degdeg u furfur ugu beddelayaan. Cajab! Weger ; Adeer, reer-magaal baanad ahayne maanta ayey Hargeysa caasimad noqotay, mar haddii kaarto nacastii xumayd ee tuugta guryaha laga raystay oo budhcaddii xiddiguhu soo gaadhaye, Waxaanse ku weydiiyey odaygii Cawil ee nabarka gardarro ku gaadhay Nairobi waa sidee xaalkiisu, mise arrinkiisu waa dhako kale oo wuxuu meesha u tagay sidii u soo baran lahaa qaabka doorashooyinka laysu daba-mariyo. Igawala waxaan ka baqayaa in ay Somaliland ka dhacdo wixii magaciisu ‘A’ ka kaco waa laga waayey caasimadda oo waxay ka codaynayaan Ballidhiig.
  17. Originally posted by Juje: Dr. Hawa Abdi, a Somali woman who has devoted her time, knowledge, property and effort in helping destitute Somali people. I've read Dr Hawa's story sometimes ago and it was inspirational. She is one of the many unsung heroes of the civilwar.
  18. Kibaaki is fighting with cidiyaha to keep his seat. "They want to steal votes. They are counting votes from regions favouring Kibaki and then they want to declare him the winner. We do not want violence, we want our rights," said one protester in Kisumu, Peter Oduor. -------------- Kenyan panel set to announce presidential winner 9 hours ago NAIROBI (AFP) — Kenya's electoral board was expected to announce Sunday the winner of the presidential election amid claims of vote rigging and riots as the lead of opposition candidate Raila Odinga evaporated in the slow ballot counting. The delay in counting the ballots in Thursday's election sparked violence nationwide, which claimed at least three lives on Saturday, as angry Odinga supporters accused incumbent President Mwai Kibaki of rigging the vote results. Electoral Commission of Kenya (ECK) chief Samuel Kivuitu said Saturday that the latest count showed Odinga's once clear lead of over 300,000 votes had melted away to less than 40,000 votes, with just 19 out of the 210 constituencies left to report. Odinga had held the edge over Kibaki in nearly all pre-election opinion polls and enjoyed a clear lead in the early counting, and voters dealt Kibaki's Party of National Unity a series of stinging defeats in parliamentary elections also held on Thursday. The 76-year-old Kibaki, seeking a second term, has campaigned on the strong growth Kenya experienced during his five years in office. Odinga, a flamboyant 62-year-old former political prisoner, has sought to become the first candidate to oust a sitting Kenyan president by arguing that the country's economic growth has not benefited many Kenyans. A later ECK news conference quickly deteriorated into a shouting match with representative's of Odinga's Orange Democratic Movement accusing Kibaki's camp of rigging the results. Odinga supporters then hit the streets in Nairobi and across the country, looting and starting fires despite calls from their party and observers to exercise restraint. "There are riots all over the country, except a few areas, but there is sufficient security to maintain law and order," a top police official told AFP. Hundreds of opposition supporters faced off with riot police in the massive pro-Odinga Nairobi slum of Kibera, shouting "No Raila, No Kenya!" and "We want our rights!" Police fired live shots in the air to disperse mobs, while water cannons doused the flames of shops and houses set ablaze by demonstrators. Protestors also lit bonfires, set up rogue roadblocks and looted shops in several Odinga bastions across the country, including Kisumu, Kakamega and Eldoret, police and witnesses said. "They want to steal votes. They are counting votes from regions favouring Kibaki and then they want to declare him the winner. We do not want violence, we want our rights," said one protester in Kisumu, Peter Oduor. Police shot dead two demonstrators while dispersing crowds in Eldoret, while another man was shot dead in a protest in the western Migori township. Police said six people had been killed since polling day on Thursday. Following the outbreak in violence the ECK said it would verify results overnight Saturday before announcing further results on Sunday. An election official told AFP Sunday that it had received all remaining results except for several precincts where problems had occurred. Odinga's camp has accused the government of deliberately slowing down the counting process to leave time for results to be rigged. Election officials have also yet to say how many of Kenya's roughly 14 million registered voters cast ballots, although turnout was expected to have exceeded the 57 percent in the 2002 election. According to provisional results, voters ousted from parliament nearly three-quarters of Kibaki's cabinet, including Vice President Moody Awori, as well as the three sons of former dictator Daniel arap Moi.
  19. Kenyan Opposition Party Declares Odinga Victor in Presidential Vote By VOA News 29 December 2007 Kenya's main opposition party has declared victory in the country's presidential election, despite continued delays in announcing official returns. Raila Odinga casts his vote in Kibera, Nairobi, 27 Dec 2007 Musalia Mudavadi of the Orange Democratic Movement says Raila Odinga is Kenya's president-elect based on the party's own vote tally. Mudavadi is Mr. Odinga's vice-presidential running mate. Partial official results released Saturday show Mr. Odinga with 3.7 million votes, compared to 3.4 million for incumbent President Mwai Kibaki. The vote count was expected to be completed by Friday. Electoral officials say the delays are caused by high voter turnout and minor logistical problems. Anger about the plodding official vote count has led to rioting in parts of Kenya. Demonstrators have stoned cars and set fires in the western city of Kisumu - a stronghold of Mr. Odinga. Fighting has also broken out between rival ethnic gangs in Kibera, a sprawling slum in the capital, Nairobi. Mr. Odinga has repeatedly accused Mr. Kibaki of planning to rig the election - allegations the president has denied. International observers say Thursday's voting was largely peaceful and free of election fraud. About 14 million Kenyans were eligible to vote in the elections. To win, a presidential candidate must receive a majority of votes and at least 25 percent in five of Kenya's eight provinces. The rule was adopted in 1992 to ensure the president has broad support in a country often divided by tribal issues. Some information for this report was provided by AFP, AP and Reuters.
  20. I think also the commander of the SL Defence forces in Sool Col. Dhabdable as well as the Governor of Sool region and the Mayor of LasAnod town deserve to be recognised for a job well done. But I think General Nuuh Taani should be commended. Since he took helm of the forces he has done a remarkable job. Well done to all.
  21. Early TV results: Kibaki trails in Kenya vote By George Obulutsa and Daniel Wallis NAIROBI, Dec 28 (Reuters) - Early tallies by Kenyan broadcasters showed President Mwai Kibaki trailing his main rival on Friday in the race to lead east Africa's biggest economy for the next five years. Partial results from three main television stations all gave opposition challenger Raila Odinga -- the son of a nationalist hero -- a strong lead over his former ally, although a separate exit poll put Kibaki ahead in what many had forecast would be Kenya's closest ever election. Were Odinga to win, this would make Kibaki the first of Kenya's three sitting presidents to be ousted by the ballot box in the 44 years since British colonial rule ended. The unofficial results by the TV channels were compiled from tallies at counting centres. The latest, from KTN at 11 a.m. (0800 GMT), gave Odinga 1,370,938 votes to 916,804 for Kibaki. As official counts slowly reached a Nairobi conference centre ringed by armed guards, the Electoral Commission of Kenya (ECK) gave results from two out of 210 constituencies. One chose Odinga and the other picked the president, both by large majorities in a reflection of Kenya's tribal allegiances. The ECK said turn-out was the highest since multiparty politics was reintroduced in 1992, without giving a figure. Formal results were expected to trickle in throughout Friday, but officials said the process could stretch into Saturday. Observers said Thursday's voting had gone smoothly, despite sporadic violence and allegations of rigging by both sides. "The test for our democratic maturity is in the post-election period and how we conduct ourselves thereafter," police boss Hussein Ali told a news conference on Friday. "For the winners, we trust you will exercise magnanimity. For the losers ... you can try another time." An exit poll by the Institute for Education in Democracy, a respected non-governmental organisation, gave the president 50.3 percent versus 40.7 for Odinga. But its figures were based on just 311 polling stations of a total of 27,000. "It is still too early to call," Ngari Gituku, a spokesman for Kibaki's Party of National Unity, told Reuters. 'ENVY OF AFRICA' Diplomats say the poll was only the second truly democratic one in a nation that votes largely on tribal and geographic lines and spent 39 years under single-party rule broken only by Kibaki's landslide victory in 2002. Kibaki, 76, wants a second five-year term before retiring to his highland tea farm after a political career that has spanned Kenya's post-independence history. With a record of average economic growth of 5 percent, he has the support of his Kikuyu tribe, Kenya's largest and most economically powerful, but trailed narrowly in pre-vote polls. Odinga, 62, wants to be the first in his Luo tribe to take the country's top job. That was the unrealised dream of his father, Kenya's first vice-president, whose falling out with founding President Jomo Kenyatta seeded the Luo-Kikuyu rivalry. Should he win, Odinga will have to bring on board Kikuyu support and allay fears among some in business circles that the East Germany-educated businessman is a radical. About 14 million Kenyans were eligible to vote, although turnout is expected to have been between 8 and 10 million. "The ECK has run elections with efficiency and independence that should be the envy of the rest of Africa," the Daily Nation newspaper said in an editorial. TV said various prominent figures were likely to lose their parliamentary seats, including the 2004 Nobel Peace Prize winner Wangari Maathai and Vice-President Moody Awori, as well as the ministers of health, roads, information and foreign affairs. Another big name, Kamlesh Pattni, a tycoon accused of being the architect of a graft scandal that nearly ruined Kenya's economy, also looked set to lose his bid to win a Nairobi seat. (Additional reporting by Duncan Miriri, Joseph Sudah, Wangui Kanina, Andrew Cawthorne, Bryson Hull, Helen Nyambura-Mwaura and Nicolo Gnecchi, Editing by Andrew Cawthorne)
  22. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^Unfortunatly such criminal activities do happen in any civilised urban centre of importance. Bossaso is an important centre. Not every civilised urban centre bribes her criminals and lets them walk in the streets the next day. I mean, it wasn't long ago when the high-jackers were bribed to free the ship just outside the port. Again a week later, a journalist was kidnapped and the kidnapper was bribed. Now we have two NGO workers being abducted in daylight and as usual the criminals will get their money and walk the streets the next day. I wonder which other civilised city in the world can match that Dukow!!! You can fool yourself but everyone else sees a very dysfunctional administration in Garoowe that is at the mercy of organised criminals. These criminals themselves could be within the administration.