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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. 2007 witnessed a lot of political maneuverings and changing of positions. It looks like things are already stablising and political parties are gearing up for the upcoming elections. It is not only the politicians that are gearing up for the upcoming elections, we have the word-smiths (Af-mishaars) and the Poets are all in full-swing as well. We all remember the memorable champaign-poems and songs and Afaraays from the last elections and all the new phrases that were added into the Somali lexicon. Phrases like "Buur Ahaw Ama Buur ku tiirsanow", "Calooshu Waa Meel, Codkuna waa meel" I particularly liked the Hargeisa Radio Election theme song which went like: Tartanka Dhexyaala; Walaalaha Dhawrsan Marka uu Dhamaado; Dhankii Ay Raacdo Isku miduun weeye; Hambalyo, Hambalyo wada dhaha!!! That said, this years' elections is particularly interesting. It comes at time when Kenya's elections has ended in complete shambles. The last elections earned Somaliland a lot of respects from the international community and in particular considering the election was done on a shoestring budget. Yet, the sophistication of the NEC and the orderly in which it delivered the elections and come-polling-day the civilised manner that Somalilanders casted their votes, all came to as a suprise to the 70 or so strong international observer team. It seems as though the world is keeping an eye on our upcoming elections more than ever. So, we shouldn't let this opportunity slip between our fingers easily. More over, in this election, we have a government which was in office for a full term now. It would be interesting as to how it champaigns this time round. The Qaran issue damaged UDUB's support base but it seems that they recovered and earned more support due to the recent successes of government's policy towards Eastern Somaliland. Also it seems UDUB is saving a lot of things for the last-dance. There are a lot of projects that are on-hold and is timed to coincide with election time frame. As for the opposition parties, just few months ago everyone was saying that the opposition parties will be in for a clean sweep. But that seems not the case now. They are facing a resurgent UDUB party with a lot of things going for them in this past few months. All in all, its going to be a very interesting year 2008.
  2. ^^ very poor source Dhaqan umalaha rer Somaliland in waxaas oo kale ku kacaan. You can accuse that of Puntland and the Warlords but not Somaliland. As the old saying goes 'If it doesn't fit, you must acquit'. Kuwa dhaqanka waxaas uleh waa kuwa Boosaso dadka ku qafaasha ee hadhka cad Jailka dadka ku laaya.
  3. ^^^You and your little monkey friends can keep on laughing,but the man has the right to defend his land regardless who is on your payroll I am sure, he is defending it from Washington DC holding a placard. The Point...I was referring his buddies on Somaliland mailinglist, a cult I say. The man would have demonize Haabsade and Ina Quje just yesterday,and would have insisted nobody cares about them. Now if the former president cross over to the other side, you will see Suldaanka singing his praises, and boldly refer to him as another heavywight Sool politician.Now that's being shameless. Of course, if he crossed to Somaliland, he would surely be knees deep doing the job on the ground in Lascaanood BUT NOT holding fruitless, shameless placards in a carpark I just don't see the honour in shouting "Down to Riyaale" in an empty carpark. It is more honourable to call a Geeljire meeting under a tree somewhere Sool.
  4. ^^ As far as we know those who rule Sool are his own cousins. Cali Sandule waa nin ay ilmoadeer yiin, so is Mahad Canbaashe and the host of other noteables from that region. Not to mention the long list of leaders that have crossed into Somaliland side including Xaabsade and Ina Quuje. Nobody cares about him personally or where he hails from, it is just that a "Former President" would be so shameless as to holding placards in an empty carpark.
  5. ^^ In fact, it was circulating around Somaliland mailing-lists. I got it this morning and quite frankly I laughed (not at him) but at the whole thing. Sharaf daro, Macno Daro were just but few of the words that came to mind.
  6. Shameless and fruitless, two words to describe this supposedly "Demonstration" against Somaliland. The less then 20 indivituals that turned out is not really what got me, but I actually laughed at this picture below. This is the former Puntland President shouting "Daahir Riyaale ha Dhaco, Somaliland ha dhacdo" in a carpark near the US State Department Office.
  7. ^^ Waftiga Madaxweyneha oo Washington dhex mushaaxaya. More Pictures
  8. [Taliye ku xigeenkii meeleeshiyoda Puntland oo mudo dheer xabsiga liinta iskaga cabi doona] 1-Deyr Maxamed Cabdi Iska toos(TaliyeK/xigeenkii ciidanka Puntland) 2-Maxamed Cabdi Salwo….. Taliye Guuto 3-Maxamed Xiir Cabdi….. Taliye Guuto The irony of today's skirmishes was that the main clan of Puntland refused to join the war effort by local supporters. Col. Cadde Muuse refused to send his boys from Garoowe and Bosaso in harms' way. Something the locals are only waking up to realise and understand. [All for the camera ]
  9. ^ Horn, Stay posted awoowe. More news will be coming soon.
  10. Jacayl Baro Hambalyo saxib. After long hard walk, we are getting there, inshallah. Well done Daahir Riyaale Kaahin.
  11. More Pictures Waftigii Madaxweynaha J. Somaliland oo Soo Gaadhay DC Washinngton, (Harowo) - Caawa fiidkii markii ay saacadu ahayd Abaaro 7:30 Pm, ayaa waftigii uu hogaaminayey madaxweynaha Jamhuurida Somaliland, Mudane Daahir Rayaale Kaahin, ka soo degeen gegada dayuuraduhu ka haadaan ee loo yaqaan "Dulles International Airport", halkaas oo 26 Mile dhinaca galbeed ka xigta magaalada Washington DC, oo ah (Caasimada Dalka Maraykanka). Wax yar ka dib markii ay diyaaradii waftiga madaxweynaha siday soo cago dhigatay, ayaa madweynaha iyo waftigii la socday oo ay hareeraha ka garbinayaan raxan saraakiil ah oo ka kala socotay wasaaradda arimaha dibeda ee dalka Maraykanka (State Department) iyo askarta dhar cadda ah ee ilaalisa wufuuda (uniformed Secret Service) ka soo baxeen qaybta VIP ee Airportka, isla makaana waxa si deg deg ah loogu hubsaday kolonyo baabuur ah oo sugaysay waftiga madaxweynaha. Sida ka muuqatay hab dhaqanka (Protocol ka) soo dhaweynta madaxweynaha ay ugu talo galeen dawladda Maraykanku, waxa halkaa ka caddayd in aanay ugu talo galin cid ka tirsan Jaaliyadda Somaaliland oo ku soo dhawaysa madaarka. Tifaftiraha oo joob joog ka ahaa markii ay soo baxeen waftiga madaweynuhu, ayaa waxa noo suutoobi weyday in aanu ku dhwaano ama aan waxa hadal ah la gaadhno waftiga madaxweynaha, sababta oo ah saraakiisha masuulka ka ah soo dhaweynta waftiga oo aan ogoleen cid u soo dhawaata waftiga. Waftiga oo ay horey iyo gadaalba ka socdeen baabuurta askarta oo ay u daaran yihiin nalalka cas cas (emergency Lights), ayaa waxa loola kacay huteel ku yaal badhtamaha magaalada Washington, halkaas oo ay deganaan doonaan inta ay martida u yihiin dawladda Maraykanka. Dhinaca kale Jaaliyada Somaliland ee Degan Waqooyiga America, ayaa ku ku soo qulqulaya magaalada washington DC, halkaas oo sida la sheegay ay kula kulmi doonaan madadwynaha Somaliland Salaasada soo socota (Jan. 15-2008).
  12. Originally posted by Xoogsade: There is no Unity with prevailing injustice. The same individuals endorsing the so called unity in here are for the violence against grandmothers, kids, the unarmed in Muqdisho. Dee munaafaqnimada halaga baxo marka hore. Let unity wait while the dead and the dying are being tallied as we speak. I can't hear about or interested in Unity or anything akin to it when I know there is nobody to unite with and almost all somalis are for their clan. Unity is a victim of A/Y and his TFG supporters. Xoogsade "Somalida Xalaasha ah" recognise that the foolish, shameless and fruitless demostrations by the former Siyad Barre apoligists and now warlord Yey's Cheerleaders, represents everything that is against the interests of the Somali people at heart. We, Somalilanders, are just glad that today marks the day rer Banadir have distanced themselves from this shame and we are glad for them in that regard. It seems, Mr. Xoogsadow, the "Somalida Xalaasha ah", whether its those righteous Somalilanders or rer Banadir fighting the occupation, we both see "Halka Somalinimodu ka Qudhuntay". The contrasts has not been as clear as it is today. The good times ahead sxb.
  13. ^^ Well, the people from Laaska could be said the same can't we? I mean, all of Laaska's heavyweights are in Hargeisa today. Awoowe, the case that you have is really very simplistic. Your whole point surrounds to the notion "if Somalia is divisble, so is Somaliland". That notion doesn't hold any water whatsoever. Somaliland has the history of being an independent entity, it conforms to the African Union charter of retaining the "borders left by colonialists". It has been a defacto indepedent state with all the trappings of a recognised country including "Flag, currency, passports, and working political system". It is a place that unites many clans for a common purpose. I challenge you, if there is any other entity which presents that strong case, please let it be known. The other thing that you often mention is that there is opposition to Somaliland coming from members who have kinship to Puntland's main clan. That is true and no one is denying that fact but again, one would be crazy to think that there any region or district which will have 100% of the same opinion on any issue. There will always be that "5%" that will oppose anything good or bad. Somaliland is not unique in this regard. The Habar Habar talk, is so 1990s... markii fowdada la ahaa ee dadku dhan u socdo iyo dhan u ka socdo kala garanayn ayaa taas ahayd. Somaliland has never been so cohesive and united in its history as its today. The appointment of Daahir Riyaale was to rest the case for people who used to claim this country is a "clanish" country where only a certain clan rules. That argument has been dealt a sever blow and no one can come here and claim it now. That was the whole point of electing Daahir Riyaale and not the Habar Habar thing as you mentioned. ps Speaking of shifting sands, I think that describes well the politics of the South... ee malinba dhinaca dabayshu u dhacdo isugu durka.
  14. A respectable politician from the North West who has a good relationship with the people from Northwest would be wise choice. Any respectable politician from Somaliland who goes to Mogadishu will be seen just another Calooshi U Shaqayste and will be condemned the same faith like those who took that same road before him. So, I would suggest for Southerners to think again of wasting their important position on someone that will only fuel the tension and will deliver absolutely nothing in return.
  15. ^^ At least, awoowe, you have included Borama and Saylac into your old "Hargeisa-Burao-Berbera" Triangle. I am sure, soon, you will also realise the facts about Sool, Sanaag and Buuhoodleh. Marka, qunyar soco talaabada runtu waa taabandoonta dhawaane. In the meantime, I will be singing "Beeni Raad maleh... la la la" DulQarneyn It seems that you are getting few applauses for your post from the "Unionist" corner. I see there are a lot of things that need to be corrected and I will duly address them insha-allah in a response this coming weekend.
  16. ^^sorry mate, Daahir Riyaale iyo Reerka aan ka dhashay Geeloodu gu & abaar isma soo gaadho. KoolKat "Mudane Cabdullahi Yuusuf is more fit than he'll ever be in his life time at the age of 70+... " Fair enough...
  17. ^^Awoowe, it is very unbelievable from your end, I see. But that doesn't mean it is fake, does it? Awoowe, the facts are that there are a number of countries both in the West and in Africa that accepted Somaliland Passports as a legit travel document. It is actually an old story now. The Somaliland Diplomatic Passport was first used to travel to South Africa back in 2001 by Mohamed Haji Ibrahim Egal. Since then the list of countries that accept it has been growing. There are now (as of 2007) a few countries, without naming any, that also accepted for the first time a non-diplomatic Somaliland Passport. I've sent an email to the BBC to confirm this with the Somaliland delegation if they ever have the chance to interview. I also urge you to send them a similar email so that you'll get an authentic confirmation from the BBC. I think that is the only way, short of getting slapped on the face with a real one, that will convince you. ^ loool @ surprised to see this wheelchair-bound patient next seat I hope someone in that plane had video-recorded both men in contact and exchanges or a fist-fight. Guess what, Jerry Springer show came into my mind. LOOL Daahir Riyaale is a tall and well built man. I am sure when he saw that lame duck Col. Yey he must have laughed hard in his guts "Ma waxan liita ayaa i hanjabaayey, bal hadaan imika beerka macmalka ah Laad kaga jiido sow la odhan maayo wuxu ku itaalsaday oday sakaaratul mawtkii daaqada u taaganyey" Suldaan, horta ha iga xanaqiin ileen xanaaqada wuu ii dhiba. Secondly in regards to the passports you are being more emotional than rational. And thirdly , you are right Riyaale booked in advance and Yeey did it in the elenventh hour, but rest assured he was not on a wheel chair. LOL Ma xanaaqin sxb. When you think something is impossible and you witness with your bare eyes, that is equivelent to getting a big hard slap on the face. Dont you think so?
  18. Originally posted by Cige: DAahir riyaale Kahim Ayaa Kamid Ahaa Waftikii Lasocday Madaxweynaha Somaliya Mudane C/laahi Yusuf Axmed Iyagoo Intii Ay diyaarada Soo Saarnaayeen Kawada Hadleen Arimo Badan. Daahir riyaale Oo Saarna Qaybta Rikaabka Diyaaradi uu Saarnaa Madaxweyne yusuf Ayaa markii Danbe Looyeeray saka iyo Laba Wasiri oo Lasocday Daahir riyaale. Madaxweyne C/lahi ysuuf iyo Daahir riyaale Ayaa Kawada Hadlay intii Ay diyaarada Soo saarnaayeen Arimo Badan, islana Afgartay waxyaabo badan iyadoo Madaxweyne yusuf Daahir riyaale Kaftan badan is dhaafsadeen. isku Soo wada duuboo Madaxweyne Yusuf iyo Daahir riyaale Ayaa maanta kuwada sugan Magaalada London. Boocame Online News Qof dhakhtar loola cararaayo ma wafti ayuu hogaaminaya?? ileen Caruuri waa ciil laga weynaado.
  19. Originally posted by Juje: quote:Originally posted by Suldaanka: The President and his entourage have arrived in London on Somaliland Diplomatic Passports. Indeed, he did arrive in London true though I doubt whether he arrived with that passport. The other twist in the story is that he was on the same plane as President Yusuf Daahir Riyaale booked the seats a week earlier. Col. Yey got an emergency seat on the 11th hour before the Airline closed its doors. I am sure Daahir Riyaale was surprised to see this wheelchair-bound patient next seat. It was just a coincidence. As for SL Passports, I think some people will not be able swallow that unless smacked to their face with one. So, until you get a slap on the face with a new SL Passports, it will be futile for me to try and convince you.
  20. The President and his entourage have arrived in London on Somaliland Diplomatic Passports.
  21. As Hibo Nura said in the new song for Hargeisa. Waligaaba baydh-baydh; Waad iman Bartii; Baradii Hargeisa. Go East, Go West, Home is the Best.
  22. ^^Just wondering who is keeping the lid on that can of worms now? And is this openning ceremony for that can-of-worms waiting for only the day Somaliland is recognised?? The African Union published a report which clearly labelled Somaliland as a "Special case" in regards to its claims to independence. That means, there is no other region in Africa which presents the same strong case for independence like Somaliland has. If there is any other region in Africa with an internationally recognised border like Somaliland has, and has been an independent entity sometime in its history, and is currently a defacto self administering region, then that region deserves support. But the fact is, there is no other region with those attributes. Hence, the assertion does not apply to Somaliland.
  23. The falsehoods have hinged on the size of our territory as being "too small" yet Somaliland is bigger in size than 80 countries including England and Wales combined. With a population of 3.5 million, Somaliland has a larger population than 83 countries that are full members of the United Nations. And further more facts: Somaliland gained its independence from colonial powers before 38 African Union member states. And today its one of the few democracies in sub-saharan Africa.
  24. Just for the record: Boqor Raabi is not from Boorama. Anyways, this topic is all puff.