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  1. Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o: I remember Siad Barre crossing the border to Kenya and shouting "I'm still the legal president" .... Yes, you can still say "Somaliland is ours" but reality will always be different. I have seen some who still consider him the legitimate president of Somalia.
  2. Originally posted by *Ibtisam*: ^^Mogadishu Society. A new concept championed by nomad “Me” iyo Mija. I see. Thanks for the clarification. Best of luck to the Mogadishu Society in their struggle against the anti-peace forces and their quisling allies.
  3. Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o: Yeah, i know the M Society rules Africa and Europe ,,, What does "M Society mean?" Sorry I am not well-versed in these new names
  4. Originally posted by Meiji: Abu, Foreign = Foreign Also, foreign Jihadi who blow themselves up in heavy population centre cause the same bloodshed and terror as the bombardements of foreign soldiers of AMISOM. Foreign terrorists who plant roadside bombs, blow themselves up,and launch mortar attacks from population centre's are as bad as AMISOM troops. These power-hungry factions do not care for Somalia and its people, why else would they bring in foreign soldiers to Somali soil? Not just that Abu Mansur wants them to settle in Somalia, marry Somali women and produce more children...all these while burning the Somali Flag :confused:
  5. Originally posted by Gabbal: quote:Originally posted by Paragon: ^Adeer Dhih Dhagaxeed haddaad tahay maxaa caqli oo ku gelaya? Waa waxba! Halkaa ha inoo joogto. Wise of you Paragon. The whole topic seems very juvenile at best. If there are some juvenile things being said in this discussion, it sure ain't coming from me. General-Duke and his gang have been spewing endless vicious lies against the Aideed and USC and even reality and i have punctured them with facts instead of following them in their fantasy journey. I am using this forum to inform people on substantive issues and on the facts and why should I stop doing this simply because it scares some people?
  6. Originally posted by wacdaraha_aduunka: Duke war maxaa ku helay? Ciyaal cusub oo malaha af soomaliga iyo taariiikhda soomaaliyeed waxba ka ogeeyn baa ku helay Ciyaal saqiirka meeshan iskugu timid halkaan bey siyaasad cirsaaqad ka dhigteen intey caano cabi lahaayeen. You are a useless twat in this discussion. Try getting education first and then aim to having a debate. Your useless insults just prove what a useless twat you really are
  7. Originally posted by Emperor: Mr me is one confused fella, now he's mistaking Puntland for Somaliland... Saaxib Puntland spilled blood and spent gold for the return of the Republic, a unionist to the core, land of the free and the home of the brave... As for your point regarding Mogadishu, how did Mogadishu safe-gaurded the unity or paid any effort for the return of the republic, contrary to that I thought it was the black mark of the nation that kept the rest walk in limbo... Which Mogadishu are you talking about, the confused multi-faction, multi-ideology, half-maxakim, some Alshabab, Ahl-Sunna waiting here, clan elders group, multi-dimentional civil soceity groups, half-PM Nur Ade of TFG, half-Yey others like Bakara market Business men of no no to all and nothing but null and void, all this post 2006... And don't even mention the two decades before 2006, the city of death, hell bent and the save-haven of the most brutal warlords and Moryaaan Somalia ever witnessed.... me, bal come back and tell us how Mogadishu did better in helping the return of the Somali unity, governance law and order and overall the well being of the former republic than Puntland and Somaliland.... Oh boy! I am startled at the endless absurdities Only somebody with a very superficial understanding will make such incongruous statement. History is awash with endless tales of the North-eastern people cooperating with the entire legion of Somalia’s enemies, from the Italians, British and lately the Ethiopians. Apparently, your glorious Puntland has once again done a very poor job of educating you of these very basic facts and realities. Just ask for the evidence and I will drown you in a sea of shame. I will never have you get a free pass on history. You can count on that. The entire culture of warlordism you seem to criticize was engineered and created by people who call Puntland home. The SSDF was Somalia’s first rebel group after-all and Abdullahi Yusuf, that humiliated quisling, the founder of Puntland State, was its head. Considering the fact that your beloved Puntland houses the biggest Piracy movement in the world and an inflation rate that can compete with Zimbabwe, it is always laughable to see Puntland psychos acting all self-righteous about their condition. Delusions of grandeur don’t change the utter misery in which thousands of Puntlanders live. Instead of trying to lecture the “South,” it would be helpful for you to look into these facts. Why look at the “South” in isolation when this immoral lust for criminality and evilness is so wide-spread? In what universe is Puntland “free and brave” You empty fantasies are just that. Don’t mix them with reality. In the real world, Puntland can’t even take one step without consulting the Ethiopian regime. The endless extraditions of innocent Women and children from occupied Western Somalia, arrests of Islamic Scholars and monthly visits to Addis Ababa flouts your weak reasoning. Try being masters of your own destiny first. :confused: Things aren’t as black and white as you make them out to be- there are indeed some very entrenched problems in the Mogadishu and multiple interpretations of what the future holds and how to get there. Of course there are violence and division and they have made some very bad decisions in the last 18 years. But then there are also some equally entrenched shared sympathies for common causes such as the defeat of the warlords and the successful resistance against the Ethiopian invasion and the gang of quislings, certainly the people of Benadir has shown during the last 2 years that they understand their destinies are tied and have similar aspirations and so forth. Things are rarely so simplistic that they can be reduced to one angle. Being realistic/proud means being well-informed-about both the good and the bad about your people, not to think of it in fantasy terms. Puntland/Somaliland being able to live in relatively peaceful compared to Mogadishu is not some sort of metaphysical reality of the universe; it is the result of concrete factors. Intelligent humans question their “leaders” and their situation. Not cheerlead for them blindly
  8. Originally posted by Meiji: Xiin and co, Its widely known: Aweys and his Al Itixiad side fought Aideeds USC forces at the battle of Araare. Why are people denying him that? Of course, the USC offensive against the fleeing regime was a just war and this is proved by the quick victory of the USC and the humiliation of the regime evinced by their admission to Kenyan refugee camps as refugees God is a just God and he administers justice against those who commit injustice
  9. Originally posted by General Duke: Twisted Logis adeer : Mr looter never had issues with Ethiopia his was about a clan politics and Ahmed AbdiSalaan was Ethiopias main agent. Anyhow as long as you are now on board and willing to stand up for the interest of the people. Peace, governance, property rights and dignity even then Ahmed Diriye himself will have to return the looted home he lived in these two long decades. With all due respect, your laughable simplistic H4wiye-Bashing conspiracy theories and on Nabadoon Ahmed Dirie are plainly a product of a diseased mind. When Siyad Barre gave other peoples’ lands to his own group and looted the national treasury, it was a development scheme. Your arguments are always simplistic and infinity dim-witted ps I strongly object to you calling me "Adeer," I expect you to not use the term on me again :eek:
  10. Nabad X3, Your pigeon-holed reasoning continue to humiliate you further. Here are some more education for you: 1) President Aden Abdulle Osman AUN and the Civilian government built the Army and the National Airline 2) President Aden Abdulle Osman was the first African President to be flown to an African Conference with his own jet and operated by his own people (Somalis) 3) They increased the National Army to 500% to a strength of around 20 thousand. Know your history before you parade around your childish arguments
  11. Originally posted by General Duke: Twisted Logic: Ahmed Diriye is self appointed clan clown and your sentiment are his in every way. As for Ahmed Abdi-Salaan you the one who mentined his name and he was Ethiopias puppet in Somalia as you are aware. These two individuals and yourself represent an axis of nothingness. I do have hope if you are now gonna support the state without anymore fake clan outcry masked as religious fervour, even today Xasam Dahir Aways admited his little warlord Indacde knows nothing of the faith. A breath of fresh air, I hope he would stop his saber rattling from Asmara. Of course Ahmed Dirie is to you a clan clown because he exposed the evil propensities of the Ethiopians and their Somali political prostitutes and even faced torture and detention in Ethiopian camps in Mogadishu. I don't expect you to ever praise him. In all honesty, the people of Mogadishu can do without your fake tears. We are not interested in them, disorganized we might be, but we are a proud race and we don't bend over to Ethiopian pressure like your glorious Puntland. Instead of whining about Mogadishu, you will be better off trying to change the mafia group that controls your glorious Putland
  12. Meiji, Their group historiography has indoctrinated them with tales of Aideed and the USC stealing justly and honestly earned properties and farms and thus the endless cries about the people of Mogadishu. Aideed destroyed their group’s devious and scheming ploys and dislodged the dictator. This historic defeat still rings loud and clear in this group’s hearts. Spewing venom against any-one who shares klan name with Aideed and the USC is natural for those disillusioned forever by the defeat and humiliation of the evil regime and its base.
  13. Originally posted by NABAD x 3: Bluh Bluh Blah Blah. Just answer the question, Which one of the two pictures is better? A) Top one (Siyaad Barre era) or B) Bottom one (Uncle Aideed's era) So pls say your answer full stop. :eek: Yawn! poor guy. This creature thinks that by repeating the same decimated lines over and over he might actually convince somebody. What a sad and lonely quest of a never ending defeat and self- humiliation. Siyad Barre shot Somalia in the beaches of Jazira and the cities of Somaliland . Aideed buried a dead body.
  14. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^loool. You are twisting yourself saxib, I never said Mogadishu is not ready, because the average man was ready for peace in 1991. Its the special interest your who destroyed the capital and the south. I am interested in peace and governance, have been all along when you have ans still are fighting for anti government and looters Inc, and using clan issues, for you opposed Yusuf for nothing else other than clan and that cost many lives, your Ahmed Diriye tendencies are clear and we dont need to waste time on them. Its good if you are now ready for peace and governance. I know that you dont have any more stake in our capital than anyone else here. Thus you support my stance that we should give support to the government for the sake of the people As I have in 2004 untill now, lets support the government. Hahaha, dragging Ahmed Dirie and Ahmed abdisalan and the people of Mogadishu in every statement you make shows your klan fixations. Beyond that it proves nothing And by the way, twisting facts is something you do on habitual basis. In fact, your approach is outright lying and falsehood. The entire demographic spectrum of Mogadishu is united and fully supports this government and in the final analysis this is what really matters. In the future, the Ethiopians will pay the price for their evil incursions into our holy lands and as will the groups that have cheerleaded for them.
  15. Originally posted by NABAD x 3: quote: the 21 years of the former dictator stands out like a Dutch girl in bikini in the Riyadh Mr very Twistet logic. Adeer Isku xishoo, its an insult to compare Siyaad Barre with Uncle Aideed and Co. Show me something they built for the last 20 years and I will show you a big lier, I can not believe in these day and age we have people comparing Siyaad to the USC era, one has built, the other one dimolished it, one has decorated the other one looted it, one built roads, Universities, Hospitals, Army, the other built Isbaro, Ku nasiibso, and Mory4n. look at these pic and tell me what it says. This is the Xamar Siyaad Barre left. Ant this is the Xamar Uncle Aideed left. Which one is better? First off all, I take strong exception with you calling me 'adeer." In the future, I expect you to discontinue it. Now, Siyad Barre started this culture of brutality , nepotism, corruption, massacre and injustice. Aideed AUN was simply a reaction to such brutalities albeit counterproductive. By the way, on the picture you have posted: 1) The Church was built by the Italians 2) The Arch was also built by the Italians 3) The building in front of the white one was built by the Sultan of Zanzibar and later finished by the Italians What exactly did Siyad Barre built