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Everything posted by Jacpher

  1. ^The government is preoccupied in Jubaland and Kismaayo 500km away to realize these daily deadly occurrences in their backyard or provide any medical attention to these soldiers risking their lives everyday.
  2. ^Rumor has it Hassan is scrambling to find gurmad army to aid Baasto in Kismaayo.
  3. lol@abtigiis. Ar ciyaalka lugooyada ka daa.
  4. Abtigiis: You can't ask the mature one to compromise and yield all his cards to the fool one in the play. That ain't gonna fix it the problem. Hassan needs a reality check. There's no central government today that orders the regions around and appoint governors. Them days are gone. If you listened to Fartaag's interview today, he says Hassan has been busy calculating on how to sabotage Jubaland from day one. If this is true, Muqdisho has lost its creditability to start a new round of conference. Madoobe should stay put and send a low ranking military officer to Muqdisho with a copy of the constitution, and few weeks later, recall him only to replace with another lower ranking officer. In other words, play the same game Hassan tried to play with Madoobe.
  5. ^Don't be disappointed when Madoobe shows up in Muqdisho with a copy of the constitution of the land, showing him as a member state of the federal government. Yes, Jubaland should go to the capital and claim what is theirs, not more or less.
  6. Abtigiis;960272 wrote: good leadership by Madobe if he is going to Mogadishu. I think that is a good start. I am genuinely disappointed by President Hassan. It seems his is my way or the high way kind of philosophy and I think the country will be in trouble if he keeps that mentality. Wali waxaa sugaya Faroole oo ka waalan isga iyo Somaliland. Laakin yaan masaakinta long-foot ka Somali eersane waxaa roon in loo tanaasulo oo arinta Kismaayo siduu rabo lagu xaliyo. Tanaasulku ceeb ma aha. This tanaasul you propose is one way only. All signs point to Hassan not doing any tanaasul regardless of venue of any conference. So far Jubaland proved to be the mature one in the room. They kept their cool until today the bullets start firing.
  7. Jubaland exists today and it doesn't need unnecessary conference that yields no result to its populace. The people are behind Madoobe's leadership minus the few trouble makers. Muqdisho has time and again showed it will do anything to get its way in Kismaayo including engineering a civil war.
  8. ^Whatever a YES MAN does. Culusow admin is losing credibility each time they speak of Kismaayo.
  9. Maaddeey;959878 wrote: Kacpher, thanks for the reply, laakin thread-kan kuma qaabsana wallee maaha?. Thread politics section-ka noogu abuur, adoo mahadsan!. Waxaan u gartay shaqadii aad heysay ayaa dhamaantay marka waa iska caadi. We all need to make a living.
  10. Maaddeey;959755 wrote: ^ Caqligii aaway maanta jacfar, 'warsamaale'na ma shaatigaagii kalaa?. Shariif, Tarzan & Xasan isku qabiil sow maaheyn horta?, mase meel kalaa koronto kaaga dhegtay?. Dhowr su'aal (su'aalihii hore ku darso): 1) Yaa yiri Tarzan baa Cali ibn ABii Talib ah?. 2) Tarzan, Sharif & Xasan sow isku qabiil maaha?. 3)Sheekada Cali & Yahuudka haddaadan garan, ma maqashay xadiiskan: 'al bayyinatu calal muddaci' & billowgiisa soo ogow si aad wax badan uga fahanto!. 4)Yahuudda waxay caan ku yihiin: 'taxriiful kalimah can mawaadicih'. Maxaa kuu galay iyaga waaba yaabaye!. Lastly, ولا يجرمنكم شنآن قوم على ألا تعدلوا Sxb, su'aashii aan ku weydiiyay ma iska indho tirtay horta. Bal dib u fiiri su'aashii aan ku weydiiyay. Dowladda uu Tarzan ka mid yahay markii ay ka talinayeen Shariif iyo Cabdulaahi, two presidents whom you labeled Murtadiin here on this forum, tusaale Cali Bin AbiTalib maadan u soo qaadanee, ma doorashadii Culusoow ayaa Murtadnimada ka saartay dowlada oo saasaad Tarzan iyo xukunka Xamar maanta ka jira ula bar-bar dhigeysaa xukunkii iyo cadaaladii jirtay qarnigii Cali Bin Abi Talib? Ma doorashadii Culusoow baa u shafeeca qaaday dowlada oo qarnigii saxaabada gaarsiisay
  11. Why are you wearing clan name in here adi?
  12. Hassan must be a slow learner if he still thinks his way or the highway is the strategy forward. His admin is starting to look like a repeat of Cabdiqassim.
  13. ^It exists in the Obtuse World, which obviously you ain't part of.
  14. Tabloid journalism is what this was. Lots of $$ to be made in this business.
  15. ^Oba: You've been missed sxb if you know what I mean Maaddeey;959430 wrote: ^ Mid aadan lahayn inaad raadineysaa ii darane, Giving houses back to their right owners is what Tarzan is doing!. Did not you listen to his marvelous sermon few weeks back?. Didn't you Maaddeey consider the government Tarzan is part of Murtad not that long ago when you were waving the black flag of Al Shabaab? Doorashadii Culusow maa dowlada Murtadnima ka saartay Kaba sii daran kuye Cali bin abii Talib. Tarzan under Shariif waa wax kale; Tarzan under Culusoow waa Cali bin abii Talib. Waxaasaa lagaa dhahaa xamaasad qabiil. Hayye the rightful owner of the properties in question ma Yahuudii Madiinaa?
  16. When you've got Keligii Muslims, who needs enemies.
  17. xaaji xanjo banii fulaan min duriyati aala is-[*****] aala al haashimii al-carabiya.
  18. We need more wariyeyaal like him. Not only is he asking the right questions, he seems to be informed of the issues he is raising. Can't wait to watch the whole interview.
  19. Some tweets here and there but not a lot. See hashtag #SomalisinSA I think all foreign nationals have been attacked not only Somalis. http://premiumtimesng.com/news/137092-south-africa-condemns-xenophobic-attack-on-foreigners.html
  20. ^Perhaps you need to quit being a keyboard commander in SOL and fly over there and do it yourself.
  21. Safferz;955736 wrote: Who is interrogating nuune? If nuune makes a claim, it can be discussed, questioned and refuted by others. Thanks SP. Why speculate when you got the source a click away? I thought you started this page for some kind of re-affirmation you're getting the right info. Go directly to the man himself, is all I suggested. SomP: Put on a good pair of glasses my good friend. That reply wasn't for you.