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Everything posted by Jacpher

  1. Originally posted by Foxy: Besides Loothing Bililaqo is quiet normall for ppl of african decent.....that is the first thing they go for, once the state/city goes in to a mere lawless state. So looting is an african tradition? Did Africans loot the Iraqi museum? Did africans loot NY during the 9/11 & the blackout?
  2. Jacpher


    I would be wary to ridicule & mock the Sha’aer, symbols of Islam. There's no harm in being friends with a non-Muslim as long as the friendship is limited. The danger lays when we cross the border of such friendship.
  3. Nice post Rahima. It seems google became the fatwa search engine. What happened to the good old day, "Allahu Aclam & ask a sheikh."
  4. Kudos Hersi. Very brave young man. We need more heroes like you.
  5. Thanks for posting the link of video clips. Jazakalaah. Downloading the files of my favorite Sheikh Minshawi and seeing him recite in the masjid. Masha'alaah. May Allah bless him.
  6. You have a good point sxb but I hope you're not accusing me of spreading it for their advantage. That would be ridiculous I posted it to expose them. Actually I tried to contact the author but he didn’t leave his email. That tells me something.
  7. I don't know if you're acting but you sound like those politicians from Washington. What you're doing on SOL? War kuraygan difaaca ya u diray?
  8. A friend told me to read an article he saw on idamaale.com. This is the……..well I let you be the judge. Here’s the article. Waxaa Gobolka Minnesota,gar ahaam Minneapolis ka dhacaya waxay ay ugu yeereen kulan diimeedkii 5aad ee Waqooyiga Maraykanka hase ahaatee kulankaas waxaa Sanadkasta lagu qabtaa gobolkaan Minnesota-Minneapolis. lacagaha ka soobaxana waxaa lagu naaxiyaa Uruurka Xagjireenka ah ee(AL-ITIXAAD) lacagahaas oo lagu gado huub, iyo isku diirka ummadda soomaaliyeeed, waxaana loo diraa lacagahaas Magaalada(Muqdisho) iyo hogaanka SH.Hassan Dahiir Aweys. Hadaba shirkaani kuwii hore waa ka duwan yahay oo waxaa xog, laga helay shirkaan la sheegay in uu dhacayo,02 ilaa 04,2005 ilaa Maalinta Axada ah,lacago loogu uruurin doonaa Gudoomiyaha barlamaanka DFK ah oo la filayo in uu dhawaan socdaal ku imaan doono wadanka maraykanka,si uu hawlgal uu uga sameeyo magaalada muqdisho. Waxaana dalbaday in uu yimaado lacagahaasna lagu wareejiyo shariifka raga ay ka mid yihiin. Sh.Abdirihman Sh.Omar,Ali Khaliif Galayr oo asagu ku bariiqday siyaasadii soomaaliya asagoo hada u ololeeya gacaan saarna la yeeshay Uruurka Al-Itixaad iyo Ninka lagu magacaabo Sh.Hassan Jaamici oo asagu Wakiil ka ah Uruurka Al-Aslax,Wuxuuna Wadaan kaan USA ku joogaa laba sharci, Mid canadiyaan ah iyo Mid Maraykan ah. Ragaasi waxay ka mid yihiin raga dhaqaalaha faraha badan ka uruuriyo Maraykanka iyadoo lagu fangareeyo uruuradaas wada xagjirada ah. Wariye Dahiir Aden Muuse Minnesota,Minneapolis. Idamaale News Source: Idamaale.com One of our moderators here on SOL posted a link for this event (check here) and I can’t believe idamaale.com is linking Shariif Xassan to this gathering. What a disgusting propaganda. This convention is organized by Abu-Bakar Al-Sadiiq Mosque. As far as I know, they have no links to Somali governments or politicians. I attended the earlier conventions and have never heard or saw any mention of Somali government, let alone a fund raising for a politician. These kinds of websites should think twice before they publish anything. They’re bring shame to our name. The named individuals in the article have nothing to do with the event. Only Sh. Cabdiraxman Sh. Omar is a guest speaker. How far would these sites go to support their warlord/clansman?
  9. Anyone know any Somalis that stayed behind or fled the city?
  10. "Hadal haan ma buuxsho" Nomad
  11. Somalia needs a colonial power to conquer them and divide into small cities (not states) under foreign administration. This is probably the only way we're gonna trust & get long with one another. They said there's no trust among thieves. Absolutely no trust among Somali clans. Warlords dictate what the clan leaders accept or deny and the warlords are punch of thieves. Castro's solution will probably put us in the right path. Each clan either denounce & assasinate your warlords.
  12. Originally posted by Fidel: If you can afford it, donate to your local assassinate-a-warlord fund. Your best solution to the homeland? This may work but who's gonna act on it. Not even SOL Politiks junkies.
  13. More like the most dirtiest clown in the world.
  14. I don't know Jaamac Barre but if that's true, he's indeed a pioneer. I think it was late 1996 when I first heard the world of Internet, text-only Usenet newsgroup/discussion. With help of a schoolmate, I setup my first ever email in 1997. In 1991, if I remember correctly, I was in Kismaayo attending school as usual. Suddenly, our classrooms became bedrooms for XABAD KEENTO, refugees from Mogadisho. Next we know our teachers were all evacuated to their home country. There goes my dream of graduating from Khalid Bin Waleeb School. I think this happened either in mid January or early February. Then Siyad Barre arrived in Kismaayo and one day later, left the city for Buur dhuubo. We lost electricity the night of his departure. The next few days, people in the city were all celebrating that Siyad left and a better government is about to be born. What happened next was the biggest ever PUNK’D I have ever witnessed in life. Morgan and his dhafoorqiiq army came and violently looted the city as they categorized people into groups, setting up the groundwork for qabilsm. We got punk’d up big time. I think I was lucky to have left the country the following year.
  15. Man fatally shot at gas station Victim, 19, was waiting in car with friends; origin of gunfire is unclear BY MARA H. GOTTFRIED Pioneer Press Mohamed M. Mohamed was a Harding High School graduate who recently had found a full-time job and planned to start college in the fall to become a radiologist. He and his family fled war-torn Somalia and came to the United States in 1999 for such opportunities. But Mohamed was shot to death Thursday in the parking lot of a gas station in St. Paul's Summit-University neighborhood. "You travel so many miles looking for peace. Now we just believe there's no place that's peaceful in the world," Hodan Kahin, a cousin of Mohamed, said Friday. Mohamed, 19, of St. Paul told his mother Thursday night that he was going shopping in Minneapolis, said Sahra Elmi, his sister. He apparently ran into three friends along the way, left his car in St. Paul and rode with them to have dinner in Minneapolis, Elmi said. On the way back to drop off Mohamed at his car, they stopped at the BP gas station at Interstate 94 and Lexington Parkway to get soda, Elmi said. The driver went inside, but the others stayed in the car. As he sat in the back seat, Mohamed was shot. It wasn't clear where the gunfire came from, Elmi said. Police were called about 11:15 p.m. Mohamed was taken to Regions Hospital and pronounced dead. Police said Friday they had found no motive for the shooting and no arrests had been made. No one else in the car with Mohamed was injured. Mohamed had no criminal record, police said, and as far as his family knows, he had no enemies. But if anyone has information that indicates otherwise, the family hopes those people will contact St. Paul police. "He was a very quiet, a very shy person," Kahin said. "He was respectful." Mohamed graduated from Harding High School in 2004 and planned to attend St. Paul College in the fall, Kahin said. In the past few months, he had found full-time work as a parking attendant in downtown St. Paul. Mohamed loved to play and watch basketball, and he spent much of his time with his extended family, Kahin said. That family filled rooms in a house Friday with the sounds of crying, and they comforted Mohamed's mother as she sat on the floor and wailed, "Mohamed, Mohamed!" The Somali Justice Advocacy Center has been receiving calls from community members expressing "grave concern" about the shooting, said Omar Jamal, the center's executive director. The St. Paul center will sponsor a vigil at the scene of the shooting at 6 p.m. Sunday. Mohamed's death was the 19th homicide of the year in St. Paul. The city had a total of 20 last year. Police ask anyone with information about Thursday's homicide to call 651-291-1111 or the homicide unit at 651-266-5650. Mara H. Gottfried covers St. Paul public safety. She can be reached at mgottfried@pioneerpress.com or 651-228-5262. Source: St. Paul Pioneer Press See 5 Eyewitness News video clip
  16. I don't know what Google plans in the future but most of these companies give away all the goodies for free but a few years/months later, they slowly introduce ads, pop ups, etc. Back in the days, Dialpad & Netzero were free & now they ask for credit cards. Saaxiibayaal don’t be fooled. I personally like Gmail though I don't use it often but I dislike the fact you can't send attachments of .exe files. I hope they turn off that feature. I see some of you are experienced Linux users so let me ask you this. I have an old pc that’s sitting in a closet and I want to put it to work. I think it’s missing a hard drive but I’m sure there’s an extra hard drive somewhere collecting dust. I thought of installing Linux OS and play around & learn the world of Linux. What distribution would you suggest? Recently, I have tried some of the Linux Live CDs, Slax, Knoppix, Beatrl and Puppy Linux. They were very impressive. I actually liked Slax but spend many hours trying to configure some of my hardware.
  17. You could be right,but it ain't my business to know if every girl has a conservative brother.As a matter of fact i don't really like girls with brothers.My personal interest doesn't allow me to have any relatioship with the girl's brother for he is an obstacle to my interest. What if you were the brother? Just a thought!
  18. Fidel: Not if he gets the million dollar idea. You’re absolutely right! Education matters and I didn’t say it doesn’t. It’s one of the best tools we can use to achieve our goals in life. Education should be our priority #1 in our country, not military power. I personally value education as much as you do and I would still be studying at age 50 to obtain my doctorate degree. You hit in the nail. I would extremely be disappointed if my son decides to leave school. That would be a disastrous mistake. But I would love him even more for him to pursue Islamic education and become a Muslim Imam than a doctor, engineer, etc. Whatever type of education he decides is his personal choice and should be respected. People should study whatever they’re good at and enjoy doing it even if it means qabri qode. That’s my philosophy. I have seen some of the Indians sites you mentioned but I think it is naïve to assume a fancy resume means a bright marriage. Is it possible they are after pride & self-respect? I would be happier if the potential bride/groom has the best possible Islamic character and practices faith. Education will be on the list but not on top. Haddad: You’re right. Most of the required courses are just a waste of time and energy. Unless you’re in the doctor, engineer career fields, most of the curriculums aren’t going to be your day-to-day work activity.
  19. I think some of us think or believe a degree is all you need to succeed in life and/or happiness. A degree is useful but does not dictate your talent, success, and the ability to accomplish your dreams. We know that Dick Cheney, Rush Limbaugh, Jesse Ventura and late Peter Jennings were all dropouts. These men didn’t get a degree from a prestigious school to be influential people. They had what it takes to succeed in real world and their talent enabled them to reach their goal. I recently noticed that Somalis tend to brag about their degrees thinking they’re better than those with no or less education. Now the talk of degree has become sort of Shukaansi line. Ever wondered why many nomad matrimonial sites highlight the importance of their degree in their ads? To impress others? 50% of what you studied in school won’t help or directly affect the work you do in real life. Fidel: It’s possible you’re becoming more of an over protective dad?
  20. This reminds me of something that goes like this....Gar iyo gardaro u gargaar walaalkaa. I think that was one of the pre-Islamic sayings that the prophet scw approved of. May Allah forbid this but it all depends on the situation. Turning your family in to a system that's full of errors, misconceptions, misjudgments and corruption isn't the right solution. Helping the guilty to escape isn't a better choice either. The dilemma is which is the lesser evil? I think there isn't any doubt that our faith teaches us to adhere and obey the rules of the land we choose to live in so long they aren't contrary to our belief. The real question is what happens to you loved ones if they found guilty and sent prison? Prison might seem the right thing to do or a payback to you but we know it causes a great deal of torment and a severe mental anguish.
  21. What I have been getting recently are emails informing me that someone has attempted to log on to my eBay account from a different IP address and could I confirm if it was me or not by logging in again through the 'secure' link provided. But I don't have an eBay account. I received the same spam mail but they include my paypal and Royal Bank of Canada account. I don't have ebay or paypal accounts and never heard of Royal Bank of Canada. What's interesting is that I have received one of these emails from Somalis who wrote one paragraph in Somali. I traced their ip address and they belong to ISP company in Toronto and Otawa. You never know tho, someone can use programs to fake/hide their actual ip address. I simply junk those mails so they don't make it to my inbox. Can you believe a Somali living in Canada trying to spam me? Or his pc possibly been hijacked by spammers.
  22. Is seeing this on TV or with other instrument different than seeing with a naked eye?
  23. Jacpher

    Bad Habits

    Personal attacks are definitely not the best way to correct bad habits. Muslims or shall I say believers are supposed to be mirrors to each other. One way I combat with bad habit is by reading books on Islamic morals, manners and etiquettes.
  24. Very sad ending. I think he should have checked with her family if they would accept him before he invested all those years in her. I guess the guys have a lesson to learn from this story.
  25. WOL: Thanks for the effort you put into this. Jazakalaah. I've lived in Dar es Salaam and Zanzibar for about a year and they are better & safer than Nairobi. The TZ swahili sounds even better than that of Kenya.