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Everything posted by Xudeedi

  1. Originally posted by qumane: Laasanod,Buuhodle,Taleex,Lasqoray IWM Waxba yay iga daba lulani ima celinkaraane ama ha i raceen ama ha iga hadhaan. Intaas weeye waxa aan raadineyno. Waxaad dooratay in lagaa hadho, Ok taas waa kugu raacsanahey, adiguse managa hareysaa???? Well said SOO MAAL
  2. What would have been the scenario if, let us say, Cabdiraxman Jamac Barre , a high-level candidate had won the presidency? He was one of the presidential candidates. The ballot casting once veered in his favor before he decided to give his all votes to Abdilaahi Yusuf to strengthen his chance of winning the presidency? There is a good rationale why A/Y was elected as the president of our country because of his records he is a man who has gateway to an overarching influence over the warlords, and Him now as the president of Somalia shall redound to his credit as once a colonel, president of regional administration, a man who had beaten the odds of being in a situation between life and death. For over 14 years, a number of leaders from Mogadisho, jockeying for presidential position, had been tried, given the chance, and made redoubtable for their capacity to restore law and order, but they all failed either because of perfidious schemes or external sabotage. It is not a complicated issue to understand why Mogadishu, our capital city, is still in feral disorder. We have a number of fiefdoms, each with war profiteering militia, so they aren't prepared yet to give up the country's booty. The more we wait the more the situation becomes more complex beyond our ken.
  3. Xudeedi

    Vote For K'Naan

    Naag diintada caayaysa oo ilaahey iyo rasuulkiisa caayeysaa miyaad u hiilineysaan? walee waa yaab? haday kufarnimeeda ku ekaan laheed keliya nin wax ka sheegi lahaa ma jireen . Ee waxaa neceybka loo qabo keeney diinta oo ay intaa aflagaadeyneyso. Knaan waa sida uu sheegey alle u baahne. wax aan dhibaato aheen laga faaido maayo. dadka aaminsan runtii mar danbe garan doonaan .
  4. I don't see any prospect in discovering oil that wasn't already there. This could be a hidden agenda to streamline more dumping ground for hazardous radioactive waste. Consideration of any contractual agreement is that money becomes receivable after work is done and services exchanged. Otherwise, this becomes a unilateral agreement whereby puntland is going to abide by supposedly a promise it made to help these mysterious organizations do illegal businesses while in Puntland. Why do the malfeasant puntland officials accept the offer of this money in advance, is the hidden agenda i talked about, which is to allow the disposal of radioactive waste on our land, and people are ignorant about it.
  5. What are you talking about? It is a good commentary that draws for responses from the people of its target of discussion. It has nothing to do with who lays an abstract claim to it. The inner and most important it tries to convey is to give a detailed description of the official districts of Sanaag, its political map, land mass and etc as to inform and teach us the region itself. I applaud their effort and work.
  6. I hope you learn the fact and understand the region more comprehensively. SANAAG ma Somaliland, mise Puntland, mise Maakhir FAALADA MAANTA--LINK
  7. The author gives an indepth analysis of Somalia, Somalis that decisively searches for hope, solution and understanding of our problems. ------------------------------------------------ The Intellectual Paralysis of the Educated Somali Ismail Ali Ismail August 29,2005 Editors Note: This Piece was initially published at WardheerNews on November 2004. We revisit the issues again as the information is as judicious today as when the piece first appeared. Mr. Geeldoon eloquently and clearly identifies in a very articulate manner the culmination and hypothesis that are paralyzing factors of the Somali state. The “Somali intellectual†is examined extensively and analyzed clearly stating their stance. The capacity of Somali websites in Somali affairs today as well as other concerns that augment the debacle is also touched upon. We hope our esteemed readers will enjoy this piece and surmise its bearing. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Introduction: Somalia, it is generally agreed, is a very poor country. Its poverty, however, is not due to acute paucity of physical or natural resources; it is, as is the case in many Third World countries, due to a poverty of the mind. Nehru, the first Prime Minister of India, once described his country as a rich country with poor people, and a former director of the UNDP Bureau for Africa once said with reference to Africa that it was outrageous that the World's richest continent should be the home of its poorest. Somalia has more than 2.5 million acres of arable land, only a small fraction of which is cultivated. Its animal wealth was estimated years ago at 45 million heads of camels, cattle, sheep and goats. Petroleum, uranium and various other mineral deposits are also known to be lurking underground and offshore. It is even reported that the country - known to be arid territory - is blessed with underground lakes. At an estimated 10m., the population is very small and its density very low. Its coastline extends 3200 kms., the longest in Africa (South Africa's is 2,789 kms. long), parts of which are believed to have been exposed to irresponsible and callous dumping of chemical and nuclear wastes. Somalia's marine resources are continually depleted and deliberately destroyed by the application of prohibited fishing methods – with the full knowledge of the powerful members of the community of nations. The country's marine economic zone – always unprotected – is for others to exploit and even destroy. But what is worse is that the sons of the soil have themselves aggravated the plight of the country by destroying its fauna and flora: so many uncountable trees have been destroyed by people who cannot see beyond their stomachs and are so desperate that they try to eke out a living by exporting charcoal to countries in the Arabian Peninsula. By denuding the country, they helped such agents of erosion as the winds and floods to accelerate desertification. I understand also that vast areas of arable land in the South of the country were turned into battlefields during the civil war and destroyed as a result. What can we say – I ask – about a people who destroy their own means of livelihood and then beg others to feed them? It is truly a situation which boggles the mind. What the country lacks and so desperately needs is a high degree of human ingenuity to exploit and transmute its natural resources in order to improve the general quality of life. One of our tragedies - and a great one at that - is our lack of ability (or even the inclination) to develop our capacities to identify, much less transmute, our inanimate resources. With so much poverty and hunger in the midst of abundance of resources we truly are “ Ka mathalil ximaari yaxmlu asfaaran †(the Qur'an). In writing this essay, I was impelled mainly by three reason: first, some of our educated men and women have, unfortunately, identified themselves with the war-lords of their respective clans – or even sub-clans; secondly, it is a singular reflection that educated Somalis have not so far filled an obvious intellectual void in the face of issues which are matters of life and death for our nation; thirdly, the dire need for awakening the educated Somali, himself or herself, to the intellectual and political leadership he/she abdicated and abandoned. The issues, some of which I discuss below, are complex and daunting but they must none the less be dealt with. Leadership Somalia has been led since independence by persons, the vast majority of whom had either a modicum of formal education or none at all. The first few university graduates who just returned at Independence were young and too inexperienced for the high posts they were destined to encumber and were inevitably occupied with the day-to-day administration of the country, albeit with the help of expatriate experts. They hardly had any time for reflection or policy planning and they lacked the necessary institutional infrastructure and educated political leaders who knew where they were going. Economic planning was scarcely used as an effective instrument of policy. When the military took over they came with the preconceived notion that civilians could neither be trusted nor able to provide effective leadership, and the few civilian graduates (some of whom were pitchforked from relative obscurity to the helm of ministries as 'secretaries of state') were, in fact, nothing more than glorified clerks. Policy decisions were made then, as before, by muddling through and at times, even on the spur of the moment. The military vowed to free administration from nepotism and favouritism but found themselves drifting back to cronyism and clannism, despite the symbolic burials of the latter. And, as expected, the gun was mightier than the pen as it is still today. The military said they had to step in because the country was falling off a precipice; but twenty years of their bad and tragic governance did actually push it over the precipice and we are now clumsily trying to collect and put together the disjecta membra of our nation from the bottom of that precipice.. In the face of all this, educated Somalis continue to show both ambivalence and diffidence. It has been said that politics is a dirty game. I would add that in Africa it is also a dangerous game. I realise that educated Somalis do not want to ‘dirty' their hands by engaging in politics and are not willing to face the perils of African politics. But they have nevertheless been vociferous in their complaint about the quality of our political leaders, the absence of rational policymaking, the lack of development, corruption, clannism and a host of other serious shortcomings. In short, they have been critical of everything that has gone wrong but have shied away from coming forward to fill the apparent intellectual void. I am reminded here of a humorous anecdote from the Sudan. It was related to me long ago that in the early days of Nemeiry's regime university professors and PhD holders (and there were thousands of them) were so vociferous and harsh in their criticism of the regime's policies and performance that Nemeiry, realizing that they were making a lot of sense, decided to appoint them to cabinet and other leadership positions. After two years the economy was in such shambles under their management that people were so disenchanted with them that they used to say upon encountering a senior official who was so patently helpless and inefficient: "The poor fellow is incapable of doing anything at all; he must be either a professor or a doctor". But the Sudan, very unlike Somalia, has had some real intellectuals of international repute as political leaders and at no time was the Sudan led, even under military regimes, by leaders who were so uneducated and ignorant as ours. I am not implying that our professors and/or PhD holders are of the genre referred to in this Sudanese anecdote, but I believe it is incumbent upon them to step in and demonstrate the practical utility of their education. Mere collection of academic degrees will at the end of the day prove to be an exercise in futility; for the real worth of the knowledge that such degrees are testimony to is shown in the form of practical achievements on the ground. Nowhere is the challenge more pressing and urgent than in the area of political reforms so that we can have in the near future a healthy polity that will transcend clannism and thereby free the nation from the shackles of this archaic and pernicious aspect of our tradition and culture. Writing articles and books, speaking in symposia and presenting papers to other relevant fora are only the first step that can lead to a series of structured but serious debates. Politics is the key to all else and that was why Kwame Nkrumah said “Give me the political kingdom and everything else will follow.†Educated Somalis must not limit themselves to advocacy only but must also enter politics and compete for office, go into opposition when their opponents form the government, and must of course continue to preach good governance to the public. But, I know from experience that the Somali people are tired of listening to speeches from people who do not have a proven record of credibility - people who preach but have hidden agendas. In consequence, the people have become cynical. The essence of leadership is encapsulated in the paradoxical Arabic phrase " Sayyidul Qowmi Khaadimuhom" which, literally translated, means, “The master of the people is their servant". So the essence of leadership is service, not profit as some of us might think, and the authority inherent in leadership should be used, not in the pursuit of illicit pecuniary interests but to ensure effectiveness in serving the people. And if our positive actions speak louder then our homilies, public cynicism will be shunted off to the sideways. Political leaders are expected to provide intellectual leadership which they cannot monopolise (many renowned and successful political leaders have been intellectual giants). We also need other people who can provide intellectual leadership in such areas as policy analysis, policy forecasting, economic analysis and social development; we need “think tanks†which are independent of government so that they will carry out future studies and illuminate the field of policy options; and of course we need men and women in the technical professions who will demonstrate initiative and leadership in their own areas. De-Clanisation History - both distant and recent - shows that overthrowing a dictator is usually a very expensive undertaking and it leaves behind, even when successful, a long trail of destruction in terms of lives and property. Rancour, long suppressed, erupts into violence, vengeance becomes the order of the day and so many innocent people pay with their lives for the excesses of their merciless rulers. In the case of Somalia, clannism did not allow the forces seeking to overthrow the dictator to unite and to agree in advance on power-sharing and what they should do next. Today, we are saddled with a proliferation of war-lords who are neither intellectually nor even temperamentally equipped to rule the country; nor are they willing to part with the clan fiefdoms they have created - fiefdoms that are now difficult to dismantle. We see coming on the horizon a government of sorts which will, in all probability, be dominated by the war-lords who are the most visible members of the parliament constituted in Nairobi. The clan system is anachronistic and has proved to be octopus-like with its many tentacles; whenever you go free of one tentacle there are seven others that will pull you down. It is, in short, fatal to any enterprise in modernization. The coincidence of political and clan cleavages has already proved to be pernicious, not only to our national unity but to our very existence. I still remember a statement issued at the outbreak of the civil war (well, there is nothing civil about a war) from the U.S. State Department which said, inter alia , that Somalia was committing a national suicide. clannism is, without doubt, the greatest challenge facing educated Somalis, and it is a problem area which still paralyses their intellectual faculties. Nowhere else have we failed so dismally as in this area. Far from rising to the challenge of rising above it we have, in actual fact, succumbed to clannism. Look at our websites! you can even tell which website belongs to which clan. And look at many of the contributions! you can almost glean from them the clan affiliation of individual writers without even reading too closely between the lines. I am at times driven to despair when I see blunt expressions of clan prejudice in writing and when I see the various websites (supposedly run by 'educated' people) pandering to the lower tastes of bigots. It is appalling to see the utter lack of standards. I have also been reading in the websites that the "intellectuals" of this clan or that clan have met and decided that their clan should do such and such. When I read some of the contributions that are sent to the websites by people who possess the ultimate of academic degrees I am reminded by what that French philosopher, Montaigne, said when he was asked why he fled urban life in favour of village life. The question actually put to him was: “Why do you detach yourself from the civilized world?†to which his answer was: “I prefer the company of peasants because they have not been educated sufficiently to reason incorrectly .†(Emphasis mine) Education is supposed to throw light on the dark recesses of our Somali brains where clannism resides. Incidentally, any one who calls himself ' intellectual' is surely not an intellectual. It is also grotesque to call oneself ' aqoonyahan ' (which is not at all the correct translation of ‘intellectual') for no one is such, and the claim smacks of arrogance. Literally, " aqoonyahan " means "expert in knowledge" or "someone possessing wide-ranging knowledge†and anyone who claims to be " aqoonyahan " is truly ignorant. Education is supposed to teach modesty arising out of the awareness of our shortcomings. That is why it was said: "Education is Man's going from cock-sure ignorance to a thoughtful uncertainty". The great El Khaliil Ibn Ahmed El Frahiidi (the pioneer of Arabic Grammer) classified men into four categories in so far as possession of knowledge is concerned. He said: ‘Men are of four kinds: there is one who does not know and knows that he does not know; he is ignorant and needs to be instructed. There is another who knows and does not know that he knows; he is in a slumber and needs to be awakened. There is yet another who knows and knows that he knows; he is learned and needs to pass his knowledge. And yet there is another who does not know and does not know that he does not know; that one is a presumptuous ignoramus and should be rejected.' We need to search internally as to which of these categories we belong to. All that philosophizing aside, are we not perpetuating our nefarious clannism through repeatedly incendiary writings? I have heard many of us blaming the existence of clannism on corrupt and divisive leaders. I agree that leaders have, in practicing a policy of divide and rule, exacerbated clan divisions. But our leaders were the product of our Society and they filled a gap unbridged by the “intellectualsâ€. Somalis generally but particularly those who have no shame to call themselves "intellectuals", should turn their mental faculties to this problem with a view to: (a) lessening clan tensions by desisting from inflaming passions either through their writings or orally; (b) ceasing to advocate clan solidarity; © reaching out to like-minded members of the other clans, and (d) engaging in informed and intellectual discussions on the eradication of clannism. When I was District Commissioner of Hargeisa in the mid-sixties the track record of British colonial administrators was still extant and I was amazed to discover from the files that British colonial officers in Somaliland had a very intellectually engaging and interesting discussion on how a Somali could 'detribalise' by opting out of the Xeer and I believe they passed a sort of legislation which allowed educated and urbanised Somalis to do so. I was under the impression, like everyone else, that ‘divide and rule' was an integral part of colonial policy and did not expect such enlightened and forward-looking policy discussions from colonial officers. By contrast, we Somalis, after so much education, economic advance, urbanization, experience in governance, and rubbing shoulders with more advanced societies have not tried in this day and age even to conceptualize the problem. It is a stark failure on the part of those of us who, by the mere possession of academic degrees, claim to be the intelligentsia of our society. I agree that eradicating the system of clannism (note that "clan" and "clannism" are two different things) is not easy; nor can it be an effort of a short duration. I think Disraeli's observation that “Time is the great physician†is apt and relevant in this case. The rancour will subside, the wounds will heal in time and a community of interest will replace the clan in the long run. All is possible provided we work towards the goal of supplanting clannism with strong communities of interest. Federalism I suspect that those who decided on a federal structure for our country did so without being fully aware of its complex ramifications. We are beginning a new epoch in our history without c*****ng a proper course for our future and without knowing what lies ahead. The civil war has been as much cataclysmic as it was destructive. It has led us to a new era of federalism and clan balance and we have made our choices without debate as to advantages and disadvantages. We are stepping into a dark room without the means to illuminate it and without knowing therefore what we might encounter; we are taking a leap unnecessarily into the unknown. Myself, I have said enough about the implications of federalism for Somalia on many occasions both orally and in writing and I do not want to repeat myself here. Federalism has been up in the air for a very long time - even before the advent of the TNG. Yet, the vast majority of educated Somalis did not bother to have an in-depth discussion on it before the monumental decision of its adoption was taken both in Djibouti and Nairobi. Surely, much blame can be laid in this regard to the account of Somali "intellectuals". But, the challenge still remains, and it seems that our new policymakers will most likely seriously underestimate the amount of hard and gruelling work and time needed to erect federalism on its proper feet. There is still, fortunately, a role for educated Somalis to play, particularly those who live or have lived in countries where federalism is successful. There is the danger that federalism might fail if not properly established and it may take years, if not decades, before we realize that it is failing. After forty four years of experimenting with different forms of government can we afford expensive experiments any further? The agreement on federalism being irrevocable the challenge before us now is to see to it that it works and meets the expectations of the general populace. Human Rights Our hapless country has been poor in human rights for the last three decades and half. There have been too many transgressions and the war-lords have played havoc in the country; nor am I sure whether there will be any human rights under a government composed of war-lords, by war-lords, for war-lords. There is a promise that, once disarmed, the war-lords will be phased out, or will phase themselves , mirabile dictu , out once their security is guaranteed. The soi-disant “Islamists†have also become a force to be reckoned with and are not willing to abdicate the role they have played so far to a new government which may not heed their advice, much less yield to them. Our great religion teaches us, not only human rights, but the right of all living things to life and liberty. Extremism has no place in Islam. When Europe was in its dark ages and the Americas were not even on the map Islam was a beacon of light, learning and liberty in the World. Today, we are learning from those who learnt from us – laga bareyba laga badi. To think and argue, therefore, that Islam and human rights are incongruent is to be ignorant of Islam. In this connection, I wish to encourage those who by reason of their exclusively Western education have come to think that good human values were invented in the West to familiarize themselves with the history of Islamic Civilization. They will then understand why we need not agree with some excessively latitudinarian interpretations of human rights. There is fertile ground in our country for those educated Somalis who want to play a much needed role in advancing the cause of human rights. This must surely include religious scholars, particularly those whose minds are open to modern thought and can understand it in the light of the teaching of the prophet. An independent, credible and respected judiciary is a sin qua non to human rights, and so are legal societies (including the Bar) which set standards of performance as well as professional ethics. The legal profession is an intellectual profession which is needed very much in a new Somalia, not for human rights alone but also as one of the main pillars of successful federalism. Conclusion I have only touched on few of the salient issues that pose challenges to educated Somalis and they by no means constitute an exhaustive list. I know that there are haphazard and uncoordinated contributions posted on the various websites, but these have not led to structured and sustained discussions with credible approaches to the pressing problems confronting our country. Some of the postings do not seem to have been properly thought out. Furthermore, it is unfortunate that there is scarcely any liaison between educated Somalis and those others who aspire to the leadership of our country. Dr.Geedi is under pressure to appoint the war-lords to the most important ministerial positions. I personally see nothing wrong with the magic 4.5 formula to ensure clan balance which guarantees that no one is left out; it has the advantage of giving a sense of belonging to all sections of society. The present parliament has the advantage of being a cross-section of our society - an advantage which I hope will not be cancelled out by substituting excellence for mediocrity. It should be obvious that I am not opposed to clans: I am opposed to clannism. As I previously stated, most of the educated Somalis have viewed any discussion on clan representation and balance with a degree of ambivalence which shows a conflict between the intellectual faculty (the mind) and the emotional faculty (the heart). Their hearts tell them that their respective clans should be "properly" represented; but they know in their own minds that if a clan tries to reassert itself at the expense of the others there will be no reconciliation. In any case, those who abhor the idea of a parliament of clan representatives have yet to come up with a better one. The government of today, unlike any before it, has to be knowledge-based. It faces a myriad of issues which are too complex and too complicated for our leaders. The country is emerging from a devastating war and a huge construction task is inevitably the priority of priorities. There is need to learn how we should exploit our vast marine resources by using the latest technology - but we have to have the technologies first. We are in a situation which calls for the different kinds of marine scientists so that we can exploit the resources of the sea; sadly, however, few, if any, of our professionals are in any of the different branches of marine science. We are in an age in which technology creates resources- an age in which global competitiveness means that the strong survives and the weak perishes, or, at best, depends on handouts. The intellectual capital of a nation is sine qua non to its survival, its development and its march forward. Our country stagnated, deteriorated, collapsed and broke to pieces. Where then is our intellect – the brainchild of our education? Ismail Ali Ismail E-Mail: geeldoonia@gmail.com Source: Wardheernews.com
  8. daallo waxay ku taalaa gobolka sanaag, magaalada ceerigaabo agteeda. Heeso baddan baa loo qaadey buurahaasi waa dhulka loo yaqaan Makhir Coast, Al Madow or Calmadow in Somali. waa dhul qaboow, oo lagu gurto beeyada iyo fooxa. fardahana ugu qurux baddana laga dhaqdo. Great pictures. thx.
  9. Dr. Osman Hersi wuxuu ka mid yahay aqoonyahannada Soomaaliyeed ee cilmiga Joolojiga. waxaa wareysi la yeelatey Somalitalk.com. Here is a summary of the interview. Somalitalk: Dr. Osman ma noosheegi kartaa gobollada Soomaaliyeed ee aad ku tuhmaysid ama aad adigu xaqiiqo u ogtahay in saliid badani ku jirto? Dr. Osman: Saliiddu waxay ku samaysantaa dhagaxa loo yaqaan dhadhaab lakabeedka (Sedimentary rock). Soomalaiya badankeeda dhagaxaasi waa ka buuxaa marka laga reebo meelo kooban (sida Buur Hakaba, buuraha Shiikh iyo meelo badan oo ka mid ah xiriirta buuraha Golis, Dhalan iyo Majiyahan oo ku kala beegan koofurta Ceelaayo iyo Bosaaso). Soomaaliya waxaa lagaqoday ceelal ka yar 70 ceel oo shidaal baaris ah, sidaas daraaddeed macluumaad badan lagama oga. Waxaase jira meelo badan oo lagu tuhmayo calaamado na dhiirri gelinayana lagu arkay, waxaana ka mid ah; * Berbera Basin: nawaaxiga Bixinduula iyo Dhagax Shabeel oo ku beegan koofurta Berbera, waxyaabaha muujinaya in saliid kujirto waxaa kamida in (1) Saliid bannaanka usoo baxda (oil seeps), (2) ceelal laga qoday oo muujiyey saliid iyo habsocodka dareeraha oo aad u wanaagsan (well permeablity). * Badda Laasqoray (Off Shore) iyo agagaarka Beder Bayla oo ceelal laga qoday muujiyeen jirtaanka saliidda. * Ceelal iyagana laga qoday Qoryooley iyo Afgooye ayaa muujiyey jiritaanka gaaska dabiiciga ah (Natural Gas). * Waxaa kale oo ilo la rumaysan karo ii sheegeen in shirkadda Conoco ay saliid ka heshay ceel ay ka qodday meel la yiraahdo Tuka-raq oo ku u dhexaysa Garoowe iyo Lascaanood. Hase ahaatee ilaa iyo hadda lama hayo wax dhaqaale ahaan ganacsi gal ah. Intaasi waa inta aan hadda ka xusuusto. Qaabka, nooca, iyo saliida kamuuqada marka la isku daro waxay muujinayaan rajadu in ay badantahay. Tankale marka Soomalaiya la barbardhigo Yemen, waxaa la arkayaa sida ay isu mid yihiin cimilada iyo joolojiga. Balliyada Yemen iyo Soomaaliya (gaar ahaan woqooyiga Soomaaliya) aad ayey isu dhow yihiin. Yemen saliida lagahelay waxay tilmaameysaa rajo weyn oo laga qabo in Soomaaliya ay saliidi kujirto. Full Interview
  10. Thnx for the correction. Let's preserve the history. I hope the administration of Jubaland be implemented. We really need another autonomous region to bolster Puntland's sphere of influence, looking at the very far picture and the rival competition that sees an opportunity in our conflict of interest. Jubaland has abundant resources, seperate colony and history and i think if simple calculation attends the decision to placate the local clans through power sharing and fair system, Jubaland has a bright outlook and potential to compete with Puntland and Somaliland. It even has a competitive edge over both of these unrecognized states because of its unmatched natural resources, and port.
  11. Horn, the reserved area stretches from our border with Ethiopia, starting from Awdal region up to Sool into Wardheer and beyond, i believe. Like British Jubaland (From Kismayo to Liboi) was proposed to be given to Kenya but SYL fought hard to retain this part of our land.
  12. Hornafrique, the 1897 treaty was the Anglo-Ethiopian treaty in which the English gave ****** and Haud regions to Ethiopia 15 years after Haile Selassie became the emperor. It came into force in the 28th June of 1954. Among the articles of the treaty included, " • All territory is crown land and only Ethiopians can own land-- Somali farmers must become Ethiopian citizens if they wish to retain their land ." Hence, the Somali delegates were arguing of the betrayal of the British government by signing an agreement with Ethiopia to which we weren't a signatory party. I think Professor Ismaciil explains well of the whole 1897 treaty and its Somali opposition, which was the purpose of the delegates, better than I.M Lewis. The British tried to justify their perfidy by citing an Anglo-Ethiopian Agreement which had been concluded and signed in 1897 and to which we were not a party. Most agreements are, however, subject to rebus sic stantibus and the British could have – perhaps would have – allowed that agreement to fall into desuetude and become a dead letter had we ourselves been sufficiently educated and vigilant We would have foreseen and blocked all the Anglo-Ethiopian conspiracies by which our lands were surreptitiously transferred. Under the treaties of protection our forefathers signed with Britain we were supposed to be protected, not sold to the Ethiopians or any other power for that matter. And to add insult to injury the delegation we sent in 1955 to the British government and the UN to reverse the transfer of the Haud and Reserved Area by invoking those treaties was told that such treaties had no validity in International Law because we were not sovereign. Link
  13. Originally posted by Xoogsade: Clan-minded societies only understand brute force to over power them and bring law and order to them that way. Clan comes first before anything else including GOD, COUNTRY and JUSTICE. Are you saying that clan is more influential than God. I don't believe this sheekhow.
  14. hornafrique, raali ahow topiga waa lagaa hijack gareeyey. Thnx 4 the info. Waxaan idin weydiiyey Ibn Batuta kamuusan hadlin ajuuraanka ,markuu Xamar yimid, qarnigii 14aad. Shihab Al Diin, buugiisa Fataxul Xabash kamuusan hadlin ee qarnigii 15aad, suaasha waxa weeye halkeey awoodoodu ku saleysnayd, maxayse u aqoonsan waayeen gumaysigii somalia yimi. Mise waqtigaasi waa la riixey. dadkan kale ee digil iyo mirifle, magacooda goormaa la aasaasey? waa dad isu tegey horta . Nomadic activist, the British only signed treaty with certain clans.It signed treaty with all Is.aq and D.i.r clans in 1884 at once. The provisions of such treaties bore the same content except one it signed with Wars.ingali in 1886, which doesn't contain the preample that precedes every treaty which puts the independence and maintenance of order in the British Government hands. That means this clan didn't cede their land to the British in the treaty apart from matters relating to commerce and the abolition of slave trade. You can easily locate articles of such treaties online or from the colonial literature of British empire.. Besides, Somalia's first delegates to London in 1954 accused the British government of its blithe uncertainty about the transfer of Haud and Oga.den region---that the British defaulted on her obligation to protect Somali lands, failing to observe the 1884 and 1886 treaties. This was the first time Somalis had taken any political action independently of the Protecting Power. The Somali delegation was received with sympathy in London but failed to persuade the government to postpone the implementation of the agreement, or to find any Court before which they could plead that the 1897 Treaty was null and void because of the Treaties of 1884 and 1886 between the Somali tribes and British government. I.M Lewis
  15. For the last two years, this region's security has deteriorated so much that it seems irreversible, the root cause being family feuds and clan conflicts. The BBC Somali Service took an effort to interview the Police Chief of the region Gacamey as to why insecurity and ceaseless killings have stalled in almost all of the localities of Mudug region. He pointed out some groups he described as the main malefactors who plot schemes in part to incite hostility among families based on unresolved issues and past grievances. According to his statement, he seems to have identified some of the men under suspicion by accusing them of associating the region with evil notoriety. I wonder if his grasp of the puzzle would lead to a clannish profiling reinforcing the successive incidents that engulfed the region. Just yesterday, a group of young men detached from the Puntland Marines installed militia check points, not for the first time but have done innumerable times as an expression of discontent with their pittance. It seems when the regional administration orders either the killing of such men, striving to make their ends meet, or their arrest for disrupting the security, the families in whose men were killed or incarcerated, upon befalling unbearable anguish, condemn the act of the administration and vow for revenge, thereby turning the whole situation into chaotic and unlivable state. I find the current security in Mudug compelling and very much fearsome. What should Puntland administration as well as the locals and the autonomous clans do for a solution??
  16. Politics of Puntland will play a major role in stifling any prospect of Sanaag development, because such a developmental aspect will see self-reliant province that cannot be used as a place to wage proxy wars with Somaliland. Puntland is not against Somaliland per se, its only interest is to make sure no other strong provinces ( like Sanaag or Sool) arise near it. There, Puntland state will always strive to disrupt the security of Sanaag and Sool clans by finger pointing at Somaliland as an overarching tribal enemy. And where there is no security there is no freedom or autonomy; where these things are present there is no a chance of development. Puntland state uses some elders of Sanaag and Sool to carry out its external interests. Sanaag and Sool are to Puntland’s “Stalin's Eastern Europe buffer zoneâ€, with a different twist. The different twist comes from the fact that while Stalin was suffering from chronic national insecurity, Puntland state suffers from chronic fears of future developments in Sanaag or Sool. The solution lies with the educated youth of Sanaag and Sool.
  17. One man just killed them. There is no way that two men be killed for the life of one person whose death, the cause of which is still uncertain. I think the killer should quickly be surrendered to the relatives of the deceased persons, and be instantly killed for his actions. How would anyone let just one man kill two men inside the police headquarter.
  18. Qaybo kamid ah ciidamada mariiniska Maraykanka ayaa lagu arkay xeebta Laasqoray -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Laasqoray : - Subaxnimadii Isniinta ayaa la sheegay in qaybo ka mid ah ciidamada Mariiniska Maraykanku ay soo gaadheen xeebta magaalada Laasqoray, taasoo muwaadiniintii halkaas joogtey cabsi ku abuurtay, maadaama aan wax ogaysiis ah loo soo siin. Mar aannu khadka telefoonka kula xidhiidhnay magaalada Laasqoray ayaa nin magaciisa ka gaabsaday in la sheego wuxu noo caddeeyey in Markab weyn oo kuwa diyaaradaha xanbaara ah , iyo labo markab oo yar yar ay Marsada kusoo xidhteen. Qaybo ka mid ah ciidamadii markabkaas saarnaa ayuu sheegay iney Huuri soo kaxaysteen ayna wada hadallo la yeesheen dadkii xeebtaas ku sugnaa. waxa kale oo uu sheegay in odayaal iyo dhallinyaro ay u ogolaadeen in markabka ugu tagaan , si ay u waraysataan , waxayna suaalo ka weydiiyeen wershadaha cidda leh, waxa lagu sameeyo, iyo maamulka magaalada, waxay kale oo intaas raaciyeen iney yihiin ciidamo maraykan ah o shaqadoodu tahay la dagaallanka argagixisada , kootarabaanka iyo maraakiibta badda jirifta , iyadoo nin carab ahi ka turjumayey , maadaama aan wax Soomaali ahi la socon. ugu danbayntiina waxay dadkii u tegey u sheegeen iney ciidamada la shaqeeyaan , qofkii la shaqeeyana abaal marin la siin doono, kadibna waxay siiyeen cinwaanno lagala xidhiidhi karo iyo weliba sawirrada Usama Bin Laden iyo ku xigeenkiisa Ayman Al-dawaahiri, waa sida ninkaas aan la xidhiidhnay uu noo sheegaye. dhacdadan ayaa dadweynaha reer Laasqoray dhiillo ka muujiyeen , waxayna sheegeen in weli maraakiibtii aaney ka fogeyn , diyaarad Helukabtar ahina ay dul heehaabayso magaalada, ilaa iyo haddana sababta hawl galkan lama fasarin. Maxamuud Ciyoon / Badhan Wargeyska Calmadow
  19. He is not there to terrorize the city but to enforce the security of the city, which has been disturbed by unknown militia from the other side of the region. Basically, he is free to move any where in the region without compromising the security of the region.
  20. ninka wata ciidamada waa nin u dhashey magaaladda LaasQorey. --------- Talis ka tirsan Ciidanka Difaaca Jiidaha hore ee Somaliland oo kasoo ruqaansaday Xarunta Gobolka Sanag ee Ceerigaabo ayaa indho indhayn kusoo gaaray Magaalad Laasqoray. 27/04/2005 Laas-Qorey: Wararka aanu ka helayno Degmada Laasqoray ee Gobolka sanaag ayaa sheegaya inay halkaasi soo gaareen Mas uuliyiin sarsare ooka tirsan Maamulka Somaliland ee Gobolka Ceerigaabo , wefdigaasi oo uu hogaaminayey Gaashaanle Sare Muuuse Jaamac Dalaf Taliyaha Ciidanka Qaranka Somali land ee aaga Sanaag , oo xaalada Nabadegeliyo ee Degmada u kuur galaya. Waxa jira warar sheegaya in la doonayo in Laasqoray laga hirgeliyo doorashooyinka wakiilada ee Somalilanad , oo ay u tahay indho indhayn iyo gogol xaar siyaasadeed oo Somaliland ku doonayso inay aagaasi maamulkeeda kusoo balaariso,iyo weliba suurto galnimada in Ciidamo lasoo dhigo halkaasi maadama ay tahay meel istaraatiijiyad siyaasadeed iyo mid Milateriba u leh Somaliland sida Laascaanood oo kale . Shacbiga Reer Sanaag gaar ahaan kuwa reer lasqoray ayaa waxa la sheegayaa inay ku dhibaataysanyihin Maamulka Puntland , iyo faragilinta ay ku hayaan Maraakiibta jariifka ee Maamulka Cade Muuse , waxayna doonayaan wax dhibaatadan kasaara , maadaama ay jariifka kaluunka ee ay wadaan keeni karto dhibaato ku habsata Kaluunka oo laga waayey meelihii horey looga heli jiray . waxaa la sheegayaa in Kaluumaysatada Muruq maalka ah ee laashashka yar yar iyo kuwa Warshada weyn ee Kaluunka Laasqoray ku dhibaataysan Yihiin xaalufinta lagu wado deegaankoodii ay ka kaluumaysan jireen . waxaa la sheegayaa in Maamulka Puntland ay dhawaan Magaalada Bosaso usoo kaxaysteen Doonyo Kaluumaysi oo laga lahaa Deegaanka Laasqoray , waxaa kaloo la sheegayaa in la siidaayey markii ay Maamulka ka sii daayeen wax garad u dhashay deegamaadasi . Somaliland waxad moodaa inay danaynayso waqtigan inay qiimayso rabitaanka shacbiga reer sanaag ee Mushkiladaha is daba jooga ah kala kulmaya Maamulka Puntland ee ku salaysan Sed bursiga ,dad kusoo duulka iyo u xaglinta had iyo jeer kooxo ay isbahaysiga talada hayaa ka donayaan inay ka hlaan taageero iyo garab istaag , si ay meesha uga saaraan kuwo kale . Dad badan ayaa u riyaaqay imaatinkan Wafdigana oo isugu jira Mas'uuliyiin Heer gobol ah oo soo gaaray lasqoray , sida ay noo xaqiijinayaan ilo ku dhow dhow , waxa la sheegayaa in ay dadku si wayn u soo dhaweyeen Masuulkasi sare iyo wefdiga Maamulka Somaliland ee dhinca Amniga oo Soo gaaray halkaasi , waxana la sheegayaa in laga rajo qabo inay horey usoo gaaraan ilaa aagaga hore ee xuduudaha meelaha ay sheegato Somaliland ee Sanaag . Dhahar.com
  21. Why does Matt Bryden hate Somalia and its people so much? Bill Ainashe Many readers are fully aware of, the pessimist political propaganda against the Somali Nation is not only coming from the myopic clanist and the their warlords but it is coming also from a group of people whose their life and career depends on the continuation of the bloody Somali political conflict. The International Crisis Group spearheaded by the racist, anti African, and anti Muslim “analyst†Matt Bryden keeps lecturing us and anyone else who will listen on the “looming collapse†of the Somali peace process and on how peace and prosperity can never be achieved in Somalia. I understand that that Matt Bryden is in precarious position. He knows that he and his international crisis manufacturing group will go bankrupt with a world without a conflict. Indeed, the continuation of the Somali political conflict is a “milking†cow for Mr. Bryden and his group. The role of the International Crisis Group or the international crisis manufacturing group if you like is just like that of the undertaker. The undertaker’s very existence depend on others misfortune, i.e. the death of follow human being. In addition, while the relatives of the deceased are mourning about the sad and unfortunate lost of their love ones, the undertaker rejoice with the job he has got by burying the dead and the salary that comes along with it. In a similar fashion, the international crisis manufacturing groups prosper on the continuation of the agony of our people. Hence, just the like the undertaker they rejoice when a conflict erupts in Somalia or elsewhere for that matter. In short, they do not care about the plight of our people but they use the misery of our people to fill their Bank accounts by conducting highly publizised fundraising events worldwide. However, I suspect that Mr. Bryden has another agenda since he made a lifetime career out of burying any positive news from Somalia by bombarding with loads of pessimistic and factually erroneous reports jus as he did earlier this week with the publication of their last report on Somalia. Well, Mr. Bryden should know by now that the time when whatever a white man with a phony title such as “analyst†says about the black Africa was treated as a messianic message is over! Now, Africans want to write about themselves in their own terms without the old fashion racist notion that only Mr. Bryden and his likes are well suited to write an authoritative report about the Blackman, his socio-economic and political environment. Well, I have a very bad news for Mr. Bryden: we can write about our selves and we do not need YOU!
  22. I am so glad the world is now paying much attention to this Org's malicious desire to derail Somali's peace effort. ---------------------------------- East African countries criticise ICG on Somalia Sun March 20, 2005 1:10 PM GMT+02:00 NAIROBI (Reuters) - East African states have attacked the influential International Crisis Group (ICG) and other unnamed advocacy groups for creating confusion in the region and threatening Somalia's peace process. In an unusual move, ministers from east African peace body IGAD said reports by ICG, a conflict prevention organisation, were damaging to the African sub-region. IGAD members states include Djibouti, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Kenya, Somalia, Sudan and Uganda. "The position and advice that the International Crisis Group (ICG) has been giving has resulted in damages to the region and to the peace process in Somalia," said an IGAD statement received by Reuters on Sunday. "While condemning the activities of these groups, (IGAD) called upon the Somali people to be vigilant." Officials said the statement was written on Friday at the end of a two-day meeting in Nairobi to discuss the contentious issue of deployment of African peacekeepers to Somalia. Plans by the African Union (AU) to deploy peacekeepers to Somalia from Kenya, Djibouti and traditional rival Ethiopia have sparked an angry reaction from many Somalis, including warlords and militant Islamists who have promised to attack the troops. Somalia has been carved up into fiefdoms run by rival warlords since 1991. A transitional government was formed in neighbouring Kenya last year and is trying to establish itself inside Somalia. Analysts said the statement by IGAD ministers could put conflict prevention experts operating in the lawless Somalia into danger. Matt Bryden, an ICG expert said he suspected the ministers were unhappy with the crisis group's stand that the deployment of peacekeepers to Somalia was a highly divisive issue and should proceed only when a consensus was reached. On Friday, IGAD ministers took steps to defuse the situation by agreeing to limit its initial AU-backing to deployment of troops from Uganda and Sudan. "Our position has been that if it is forced it could destabilise the Somalia peace process," Bryden said, adding ICG would give its official reaction to the statement on Monday. A majority of Somalia's members of parliament voted on Thursday against the deployment of border states to Somalia, but after the vote the lawmakers came to blows with MPs throwing metal chairs at each other. Kenyan police on Saturday detained Somalia's commerce minister Muse Sudi Yalahow and two other MPs in connection with the fighting and then released on a free bond.
  23. Caamir, how did you find this article, seems outdated for 4 months. Amazing family reunification story. AAd bad u mahadsantahey.
  24. The Salvation Council of Sanaag assailed the creation of Haylan (Highland) Region in Puntland. 3/6/2005 Birmingham, UK: (dhahar.com) An Urgent meeting was held in Birmingham, UK Last night by the Salvation Council of Sanaag to discuss on the recent formation of Haylaan. The Puntland parliament passed a motion the day before yesterday for the proposed regions of Haylaan and Karkaar to be added to Puntland state. Twenty six Members of the Parliament voted in favor of the motion while 16 MPs voted against it. In Response to the new region that will be seceded from Sanaag region, the board of Salvation Council of Sanaag region (SCS) discussed the far-reaching implications behind creating new Sanaag. The meeting was attended by nearly all members of SSC. They posed the following several questions: *What are Puntland's plan on the nomination of these regions? *How of necessity this region is for the people of Sanaag ? * Is it plausible that this move will make the 95% of Sanag people easily forget about regional affiliation? *What are the disadvantage and advantage of having this region? The Council said that it was imperative that legitimate answers be found on the above questions. "This issue must be brought before the Regional Sanaag administration for the final endorsement," said Siciid who is the chairman of SSC. Other important issues regarding the region were also taken into consideration such as the welfare and local ordinance. The council explicitly touched the security of the region as making good progress. Most of SCS members were displeased verily by the proposal of the new region. They recommended that an urgent meeting be held by Sanaag administration on this issue and several other concerns. The Council repeatedly emphasized the importance of a new assembly. "The condition of the region is deteriorating, so we call upon its citizens, elders, experts, and politicians assemble and discuss about it immediately," said Said. The Council engaged in an arduous discussion, looking and examining every aspect of this development. They acknowledged that this structural change by the Puntland state will lead to a dire long-term effect on the region and its people. Axmed Hirsi Hirsi@dhahar.com
  25. Originally posted by HornAfrique: quote: What an irony, the United States is finally standing up to Ethiopian domination of Horn I thought this was obvious that United States has sought the domination of Ethiopia in the horn man.