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Everything posted by Gabbal

  1. It is a heartening to witness. It was a decisive bettle site between SNF and USC, between SNF and Al Itihad, between Al Itihad and Ethiopia, and the TFG and Al Shabaab. The town is finally seeing the first investments and peace and security during the long civil war.
  2. I agree with both of the above gentleman but would like to add this: that the President is elected but the Prime Minister has a stronger role constitutionally, if exercised, has never made much sense to me. There is stability in this working relationship between these two men but in the eventuality of a falling out serious constitutional crisis can develop which paralyzed the transitional era. I have always believed that the PM post, as Head of Government, should be the elected position as happens in all parliamentary democracies and that the President be nominated by Parliament on the advice of the elected PM. There is permenant stability in that model without depending on the goodwill between the two as is required now to stave off constitutional gridlock. Also, from everything I know of their relationship with these titles and prior, I am not so sure as Saacid is doing a "contactual bidding" as actively in support of Hassan's platform (which faced the task of election mind you). Saacid is doing his job as the one with legal executive rights to oversee the smooth and private drafting of much of these polices. Another thing I have gleaned is he has a very healthy respect for Hassan formed over a long friendship and for the six figure policy in place and is psughing to bring it to practice. We have become used to a contest of egos in the transitional era which is why we failed to understand the nature of this relationship as Somalis given our political history.
  3. You hit the nail Xaaji. Ironically his position is criticized by extremes on all sides: for example those who really want a central government ruling from Mogadishu as in the past and those who mistake federal states for autonomous states sometimes co-equal with the Federal government. This government has its work cut out for it. God speed.
  4. Xaaji- The President and many in the government are championing a one way to do this kind of process, but the President personally is very sensitive to being branded with tribal stigmas and factional dissatisfaction which is why he does not want to intrude on locals' desire to join with themselves if they wish. I have it on a personal note the President having said to a close advisor "the world is mostly involved today because of terrorism and piracy but even before that there was no state." He is a man who understands the responsibility before him and knows the elephant in th room was and will be tribal division. He can't risk adding to that because it will be his own failure.
  5. Xiin- I take it you are a reluctant supporter of this President? The manner in which Puntland has acted under the designation of a federal state has never been sustainable. Similarly, the President is and has never been against Jubbaland formation on a policu level. I think his priority concern has been about due process which is adhered to by the entire political structure of the nation and is considered the universally agreed upon manner of forming a federal state. The Federal government is not a faction: it is formed by the representation of all Somalis of all regions. All those in favor of the stability of the nation should realize the Somali government should not be equated diplomatically to factions and partisan entities who are already represented in the Federal government. Weinstein is outdated, having invested his effort into explaining the transitional era and you are somewhat disappointing for not fully embracing thr full political opportunities before the nation.
  6. The President is alluding to rules, regulations, delineation of powers, checks and balances, etc in the relationship between Federal Government and federal states. The President is not saying and nor can say (I have watched him say this) that the federal states to be will be designed by the federal government. Ultimately, and he had said this a number of times, locals will form the federal states they desire but following agreed up and universal way of doing this through Parliament's enactions.
  7. Barre did not say Kismaayo is under Kenyan occupation per se. He announced the sole control of Kismaayo currently rests with Kenya with the acceptance of the Somali government. His speech was more a call to action of his clan whom he has observed is not currently pulling the weight it wields. Here is a full transcript: “Ragg baa Jubaland ,Jubaland yiri, Kismaanyo iyo Jubaland* ********* waa dagay ama Axmed Madoobe ha xukumo ama Barre Hiiraale ha xukumo ama Jareer haxukumo,********** meeshaas waana degny,Laakiin hadii uu karti u waayo* inuu isku duubnaado oo Somalida intuu kasbado hogaanka qabsado huu waayo , dadka ku ganacsanaya dhulkaasi istaraatiijiyada ah degan ee dhistay* ee ku nool bay kamid noqden”. ”Somali oo dhan ayaa baa meesha jubaland la yiraahdo* degta, Gedo ka bilow Jubada hoose ku dhamee, Somali oo dhan wax inagala dhaxeeyo meel cidla ah yaan ku lug go”ine, Inaan inaga intaan isku duubano aanan Somali ku milmin oo Somali kooxba intay* dhinac naga soo gasho na goosanin, Meesha Kismaanyo la yiraahdo dowlad baa haysata Kenya haysata, dadka ku wareersan ee leh ****** ba haysta iyo waxa haysta *****lax, dadka yaan la jahawareerin, Meesha Kenya, Kenyana waxaa ku heysata dowlada Somaliya, Barnaamijkaas** Somaliya ayuu u yaalaa iyo Kenya”. ”Laakiin Marka Kenya iyo Somaliya Barnaamijkooda halkaas la dhigo adiga maxaa kuu diyaarsan meesha waa la isugu tagayaaye, ninkii imbishin lahowna diyaar garoow* ilaahey ragbuu naga dhigaye,* Dooloow ilaa Raskamboni Geelooda unbaa* qalow qalowda kuwada hayaa, Hadaan Ilahey quwadeena naga qadinin Jubaland dadka jooga 80% oo Somalida kale waa na ogolyihiin, hadaanan inagu is afgaran waaynin oo waxii hada laga sheekeynayay anyan* ku jujuubin ee* ku raaci* maayo iyo* na raac iyo macagiisi iwm taasina wax jiro waaye”. ” Dadkan waxay ubaahanyahay ragg usha u jabsada oo ka xaysta ragg iyo dumarba inta iskugu tagaan shir loo qabto yaa loo baahanyahay, waxaa weeyaann shaqadi meesha ay ka haleysantahay yaynan* ka warwareegine intii toos loo wajaho geed ha loo waabo dadka hala heshiisiiyo, hala mideeyo,kuligeen aan ku fikirno inaan Jubaland hogaan keeda qabano” Ayuu hadalkiisa ku soo gaba gabeeyay Col: Barre Hiiraale oo ku sugan Magaalada Muqdisho. He was in a meeting designed to encourage Ahmed Farah Ducaale for political leadership in the Jubbaland formation.
  8. Dr Maxamed Adan Sh. Aw-Mohamud would have been proud to see his wish fulfilled. He leaves a dignified legacy building upon his life work of helping Somalis in the field of medicine and health. Dr Maxamed started his work as the first credited practicing surgeon in Somalia and became the first Somali director of Hospital Martini of Mogadishu, the main medical facility of Somalia in the 1960's. He chose Hargeisa to leave his legacy for reasons of his choosing and because of that many Somalis will continue to reap the benefits of his education. Alle hau naxariisto marxuumka he died couple years ago in his home at Torino, Italy.
  9. I do not wish to engage in sensationalized theatrics and a young man's hubris. For a study guide, please reference this cable from US embassy Kenya to fill the blanks in my post: But of course, I have always heard the best defense is the best offense. When Gedo boys are today freely in Jannay Cabdalle, and Beerxaani, and Orgiyoow an effort of worthy must be mustered by the likes of Zack even with all the folly it displays.
  10. Your comprehension is quite poor Zack. I never said non-"Gedo clan" are absent from the region. I do not like to use the legitimate term "minorities" because of the stigma it holds in the Somali psyche but I strictly said others than the majority do settle in the regions and their rights should be respected. The Ceel-waaq war was not a Gedo issue at all although events did lead to reprisals against one clan by the "Gedo" clan. Most of it did not even take place in Ceel-waaq, Somalia but in nearby Ceelwaaq, Kenya more popularly known as Boruhache and collequally as Ceel-qaaloow. Two NFD clans fought in Mandera district and a Gedo sub-subclan supported one sub-clan (M). The opposing clan (G) attacked Gedo imterests kn Mandera town. As a result, their interests in Ceel-waaq, Somalia was attacked extended into Ceel-qaaloow. The fight did not start as a land dispute in Gedo region. The present district commissioner is Ibrahim Guuleed of the "Gedo" clan. But more importantly, none of what I have said implies the region is totally homogeneous. I have only pointed there is a clear majority who will decide the future of the region inside of the region.
  11. There isn't a single district in Gedo with a majority other than "rer Gedo." There isn't a single district in Gedo with a district commissioner other than "rer Gedo." Such talk is futile and is inconsequential. Even in the midst of civil war, there has not been any political and military wrangling resulting from such friction when one would assume it would rear its head. An RRA claim of this nature neither has political nor military grounds and if this is an attempt at civil war resurgence RRA should be leary of making such claims. It wasn't possible then and it isn't possible today. The response to Sharif Hassan Sheikh Adan's overtures when he was in Baydhabo and sent emissaries to Gedo Defense Force's headquarters in Dollow the past year should set an example. The majority will lead the way for the three southern most regions with consideration to the rights of those that do live with them.
  12. Communities should work to the benefit of their nation and through their representatives in the Parliament to address legitimate grievances. We are in the post-transition stabilization.
  13. A political solution which makes everyone satisfied is the answer. If not, instability preceded the Kenyans in Kismaayo and will succeed them afterwards.
  14. Xiin- Raysul Wasaaraha ha xigsiin, wuu noo dhaxeeyo kursigaas kolkuu fadhiistay. Waa masuul Soomaaliyeed lol.
  15. Baashir- Inshallah kheyr bay noqon sxb. Ilahay hakuu fududeeyo rajadaas, aamiin.
  16. Xiin- I am not of the habit to dance for the gallery. But there is no such requirement for courtesy, juat honesty. Kismaayo is and will be in the Gedo sphere of influence politically, militarily, and demographically.
  17. Baashi- Fairly impartial analysis. However, I take issue with your analysis of the Gedo role. I am not as certain it was your conscious bias as opposed to your subconscious bias. Gedo's position is not limited to having helped defend the city from USC; they are a cornerstone to the town's population demographics and indeed many of the grazing areas of the surrounding countryside as well as in the wider regional framework. What are the odds the shaken Kenyan soldier who opened fire on Somali nomads in Jannay Cadde would strike "Gedo" herdsmen if not an example of the fluid presence of the said community in the expanse of the Jubba Valley? In late 2007, when the city had seen its last fratricidal clan clash for control of the port, this community expelled a union of the two other factions you mentioned. There wasn't the JVA excuse nor was there a perceived support from anyone beyond their community manpower in the area. Conversely, the other two were heavily supported and mobilized by the Yusuf government with an entire mercenery corp that had traveled down with the said man from his native Puntland; a most advantageous position as they could have possibly find themselves in. It is true, the Gedo community is watching the unfolding situation carefuly and has not shown a perceived proactive part of the current entaglement but it is a folly to assume it is as a result of anything but nominal support to the head of government; the Premier. The community is well aware they carry such leverage in any such entanglement, either delegitimizing the administrative formation of IGAD by announcing discernment which gives ammo to the government's position of tribal discord arising from perceived foreign meddling or finding the the administrative formation favorable which builds momentum for the idea of local rule in the context of the Federalist reality in existence today. The storyline has not been sketched yet but when it is, I am certain the Gedo community will find themselves in the most advantageous position of any stakeholder in the administrative formation in progress. In the meantime and with the liberation of Baardheere in pashing out mode; the community will play from behind the velvet glove and organize their betting stakes. Even while in this transitory stage for that community, the Kenyans and Ras Kamboni seem to have already exhausted their political momentum in the town. It is my hope for unity and consensus and good will and a level playing field that is reflective of the existing reality, and slow but surely as the administrative formation enters serious stages, I am confident we will herald that development.
  18. It is counter productive to assume that framework is at odds with the Federal Government's vision for federal Somalia. Just wanted to clarify that.
  19. The Gedo community supports the framework of the current Jubbaland agreed to by the local stakeholders. It is not strategic for them to get involved in this public squabble. Make no mistake that they are central to the issue and with time will showcase their central position in this movement.
  20. General Duke- I am in agreement with you on this.
  21. Young man, your assumption is they have nothing to do with those regions. Kismaayo, Beerxaani, Bu'aale, Saakoow, Salagle and to west down to Diif and Orgiyoow in Afmadoow territory the "Gedo" camels graze let alone the entire Kismaayo district. Go to a waterwell in Lower Jubba and send word to me if you do not find a number from among those men. Here was a reconcilition conference between rer Guuraa in the middle of Lower Jubba and read the words of the traditional leader of the other clan quite carefully: Colaadii daba dheeraatay ee deegaanka Beerxaani iyo tuulooyinka ku xeeran ee gobolka Jubbadda hoose oo la soo af-jaray Suldaan Rashiid Durre (beesha gaaljecel) ayaa tibaaxay inaysan suurta gal ahayn sii socoshada dagaal deegaameedkan, dhex maray dad waligood nabad ku wada joogay “sidaas awgeed ay muhiim tahay in laga xaalo dhibka dhcay,xeerna laga sameeysto si ayan markale u soo noqonin falalkii foosha xumaa ee nagu riday barakaca loona noqdo sidii loo noollaan jiray oo ahay in baad iyo biyoba la wadaago beesha ****_*******-na ay ku mahadsan tahay inay intaa nala fahmeen” Beyond that, good day dhalaanoow.
  22. Carafaat- This was the most polarizing and contentious issue the on-going technical committee of three months running had to contend with. Azania, Ras Kambooni, and the "H-group" (with one signature each) wanted it distributed equally among the three regions. The "Gedo" group (with three signatures together) wanted it distributed according to districts ("degmo"). It was finally agreed to distribute it according to districts. Per-community ("clan") the "Gedo" clan is expected to receive majority representation; relative to other clans.
  23. You misunderstood the topic good brother. See my last response.