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Everything posted by Garyaqaan2

  1. His statment.(waxaan katagayaa dhul dadse kamatagaayo. He was right he didn't left ppl.
  2. reer biadoa wating for help. where daily 200 people were daying the couse of SNF. somalia will always remembar arxan daradii lagula kacay reer biadhao
  3. There is a cause and effect for everything, yes the SNF had a hand in the starvation by burning food crops however was it done without provocation or as a response to a provocation? Horn nin cilmi badan baad iila egtahay walaaloow hal mar iskuday in aad aqriso waxaad qortay ma fahmi kartaa meesheey wax ka qaldan yihii. N/A i couldn't find any justifaction for this child. subxaana laah. indeed bay and bakool man , women childern suverd big time.
  4. ^^^ eeboow respect yourself. Here we are trying to remembar the horrble act that take place bay and bakoole. surly we will remembar muqdisho too. but why would you like to not hear bay and bakool.
  5. <img src=" Siyaad bare and bare hiile miltia had done this to biadoa :mad: redface.gif" alt="" />
  6. Insha alaah you will be rememberd. bare hiiraale will pay big price.
  7. the mother had to let him go. she could not safe him. subxaana laah. look how reer biadhobo suverd indeed we had to remembar them.
  8. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: which one is worse ,,, the one in Baidoa or the recent one in Mogadishu ??? JB abti for the seck of those who lost their life in biadhabo please study their histroy. No where in africa ever happen. what had happen in biadhabo, In 1990, Barre's troops fleeing from Mogadishu destroyed southern cities Baidoa. They also indiscriminately wiped out rural villages, confiscating property and killing young men between the ages of 15 and 30. SXB N/A LOOKS LIKE HE WOULD LIKE TO RE-WRITE HISTORY. The first instance was when they fled Mogadishu with their families and livelihoods towards Gedo. They were not part of a military campaign this first, but were simply fleeing as civilians. The people of Bay and Baydhabo acted incredibly inhumane practicing such thing as dumping people in containers of hot oil, torturing, cutting limps, and many other indescribable things. I know this as two of my family members were caught by them and forced to die an agonizing death. :confused: THAT IS NOT EXCUSE :mad:
  9. Inaa ilaahi wa inaa ileeyhi raajicuun. excllent topic sxb we have to devently remembar the troble history that happen. We can not hide history. every one knows who was behind that act. Gardaradii lagula kacay Reer beydhabo inkaarteeda maanta ayeey heesataa dadkii ka danbeeyay. dad rayid ah aan waxba galabsan oo layska laayay naagahoodiina la kufsaday :mad: Afweene alaha unaxariistee isaga iyo dadkiisa waa loo heestaa waxeey u geeysteen reer baydhabo.
  10. Originally posted by Allamagan: [QB] ^^ Personal attack? oo adigu magacyadaas aan sheegay mid kamida miyaa lugu yiraa? Kee? aanu bal ogaane, kaana raali gashee? Abti xaraarad baa ku heeyso biyo qaboob cab saad u nasato. you can call me any names you wished no worries.
  11. kan kismaayo waa xaalaal kan muqdishana waa xaraam. cajiiiib
  12. Originally posted by Naxar Nugaaleed: quote: bah Wajiyo Xun who are these people I wonder? NN sxb yarka sheekada waxeey ka joogtaa personal attack. In layscaayo ayeey sheekada mareeysaa. :confused:
  13. Originally posted by Juje: quote:Originally posted by Naxar Nugaaleed: thats not an opinion, its a personal attack. damn! that is serious..someone should kick this MMA's butt.... wait a minute..personal attack on who? Oh..I c..he called the President a 'xabashi stooge'...that is a serious crime?....lool..! muxu yirri ninki odeyga aha, Allah uu naxariste, 'mandhay abbahana afku na xirey adna ma dabada aya na xireysa' or something like that. abti adiga cuqdad baa kugu jirto kaa ma ahan Amxaaro naceeb ee waa shaqsi Naceeb sxb MM sidaas baalooyir opionio ma ahan ee waa shaqsi naceeb. nin yahoow somali oo dhan baay maanta dhibka wada heesataa. ma ahan kaliya muqdisho in lagu garaacay tangi C30 ee samirka badi calool xumo yeeysan kuqaadin adkeeso. Cudurka sokoroowga iyo dhiig karka wuxuu dadku uugu dhacaa maahan oo kaliya mac macaanka ee halayska ilaaliyo ciilka badan hada sheekada waxeey mareeysaa in layiraaho reer kii YeeY kaliya ayaa loo ogal yahay in aay Koowda luulya i dabaal dagaan cajiiiiiiiib!
  14. Jimcaale ceeb farta abti meyeeysan diinta o galeen in lays caayo. waa ceeb ceebeey tacaal.
  15. Originally posted by Juje: quote:Originally posted by Emperor: Saxiib gooska dambe ayaad ka qosleysey marki umaada Musliinka ah lagu leynayay Xamar oo ay weli xasuuq ka socoto, asaad rabta in aan adiga kula barordiiqo. [/QB]hade ninyahoo nin ciil qaba ayaad tahay. ayaan ugartay. intii kaa nimatay alaha unaxariisto. aad baan uuga xumahay hadeey kujireenaha qaraabadada. Inta C30 kaaga dhaawac matay ilaaheey hacaafiyo. marka garbaad uleedaay in aadan xurmeeyn maydadka. Insha alaah sabarka badi somali sidaan iskuma deeyn meeyso.
  16. TO gediid homeboy stope making false statement to yourself and others. I used to heard ppl say (Please Don't play with our intelgence). I am from washington dc and had the pleasure to meet with the Prime mister of somalia. Well educated ppl showed up for the suport and the welcome for mudane Geedi. You will see more picture are caming up. as well us videos. people from every where had traveled to great their prime minster. The meeting was part of US efforts to bring about “lasting peace and stability in Somalia,” it said, adding that the officials also underscored at the talks the importance of political accommodation with key Somali stakeholders They highlighted expectations that an upcoming national reconciliation meeting in Somalia would result in improved representation in the transitional federal government USA said those were the main some of the points Mudane Geedi came in dc
  17. Originally posted by khalid bin waleed: Tell us something we dont know well said Yaa khalid.
  18. Originally posted by Juje: Hadhow bey oraan hanola tacsiyeeyo....! abti macaane dagaal iyo TACSI waa kala labo. intii dhimatay alaha una xariisto oo labda dhinac ba ah.
  19. Originally posted by Juje: ^^ Wa hadey naga dhaxeyso in aan medyka kala xushmeyno. subxaana laah. warniyahoow maydaka ka xishoow ee topic kale bilaab. subxaanalaah. ilaahoow unaxariiso inta dhimatay.
  20. Ilaaheey ha unaxariisto marxuumiinta kala ah Maxamed Jeete Cali, Aadan saalax Yusuf, Faarax maxamed yusuf oo intoodaba lagala baxay guryahooda shaleeyto ee kismaayo. Ilaaheey naxariistii jano hageeyo dadkeey katageena samir iyo iimaan alaha ka siiyo amiin. A phone call that i made to kismyo was conform with me cabdi jeete cali that his brother maxamed jeete cali was shot in the head after he refused to came out of where he was staying. maxamed Jeete cali waa nin si aad ah looga yaqaano magaalada kismaayo. Agoonta nah wax u qaban jiray. Ilaaheey ha uwada naxariisto.
  21. Originally posted by Allamagan: You see... I was right! when I wrote the above post. The defeated TFG-clan went on rampage through the net. They took their only open option as predicted, the Propaganda way Ninkii muxuu yiri: "Alloow ma kaga dararamsiiyey!" I am enjoying Duke and Co's effort to flood us with all these fill us in yaa jameeca! Mr. Magan Winning is good, but, making you happy is good for us, if you let it. Just like training makes you a better, playing mind game losing trains your mind to set new goals and will make you realize, there is always going to be someone better than you. To become better, you must learn from the mistakes you make and correct them for future confrontations. It's not who you beat in competition, it's how much better you performed than the last time. Macalimuu Relax! Relax! Relax! Get comfortable and take a deep breath using your stomach muscles to let in the most amount of air possible. Then, let it out slowly. Do this several times to reduce your farxad gariirka. Contenue killing children and women . Don't stop looting . Islaantii maxeey tiri God ha qodin hadaa qodinah hadheereen in aad ku dhici doontid ma ogid. I pray with my fellow nomads who have families in kismayo for the safty of their families.
  22. Yaa duku what would you expect pounch of hungary gungs. It is normal life rapping and killing civilians for reer gedo.
  23. Originally posted by Castro: ^^^^ Saaxib waan ku fahmay laakiin dantaydaa ii daran is not a good argument. If the Gedo folks are telling Yey what he wants to hear and then turning around to fight his men, they'll have to make up their mind at some point. Yey can simply ask: "are you with me or are you against me?" Or he may just ask the Ethiopians to bomb them into submission. It looks like this cat is out of the bag and if the Gedo boys don't form alliances quick, they'll find themselves bleeding alone under Ethiopian boots. ^^^Castro saaxiib soomali waxeey ku maah maahdaa ninkii labo farsood luga ha kala saarta Futadaa jeexmata. I am afriad this might be the case for reer gedo boys.