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Everything posted by Garyaqaan2

  1. waxaan maqli jiray NIRIG XAARAM AHI MADHASHO MID XALAAL AH hornk AND CUMAR are you telling US your adeero who are occupying kismayo and doing every day robbery looting, killing . are today cleaning up jilbi from robbery. lol :confused: Qofka haduu san xishoon waxuu raboo ku hadlaa.
  2. Nabaddoon Xaaji Cabdi Yare oo ka mid ah Odayaasha Beesha ********* ee ka qeybgelaya Shirka Dib u heshiisiinta Soomaaliyeed ayaa sheegay in Beeshiisa ay dhibaato ka tirsaneyso dhamaan beelaha Soomaaliyeed, isagoo carrabka ku adkeeyay in la isugu tegay tan iyo wixii ka dambeeyay markii ay burburtay Dowladdii hore, isla markaana dhibaato baaxad leh loo geystay the best joke of the year [ July 25, 2007, 11:42 PM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]
  3. the best lines "when I was the presedent" from mudane caydiid "my 9 years presedent" "I rebuild the villia somalia." " I soloved ethoian occapation in gedo region when i was presedent" dhubad why do you hate the man who made peace in gedo, from the vedio the way he cliams.
  4. ^^^^^^ Where's this country again? Kool_Kat_Land now accepting applications for new refugees...Pick up your application at your nearest Halal Food Store... lol 1st applican. hey I think this country is in between somaliland and somaliwayn.
  5. very funy indeed. loooooooooooooool
  6. Yaa dhubad abti kismayo weey kugu dhagtay ma istri lol No one is surrounded around kismayo. and i would not be happy if one person dies from both side. then again somali baa waxeey tiraahadaa yeelaa iloobo wax layeele se wax ma iloobo. {smile} you are tacking advantage that adeer YEY is cleaning up Muqdisho dhubada remembar (Nirig} xaaraam ahi mid xalaal ah madhasho mean while we don't mind if you sing for the goverment.
  7. Dhubad let us hope your boys don't shift this gifts to gedo hospital. Couze I have being hearing latly that cars, mango, aragoosato all the poor ppl's property and so on are shifting to gedo and baardheere. lol. ps : one hand we support TFG the other hand we are looting hanti maguuraanka amazing I shall say.
  8. Originally posted by Nef.Ari.ous: My initial thought: How can such thinly veiled anti-islamic propaganda make news? Well, then I saw the Fox News logo. I particularly liked the bit where he says 'drug' and 'islamic law' in the same breath well expect alot things from FOX news. For them islam = Terrorist. But things will change in the future insha alaah.
  9. Jacaylbaro if you want me to leave rudy alone tell him to say sorry for my little town Hoodka. JB I love Laascaanood tell him not to misssssssss with my beautifuuuuuuuuuuuuuul city laaascaaaaaaanooooood. (smile)
  10. yes indeed mr duke amezing interview. Beeldaaje aad baan ufaraxsanahay. Suldaanka. Inalaah ma casaabiriin (waa haadal xikmad badan) Nabada halaga shaqeeyo.
  11. Originally posted by 'Chief: Aliyah, Add Mr. rude to your ignore list Long ago I have detect Mr rude extreme hatered and prejudice against people of Puntland particularly to people of Laascaanood, the only reason he hates people of Laascaanood more is because they said no secession project of Somaliland (another clan state) Its good that more people like Aliyah noticed his hatred against people of Laascaanood its even obvious in Joke section of Somalia online Mr. rude said that the puppet and the tribal faction of Somaliland defended homeland against invaders, this shows that he is just ****** and ******* quote: Originally posted by rudy: and if u ever free laascaanoodville, Well Laascaanood is free and not occupied and its already an integral part of somaliweyn, you who should free Hargeysaville and Burcoville pretender ----------- 1. Originally posted by rudy: who told yah that sheikh takes trash... plz drop that trash at Las Caanod. it looks like that place is a grabage dump. 2. Originally posted by rudy: Yesterday, reporters asked her if she finally found Jesus in jail in which she replied.... No, there are no Mexican men in this jail here!! what ....! Yo, dont worry, she out now. her 1st word was that shes gonna go to Laascaanood and adopt a babe there!! u got any suggestions? __________________ Easy on name-calling, baliis . Chief you watched Mr. rudy A.K.A Qabiliste very closely I like that. But to me ignoring commenets like that when he makes it is prefect idea. In his views it is very clearly he is Anti_somali unity.
  12. well, well NO, NO, for many reasons. what is the advantage of killing incent person? Somali baa waxeey tiraahdaa AAn wada hadalo waa aan hishiino . Mr. Duke I belive the only purpose for the peace loving delegates caming to the capital is to solve our issue. If we shoot them in the head. who will solve our circle problem in the future. :confused:
  13. this is how we are hated around the world. ilaahaa noo maqan Bal ila dhageeysata Xayawaankaan. If you want sharia law live In your country
  14. [/qb] Originally posted by Abwaan: lol...bro...modern Garaads iga dheh, oo Ramada iyo waddammo shisheeye lagu caleemo saarayo...aaway geed hoostiis iyo gogoshii qurxoonayd ee Soomaaliya?! [/QB] abwaan Garaadka waxaa lagu caleema saaray Geed hoostiise ee howdka off sool iyo sanaag. laakiin style ka cusub waa sidaan waa la hormaray. wonderfull speach by the Garaad Jaamac
  15. Originally posted by Juje: Waxan maqli jirey dockayeer islaan baa waxeey tiri intaada falin kafiirso maandhoow (SMILE)
  16. somaliland dhulkeeyga enjoy.
  17. Beesha **** oo Magacawday Wafdigii Shirweynaha Dibuheshiinta Soomaalida Uga Qaybgali lahaa. Kismaayo, Talaado, July 10, 2007 (SMC) Beesha **** ayaa maanta ku dhawaaqday tiradii iyo magacyadii ergadii imaan lahayd magaalada Muqdishow si aay uga qaybgalaan shirka dib u heshiisiinta Soomaaliyeed oo ka dhicidoona magaalada Muqdishow 15-ka bishaan Luulyo. Ergadaas oo ka kooban 16 qof waxaay isugu jirtaa rag iyo dumar aay kamid yihiin aqoon yahanno, nabadonno iyo siyaasiyiin caan ah. Wafigaas **** oo looga dhawaaqay magaalada Kismaayo waxaa hoggaaminaya Xaaji Maxamad Mire. Waxaayna dhawaan imaandoonaan Magaalada Muqdishow ,sidaas darteed waxaa beenoobay hadalkii horay looga xigtay afhayeen sheegtay in uu ku hadlayo magaca beesha **** oo wariyayaasha u sheegay in Beesha **** aanay ka qaybgalayn Shirweynaha dibuheshiisiinta. Somaliweyn Media Center “SMC” Kismaayo, Somalia
  18. shibira yahoow heesa baan waa maqli jiray. araboowe kuceli maxaad tiri.
  19. ^^^^ EMP. SXB DADKA QAARKII WAAD KUWAREEYREESAA. MEESHAAN WAXAA LAGA HADLAAYAA. 500 OOKUN OO QOFOOD OO KU NAFWAAYSAY. BIADHABO. DADKA QAARKIISA WAXEEY KU WAR WAREEGSANAAYAAN KISMAAYO. LOL AMEZING. AWAL BAAN WAXAAN MAQLI JIRAY MARKII KOOONFUR LOOHEESO AYEEY DOQONTO BARI U HEESTAA. MARKA IT IS ALL ABOUT TIME EVERYONE KNOWS KISMAYO ISSUE WILL BE DELT IN TIMILY MANNER. KNOW LET ME STAY WITH THE TOPIC WAXII KA DHACAY JUBOOYINGKA WAA WAX AAN LAYS KAGA HAREE. MABA ARK0 WAXAAD UU GU JAWAABTO REER WAQOOYILAND. MAXAA YEELAY WAA DADKA KU DOODA WAANA LA XASUUQAY MARKA SXB JACEELBARO HADEEY JAWAABTIISA NOQTAY SIDAAN I Quote {They did it in Somaliland and destroyed cities, they were chased and once they step foot on Somalia that is what they have done to the poor civilians} and this Miskiin ,,,, Sorry i can't join horrors ,,,, that is why i left and you still eating your babies ,,,,,,,,,, For me you are the same ,,, i don't give a shyyyyyyyytt about any name you come up with ,, malaha waxeey dhibeeysaa inla yiraahdo reer waqooyi land waxaa jirta qola kale oo la xasuuqay sidiina oo kale. oo waxaay u heestaa in iyaga kaliya dhibtu soo gaartay alayaa raxma. freindly advice for emp. sxb weel duleela hadaad wax kushubto ma celiyaan baan u gartay. marka dadka qaarkood ma arkaan su aasha aad weeydiisay oo waxaa kala weey waxa maskaxdiisa kadhax guuxaayo. for exsample. I have no idea if this help any at all to the topic. Originally posted by Kashafa: Emperor, Good try, man. At least you gave a response, but dodged(maybe unintentionally) my main point(s). Let me try to put it in literal far waa weyn. a) How does one reconcile his selective memory and 'humanitarian' concern for the genocide and massacres that took place in the early 90's with his full and unequivocal support for the a) massacres committed by his clan members(Cousin Morgan & Hargeisa, as an example) b)the recent massacre of Mogadisho, c) the wholesale rape and occupation of an entire gobol of Somalia(Somali Galbeed) by our 'guests and allies who came to rescue us at hour of need'? b) Ato, Ali Mahdi, Suudi, M.Dheere, Qanyare, Qeybdiid, among others, were the architects and leaders of the USC's murderous rampage across Somalia. They are now high-ranking members and/or allies of the entity you support. How does one support, defend, protect, and reward such men with a straight face, and then in the same logic-defying breath condemn the crimes they have committed. Could it be that they are now useful to 'the cause' ? c) I hate to use the term, but um, the term 'political whore' signifies somebody who will do anything to further their political agenda. Things like posting two threads which demonise(rightfully so) the actions of two clan militia while at the same time excusing, not even that, but fully supporting the genocide, war crimes, occupation, and oppression going on in the rest of Somalia, not 15 years ago........but hada, right now, primarily because Adeer(and by extension 'anaka') are benefiting from all the mayhem being commited in the name of 'dawladnimo'. Sorry, sxb. That's just an open-and-shut case of 'political whoredom',athigoo raali ah. well try again in biger font. it might help you understand what you wrote next time.
  20. our future kids masaan baa u danbeeysay in lagubo waxeey cunilahaayeen lana iloowbo taariiqdi ku dhacday