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Everything posted by Mr.Faarax
ala been badanaa! war munaafaqnimada ma saan ayey gaartay??? :eek: Leave the poor wadaads alone, they are trying to raise some money for their un built mosque that no one is helping at the moment. I guess dad badan ayaa diinta la dagaalamayo! alaahuma najaynaa- acuudkiyow hadana minesota ayey u soo dhaceen. dat aint cool :confused:
Ethiopian Officers Perish in Helicopter Crash Nairobi (HAN) July 21, 2006 - The Horn of Africa political analysts believe that ONLF's recent military victories coupled with the shooting down of a military plane will only add to the fears of the regime in Addis Ababa. According to the Ethiopian Prime Minister, the country at present stands on the right track of development. Reports reaching Ogden Online Service desk from Qabri Dahar confirm the death of twenty six senior military officials in the attack helicopter shot down by ONLF fighters in Gaba Gabo. Eight of these twenty six are said to be the most senior officers of the Ethiopian militias deployed in Ogden. Interviews with locals in Gabo Gabo town and sources that requested anonymity confirmed that the most senior militia heads throughout Ogden were travelling in this helicopter. The dead officers were in the midst of planning meetings that took place primarily in the city of Qabri Dahar. It has not yet been established reasons why all these officers were travelling in one plane and what mission were they to accomplish in Gabo Gabo. Unconfirmed reports indicate that these officers were to attend an emergency meeting for all Ethiopian military personnel in the Qorahay zone in Gabo Gabo Related reports indicate that immediately following the shooting down of this helicopter, one military plane of the type known as Mig 27, was seen in the sky above the place where the helicopter crashed. Horn of Africa political analysts believe that ONLF's recent military victories coupled with the shooting down of a military plane will only add to the fears of the regime in Addis Ababa. These analysts believe that the only mode of transport available to senior military personnel was the use of the Ethiopian air force. Political pundits add that successful shooting down of planes such as this attack helicopter will not only limit the movement of the military personnel but will also hamper their presence on the ground at a time when senior leadership is required by the foot soldiers that are incurring heavy losses in the battle fronts. SOURCE
Originally posted by Modesty: Also, I personally wouldn't eat in front of somali men because Somali men stare at you if you are a woman like there is no tomorrow, it's quite annoying and unIslamic, since men are to "lower their gaze". hehehe kix kix kix lol walahi somali girls are some thing. the person who said exagaration was right! next time they would say we are slaved! but i gotta question- why would u go to a restaurant full of men if you want to be modest and islamic to begin with. it is like dipping in the ocean with out getting wet. look here sis ' i respect somali sisters and i am sure my brothers do too but that is if they earn their respect. she wants to sit at a table right in the middle of those men and demand them to lower their gaze ?? pahleez have some xishood like the sister said and then we u will get the respect that you deserve Originally posted by Modesty: But,in this example of the restaurant I gave, women are customers as well and deserve to be served the same way. Why should I "xishood", there are things you have xishood for and there are things that you don't. We should all have to have xishood on all things- unless your xishood is for the sake of people instead of allah.
^ bunch of lies and propoganda. You want to cover up the invasion of ethiopa as peace mission by igad or who ever. There is peace- and the TFG is the one that wants to destroy it. They didnt want to talk and now they want to fight the courts with outside armies. Please- stop the clanish war, and realize you are selling your land to others.
Harsh Words: New tensions rise in Somalia & Ethiopia Djibouti (HAN) July 21, 2006 -The new militant Tigray troops move towards Somalia was greeted by harsh words from the Somali militants, who have been trying to take over Somalia and install an Islamic peaceful regime. "We will declare jihad (holy war) if the Ethiopian government refuses to withdraw their troops from Somalia," a top Islamic official, Sheik Sharif Sheik Ahmed.. The New Militant Tigray troops move towards Somalia was greeted by harsh words from the Somali Islamist militants, who have been trying to take over Somalia and install a Islamic regime. The Secretary-General’s Special Representative for Somalia, Francois Lonseny Fall, today urged leaders of the Transitional Federal Government and the Supreme Council of the Islamic Courts to restrain their forces. He urged both sides to resume the dialogue opened in Khartoum on 22 June. The Somali Prime Minister Ali Gedi said Wednesday that Muslim militia had moved to within 40 kilometers (25 miles) of the government's base in Baidoa, about 250 kilometers (155 miles) northwest of the capital Mogadishu, and intended to strike the town in violation of a truce. Dealing with Sheikh Aweys means dealing with Bin Laden, Prime Minister of Somalia Said. The Islamists furiously denied the charge, but allowed that forces loyal to the Supreme Islamic Council of Somalia (SICS) who seized the capital from a US-backed warlord alliance last month after fierce battles, were near Baidoa. Hundreds of Ethiopian troops began patrolling the town of Baidoa in armoured vehicles Thursday, less than a day after Islamic militants moved closer to the base of the weak, United Nations-backed government. The advance on Baidoa by the Islamist had prompted the government to go on high alert and neighbouring Ethiopia to declare it was prepared to invade Somalia to defend the government. The United States is gravely concerned by reports that militia aligned with the Islamic courts are advancing toward Baidoa, the interim locations of the Somalia Transitional Federal Institutions," said State Department spokesman Sean McCormack in a statement. Washington expressed "grave concern" over reports that Somalia's powerful Islamist movement was planning to attack the seat of a transitional government backed by the United States. Deployment of foreign forces in Somalia - is premature and could make matters worse, Djibouti's Foreign Minister, Mahamoud Ali Youssouf, said. "Djibouti's position is that the main parties in Somalia have embarked on a process of dialogue," Yusuf told HAN, Geeska Afrika and Regional News Agencies. "Let's give that process a chance before we introduce foreign forces." The two Countries are traditional enemies, but one of the Yemeni Diplomat who refused to mention his name said sadly, "Somali President Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed who use to work with the Dergue Regime and now with the Present Tigray Fundamentalist Axumite regime in Gonder appealed Melez Zenawi for his support to destroy the current peace and stability in Southern Somalia." UIC Chairman Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed said: "What Somalis need today is assistance in holding consultations, negotiating with each other and resolving their differences by talking to each other." Ambassador Francois Fall. “I appeal to both sides to respect the ceasefire and other provisions of the Khartoum agreement, including their commitment to refrain from any provocations that could lead to an escalation of the situation,†he said. “The place to deal with differences is at the negotiating table.†Sources: HAN, ENA, UN and Local sources.
Ciidamada Dowladda Federaalka iyo kuwa Tikreega ah ee kayimid Itoobiya oo isku Dress loo gelinayo. Baydhabo, 23-July-06 ( Qaadisiya.com) Wararka naga soo gaarayo Magaalada Baydhabo ayaa waxa ay sheegayaan in Ciidamadii Dhowaan soo gaaray Magaalada Baydhabo ee kayimid Dalka Itoobiya iyo Ciidamada C/llaahi Yuusuf ee horey ugu sugnaa halkaasi la bilaabay iminka in loo geliyo Dress isku nuuc ah. Ciidamada Dowladda Federaalka iyo kuwa Tikreega ah ayaa ka dambeysay in dress-kani ay isla qaataan kadib markii Shacbiga ku dhaqan Magaalada Baydhabo laga baqay in ay ugaarsadaan Ciidamadaasi Tigreega ah. Qaadashada labiska isku mid ah oo ay qaadanayaan labadaasi Ciidan ayaa durba keenay dhibaatooyin hor leh iyadoo Habeenimadii xalayna lagu dhaawacay Magaalada Baydhabo Guddoomiyaha Degmada Baydhabo taasi oo lasheegay in raggii dhaawacay ay ahaayeen kuwa sita Dress lamid ah kii ay siteen Ciidanka Dowladda, waxayna u maleeyeen Maleeshiyadii Guddoomiyaha Degmada Baydhabo kuwa iyaga kusoo wajahan taasi oo Ciidamada Itoobiyaanka ku dhalisay in ay rasaas ooda kaga qaadaan. Dress-ka ay sitaan labada Ciidan ee kuwa Dowladda iyo Kuwa Tigreega ayaa ah Dress ay horey ugu deeqday Dowladda Federaalka Wadanka Yemen . Arrintani dhibaatooyinka faraha badan u keeni karta Shacbi weynaha ku dhaqan Gobolka Baay ayaa waxaa ka dambeeyay fikradeeda Madaxweyne C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed oo doonaya in uu shacbiga ku indha xiro Dharka isku midka ah ee uu u qeybiyay Ciidamadiisa iyo kuwa Cadowga Soomaaliya ee Tikreega ah oo qorsheynaya Duulaan ka dhan ah Kacdoonka Shacab ee Muqdisho kajira ayna horkacayaan Golaha Maxaakimta Soomaaliyeed.
Mr.M congradulations you beat me to it- May Allaah bless for you (your spouse) and bless you, and may He unite both of you in goodness.’
^^^ I smell itoobiyan *****. some one spray something.
The best style "Garoobtii maseertay~"
ala dadkeena way u dhamaatay walahi may allah give the maxaakim their ajar for stopping this fawaaxish. ------------------------------------------- Maxkamadda Islaamiga ee Degmooyinka Boondheere iyo Wardhiigleey oo gacanta kusoo dhigtay dad daawanayay Filim Anshax xumo ah oo Sharafta Islaamka wax u dhibaya. Muqdisho, 19-July-06 ( Qaadisiya.com) Ciidanka maxkamada islaamiga degmooyinka Wardhiigley iyo Boondheere ayaa xalay hawl gal ay ka fuliyeen deegaanka Siinaay waxa ay ku soo qab qabteen ilaa 9 qof oo daawanayay film anshaxumo ah “SEX†oo ka dhan akhlaaqda islaamka. Guddoomiyaha maxkamada islaamiga degmooyinka Wardhiigley iyo Boondheere Sheekh Daahir Sheekhow Faarax oo ka hadlay hawl galladaasi ayaa sheegay 9kan qof oo 8 ka mid ah ay ahaayeen rag iyo ruuxa 9aad oo dumar ah in lagu soo qab qabtay hawl gal ciidamada maxaakimta ay ka fuliyeen shineemo ku taallay agagaarka Siinaay oo lagu daawanayay film anshaxumo ah (Sex loo yaqaano), taasi oo ka soo horjeeda qiyamka suuban ee islaamka. Sheekh Daahir ayaa intaa ku daray in dadkan loo tiigsan doono waxa shareecada islaamka ay ka qabto falkii lagu soo qabtay, isaga oo xusay in maxkamada ay albaabada u laabeen ilaa 3 goobood oo lagu daawado aflaam fasahaadinaysa akhlaaqda umadda islaamka. Hawl galladan ay fuliyeen ciidanka maxkamada islaamiga degmooyinka Wardhiigley iyo Boondheere ayaa qeyb ka ah hawl gallo ciidamada golaha maxaakimta islaamiga Soomaaliyeed ay ka wadaan magaalada Muqdisho si loo sugo amniga magaalada isla mar ahaantaana looga hortago falalka anshaxumada ah ee ka dhanka ah diinta islaamka. Source
Ilaahay ha u naxariisto . amin. violance has definately increased towards our community in the qurbaha.
islamist. arabism. jihadist. wahabism what u gonna say next. the quran was in somali? what you gonna tell me you are writting in somali now? why dont u reject english then you no brain.....i dont know what to call these people walahi. they vomit all over the place. all i say is keep using those names and on the day of judgement we will see.
Shiekh Sharif to step down as head of courts...
Mr.Faarax replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
^ which dariiqo do u follow..cuz u sound like a sufi brah...hehe -
This whole story sounds fishy' or maybe we have become too wester that we resent anything islamic....either the case I see fingers being pointed- and this time i dont think any muslim would go as far as pointing the finger at those who are ordering good and forbidding evil. Unless u want alot of tornment in the hereafter. As far as world cup' I think they are over hyping this story to make it look like the courts are the bad guys. Since when did TV and music and parties become the symbol for freedom? :eek: bla bla bla- talk about the real oppressors and trangressors. uuuw and u think it is the taliban or somaliban whatever u call the muslims. Peash!
hehe you aint sheikhtified no more kheyr!
^ Caution! This is what happens when you use other than your brain when you post.
Sounds like he making dacwah. You guys are into politics too much.
kick her in the nose and say " i am sorry babeeee" :cool:
It does. But I dont like when people use the term " fall in love"...why fall? why cant u be inlove. maybe that is why people get others to walk all over them! cuz they fell on flat on the ground.
Shocking pictures of execution: Mogadishu courts
Mr.Faarax replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
something is very disturbing about this case. I mean I agree with the shariah, but there is something that is not in compliance. Some thing smells fishy. -
Yo I have seen the purpose of life tape and it was off da hook. I like this sheikh cuz He keep it real like dat na mean. It makes change on new muslims too no doubt One
Girl Proposes to Boy.. what you all think about that?
Mr.Faarax replied to Dunya vs Akhira's topic in General
^ I agree -
^ I agree I see many people here who suffer that disease
Yow that is hot, keep dem headz ringin.
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