Dunya vs Akhira
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To the somali ladies: How can a brotha get to really know you
Dunya vs Akhira replied to Gentlemens's topic in General
Is it me or is Scarface's Icon "Disturbing" -
As salamu aleykum. This was very uselfull to me, inshaAllaah hope it's useful to my sisters& berothers in Islaam. too Dua is defined as any invocation or prayer addressed to Allah (SWT). In our times, we find many reasons why people do not make Dua; we forget, don't know how, or just do not think it will be answered. Fundamental to this is the loss of dependence and trust upon Allah. As Muslims there is something very wrong when we believe our Duas won't be answered. We do not turn to Allah in our times of need and instead put our trust, dependence and hopes on worldly things that we think will help us. Although these temporal things are the means through which our Duas can be answered, the root of our being should be trained automatically to turn to Allah and not anything or anyone else. Through Dua, we strengthen our Imaan and our relationship with Allah, as well as heighten our awareness of cause and effect that can help inspire and motivate us to be closer to Islam in our lives. We find many reassurances throughout the Quran for those who make Dua. Allah the Exalted, has said: "And your Lord says: Pray unto me: and I will hear your prayer" (Quran 40:60), "Call upon your Lord Humbly and in secret" (Quran 7:55), "When My servants question thee concerning Me, I am indeed close (to them): I listen to the prayer of every suppliant when he calleth on Me" (Quran 2:186), "Is not He (best) who listens to the (soul) distressed when it calls on Him, and who relieves its suffering." (Quran 27:62) Aisha radhiallaahu anha said, "No believer makes Dua and it is wasted. Either it is granted here in this world or deposited for him in the Hereafter as long as he does not get frustrated." In fact, it is even wrong to never make Dua, "Whosoever does not supplicate to Allah, He will be angry with Him." [saheeh Jaami`as-Sagheer #2414] A Hadith says "Ad-Du'aa Huwal-3ibaadah",[Abu Dawud,at-Tirmidhi, Hasan Saheeh], Dua is Ibadah so calling upon anyone other than Allah in one's Dua is Shirk. This is an important condition of having one's Dua accepted; the Dua should not be directed to other than Allah alone. A second condition would be sincerity or Hudoor alqalb, having the heart present. Also, one's food, drink, clothes and lifestyle should be Halal. One should avoid unlawful, impious or forbidden sources or means of livelihood. Fourth, one cannot ask for something sinful or Haram. Dua should not be made against family and property (i.e. to sever the ties of kinship). If one asks Allah to curse someone, it rises up to heaven and goes to the person if they are deserving, if not it returns to the person supplicating. Patience is another condition. This perseverance in making Dua is important. One should not say "Why hasn't Allah answered my Dua" or "I have prayed and prayed so many times, but the same was not accepted" and then become disappointed and give up praying. An example of this is like a person who planted a seed or a sapling, and kept looking after it and watering it and when its complete shape and height was slow in coming, they left it and forgot about it. Lastly one should have expectation, belief with certainty only Allah can answer the Dua. Understanding dependence on Allah and asking with absolute resolve and believing with certainty that one's Dua will be answered is a also a condition of acceptance. One should not say "O Allah do this...if you wish..." because one should appeal to Allah with determination, for nobody can force Allah to do something against his Will. If one fulfills these conditions, Allah will definitely answer the Dua, avert some equivalent evil or give better in the Hereafter. We can and should make Dua in every condition, i.e. in hardship and in prosperity. There are also some special times to make Dua where it is more likely to be accepted: 1. When one is oppressed 2. Between the time of Athan and Iqama 3. At the time of the call for prayer 4. At the time of fighting when warriors are engaged with each other 5. When it is raining 6. When one is sick 7. The last third of the night 8. Ramadan (especially Lailatul Qadr) 9. After the Fard part of prayer 10. When traveling 11. When breaking fast 12. In Sujood 13. Fridays, some say on Friday after Asr prayer 14. While drinking the water from the well of Zamzam 15. At the start of prayer (Dua of Istiftah) 16. When one begins the prayer, i.e. with "all praise be to Allah, the Pure and the Blessed one" 17. While one recites al-Fatiha (which is a Dua) 18. When Ameen is said in the prayer (also relating to Fatiha) 19. At the time of raising the head after the Rukoo 20. In the last part of the prayer after conveying blessings unto the Prophet (SAW) 21. Before finishing the prayer (before Tasleem (saying the Salaam to the angels)) 22. At the end of Wudu 23. On the day of Arafah 24. On waking up from sleep 25. At times of adversity 26. Prayer after the death of a person 27. Dua when someone's heart is filled with sincerity and when it is focused on Allah 28. Dua of the parent against or for his children 29. When the sun moves from its meridian but before the Dhuhr prayer 30. The Dua of a Muslim for his brother without the latter's knowledge 31. At the time the army advances to fight in the way of Allah. by Huma Ahmad
(Q) In western countries many Muslims celebrate the Mother's day. What is the rule of Shariah concerning this celebration? Fatwa Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds; and blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad and upon all his Family and Companions. What is known among many people as Mother's Day and which is claimed to be the 21st of March is nothing but an innovation and a non-Islamic ritual which has entered the Muslim's homes because of their inadvertence and ignorance of the Islamic values and rites. In fact this so called "Mother's Day" is an imitation of the non-believers, namely the western people and their followers. It is proven that the Prophet Muhammad (Blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: "If somebody tries to introduce into this faith of ours (Islam) something which is not a part of it, is to be rejected and that person is condemned".[Reported by Imams Al-Bukhari and Muslim]. No innovation has come except it has caused a Sunnah to be neglected or even rejected. This is clear and evident. You can for instance see a man who disobeys his mother and causes her much harm and who does not visit her except on rare occasion, and when this "Day" comes he brings her a gift or a flower and thinks that by this act he has fulfilled his duties towards her. The People who innovated this practice did so first as a compensation to their society's nonfeasance as far as the rights of mothers are concerned and, second, due to the break in kinship ties and lack of the sincere affection that should exist between parents and their children. For the above reasons, these people innovated this Day to return to mothers "Some of their rights" and to make families celebrate it and "honor" mothers. By doing so, they are like the one who kept silent for a long time and the first word he uttered was nonsense. What is the importance of "honoring" a person one day in a whole year and leaving that person the rest of the year in a "home for the elderly" or alone with her dog or cat? Are these animals more faithful to this woman than her own children whom she has breast-fed and raised as best she could? We say in this respect that the mother herself played a part in initiating this disobedience as she herself disobeyed her mother as a young girl. She used to practise the same with her mother and now she receives the same fate as a mother. The Prophet said: "No people have innovated something that is not from the religion but a Sunnah of the same extent is eliminated. So sticking to a Sunnah is better than creating an innovation". [Reported by Imam Ahmad]. The scholars are agreed that it is forbidden to appoint a feast day for Muslims other than the two feasts: Al Fitr and Al ADHA because feasts are part of what Allah has ordained on us. {Allah Says (interpretation of meaning): {For every nation We have ordained religious ceremonies which they must follow;}[22: 67]. Moreover, celebrating this Day does not give the mother the smallest fraction of what Allah has prescribed for her. Allah has ordained on us to obey our mothers and do all the good to them as long as they are alive and after they die. No other religion has given the mother the rights Islam prescribed to her. Allah commanded us in many verses of the Holy Qur'an to obey parents and do good to them. He even linked their obedience to His worship. He linked thanking Him to thanking them. Allah mentioned the mother alone in some places to show us that her rights are greater than those of the father. Allah says {Worship Allâh and join none with Him in worship, and do good to parents } (4:36) Allah says:{ And your Lord has decreed that you worship none but Him. And that you be dutiful to your parents. }.(17:23). Ibn Abbas said: "The obedience of the parents increases by being kind and gentle to them. One should reply gently to everything that they tell him. One should not look at them in their eyes. One should not shout at them. Rather, when with one's parents one should be like the slave before his master". Ibn al-Mussaib said: 'When interpreting the verse: "And out of kindness lower to them the wing of humility and say: "My Lord! bestow on them Your Mercy even as they cherished me in childhood." he said:"like what a sinful slave says to a harsh master". On the other hand, the obedience to parents is an obligation on the children even if the parents are non-Muslims or Muslims are known to be dissolute. Allah says{"But if they strive to make you join in worship with Me things of which you have no knowledge obey them not; Yet bear them company in this life with justice (and consideration)}.(31:15). Allah ordered that they be given good company even if they are atheists. Imams Bukhari and Muslim narrated from Asma that she said: "My mother came to me, hoping (for my favor) during the life time of the Prophet. I asked the Prophet, "May I treat her kindly?" He replied, "Yes". `Abdullah bin Mas`ud (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: I asked the Prophet (PBUH) , "Which of the deeds is loved most by Allah?'' Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, "Salat at its proper time.'' I asked, ``What next?'' He (PBUH) replied, ``Kindness to parents.'' I asked, ``What next?'' He replied, ``Jihad in the way of Allah.'' [Al-Bukhari and Muslim]. Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: A person came to the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) and asked, "Who among people is most deserving of my fine treatment?'' He (PBUH) said, "Your mother". He again asked, ``Who next?'' "Your mother", the Prophet (PBUH) replied again. He asked, "Who next?'' He (the Prophet (PBUH)) said again, "Your mother.'' He again asked, "Then who?'' Thereupon he (PBUH) said,'' Then your father.'' Al-Mughirah bin Shu`bah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Prophet (PBUH) said, "Allah has forbidden you: disobedience to your mothers, to withhold (what you should give), or demand (what you do not deserve), and to bury your daughters alive. And Allah dislikes idle talk, to ask too many questions (for things which will be of no benefit to one), and to waste your wealth".[Al-Bukhari and Muslim]. So their right is greater than that of the father. It is three times the right of the father. Al-Bukhari narrated in his book Al-Adab Al-Mufrad that Ibn Abbas said: "I do not know any good act that brings the person closer to Allah The Almighty than the obedience of one's mother". The obedience of parents is not restricted to their lifetime, it is also done after their death. Abu Dawood reported that a man once came to the Prophet and said: "Is there any form of obedience that I could do to my parents after their death?" The Prophet said: "Yes. Ask blessings for them. Ask Allah to forgive them. Carry out their testimony. Treat kindly anybody with whom they have blood relationships and treat their friends kindly". This indeed is the recognition that parents deserve and, above all the mother. So, anybody who obeys Allah as ordered by the Sharia should not celebrate this day because it is an innovation and because Islam gave the mother complete and comprehensive rights all the time. So, anyone who does not give due respect to his mother all the time, can not make it up to her just by celebrating this day. In fact, by doing so, he will be both disobedient to Allah and an innovator. Likewise the practice in the West of setting aside certain days for expressing good deeds, such as Thanksgiving Day (proclaiming gratitude to God) or Christmas (doing charitable acts), should not be observed by Muslims for the reasons already given. Thanking and praising Allah, and doing acts of charity are forms of worship that should be a way of life for the Muslim. Allah knows best.
The decision of the Fiqh Academy) All praise and thanks be to Allaah and may peace and blessings of Allaah be upon the Messenger of Allaah and upon his family and Companions and all those who follow his guidance. As for what follows: During its first session, which was convened in Makka, on the tenth of Sha’baan in the year 1398 A.H. (15/7/1978 C.E.) The Fiqh Academy looked into the matter of the Masons and their affiliates, and the Islamic ruling on them. The members of the Academy undertook a thorough study of this dangerous organization, reading what has been written about them, past and present, and the documents and speeches propagated by their members and their leaders which they themselves have published in the magazines which represent them. It became clear to the Academy in a manner that leaves no doubt, from the books and texts they read which follows: 1. The Masonic movement is a secret society which sometimes hides it organization and sometimes reveals it, according to the prevailing conditions of the time and place. However, the true principles upon which this organization is based are secret at all times, the knowledge of which is hidden even from its members, except the chosen few, who reach, through many different experiences, the highest levels. 2. The movement builds a relationship between its members in all corners of the world, based upon a superficial foundation in order to fool the gullible people, which is that of the human brotherhood alleged to exist between all members of the organization, which (supposedly) makes no distinction between different faiths, creeds, ideologies. 3. It attracts those persons who are important to it to join their organization by tempting them with promises of personal benefits, on account of the fact that every Mason is bound to help every other brother Mason, in any corner of the world, to assist him in fulfilling his needs, achieving his aims and solving his problems, and to support him if he has political ambitions, to assist him if he falls into any predicament – whatever it may be, whether he is right or wrong, oppressor or oppressed. This may be concealed, by making it appear that they are helping him when he is on the right, not on the wrong. This is the greatest temptation by which they capture people from all societies, taking from them significant financial contributions. 4. Joining them begins with a celebration for the enrolment of a new member, with certain frightening rituals and formalities, intended to instill fear in the member of what will happen to him if he ever disobeys their directives and orders which are issued to him in sequence. 5. The gullible members are left free to practice their religion and it (the organization) benefits by controlling them and assigning tasks to them, within the limits appropriate for them, and they remain at the lowest level. As for the apostates, or those who are willing to become apostates, they are slowly promoted to higher levels, according to their experience and repeated tests which are given to members, based upon their willingness to serve their plans and their dangerous ideology. 6. Its aims are political and they have a hand – either open or hidden – in most political and military insurrections and major changes. 7. The organization is Jewish in origin and is secretly managed and directed at its highest levels by international Jewry and its activities are Zionist in character. 8. It is, in fact, in its hidden aims, against all religions, its intentions being the destruction of all of them in general, and Islaam in the hearts of its adherents in particular. 9. It concentrates on the recruitment of persons in positions of authority in finance, politics, the community, in science and any other position they can utilize in order to further their power in the community. They have no interest in recruiting those without any power they can exploit, and for this reason, they often concentrate on the recruitment of kings, presidents, important government employees and their like. 10. It has many branches, which bear other names, in order to deceive and divert attention, so that they are able to continue their activities under different pseudonyms, the most well known of which are: The Lions, the Rotary Club, The Leons, and other such evil movements, all of which are incompatible and inconsistent with Islamic tenants. The strong links between the Masons and international Zionist Jewry has become absolutely clear to all of the people. By such means they have been able to control the activities of many leaders in Arab and other countries in the matter of Palestine, and they have prevented them from carrying out many of their obligations with respect to this most important matter, to the advantage of the Jews and the international Zionists. For this reason and many other detailed facts concerning the dangerous activities of the Masons, their evil deception and cunning designs, the Fiqh Academy has determined that the Masons are one of the most dangerous, destructive organizations to Islaam and the Muslims. And that whoever joins them, knowing the truth of them and their aims, is a disbeliever in Islaam who should be avoided. And Allaah is the Granter of success. Director: ‘Abdullah bin Humaid Director of the Higher Judicial Council in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Permanent Committee for Research and Verdicts Fatawa Islamiyah, vol.1, p.325, DARUSSALAM
In the Name of Allaah, ar-Rahmaan, ar-Raheem... All praise is due to Allaah, and may Allaah raise the rank of the Messenger of Allaah, his family, his Companions, and those who follow his guidance, and grant them peace. To proceed: Verily it (this advice) is due to the gloomy calamities and catastrophes that have afflicted Islaam and its people and the disgrace and humility that has reached them at the hands of the enemies of Islaam, as they gather around them to feast, as if they were gathering around a dish to eat it. I turn with my request to the Muslims' scholars and educational foundations in every region of this world, and to all of the rulers of the Muslims, that they fear Allaah regarding this Ummah, and that they recognize the dangers that are closing in on them, dangers that are the cause of the calamities and catastrophes befalling them. They must respond quickly, being conscious of the accountability (they have) in front of Allaah to lead the Ummah away from the tribulations and afflictions that have reached them. Furthermore, (I advise them) to hasten to take every possible step that will help them to lead the Ummah out (of such calamities). At the very head of these affairs is to return to their Religion of Truth, in all affairs of beliefs, acts of worship, manners, and politics. They must establish the correct school curriculums derived from the Book of Allaah, the Sunnah of His Messenger (sallallaahu 'alayhe wa sallam), and what the righteous Salaf were upon so as to educate the (forthcoming) generations with it. This must be done in masjids and in schools, at all grade levels, and in all forms of media, keeping in mind the statement of the noble Messenger (sallallaahu 'alayhe wa sallam): "All of you are shepherds, and you are all accountable for your flocks." [2] They must also keep in mind the statement of the noble Messenger (sallallaahu 'alayhe wa sallam): "If you perform business transactions of 'Eenah, content yourselves with agriculture, follow after the tails of cows, and abandon jihaad in the way of Allaah, then Allaah will send humiliation upon you, such that He will not remove until you return to your Religion." [3] And no doubt, the Ummah has fallen into worse than these affairs, to the point that their affair has reached this bitter state. Additionally, they must keep in mind the Statement of Allaah, the Most High: "And it is not for any believing man, nor for any believing woman, when Allaah and His Messenger have made a judgement in an affair, that they have any choice on their part." [4] So know that there is no way for you to ever deliver the Ummah (from harm) other than this way. And (know) that taking other approaches will not increase the Ummah in anything except destruction and humiliation. And (know) that nothing short of taking the Ummah away from their Religion will please the enemies of Islaam: "And the Jews and Christians will never be pleased with you until you follow their religion." [5] I ask Allaah, the Generous, the Lord of the mighty Throne, to grant the Ummah, its rulers, scholars, and people, success in hastening to take these beneficial steps. Our Lord will not accept other than this. And may He gather their hearts and statements together upon the Truth. And at this occasion I turn my advice to those whom Allaah has allowed to follow the methodology of the righteous Salaf, that they fear Allaah and be mindful of Him in all situations, open and secret. And (I advise them) to be sincere to Him in all their statements and actions, and to apply themselves fully to seeking beneficial knowledge. And I advise the proprietors of the Internet websites to make these sites successful means of disseminating the Salafee methodology in the proper, scholastic way, with regards to everything they present to the people through these means that have been afforded them. And let a sufficient number of the scholars of this methodology take up this task, especially those who are specialists. So whoever is a specialist in Tafseer of the Noble Qur'aan, then let him write things related to Tafseer and its sciences, and let him touch on various issues of belief, acts of worship, dealings, and manners by way of the Verses that he explains. Let him also touch on the principles of Tafseer and its various branches. And let the specialist in Hadeeth derive his writings from the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu 'alayhe wa sallam), and let him focus on topics of beliefs and the other things that we mentioned for his brother, the explainer of the Qur'aan. Likewise, he should also write about the principles of Hadeeth Sciences and about the biographies of the imaams of Hadeeth. And let the specialist in Fiqh write within this field, and let him choose subjects to write about that aid the students of knowledge in understanding the Book of Allaah and the Sunnah of His Messenger (sallallaahu 'alayhe wa sallam), pairing that with issues that he solves, along with their evidences. And let the specialist in History write about the life of the Prophet (sallallaahu 'alayhe wa sallam), the lives of His Companions, and the lives of the great mountains of this Ummah who produced outstanding efforts that aided Islaam. And let the specialist in the modes of recitation (Qiraa'aat of the Qur'aan) and Tajweed write within his field. And let the specialist in (Arabic) Language write within his field, on the condition that he stays away from that which is not recognized by the Salafee methodology, like figurative speech (majaaz) and its different types. And (I advise that) no one takes up the task of criticizing the people of innovation and refuting their falsehoods except the people of knowledge. And I hope that those responsible for these sites, like Sahab and its sisters, will not accept any posts unless they are signed by their authors using their real names. And (I also hope) that they will not accept (the writings of) those who write under pen names. Similarly, I hope that the Salafees in general will shun arguments and all other causes of differing. And if some of this (differing) does take place between some of the brothers, (I hope that) they will keep it to a minimum, and not quote and place their (opponent's) statements on Salafee websites, or on other than them, rather they refer the issue back to the people of knowledge so they can speak a word of Truth about it that will put an end, in shaa' Allaah, to the differing. And I advise the brothers to be vigilant in spreading beneficial knowledge between themselves, and to spread the causes of affection and brotherhood between themselves. May Allaah grant everyone success in attaining what pleases Him, and may He reconcile what is between the hearts. Verily my Lord is One who answers the supplications. Written by: Rabee' ibn Haadee ibn 'Umayr al-Madkhalee 25th of Thul-Qi'dah, 1424 years after the Prophet's Hijrah Makkah al-Mukarramah
Are we sinful in Neglecting our Dawah obligation?
Dunya vs Akhira replied to Thinkerman's topic in General
Br Shujui... I think at one point or another we're all guilty of neglecting our obligation towards giving dawa to calling the people to monotheism.(Tawheed) But also Br keep in mind inshaAllaah that alot of muslims are ignorant,Like alot of us in the west we have neighbours and friends colleagues that are not muslim. Do we ever talk about Allaah and his messenger to them, do we ever find ourselves situations where we volunteering explain our faith? I dont do it thats for sure, unless someone asks me why Im wearing the head scarf or why i cant dine with them.InshaAllaah I was thinking to get pamflets explaining Islaam and giving it out to my neighbours, Without them thinking Im converting them. -
Deaf, dumb, and blind, they will not return (to the path). ... keep that in mind Nuun
As salamun aleykum... I have a friend that has a major crush on this brother, mashaAllaah the brother seems to be good his religious and well cultured so is she, but the problem is he doesnt even know she exists, shes never talked to him before she only see's him @ Islamic gatherings and admires him. so she's asked me for my Nasee7a (advice) and I told her Call her and tell him straight up because it's marriage it's not a game and it's a blessed thing even though it's preffered that the brother calls the sister. 3alaa kuli Hal...I did it for her and the brother said his in a situation and will consider it, now i dont know what to make out of that, what does in a Situation mean? and if they ever do get married inshaAllaah ta'aala Iam hoping they do. Will he treat her differently because she made the first move? Did I advice my sister In Islaam to do the right thing or have i put her hayaa on stake,.? InshaAllaah...... (PLEASE) advice.
Al-Maa`oun Charity Project Basically our project’s primary focus will be on certain areas, families, individuals, etc that need immediate help in Pakistan, Bangladesh and Somalia. The reason why we have chosen these three regions is so that our funds reach the families affected, directly without any sort of involvement from another organization, which further raises the trust level as most people would prefer to know if their aid is actually getting to those who need it. Revive the deen ~ Re-build a village: Our objectives would include helping the following groups of people: Widows, orphans and other families with meager resources - Each month, we will “sponsor†5 families. The funds will reach them directly through my uncle that is based there. We’d need atleast $250/month inorder to cover the following costs for those families: - Costs for basic necessities - Money for medicine - Islaamic books and tapes Building masaajid and madaaris where children will learn the deen and memorize Qur’aan. And provide the masaajid that have already been established, with a library of books so that those who visit can benefit. And establish halaqahs for women and men. There’s already a madrassah built in a village called Panjpeer in the North Western Province, where children are given regular hifdh classes amongst other Islaamic subjects. The madrassah is in debt for 100000 PKR which is equivalent to 1664 USD. Although this would take some time to set up, we are planning on providing the women with work such as embroidery and other handicrafts which they will be paid for. So instead of donating them money, they will be earning it - which in essence will help them stand on their feet instead of relying on others for donations. When I visited this village some time ago, I saw for myself how poor some people were. There are actually people who beg from house to house, not for money but for bread! subhaan’Allaah.. We cannot imagine how much they have to put up with simply to be able to eat once a day. These people have no comfortable beds like ours to sleep on, no air-conditioned apartments, no fried chickens or burgers. They survive on minimal food, i.e. if they are given any. One of the families that we will be helping consists of a mother who lives with her daughter without a mahram in a house and is struggling as there is no one who can support them. Her son (20 yrs of age) was killed recently and her husband passed away soon after they lost their son. Another family is of two widows raising kids on their own which is really hard especially living in a village where women cannot work. These are the least of the affected ones. Some families have lost homes and loved ones due to the earthquake and are now seeking shelter in tents. The least we can do for them is try and get our aid to them directly and provide them with resources to gain a better understanding of the deen. “Give to the near of kin his due, and also to the needy and the wayfarers. Do not squander your wealth wastefully; for those who squander wastefully are Satan's brothers, and Satan is ever ungrateful to his Lord.†(17:26-27) And Allaah also says: “Allaah does not love the arrogant and the boastful, who are niggardly and bid others to be niggardly and conceal the bounty which Allaah has bestowed upon them. We have kept in readiness a humiliating chastisement for such deniers (of Allaah's bounty).†(4:36-37) and how beautiful it would be to have the angels make du`aa for us.. "No day dawns upon [Allaah's] servants without two angels descending [to Earth]. One of them says, 'O Allaah, give recompense (khalaf) to those who give [charity]!'; the other says, 'O Allaah give loss (talaf) to those who withhold [charity]!'" [Agreed upon] How often do we claim our love for Muhammad sallallaahu `alayhi wasallam… would it not be amazing to be his neighbor in Jannah? "I and the caretaker of the orphan will enter Paradise together like this, raising (by way of illustration) his forefinger and middle finger jointly, leaving no space in between." [al-Bukhaari] May Allaah instill in our hearts rahma and love for the weak muslims and may He open the door of Jannah for us through this work, aameen. _______________________________ Those interested in helping can email al-maa3oun@hotmail.com for further info.
mashaAllaah some people are gifted in terms of giving dawa......
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