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Everything posted by Som@li

  1. Poor attempt by secessionists, Samaters are well respected.
  2. RAK joined a year later. The union has helped the poorer states, AD is the heavy weight which owns over 86% of land and more than 95% of the oil output. I was reading somewhere the other day DUBAI now imports oil, as it run out of its oil.
  3. in1971, we were a head of them, ASAAGAA Alla kaa reeb baan maqli jiray..
  4. A systematic fraud has been found,(creating new bogus accounts to vote etc ) and I as the head of the election committee call for an immediate review or else will nullify the results.
  5. Unlike his father, he runs for US, waxba dee in halka lagu soo dhejiyo ma ahayn! He does not count for Somalia and Somalis!
  6. how come this is not in sports section these secession are always looking for attention!
  7. what are the stats? could be cuz more girls born than boys, more girls reach adulthood(more boys die as innocent child soldiers), more baby boys die in babies or during pregnanccy, so it adds up!
  8. lol, , and you were looking for your kick for the day...
  9. burahadeer;761683 wrote: @Som@li then go fight for it.Why crying for 20yrs!!! Maskiin, who is crying? , go and come up with proper argument.
  10. If you give a man a fish you feed him for a day. If you teach him how to fish you'll feed him for a lifetime. A great lesson for the rest of Somalis, one must break away from the idea of AID and donation, Thanks Gabbal, War beeraha fasha, war kaluunka dabta!!
  11. The twisted secessionist have no legs to stand, They can not come up with a proper argument to secede. If you can not convince or make strong case for secession, it won't work Look at this poor "burahadeer", he does not even know what he is taking about! IF Sool, Sanaag,and Awdal are minority, what about the Triangle Vs Somalia?
  12. ^Yes, hopefully good interest, laakin meesha dan la aan lama socdo, Iga qor hadalkaas, more than half the delegates were businessmen, Soomaaliya in kastoo hawa aduunka ka maqneeyd in ka badan 20 sano, Soomaaliya FURSADO badan, huge future prospects, bay leedahay, oo hadii ay degto laga faaiidaysan karo...WIN WIN situation Insha Allah, and I welcome Turkey to invest in Somalia .
  13. ^Turkey does have interest in Somalia? in today's world, nothing is for free. Anyway, Very impressive, Thanks Turkey.
  14. one thing Somalis surely lack is patriotism, else they wouldn't screw their country like this! Wrapping urself in a material is not patriotism.
  15. Bluelicious is a tigress, watch out!
  16. ^ I think they are confusing him with his brother, Ahmed.