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Everything posted by Liqaye

  1. nuune;710027 wrote: Subxaanallaah , illeen dadkeena qurbaha ku nool ayaaba ugu daran waxa fitnada iyo qabyaalada wado, this thread and 97% of its posts is a witness, a very ugly situation. Jiilkii la lahaa waxbey barteen oo wadankii bey wax ka qaban ayaaba ku loolamaya anaa kaa dhul weyn iyo anaa kaa dad badan etc. It is true when they said dadka gudaha wadanka joogo unbaa xal wadanka u heli karo, dadkeena qurbaha ku nool bataatanba wadankeena xal uma heyno hadii aanba this very medium of forum aan isku qabqabsaneeno, face-to-face hadii aan ka hadali laheena gacan qaad waa uu dhici lahaa, waa hubaal exactly :eek:
  2. Waxaa Mudooyinkii danbe Dalka Hindia kusii qul qulayay rag Soomaaliyeed oo guurdoon ah kuwaa oo ka kala tagay Wadamo badan oo kuyaala Qaarada Afrika Asia Yurub iyo Ameerika si ay ugu soo aqal galaan Dalka Hindia . Raga ugu badan ee Guur doonka ah ayaa ka taga wadamada Yurub iyo Ameerika si ay Dalka Hindia ugu soo guursadaan Haweenka u dhashay Dalkaasi oo la sheegay in uu guurkooda aad u jaban yahay ilaahna qurux ku maneestay iyo dabacsanaan gaar ah oo lagu amaano haweenka Hindia walow kuwa Soomaaliyeedna aysan ka liidan haweenka Hindia. Guursashada Haweenka Muslimka ah ayaa la sheegay in Dalka Hindia ay aad uga sahlantahay iyadoo la sheegay Deegaanada qaar in nin walbo uu gabdhiisa kusoo bandhigayo si aad u guursato wax xoogaa nooli ahna uu kaga helo. arintan ayaana waxaa dalaal ka ah rag iyaga kunool Dalkaasi Hindia oo u raadiya raga Calaf Doonka Ama Guurdoonka ah ee yimaada Dalkaasi kana qaata wax xoogaa Shilimaad ah una soo dhameeya gabdho qurux badan oo Islaam ah waxa mararka qaar dhada in Ninkii ay ujooaan gabdho uu ka naadiyo Masaajida si loo guursado gabadhiisa . Waxaa jira Dhalinyaro Soomaaliyeed oo katagay Dalka Koonfur Afrika halkaasna u tagay in ay soor guur sadaan waxa ayna ii sheegeen in aad indho daraan dar ka qaadeyso haweenka markii siyaabo kala duwan laguugu soo bandhigo ayna yihiin kuwa qurux iyo dagnana ilaah ugu deeqay . Raga qaarkood ayaana ka cawday in wax loo hoos galiyay taas ay ula jeedeen in haween loogu sheegay in ay gabar tahay aysan noqon sidii ay ka rabeen ama ay hishiiska ku galeen lacagna kaga baxaday xaaladana ay aad ugu xumaatay ugana niyad jabeen qaar kamid ah haweenkaasi oo garoob ku noqda. Qaar kamid ah raga Guurdoonka ah ayaa markii ay kasoo tageen haweenkii ay guursadeen aan dib danbe u xariirin ugana laaban Dalka Hindia halkaasia xariirka uga jareen kadib markii ku eedeeyeen in lagu qiyaamay guurkaasi sidii ay rabeena ay noqon weysay . Waxaa iyana arintaasi cabasha xoogan ka keenay raga dalalaaliinta ah ee arintaasi soo dhameeyay iyo qaar kamid ah ardayda Dalkaasi wax kabarata kuwaas oo sheegay hadii ninka guursada gabdha uusan dib usoo noqon in ay ehelada gabdha ay iyaga qabsanayaan maadama ay iyaga ay dalka joogaan iyagoona kala kulma dhibaatooyin aad u xoogan. Si kastaba arimahan ayaa kadanbeeya in ay raga Guurdoonka ah aadaan Dalka Hindia arima la xariira Haweenka Soomaaliyeed oo guurkooda uu ku adkaaday wadamada qurbaha rag badana ay dhibaatooyin xoogan kala kulmeen markii ay guursadeen taa oo isugu jirta dhanka qarashaadka iyo dhinacyo kale. Dalka K/Afrika ayaana markii tusaale loo soo qaato guursashada haweenka ay tahay mid aad u adag ayna dumarka ku yaryihiin inta joogatan aysan fududeen in si sahlan lagu guursado ta aoo qaar kamid ah dhilinta Dalkaasi kunool ee usuurto gasha helida Baasaboorka u fududeesa in ay Dalkaasi ay u aadaan guur doon .
  3. Minister of Hajj receives Somali Hajj Mission Jeddah, Jumada Al-Awwal 02, 1432 Thursday, April 07, 2011 Minister of Hajj Dr. Fouad bin Abdulsalam Al-Farsy met here today Somali Hajj Mission led by the Minister of Justice and Religious Affairs Abdullahi Abyan Nur. During the meeting, they reviewed issues pertaining to pilgrims of Somalia. Speaking on the occasion, Dr. Al-Farsy underlined the importance of adherence of pilgrims to the program of Hajj Ministry as well as their awareness of Hajj rituals and regulations prior to their arrival in the Holy Places. Meanwhile, the Somali official praised the facilities being extended by the Kingdom to the pilgrims. Source: SPA
  4. Somali PM: We'll push Islamist insurgents out of the capital in a year MOGADISHU, Somalia — Somali government forces and African Union peacekeepers can take back control of the country's ruined capital from Islamist insurgents within a year, the Somali prime minister said Wednesday. "We just need one year. Our forces are advancing in the city," Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed told The Associated Press. The Somali transitional government, which is backed by about 9,000 African Union troops, now controls about half of the capital city, although attacks are frequent and sporadic gunfire can be heard throughout the day. Islamist insurgent group al-Shabab controls the other half and much of south-central Somalia. The State Department says some leaders of al-Shabab have links to al-Qaida. "We can take back our city," said Mohamed, a Somali-American who previously taught at a community college in New York state. "If we get a year's extension, we can push al-Shabab out of Mogadishu." The transitional government's mandate expires in August, but last week it extended its mandate for another year. The prime minister was appointed in October; the president has been in power for over a year. "People need to understand we are not the same government as the last one," Mohamed said. The U.N. has called for the government to step down in August but Mohamed said that changing the government again would make politicians focus on campaigning, distracting from the fight against the insurgency and jeopardizing hard-won gains. In the past two months, AU troops have pushed the front line north, expanding their number of bases. Somali government troops follow behind. The previous administration was characterized by incompetence, bickering and corruption, but Mohamed said his government has implemented several reforms, including publishing their budgets, increasing revenue collection and providing some basic services like street lights and garbage collection. Infighting remains a problem, and tensions between the president and the powerful speaker of parliament are very strained. The commander of the AU force, which provides the heavy firepower and disciplined troops needed to take on al-Shabab, said further expansion was planned but more troops were needed. Maj. Gen. Nathan Mugisha said the force should receive an extra 3,000 soldiers within the next few months. The U.N.-backed Somali government is heavily dependent on the AU to provide security. Its own troops are a mishmash of poorly disciplined fighters drawn from clan militias and are incapable of taking and holding territory by themselves. Mugisha said that deciding whether the government should change in August was an issue for the Somali people, but noted that the AU and government forces had suffered their heaviest setbacks during times of political unrest. Somalia has not had a functioning government for 20 years. Its streets are littered with rubble from destroyed buildings. Displaced families camp out in the ruins in tiny-dome shaped huts made by stretching cloth over twigs. Source: AP
  5. Ra'iisul wasaaraha Soomaaliya oo sheegay inay muddo sannad ah Muqdisho uga saarayaan Xarrakatul Shabaabul Khamiis, Abriil 07, 2011 (HOL) – Ra'iisul wasaaraha Soomaaliya Maxamed C/llaahi Maxamed (Farmaajo) ayaa sheegay in ciidamada DKMG ah iyo kuwa AMISOM ay muddo sannad ah uga saarayaan Muqdisho xoogagga Xarrakatul Shabaabul Mujaahidiin. "Hadda waxaan doonaynaa hal sano oo dheeraad ah. Ciidamadeennu horumar aay ka sameeyeen magaalada," ayuu yiri Maxamed C/llaahi Farmaajo oo wareysi gaar ah Muqdisho ku siiyay Arbacadii shalay wakaaladda wararka ee AP. Dowladda Soomaaliya oo ay kaalmeynayan 9,000-askari oo ka socda Midowga Afrika ayaa dagaal kula jirta xoogagga Xarrakatul Shabaab. Iyagoo sheegay inay ka taliyaan kala bar xarunta Soomaaliya, inkastoo weli hubka culus iyo rasaasta laga maqlayo Muqdisho. Xarrakatul Shabaab oo la sheego inay xiriir dhow la leedahay urur-weynaha Al-Qaacida ayaa iyaduna ka talisa in badan gobollada koonfurta iyo bartamaha dalka Soomaaliya oo ay ku jirto Muqdisho. "Waxaan isku dayaynaa inaan dib u qabsanno magaalada Muqdisho," ayuu Farmaajo yiri, isagoo intaas ku daray: "Haddii aan helno hal sano oo dheeraad ah, waxaan awoodi doonnaa inaan Muqdisho xoog uga saarno Al-Shabaab." Xukuumadda KMG ah ee Soomaaliya ayaa toddobaadkii hore muddo hal sano ah ku kororsatay xilliga ay shaqeynayso, iyadoo xilligeedu uu ku ekaa bisha Ogoosto ee sannadkan. Iyadoo la ogyahay in Ra'iisul wasaaraha Soomaaliya la magacaabay bishii Oktoobar ee sannadkii hore. "Shacabku way fahamsan yihiin in xukuumaddan aysan la mid ahayn kuwii hore," ayuu yiri ra'iisul wasaaraha. Isagoo xusay in muddadii ay shaqeynayeen ay horumar la taaban karo ka gaareen dhinaca sugidda ammaanka, tayeynta ciidanka iyo weliba baabi'inta musuqmaasuqa. Dagaalladii ugu dambeeyay ee Muqdisho ku dhexmara ciidamada DKMG ah iyo kuwa AMISOM oo dhinac iyo Xarrakatul Shabaab ayaa waxaa lagu qabsaday saldhigyo muhiim u ahaa Al-shabaab inkastoo lagu dilay in ka badan 50-askari oo AMSIOM ka tirsan. Taliyaha ciidamada AMISOM Maj-Gen. Nathan Mugisha ayaa sheegay in ciidammo dheeraad ah loo baahan yahay si Xarrakatul Shabaab looga saaro Muqdisho, isagoo xusay in hal sano oo loogu kordhiyo xukuumadda uu qayb ka qaadan karo soo celinta amaanka guud ee dalka. Maxamed Xaaji Xuseen, Hiiraan Online Muqdisho, Soomaaliya
  6. Ra'iisul wasaarayaasha Soomaaliya iyo Kenya oo kulan albaabbadu u xiran yihiin ku yeeshay Magaalada Nairobi Khamiis, Abriil 07, 2011 (HOL) – Ra'iisul wasaaraha Soomaaliya Maxamed C/llaahi Maxamed (Farmaajo) ayaa kulan magaalada Nairobi kula yeeshay dhiggiisa dalkaas Raila Odinga, waxaana kulankaas looga hadlay xiriirka labada dal iyo arrimaha dalka Soomaaliya. Kulanka oo ka dhacay xafiiska ra'iisul wasaaraha dalka Kenya ayaa waxaa goobjoog ka ahaa wasiirro labada dal ka socday, iyadoo saxaafadda ay dibad joog ka ahayd intii uu kulanku socday. Labada ra'iisul wasaare oo si wadajir ah shir jaraa'id ugu qabtay saxaafadda kaddib markii uu kulankooda dhammaaday ayaa sheegay inay kulankooda intiisa badan uga hadleen xiriirka labada dal, iyagoo sheegay inay isla garteen inay adkeeyaan xiriirka labada dal u dhexeeya. "Waxaan ku heshiinnay inaan iska kaashanno dhinacyada dhaqaalaha, la dagaalanka burcadbadeedda iyo argagaxisada," ayuu yiri Odinga oo ka hadlay qodobbadii ay isla gaareen isaga iyo ra'iisul wasaaraha Soomaaliya. Sidoo kale, Mr. Odinga wuxuu sheegay in dalkiisa uu taageerayay dowladda KMG ah tan iyo markii lagu dhisay, isagoo sheegay inay u tababareen ciidammo dagaal kula galay Xarrakatul Shabaab deegaannada dhow soohdinta ay labada dal wadaagaan. Ra'iisul wasaaraha Soomaaliya oo isna wabaahinta la hadlay ayaa xusay in isaga iyo ra'iisul wasaaraha Kenya ay isla garteen inay iska kaashadaan wax walba oo labada dal ay dani ugu jirto, isagoo xusay in Kenya ay uga mahadcelinayaan taageerada ay la garab taagan tahay DKMG ah. "Dowladda Soomaaliya ma diidana wadatashi iyo wadahadal, balse go'aanka kama dameysta ah iyada ayaa iska leh, mana aqbalayno go'aan qof kale uu wato. Waxaan soo jeedinay in shirkaas lagu qabto Muqdisho," ayuu yiri Farmaajo oo shirka jaraa'id ka hadlayay. Mr. Farmaajo ayaa sidoo kale ka hadlay go'aankii DKMG ah ee ahaa inay hay'adaha gargaarka dib ugu laabtaan Muqdisho muddo 90-maalmood ah, isagoo sheegay inuu yahay go'aan ay ku doonayaan in hay'adaha gargaarku ay uga shaqeeyaan gudaha dalka. Dhanka kale, ra'iisul wasaare Maxamed C/llaahi Farmaajo ayaa isla maanta booqday dhismaha safaaradda Soomaaliya ee Nairobi, isagoo hadal uu warbaahinta siiyay ku sheegay inay ku faraxsan yihiin in hantidii Soomaaliya dib loosoo celiyo kaddib markii si sharci-darro ah loo iibsaday. Maxamed Xaaji Xuseen, Hiiraan Online Muqdisho, Soomaaliya
  7. Banaanbax lagu taageerayay go’aankii Dowladda Soomaaliya ee Shirka Kenya oo Muqdisho ka dhacay Khamiis, April 07, 2011(HOL): Banaanbax aad u ballaaran oo ay ka soo qeyb galeen boqolaal dadweyne ah ayna soo abaabuleen qeybaha bulshada rayidka ah ee gobolka Banaadir, gaar ahaana Majmaca Culimada, haweenka Qaranka, Golaha isutaga Dhalinayrada, Xoogaga Wadaniyiinta, iyo Golaha Abwaanada aragtida fog ayaa maanta ka dhacay Dugsigii tababarka Booliska ee Iskoola Bolisiyo. Banaanbaxayaasha oo watay boorar ay ku qornaayeen ..Dooni meyno shirka Nairobi..Hagardaamada Mahiga waa horumarka Al shabaab…go’aank ka gaarista aayaha Soomaaliyeed waxaa iska leh shacabka Soomaaliyeed oo ay mataleyso Dowladda FKMG ah. Sidoo kale, banaanbaxan ayaa waxaa ka soo qeyb galay qeybaha kala duwan ee bulshada sida, Haweenka, dhalinyarada, Culimada, kooxda Baanbeyda, Barbaarta Gaashaaman iyo hobolada Heegan waxayna halkaasi dadweynuhu ku soo bandhigeen aragtidooda ku aadan go’aanka dowladda Federaalku ay ku diiday shirka Nairobi ee ay qaban qaabineyso Q/midoobay waxayna tilmaameen in dowladdu ku saxneyd inay qaadacdo shirkaasi maadaaba bey yiraahdeen uu xagal daacinayo dedaalada dowladda ee ku aadan nabadsoo celinta. Xoghayaha guud ee ururka haweenka Qaranka Soomaaliyeed Marwo Faadumo Aadan Cosoble oo goobta ka hadashay ayaa sheegtay inay taageero hiil iyo hooba leh la garab taagan yihiin go’aanka dowladdu ku gaartay in aysan ka qeyb galin shrika Nairobi, waxayna ugu baaqday wakiilka gaarka ah ee Q/midoobay Soomaaliya u qaabilsan Mr. Mahiga inuu tixgeliyo rabitaanka dowladda iyo shacabka Soomaaliyeed. “Mahiga waa inuu baajiyo shirkaasi maadaama ay shacabka Soomaaliyeed oo dhan ka soo horjeedaan, waana diidanahay in shirar dibadda loogu qabto iyadoo ay jirto Dowlad Federaal ah oo mataleysa Shacabka” ayay tiri Marwo Faadumo. Guddoomiyaha golaha isutaga dhalinyarada Soomaaliyeed C/fitaax Cali Xasan oo isna goobta ka hadlay ayaa ugu baaqay Q/midoobay in ay ku bixiso kharashaadka shirarka Nairobi loogu qabanayo Soomaalida biyo dhaamis iyo mucaawino raashin ah maadaama buu yiri shacabka Soomaaliyeed maanta ay u baahan yihiin gargaar deg deg ah ee aysan u baahneyn shirar dibaddeed. Guddoomiyaha Majmaca Culimada Soomaaliyeed Sheekh Axmed Cabdi Dhicisow oo isna banaanbaxayaasha la hadlay ayaa hoosta ka xariiqay ka Culimo ahaan ay waafaqayaan go’aanka Xukuumada ee ku aadan shirka Nairobi ee Q/midoobay wuxuuna ka dalbaday in maanta aysan u baahneyn Soomaalida kala qeybin iyo tafaraaruq balse ay u baahan tahay in la xoojiyo hay’addaha Dowladda si ay u suurta gasho in nabadii iyo kala dambeyntii la soo celiyo. Sheekh Dhicisow ayaa ugu dambeyntii Baaq u jeediyay golaha Baarlamaanka Soomaaliyeed isagoo ka codsaday inay taageeraan go’aamadii ugu dambeeyey ee xukuumada, gaar ahaana diidmada shirka Nairobi iyo muddo kordhinta isagoo tilmaamay in haddii baarlamaanka khilaafkiisu sii socdo uu hor seedi karo bur bur ku yimaada dhamaamba hay’addaha dalka. Banaanbaxayadan ayaa waxay daba joogaan banaanbaxyo ballaaran oo si isdaba jooga ah uga dhacayay todobaadyadii ugu dambeeyey qeybo badan oo ka tirsan gobolada dalka, sida Mudug, Galgaduud, Gedo, iyo Bakool kuwaasoo ay shacabku ku muujinayeen dareenkooda ku wajahan marxaladaha dalka.
  8. Maamulka Gobolka Banaadir oo ku baaqay in Ganacsatada ay u samayn doonaan dib u dejin Maamulka G/Banaadir ee Dowladda KMG ah ayaa soo afjaray sixmad iyo ciriiri fara badan oo soo wajahay suuqa Degmada Xamar Weyne, kaddib markii ay ku soo jabeen ganacsatada suuqyada Bakaaraha, Suuq Bacaad iyo Degmada Kaaraan, kuwaasi oo iyagu dhismooyin sharci darro ah ka sameystay dhammaanba waddooyinka iyo goobaha aan munaasibka ahayn ee ku yaala degmadaasi. Xoghayaha maamulka Gobolka Banaadir C/Kaafi Hilowle Cusmaan ayaa ka warbixiyay dadaalka maamulka gobolka uu u galay sidii dib u dejin loogu sameyn lahaa ganacsatada ka soo barakacday saddexda suuq oo ay maamulaan xarakada Al-Shabaab, isagoo sheegay inay u diyaariyeen dhul ku yaalla barxadda Ceelgaab halkaasna ay ku ganacsadaan. Waxa uu sheegay Xoghayaha maamulka G/Banaadir in qof kasta oo ka mid ah ganacsatada ay u diyaariyeen dhul baaxadiisu dhan tahay 2-Mitir, isagoo sheegay in qofka ganacsadaha maamulka gobolka uu siinayo Kaar ay ku ganacsato, hase yeeshee in kaarkaasi aanu la mid ahayn Sabaraloog milki u siinaya halka ay ku ganacsaneyso. "Ma aha Sabaraloog milki u siinaya qofka heysta Kaarka uu ku ganacsanayo, Dowlad KMG ahna ma bixin karto dhul dan guud ah waxaa bixin kara oo kaliya Dowlad rasmi ah" ayuu yiri C/Kaafi Hilowle Cusmaan oo sheegay in muddo 5-maalin ah gudaheed ah ganacsadihii ku dhisan waaya maamulka Gobolka Banaadir uu ka kansali doono Kaarka. Isagoo ka hadlayay Xoghayaha maamulka gobolka Banaadir in ganacsatadii ka soo barakacday suuqyada Bakaaraha, Suuq Bacaad iyo Kaaraan ay ku soo jabaan degmooyinka Dowladdu maamusho ay dhibaatooyin kala kulmeen xarakada Al-Shabaab oo uu sheegay inay xireen dhammaanba waddooyinka gala suuqyadaasi. "Ganacsatada suuqyada Bakaaraha, Suuq Bacaad iyo Kaaraan dib u dejin ayaan u sameynay, inta nimanka dalka kharibaya aan Muqdisho ka saareyno, waxaana dejineynaa barxadda Ceelgaab" ayuu yiri C/Kaafi Hilowle Cusmaan oo sheegay dhinaca kale inay muhiim tahay qofka ganacsadaha marka laga jebiyo goobtii uu ku ganacsanayay dib u dejin loo sameeyo. Maxamuud Axmed Xasan ( Xuurshe) Muqdisho-Somalia Tel:0025261-5573321 00252699995088
  9. Howlgalo lagu bur burinayay dhismooyin ay ku sheegeen sharci daro waxa ay ka sameeyeen Suuqa degmada X/weyne ee gobolka Banaadir Ciidamada dowladda KMG Soomaaliya . Iyadoo howlahaani lagu bur burinayo goobaha ganacsi ee kuyaala gudaha Suuqa degmada X/weyne ee gobolka Banaadir ayaa waxa ka qeyb qaadanayay ciidamo ka tirsan dowladda KMG Soomaaliya kuwaasi bur burinayay goobo ay ku tilmaameen in ay yihiin sharci daro oo kuyaalay gudaha Suuqaasi. Warsame Max’uud Xasan Joodax oo ah gudoomiye ku xigeenka dhanka amniga iyo Siyaasada ee Maamulka gobolka Banaadir oo warfidiyeenada kula hadlayay goobta ay bur burintu ka socotay ayaa waxa uu sheegay in howlgalkaani lagu xaqiijinayo amniga islamarkaana lagu bur burinayo goobo uu ku tilmaamay in ay sharci daro yihiin. Sidoo kale Warsame Joodax ayaa intaasi ku daray in howlgalkii maanta ay ku bur buriyeen ilaa 150 sandaqadood oo uu sheegay inay sharci daro uga dhisnaayeen Suuqa degmada X/weyne, waxaana uu tilmaamay in ay sii wadi doonaan howlgalka lagu bur burinayo goobaha sharci darada ah ee kuyaala gudaha degmada X/weyne. Si kastaba ha ahaatee howlgaladaan bur burinta ee maanta ay sameeyeen ciidamada dowladda KMG Soomaaliya ayaa waxa ay ku soo aadeysaa xili horay maamulak gobolka Banaadir uu ugu baaqay ganacsatada Suuqa Bakaaraha in ay halkaasi ka soo guuraan islamarkaana ay yimaadaan gudaha Suuqa X/weyne ee gobolka Banaadir. Maxamuud Axmed Xasan ( Xuurshe) Muqdisho-Somalia Tel:0025261-5573321 00252699995088
  10. Seeking support Of course, one may argue that Somalia is not alone in its trust status. The international community has used similar arrangements in a number of cases, including East Timor, Sierra Leone and Liberia. But, at least, the powers that be (the five permanent members of the UN Security Council) were open about their approach to those countries. In these instances, the Security Council deliberated over the available options and then tasked one country with leading the transition process; Australia in East Timor, the UK in Sierra Leone and the US in Liberia. In Somalia, that is not the case at all. For the last 20 years, the international community, as divided as it is, has chosen to create or facilitate transitional governments and/or regional administrations. In one way or another, these administrations have been undermined by some members of the same international community. For example, a transitional government was created in 2000 in Djibouti. But, Ethiopia and IGAD undermined it by inviting warlords loyal to them to another conference where a parallel process was set up to torpedo the existing one. In 2004, another transitional government was established. Even though President Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed was willing to work with the international community and sought its assistance, Washington chose to empower Mogadishu warlords while ignoring the government it recognised as legitimate. Within that same modus operandi, when Islamists defeated the warlords, the Bush administration ignored the Somali government, supporting and encouraging the 2006 Ethiopian invasion. Similarly, the current Sheikh Sharif Ahmed-led government has been struggling for the last two years to secure genuine support. It is true that the TFG has failed to control corruption and has not delivered on the tasks set for it. But it is equally true that while the international community chooses to support, empower and fund - to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars - the AMISOM (African Union Mission in Somalia) forces, it has not provided timely and substantive support to the transitional government. In 2006, the Islamic Courts Union pacified Mogadishu with a militia of less than 1,000 people. Now, in theory at least, the AMISOM has close to 10,000 troops in Mogadishu, while the TFG claims to have more than 15,000. But even with these forces at their disposal they have failed to pacify Mogadishu, let alone the rest of the country. It is a public secret that there are many ghost soldiers in the Somali forces and the tribal militias they use. But what about the AMISOM forces – are all of the 8,000 to 10,000 peacekeepers in Mogadishu also ghost soldiers? Ethiopian meddling Ethiopia's meddling remains one of the principal obstacles to attaining and sustaining peace in Somalia. Addis Ababa, as it did in the past, has now created proxy militias, which it supports financially and militarily. It is openly involved in the war against al-Shabab in the central and southern regions of Somalia. And while there is wide opposition to al-Shabab, Ethiopian involvement in these operations does not have public support. If Ethiopia's past role in Somalia is anything to go by, Zenawi is essentially interested in establishing his proxy groups in those regions so that he can use them to sabotage efforts to re-establish the Somali government. Both the TFG and the international community must expose and reject Ethiopia's harmful interventions. If the TFG remains silent about Addis Ababa's military interventions or attempts to justify them, it will lose twice. Firstly, any territorial gains will have been made by Ethiopia's proxy groups and not by the government. And secondly, the government will lose credibility by jeopardising its greatest achievement – removing Ethiopian troops from Somalia. Like the government, the international community has not learned from its past mistakes. Outsourcing the Somalia war to Ethiopia backfired, empowering al-Shabab at the expense of other groups. When Ethiopia was removed from the country, al-Shabab dramatically lost the support of the people and communities began to organise themselves against the group. The lesson here is that the best way to defeat violent extremism or piracy in Somalia is by helping to build a powerful central state, not via the dysfunctional trusteeship of many masters or clan fiefdoms. The sooner we understand and act on this, the closer we will be to establishing durable peace in the country. Formal UN trusteeship To put it bluntly, the Somali people deserve better than to have external parties micromanaging their internal affairs. But, until the current web of political confusion, frustration and exploitation is untangled, one approach is to be straight with the Somali people and to formalise the harmful practice that is currently in place. As happened in East Timor and, to some extent, Liberia, Sierra Leone and Afghanistan, the US and UN should seriously think about placing Somalia under some form of 'trusteeship'. If this is done, the current contest between the Ethiopian-controlled IGAD and US-controlled UN will end. The Security Council could assign Somalia to one country - preferably a state like Turkey or China - which will then assist in rebuilding. There are two benefits to such an arrangement. Firstly, the Somali people will know when this trusteeship period will end and what the final result will be – a Somali-owned state. With the current arrangement, nobody knows when the de facto external control will come to an end and what the final outcome will be. Secondly, any country tasked with assisting Somalia will have to be transparent and accountable to the Somali people and to the UN. There are already performance benchmarks in place for this. Helping Somali institutions Another option for the international community is to help existing Somali institutions to deliver context-appropriate and workable structures within a specified time and then provide them with the support they need. This would involve establishing new legal and governance structures, reducing the number of members of parliament (to between 120 and 160) and the number of people in government (to about 15 to 18 ministers), the separation of the executive and legislative branches and the introduction of a second chamber (of about 60 members) to represent the clans. Once workable institutions are in place, the international community should give more support to Somalis than it provides to AMISOM. Somalia is run by many masters, who have multiple and irreconcilable agendas. None of these have the support of the Somali people and none have been mandated by the UN to manage Somalia. This freewheeling and political exploitation must end. Afyare A. Elmi teaches international politics at Qatar University and is the author of Understanding the Somalia Conflagration: Identity, Political Islam and Peacebuilding. The views expressed in this article are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect Al Jazeera's editorial policy.
  11. Somalia is being run by many masters with irreconcilable agendas, but this exploitation must end if peace is to prevail. Afyare Abdi Elmi Last Modified: 04 Apr 2011 10:37 Somalia is currently under what James Fearon and David Laitin of Stanford University call "a neo-trusteeship system". Various external powers, while disagreeing among themselves, make the important decisions for the Somali people. On January 30, 2011, the Ethiopian-dominated Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), a regional organisation comprised of seven East African states, called for an extension of the Somali parliament's mandate. The dysfunctional Somali parliament duly understood the message sent by Addis Ababa and within three days unilaterally extended its mandate for three years. The US and UN rejected the unilateral extension, with James Steinberg, the US deputy secretary of state, arguing that it would strengthen al-Shabab and Augustine Mahiga, the UN special representative for Somalia, joining in the chorus of criticism. The disagreement within the international community over Somalia was exposed, with Ethiopia and IGAD lining up on one side and the US and UN on the other. The fact that agencies within the US have at times pursued different policies in Somalia adds another layer of complexity. The defence department views Somalia through the lens of the 'war on terror' and, as a result, allies itself with Ethiopia, while the state department is aligned more closely with the rest of the international community. Two months on, the Obama administration is still insisting that the decision to extend the mandate be reversed. As a compromise, Washington has suggested a one-year extension of the parliamentary mandate and two back-to-back presidential elections in August 2011 and 2012. But the Obama administration has condemned neither IGAD nor Ethiopia for triggering and defending the Somali parliament's decision at international forums. Logic dictates that if Washington is so serious about this it should direct its concerns to the source of the latest political entanglement – Ethiopia. And, as bizarre as this may seem, Meles Zenawi, the Ethiopian prime minister, could deliver a reversal of the decision much more promptly than the Somali parliament. Meanwhile, the UK is positioning itself to lead Somalia's post-transition period after August 2011 – a role it sought to kick start during a conference it hosted in February. Unsurprisingly, besides some general recommendations, nothing substantive came out of the gathering. Although Mahiga participated in the UK conference, he failed to influence its outcome and therefore called for another conference to be held in Nairobi in March. Both the Djibouti government and the TFG rejected this, arguing that it would not advance peace in Somalia. Obviously, this will further exacerbate perceptions that Mahiga, like his predecessors, is micro-managing Somali affairs as though he is the governor of the country. Perhaps a reconciliation conference for Somalia's external patrons is in order. Missing Somali voices In all of these discussions the one thing that is missing is the voice of the Somali people. And this politicking does nothing to advance peace or state-building in the country. Somalis have not elected the members of their parliament; Ethiopia and its proxy warlords selected half of them in 2004, while the rest were selected by Sharif Sheikh Ahmed, the president, and Sharif Hassan Sheikh Adan, the speaker of parliament, in 2009, when the parliament was expanded to feature a staggering 550 members. In the more than six years that the Somali parliament has been in place it has not fulfilled its basic functions, failing to produce a single piece of legislation. In addition, it has not linked the government to the people it claims to represent; many of its members do not even visit, let alone seek to advance the long-term interests of, their constituencies. In general, the assumption, although this is not stated publicly of course, that drives these external, paternalistic and, at times, counterproductive initiatives is that Somalia is not ready to become a nation again. There is a widespread belief among members of the international community that Somalis are too divided and too clannish to lead their own state. Some even employ economic arguments to question the viability of a Somali state. The most important decisions, such as the type of constitution it adopts or who represents the people, are therefore taken with minimal input from the Somali people themselves.
  12. Somalia plans to create new state to keep off Al Shabaab By JOHN OYWA and PETER ORENGO The Standard April 02, 2011 The war-torn Somalia could be headed for deeper trouble if plans to create another autonomous region along its borders with Kenya are carried through. Although being billed as a good tactical move to help stabilise the lawless country, some observers say it could spark fresh rounds of civil war between regional authorities and the Al Qaeda linked Al Shabaab militia that is causing grave security concerns in the Horn of Africa. A meeting in Nairobi this week discussed the formation of a semi-autonomous Jubaland that will comprise northern regions of Lower and Middle Juba and Gedo on the Kenya-Somalia border. If the plan goes through, Jubaland would become the third semi-autonomous breakaway region after Somaliland and Puntland. A group of former Somalia MPs told the Nairobi meeting that if created, Jubaland would act as a buffer zone and frustrate incursions by Al Shabaab into the region, prevent entry of refugees, and smuggling of arms into Kenya. Kenya has backed the proposal with the hope it would help crush the Al Shabaab insurgents operating along the Kenya-Somalia-Ethiopia border. The Nairobi meeting was held at a time Mandera is under siege from heavily armed Al Shabaab fighters. The rebel fighters have wounded a number of villagers and even police and military officers based in the town and its environs. Risky undertaking The militia group have pounded the town with mortar fire as they fight the Somalia Transitional Government troops across the border. The rebel group is opposed to the breakaway. A former senior police officer, who spoke to The Standard On Saturday, on condition of anonymity because he is still bound by State secrets rules, warned the Kenyan Government to tread carefully on its relationship with the new Jubaland. "It will not be easy. It may help stop the Al Shabaab in the long run but the Government must be ready for a fight because the militia will definitely resist the creation of the new state," said the former officer. He added: "I hope our top security advisors weighed the pros ad cons of openly supporting such an initiative. I hope the Government is prepared to deal with the repercussions." But delegates at the meeting downplayed the fears that the creation of Jubaland would create more security problems in the already troubled region. Muhammed Gandhi, a former defence minister in Somalia who is co-ordinating the plan said it would bring stability in the region occupied by Al Shabaab. "We are ready to liberate the three regions from Al Shabaab," he said. A seven day congress attended by Somali’s Transitional Federal Government members of parliament, representatives from African Union, IGAD representatives and elders from the region are supposed to come up with a roadmap of how to defeat the terror group. On Wednesday, delegates adopted a regional constitution with 81 Articles to help govern the new state. They also elected Professor Gandhi as the new president of Jubaland. The new ‘country’ is fashioned on the model of the autonomous Puntland and Somaliland in the north. "We intend to conclude a plan of action that has been ongoing for the last two years. We must restore nationhood and unity to the people of Somalia who have suffered foe the last 20 years," said Prof Gandhi. Kenya’s take He said Somalis in the Diaspora, civil society working inside the war torn country and other groups have supported the plan. Kenya is reportedly interested in helping develop the new regional administration to establish a buffer zone between it and the Islamist insurgency in southern Somalia. There are concerns that Kenya’s border with Somalia is a conduit for small arms, which are then distributed to the whole region, and an easy route for refugees. According to the leaked Wikileaks documents, Kenya is said to have supported the creation of the Jubaland to provide a buffer zone and prevent the entry of refugees and illegal arms. Wafula Wamunyinyi, the Deputy Special Representative of the African Union Mission in Somalia, says Somalis must drive peace initiatives before outside intervention. "This plan has the support of AU and Igad members. But we must engage the local community to understand the importance of peace," said Wamunyinyi. However, some countries in the region were not enthusiastic about the plan. Ethiopia, for example, is concerned about the likely impact on its own Somali-dominated ****** region where rebels are fighting for independence. Others doubt Kenya’s tactical capacity to carry out the plan given the strong presence of Al Shabaab rebels in Jubaland whose capital city is Kismayu. Recent US diplomatic cables quoted Ethiopian Prime minister Melez Zenawi as fearing for negative regional impact if the plan failed. The breakaway Puntland has in the past one year witnessed assassination of high profile government officials including a judge and an MP. Somalia slipped into lawlessness following the ouster of President Siad Barre in 1991. The country has since witnesses several coups and murders of top leaders as various clans fight for power. Source: The Standard
  13. Somali transitional government needs new mandate: official MOGADISHU (AFP) - The African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) force commander said Friday he sees no way of managing Somalia’s political transition other than by extending the mandate of the transitional government (TFG). “I don’t see any other alternative than that,” Ugandan Gen. Nathan Mugisha said, referring to a one year extension of the TFG’s mandate. “There is no other option, unfortunately.” “We cannot interrupt the efforts toward pacification. Stabilization has started … we need partners on the other side, AMISOM can not do this job alone without the TFG,” he said in an interview at the force’s base. The mandates of the transitional government and Parliament were both supposed to end in August after an earlier two-year extension. The mandate of President Sharif Sheikh Ahmad was also supposed to end in August. “The TFG is doing a good job, but they’re facing a lot of challenges, political, security, financial. They have done their best,” Mugisha said. “The extremists are now disorganized,” he said, referring to the Al-Qaeda-affiliated rebels, Al-Shabaab, who still control nearly all of south and central Somalia and a large part of the capital. “They are disadvantaged,” the force commander said, referring to gains made by the government forces and AMISOM over the past month. “Once you disrupt the TFG, then you disempower AMISOM and you’re playing the game of Al-Shabaab.” Meanwhile, Kenya has expressed concern over the instability in Somalia as cross-border raids by insurgents increase and a steady influx of refugees cross the porous frontier. “Kenya is concerned about the fluid and unpredictable situation in Somalia,” President Mwai Kibaki said during a meeting with U.N. chief Ban Ki-moon late Thursday. “I look forward to the U.N. Security Council playing its rightful role in ending the protracted internal strife in Somalia for the sake of millions of innocent people.” Source: AFP
  14. The war intensifies, especially near the border with Kenya The Economist April 01,2011 | NAIROBI IN THE past few months a force of the African Union (AU), consisting mainly of Ugandans and Burundians, has gained ground in Mogadishu, Somalia’s battered capital, pushing the rebels of the Shabab, the jihadist movement linked to al-Qaeda, back to the fringes of the city. That offensive may, however, be faltering, following the death in battle of a score of Burundian soldiers and rising tension between the AU forces and those of Somalia’s transitional government. Lately the war has also intensified to the west and south of Mogadishu, which was previously under Shabab control. Fighters of Ahla Sunna Waljama, a Sufi group which has been fighting the Shabab in central Somalia, say they have taken control of several towns close to the border with Kenya and Ethiopia. As a result, thousands of Somalis have fled across the porous border into Kenya, which now hosts 260,000 registered Somali refugees, along with hundreds of thousands of unregistered ones. The Shabab says it is still in charge of the south and south-west. It has asserted its authority in some border towns by lopping off limbs or even the heads of men they accuse of fighting against them. The Shabab has also accused Kenya’s government of sending its forces into Somalia to help the feeble but internationally recognised transitional government. Sensitive to the views of Kenya’s 2m-plus ethnic Somalis, who favour a policy of non-intervention, Kenyan officials deny such direct involvement. Most of the recently displaced Somalis have taken shelter in and around the Kenyan town of Mandera. Kenya says it has arrested a number of Shabab fighters in the town, including some non-Somali jihadists. Mandera’s elders are worried that the violence may be spilling over into Kenya. They express particular hostility to the reported presence of Ethiopian agents in the town. But Mandera has long been a regional hub for the sale of cattle, camels and general trade; the border with Ethiopia and Somalia is only a walk away. Safaricom, a Kenyan telecoms firm, says Mandera has the busiest mobile-phone traffic in the country. The Shabab may be more resilient than the AU and Western countries would like. Some Somalis originally welcomed it for bringing order and for weaning locals off foreign aid. Moreover, Ahla Sunna is distrusted because it gets military support from Ethiopia, the Somalis’ ancient enemy. No single group looks capable of securing permanent control of the border. But the Shabab is on the defensive. Source: The Economist
  15. Hoggaamiyihii hore ee ururkii burburay Xisbul Islaam Sheekh Xasan Daahir Aweys ayaa ka hadlay dagaaladii ugu dambeeyay oo dhex maray ciidamada Dowladda oo kaashanaya AMISOM iyo xarakada Al-Shabaab kana dhacay magaalada Muqdisho iyo gobolada dalka, iyadoo Xasan Daahir uu Wareysi uu siiyay Idaacadda VOA-da laanteeda Afka Soomaaliga uu ku sheegay sheegay in dagaaladii ka dhacay gobolada dalka marka laga reebo degmada Luuq oo ay ka qeyb qaateen dagaalada ka dhacay taangiyada ciidamada Itoobiya sida uu sheegay. Waxa uu sheegay Sheekh Xasan Daahir inay weli jirto cududii Al-Shabaab ay dagaalada dalka ku sii wadi kareyso, hase yeeshee isagoo ka hadlayay dagaalada Muqdisho ku dhex maray ciidamada Dowladda oo garab ka helaya AMISOM iyo xarakada Al-Shabaab waxa uu sheegay in dagaaladaasi ay ku jabeen Al-Shabaab, isagoo tusaale u soo qaatay awooda labada dhinac oo uu sheegay in dhinaca Dowladda ka badan tahay dhinac kasta sida hubka iyo ciidamada. "Inta Shabaab dagaalada Muqdisho ay ku riteen waxaa ka badan inta iyaga laga ritay" ayuu yiri Sheekh Xasan Daahir Aweys oo qirtay in Muqdisho looga awood badan yahay, hase yeeshee waxa uu sheegay inay Muqdisho ka wadaan dagaal ku dhufo oo ka dhaqaaq ah ilaa iyo inta ay iyagu ka guuleysanayaan. Dhinaca kale waxa uu sheegay Xasan Daahir Aweys in cidiyaha lagu dagaalamayo, wuxuuna sheegay in dhinacooda dagaalada ay ka qeyb qaadanayaan dadka birima geydada ah, isagoo dhinaca kale si cad u diiday shirka QM ay qabanqaabineyso inuu ka dhaco magaalada Nairobi ee dalka Kenya. Maxamuud Axmed Xasan ( Xuurshe) Muqdisho-Somalia Tel:0025261-5573321 00252699995088
  16. Waxaa soo baxay khilaaf cusub oo ka dhex curtay gudoomiyaha baarlamanka Somalia iyo mid ka mid ah ku-xigeenadiisa kaasoo gaaray iney warbaahinta isu mariyaan dheleeceyn, waxaana khilaafkaasi uu yimid ka dib markii gudoomiye ku xigeenka labaad ee baarlamanka uu sharci daro ku tilmaamay gudiyo uu dhowaan magacaabay gudoomiyaha baarlamanka oo uu ku jiro guddiga qaban qaabada doorashooyinka madaxweynaha. Guddoomiye ku-xigeenka labaad ee Golaha Baarlamaanka Axmed Dhimbil Rooble (Casoowe) waxa uu uga hadlay arrimo fara badan, gaar ahaan waxa uu ka hadlay guddiyo dhowaan uu magacaabay Guddoomiyaha Golaha Baarlamaanka Shariif Sh. Aadan kaasi oo qaabilsan doorashooyinka Madaxweynaha ee Baarlamanka. Waxa uu sidoo kale ka hadlay shirka wada tashiga ayna qaban qaabineyso QM kana dhici doona magaalada Nairobi ee dalka Kenya, isagoo sheegay inay jiraan dhibaatooyin ka taagan qaabka beesha caalamka iyo QM ku wadaan arrimaha dalka Soomaaliya. Xildhibaan Casoowe mar uu ka hadlayay guddiga doorashada ee uu magacaabay Guddoomiyaha Baarlamaanka, waxa uu sheegay in guddiyadaasi oo ka kooban 120-ka Mudane ah ay sharci daro tahay inuu magacaabo Guddoomiyaha Baarlamaanka isagoo soo daliishay qodobo ku yaala xeer hoosaadka Baarlamanka oo qeexaya waajibaadka iyo shaqada gudoomiyaha Baarlamanka iyo ku xigeenadiisa, isagoo dhinaca kale sheegay in qaladaadka dhinaca sharciga ah ee uu ku kacayo Shariif Xasan ay yihiin kuwo sii kordhaya oo wax badana uu u soo dulqaadanayey. Guddoomiye ku-xigeenka labaad ee Golaha Baarlamaanka ayaa ka hadlay doorka beesha caalamka iyo Qaramada Midoobay ee ku aadan arrimaha dalka Soomaaliya, waxa uuna sheegay inay dalka dibadiisa kula kulmaan Guddoomiyaha Baarlamaanka iyo Madaxweynaha isla markaana kulamo la yeesha, hase yeeshee go'aanka ay gaaraan ayuu sheegay inay noqdaan kuwo fashil ku dhammaada. "Beesha caalamka iyo QM waxay doonayaan inay ogaadaan gunta hoose ee Dowladda, waxaana ugu baaqayaa inay Golaha Baarlamaanka soo hordhigaan qorshahooda siyaasadeed" ayuu yiri Xildhibaan Casoowe oo sheegay dhinaca kale in hoggaanka xukuumadda aanay inta badan la tashiyo la sameynin Golayaasha Dowladda, taasina ay tahay caqabada ku hor gudban dadaalka beesha caalamka ku dooneyso inay dalka Soomaaliya dib ugu soo celiso amniga iyo kala dambeynta.
  17. Odayaal ku ceyrtoobay abaaraha iskuna daldalay deegaan ka tirsan degmada Balcad ee gobolka Sh/dhexe Degaanka Janfalo oo ka tirsan degmada Balcad ee gobolka Sh/dhexe waxaa dabayaaqadii toddobaadkan ka dhacay arrin layaab leh, kaddib markii laba aabe oo ka mid ahaa qoysaska halkaasi degan ay is daldaleen iyagoo qoorta isaga xiray xarig kaddib iska soo laadlaadiyay geed dheer sidaasna ay nafta uga baxday. Labada nin oo lagu kala magacaabo Maxamed Muuse Xasan iyo Cali Jirif ayaa iyagu meel aan sidaas uga fogeyn degaanka Janfalo waxay go'aansadeen inay gacantooda isku daldalaan, waxaana dadka degaanka ay sheegeen in dabayaaqadii toddobaadkaan lagu aasay degaankaasi. Mid ka mid ah odayaasha degaanka Janfalo oo u waramayay shabakadaan ayaa ka warbixiyay arrinta labada nin ee isku daldalay degaanadaasi, waxa uuna sheegay in labada nin ay leeyihiin xaas iyo caruur ay xaaladoodu tahay mid ka sii dareyso bacdamaa ay is daldaleen labadii aabe ee iyagu mas'uulka ka ahaa, wuxuuna ka codsaday dhammaanba shacabka Soomaaliyeed inay gargaar u fidiyaan caruurtaasi agoonta ah. Sababta keentay inay is daldalaan Maxamed Muuse Xasan iyo Cali Jirif, ayay sheegayaan dadka degaanka kaddib markii ay ku ceyrtoobeen abaartii ugu xumeyd abid oo ku dhuftay degaanadaasi, isla markaana ay ka dhammaadeen xoolihii ay dhaqanayeen, iyagoo u fiirsan waayay duruufaha adag ee ay ku sugan yihiin qoysaskooda. Degaanka Janfalo oo u dhaxeeya magaalada Muqdisho iyo Degmada Balcad ayaa dadka degan waxay qarka u saaran yihiin inay gaajo darteed ugu geeriyoodaan, bacdamaa dadka ay ka dhammaadeen xoolihii ay dhaqanayeen isla markaana abaaraha ka jira dartood ay ka dhasheen cudurro ku dhacay caruurta iyo dadka taagta daran. Dhinaca kale maamulka xarakada Al-Shabaab ee degaanadaasi ka taliya, ayay sheegayaan dadka degaanka inay uga sii dareen xaaladda nololeed ee degaanka Janfalo ka jirta oo ay galaafatay abaarta kaddib markii ay dadka ka hor istaageen inay suuqa ama magaalaada Muqdisho ka soo iibsadaan raashin iyo calaf ay siiyaan xoolaha. Maxamuud Axmed Xasan ( Xuurshe) Muqdisho-Somalia Tel:0025261-5573321 00252699995088
  18. Degaanka Janfalo oo ka tirsan degmada Balcad ee gobolka Sh/dhexe waxaa dabayaaqadii toddobaadkan ka dhacay arrin naxdin leh, ka dib markii laba aabe oo ka mid ahaa qoysaska halkaasi degan ay is daldaleen iyagoo qoorta isaga xiray xarig kaddibna iska soo laadlaadiyay geed dheer sidaasna ay nafta uga baxday. Labada nin oo lagu kala magacaabo Maxamed Muuse Xasan iyo Cali Jirif ayaa iyagu meel aan sidaas uga fogeyn degaanka Janfalo waxay go'aansadeen inay gacantooda isku daldalaan, waxaana dadka degaanka ay sheegeen in dabayaaqadii toddobaadkaan lagu aasay degaankaasi. Mid ka mid ah odayaasha degaanka Janfalo ayaa ka warbixiyay arrinta labada nin ee isku daldalay degaanadaasi, waxana uu sheegay in labada nin ay leeyihiin xaas iyo caruur ay xaaladoodu tahay mid ka sii dareyso bacdamaa ay is daldaleen labadii aabe ee iyagu mas'uulka ka ahaa, wuxuuna ka codsaday dhamaanba shacabka Soomaaliyeed inay gargaar u fidiyaan caruurtaasi agoonta ah. Sababta keentay inay is daldalaan Maxamed Muuse Xasan iyo Cali Jirif, ayay sheegayaan dadka degaanka kaddib markii ay ku ceyrtoobeen abaartii ugu xumeyd abid oo ku dhuftay degaanadaasi, isla markaana ay ka dhammaadeen xoolihii ay dhaqanayeen, iyagoo u adkeysan waayay duruufaha adag ee ay ku sugan yihiin qoysaskooda. Degaanka Janfalo oo u dhaxeeya magaalada Muqdisho iyo Degmada Balcad ayaa dadka degan waxay qarka u saaran yihiin inay gaajo darteed ugu geeriyoodaan, bacdamaa dadka ay ka dhammaadeen xoolihii ay dhaqanayeen isla markaana abaaraha ka jira dartood ay ka dhasheen cudurro ku dhacay caruurta iyo dadka taagta daran, iyadoo aysan jirin ilaa hada cid gagaar u fidisay.