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Everything posted by 5

  1. Originally posted by Queen Arawello: When the likes of 2-2=-5 and JB and Nunne, rate themselves below 1. That means they are ugly or are socially retarded or even very dumb. Why are they rating themselves below this score. Because we know they are not that bad. I am sure 2+2=5 is very beautiful, but her personality doesn't strike the same cord lol. JB on the other hand is not the most beautiful of creatures. I hear Nuune is a good catch. Maybe because we don't take ourselves too seriously, hmm? Also, JB is pretty good looking. And so is Nuune. In fact I would go as far as saying the three of us are like probably the best looking people here. Like if you were to have a beauty pageant here on SOL, I'm pretty sure we'd be the winners. JB would go home with the crown, I'd be 1st runner up and after some stiff competition, Nuune would come in as 2nd runner up.
  2. 5

    Money = Power = Respect!

    Originally posted by NNC: I think that if you don't have Iman, nothing will make you happy. You should be happy regardless, there are lots of people in the world who don't have anything but they have smile on their face, and that's not something money can buy. I think we are fortunate and should be thankful everyday. I'm happy when i help someone who needs help. I agree with you. There are so many wonderful things in life for which to be so grateful for, I personally find it a struggle to be unhappy/unappreciative. But we shouldn't take Allah (swt) blessings for granted and should always, forever pray to Him that He will allow us to stay grateful, because it is only by His mercy that we are grateful in the first place.
  3. 5

    Money = Power = Respect!

    Originally posted by B: quote:Originally posted by 2+2=5: quote: Originally posted by B: My finance have been awfully for almost two years now. I owe thousands of pounds to the bank, they send down court threats all the time. I am living a life of meagre existence. All I can manage is my travel money and some of the donations/sponsorships received are all spent on indulgences like cigs and drugs. Lucky, I have an amazing family, who buy me clothes and stuff and I also look very well-off. But my concern is the lack of tangible money. My friends operate a 'caag' service (credit card fraud), they buy impressive stuff but I am not dumb enough to go that far because of the consequence. Life without money is not nice. I don't like it to be honest, but I have no choice but to hang in there because I know it wont last forever and I know one day I will be financially secure and take my mum on holiday and buy nice things for her because she has been very kind to me for a long time now. How will you "one day be financially secure"? When it finally starts raining money? Admit it, you like the way you live - because if you didn't, you would do something about it. The fact you spend the little money you have on cigarettes and drugs tells it all (action speaks louder than words). Don't get me wrong, I live off my parents too - but that's because I'm a student and they don't want me to work. In your case, your family is simply prolonging the suffering/problems. You're a grown man, it's time for them to cut the financial umbilical cord, for your own good . Get a job and make your mother proud by taking care of yourself, man. You are are not in the full facts of my situation, so please don't make assumptions about me. I do agree that you have made good points but this is undermined by the fact that your constantly assuming. There is no difference between us, we are both living off parents so why then make judgement on me. I'm not judging you. I'm sorry if it came across that way. The difference between you and I is that I don't feel my finance is in awful state. To me it seems that you are a little reckless with money, whilst I hold on to the little money I live on, with both hands. As a student, I am in no position to live a life of luxury. In fact, I think every student should go through a phase of poverty just so they can later rub it in their kids' face, because lets face it, it's not like we can say :"When I was your age I was tending cows in Afgooye/ ate only one meal a day/ washed clothes with bare hands". So we need something to impress the little baestardos with!
  4. last night my heart drank from a cup not the potion of eternal love this liquid was dark and sticky and my heart felt heavy like raw oil it dripped from my nails and that is how it felt the night before and the night before my eyes are fixed on the stars in the sky as i open my hands and ask for Your love and forgiveness with the salaats i missed, i was filled with darkness But with Your mercy, the dawn finally broke and i began to see with each day, a new chance arises though Hope and Faith only connect with hearts that are in search of them Oh my Lord, how I love You. - Tue Blos To
  5. Looks: 10 Intelligence: 0 Personality: -1
  6. 5

    Money = Power = Respect!

    Originally posted by B: My finance have been awfully for almost two years now. I owe thousands of pounds to the bank, they send down court threats all the time. I am living a life of meagre existence. All I can manage is my travel money and some of the donations/sponsorships received are all spent on indulgences like cigs and drugs. Lucky, I have an amazing family, who buy me clothes and stuff and I also look very well-off. But my concern is the lack of tangible money. My friends operate a 'caag' service (credit card fraud), they buy impressive stuff but I am not dumb enough to go that far because of the consequence. Life without money is not nice. I don't like it to be honest, but I have no choice but to hang in there because I know it wont last forever and I know one day I will be financially secure and take my mum on holiday and buy nice things for her because she has been very kind to me for a long time now. How will you "one day be financially secure"? When it finally starts raining money? Admit it, you like the way you live - because if you didn't, you would do something about it. The fact you spend the little money you have on cigarettes and drugs tells it all (action speaks louder than words). Don't get me wrong, I live off my parents too - but that's because I'm a student and they don't want me to work. In your case, your family is simply prolonging the suffering/problems. You're a grown man, it's time for them to cut the financial umbilical cord, for your own good. Get a job and make your mother proud by taking care of yourself, man.
  7. Originally posted by Somalicentric.: … even if I gave you countless explanations, you’d find another meaningless thing to point out… Oh no, I'm not letting you go. So the fact you said the photo was taken with a film camera (accompanied by that lovely story of your friends posing half-naked for your school project) even though it was taken with a D40 is a "meaningless thing" to point out? Or the fact that you said you use a D60x? And to the rest of you: For crying out loud. If you want to look/gasp at a talented SOLer's photos, see a wonderful thread titled "Asian Odessey". At least there are not gaping differences in the qualities of the photos.
  8. I'm a girl and even I couldn't take my eyes off Aniston's body in the Bounty Hunter. Amaze! How do they do that at 40?
  9. Originally posted by Somalicentric.: And if you are quite the "camera expert" you claim to be you would've known that the B/W pics you critized were done w/a film camera, aside from that those photos were for a class... You know a place where people learn things, and "half-nude" cadaan friends pitch in to help w/a project... i am sure you've heard of such a place I'm not a camera expert at all. In fact I know nothing about cameras; Flickr tells us that those particular photos (the ones you claim were for class and done with film camera) were actually taken with a D40 and not a film camera. http://www.flickr.com/photos/16842870@N07/4266034019/ So you're clearly quite the liar. So why should I believe your word that all the photos on your blog were taken by you? Especially when my eyes clearly tell otherwise. I'll save my praises for those who truly deserve it. Oh and you can call me anything you like.
  10. Haha @ you two. Somehow for me, the photo where the woman and the man are fooling around in the bed, half-naked, seems a little odd of a photo to have been taken by a Somali Muslimah. Same goes for the diptych photo of the white couple's (almost intertwining!) legs. Not to mention that there are some truly horrific photos amongst almost perfect ones. The difference in quality is staggering. And the fact that you said you used a D60x didn't really help either. (D40 ) But I'll stop being an a$$ now. Welcome to the forums and thanks for linking to your blog. You write beautifully. Also thanks for introducing me to Ali Kiba.
  11. I'll be an a$$. You should credit the photos you didn't take yourself, otherwise it gives the impression all the photos on your page were taken by you. Which clearly isn't the case.
  12. First I would get rid of 90% of the population, the chosen rest would live to serve me. One world, one ruler. Millions of servants who would live in poverty and work in factories, to keep my perfect society going. Well, the topic didn't say "...change the World for the better"... I'm joking, I'm joking! 50%.
  13. How curious, evolutionist arguing for morality! I'll play the devil's advocate, just for the fun of it. Wake up, we are animals! Morality and altruism are merely survival mechanisms. The laws of Nature shaped us and they didn't make us equal because you see, Nature has no agend or intention and certainly no morality. :rolleyes: The rules are very simple: the strong survive whilst the weak die. Survival doesn't require selflessness or equality. On what account is one person superior to another? Deeds! Like Allah (swt) says in the holy Quran. If someone had a paedophile murderer and a housewife tied up, ready to kill one of them, and asked you which person was superior to the other one, would your answer be: "They are both equal as human beings"?
  14. OMG the landscape pictures!! HEAVENLY! I don't know if its halal to say that... but whoa! ManshaAllah wallee ilaahey abuuridiisa wey qurux badantahay! I especially loved the Laos countryside photo! Having recently seen mountains for the first time I absolutely adore & have a thing for great hills and mountains. Ya Allah the views Allah (swt) has created for us to enjoy! Thank you for making my day with these amazing pictures. Enjoy your Asian odessey & be safe.
  15. and I hope it raaains, you're the perfect lullabyyyy....
  16. 5

    If I was an animal

    Life as an animal? I would probably want to be a fly - they only live for a few days.
  17. 5

    If I was an animal

    Originally posted by B: free as the air useful graceful You forgot delicious.
  18. 5

    Fitness Freaks

    ^^ It kiiiiind of looks like Nando's. Nando's = poor over priced burgers! You know what would be the most awesomemest thing ever? If the Big Easy did halal burgers.
  19. I like it when people shower me with attention! *claps hands in an excited manner* It makes me feel so special. On a more serious note though, all this apologizing is kind of getting boring. You don't really care. I know I don't! 'tis the internet after all. So can we just get back to talking about the Somali obsession with marriage or whatever the discussion was about? Hmmm? Now in the words of the immortal unknown Spanish actor in Orange's Film Council advert: "Fantastico!"
  20. Err, this is gossip thinly veiled as discussion.
  21. Originally posted by Oz: it's a shame how other SOL girls laugh at another ones misery. I know, they are like so cruel. Make them stop! Prince of punt is Adam? I don't know, I just like randomly calling people 'Adam'.
  22. Yeah, sharing isn't really my thing... But cool & the gang, Adam, apology fully accepted (though maybe a tad unnecessary) Perhaps I should start talking to people about my husband, so they don't think I'm looking for guys to ask out?
  23. 5

    HELP.... London People

    I probably shouldn't have laughed! B are you serious? I am sorry! But seriously, freedom pass?? Doesn't it like make a weird sound when you touch in? Like "pipipi" instead of "pipip"? I once took the overground from Stratford and travelled without a valid ticket (my oyster travelcard didn't cover the journey). When I reached my destination, I got almost fined at the gates! But luckily females have it easier; we can play dumb and smile our way out Sorry I am rubbing it in your face. My advice to you is: don't worry, everything's going to be OK Just have faith in God & pray in ilaahey uu gaalga mercy galiyo. Also, try & be charming yet remorseful. Lol @ Nin Yaaban's musings
  24. I know someone who came back gay. Herad of another who became an alcoholic. So many horror stories. I would seriously advise people not to dump their kids in Somalia, whilst they are comfortably living in the West. Emigrate the whole family, but don't abandon the kid as soon as troubles start, because that's what it is - abandoning. Teenagers are bound to be irritating and run into troubles but as a parent one's responsibility is to be there for them and help them out of trouble.