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Everything posted by Rahima

  1. Hi Lily, how is good ol' london town today?
  2. Should've known really but your brother should do his own hustling. I'm backing Alpha- at least he's in the game himself. Faheema- i support whatever you decide sister!
  3. NGONGE;918008 wrote: Fine. You're struck of the list, we shall leave you to the painful flirtations of Alpha. Must you? The brother was making headway- now you'll make Faheema run.
  4. raula;917710 wrote: waves @ OZ & Rahima (good to see ya..its been long time-hope all is well down under ). Waves back, thanks raula. I've had internet connection problems for a while but all is good now,lol. How have you been? I'm starting to see that a lot has changed on SOL.
  5. I did think twice about making a comment in this thread and why I chose to do so was because like so many Somalis of my generation I’m fed up with this nonsense and double standards displayed here. M*oryaan (made up of almost every clan mind you) may of have initially destroyed Somalia but views such as those expressed by most of you on this thread continue to strangle the hope of peace. Hadaad rabtiin ku marmarsiyooda this is fact, you all seem to state fact but the amusing thing is that all these FACTS demonise the ‘enemy’ clan and angelify your own clans. You guys never accept the shortcomings or faults of your own clans and their leaders. It is expected that you would call me a moryaan sympathizer since I called BS on your views, I’m expecting the other side to hurl equally idiotic insults at me but yes, the truth does hurt and you all sound like a bunch of qabiilist odayaal. Before I officially leave this thread, I suggest that all of you think long and hard about what you believe and write- waa jirro really and ilaahay ha idinka caafiyo.
  6. xiinfaniin;917709 wrote: Look at the pathetic notion insinuated openly here, and blanket accusations of qabiilism! Xiin, let's get real here for a minute. Whether or not you are right about this issue is not the point. Even if we agree for arguments sake that "they started it first" with their qabiilist comments (and I'm not saying that they did lest i get accused of bias), the fact that you have reciprocated with comments just as distasteful puts you under the same cloud. Ha ka xanaaqin, most who aren't motivated by qabiil interests have a problem with how this entire discussion has panned out and I'm sure most would want it deleted. You are all pointing fingers at each other yet the odd thing is isku mid ayaa tihiin and none of you seem to be interested in reconciliation or peace just the defence and domination of your respective qabiils- pot calling the kettle black is what comes to mind. Somalia will not come back because you are all destroying it. Che- I told you SL was onto a smart thing,lol. Sadly i think there is no other option, everywhere you go dadkeena cuqdad ayaa ka buuxdo. The sadder thing is they will pollute the next generation as well- you will see twenty year olds who weren't even born back then arguing about Siyaad Barre (AUN) and Caydiid (AUN).
  7. Rahima

    Today I....

    Aaliyyah;917523 wrote: Today I attended a janaza of a young mother. She left behind four kids the youngest being 2 weeks. Inalilah wa ina ilayhi rajicuun. Alle ha u naxaristo. And may Allah always watch over her kids. *tears Aamiin- subhannallah that is tragic.
  8. I suspect that no one actually cares for the people whose properties were looted or whose lives were lost- keep playing your clannish games boys but please stay out of Somalia and instead indulge your qabiilist minds online. Inshallah the people of Somalia will achieve reconciliation and peace.
  9. Something is not right here! People- can we just remember that we are Muslims and therefore must believe that the hijab is mandatory. It is not as if the two pictures are comparing women who are in different types of hijab, it is comparing women who are NOT in hijab and those who are (you may not like the design of it, but they are in hijab). I may not like the design of the Somali style jilbaab but i MUST as a Muslim preference that over a mini skirt- maxaa idin kugu dhacay?
  10. It is interesting that it is predominately men who seem to have a problem with the hijab. Why men would be so obsessed with the chosen attire of women is beyond me.
  11. Alhamdullilah the hijab is worn to please Allah and not mere mortals.
  12. ^Turks? Very nice, hope it works out.
  13. ^What's there to be jealous about? Is it also not yours as a Somali?
  14. NGONGE;914612 wrote: Another day, another first! Good morning all. I'm always the first in, i just let you have it . Even if i log in midday, i still beat you- so faanka naga dhaaf please.
  15. Juxa;914256 wrote: Salaam alaykum all This darn flue, my assistant brought it, then took 3 days off to recover whereas i have to work through it:( That's the spirit, never take a sick day off for actual sickness. Back in the days where such luxuries were available to me, I would accumulate enough hours and then take mental health days- some would call it a holiday. On a side note Juxa, don't feel left out, i use boorso as well
  16. For me it's a close contest between Sh. Sudais and Sh. Abdulwaduud Haneef.
  17. ^ You are right- the bulk of the politics section breaks most of the rules and whilst i would love for it all to be deleted i can't imagine the moderators deleting them all. That said though we should be able to have a break from it in the General section don't you think? Wadani, Not trying to be a party pooper but my concern is that if we become too lax SOL runs the risk of becoming like other forums that most of us would never visit let alone participate in.
  18. Che -Guevara;912167 wrote: I meant I haven't used for so long, it sounded strange My Somali does need a bit of work so excuse my complex
  19. QansaxMeygaag;912344 wrote: Why do you want to kill the thread? If you don't like it, don't read or post, it is a free virtual "country" innit? Camel Milk Threads Golden rule Number 1: Qabiil: absolutely no qabiil talk. Not even a mention of any qabiil/Clan name. No qabiil discussion of any kind.
  20. oba hiloowlow;911351 wrote: i go by common sense .... Ali ibn Abi Talib (radiyallahu anh) said: "If religion were based on opinion (what people think is common sense), then we should wipe the bottom of the khuff (leather slippers) rather than the top, but I saw Rasulullah (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) wiping the top of them."