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Everything posted by Iffah

  1. Hmm.. it seems like most of you have put some thought into choosing your avatars. I just stumbled upon this one and thought it pretty and suitable for an avatar. Also, I like the bright colour and well...I like flowers too. SOLP Ohh..is that what it is? I thought it was some sort of a maze
  2. Mine are Friends & Family Matters.
  3. No shots for me too please!... Hey, Welcome sis.
  4. No shots for me too please!... Hey, Welcome sis.
  5. Iffah

    shot outs

    No shots for me too please!... Hey, Welcome sis.
  6. Iffah

    shot outs

    No shots for me too please!... Hey, Welcome sis.
  7. Loyan Do you want a group hug? I don't understand why people say we're sucking up to one another when we just seem to be getting along. We don't have to be at each other's throats all the time...just accept the fact that we are all mature adults who respect each others views(most of us).
  8. Iffah

    Hi :)

    OGI... hi there. I'm just leaving my mark here..for now. MMA..hehe.
  9. Ah! I didn't realize you guys posted ...while i was trying to explain things. See how complicated I made things...oh well Wlcm again!
  10. Ah! I didn't realize you guys posted ...while i was trying to explain things. See how complicated I made things...oh well Wlcm again!
  11. Ah! I didn't realize you guys posted ...while i was trying to explain things. See how complicated I made things...oh well Wlcm again!
  12. Ah! I didn't realize you guys posted ...while i was trying to explain things. See how complicated I made things...oh well Wlcm again!
  13. Hey Welcome! How does this site work? It's quite simple actually. Look around and you will figure everything out in less than an hour. Ok, let's see how else I can help you out. The chatroom...I can't seem to get in to it either so pass that. To get into the PM, you have to log in, then you can click on the inbox (located left upper corner, right below the camel pic) or you can click on the Private messages. And finally, to PM someone you have to click the PM icon next to their name. ENjoy your stay!
  14. Hey Welcome! How does this site work? It's quite simple actually. Look around and you will figure everything out in less than an hour. Ok, let's see how else I can help you out. The chatroom...I can't seem to get in to it either so pass that. To get into the PM, you have to log in, then you can click on the inbox (located left upper corner, right below the camel pic) or you can click on the Private messages. And finally, to PM someone you have to click the PM icon next to their name. ENjoy your stay!
  15. Hey Welcome! How does this site work? It's quite simple actually. Look around and you will figure everything out in less than an hour. Ok, let's see how else I can help you out. The chatroom...I can't seem to get in to it either so pass that. To get into the PM, you have to log in, then you can click on the inbox (located left upper corner, right below the camel pic) or you can click on the Private messages. And finally, to PM someone you have to click the PM icon next to their name. ENjoy your stay!
  16. Hey Welcome! How does this site work? It's quite simple actually. Look around and you will figure everything out in less than an hour. Ok, let's see how else I can help you out. The chatroom...I can't seem to get in to it either so pass that. To get into the PM, you have to log in, then you can click on the inbox (located left upper corner, right below the camel pic) or you can click on the Private messages. And finally, to PM someone you have to click the PM icon next to their name. ENjoy your stay!
  17. Iffah


    Nasra, I would not take offense if one of my girls called me naayaa, infact we call each other that all time. Some are a bit wild and tend to use crazier words than that...but anyways... as Ameenah & Rahiima said, I wouldn't accept them calling me naayaa if we're having a fight. & A guy cannot call me that...whatever the situation. Naayaa Nova...! (meaning, haye gabar!) btw, I'm wondering if the word waryaa, or waraa has the same affect on guys.
  18. You are so right! I agree with you & I hope the newbies heed this advice.
  19. Hehe..that was very funny and somewhat accurate. I really thought the remote control would be a male... Lakk.. Duqa, haye! Ma nooshahey?
  20. Jawahiir I would say that person might like me ..or admire me.. but LOVE? I don't think that's possible. You have to know the person to love them...that's how I see it anyways.
  21. Welcome Mizz! Nice post. It's mostly true... but i'm not so sure about #9.
  22. Ezmacil..thanks for the laugh. That was very funny!
  23. lol@Jamilah... Did I mention it's more than 1 person. No I can't say yet... let someone else go first...preferably YOU!
  24. Cyber crush? So it doesn't have to be an individual from SOL only? There are alot of people who I admire around here...guys and girls. But my SOL crush is ... I can't do it... I'm worse than you.