Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. Fufu , Somaliland . iyo somalia oo hall waddan aha in 1988 ,ayaa lana odhan jiiray xabbadii keento. Maanta oo aynu labba dall nahay. maxaad ku diidaysa inan qaxootii ugu yeedhe ileen somaliland umaysan dhalan dadkaasi Koonfuriansku iyo Ethiopianku.
  2. Fagadhe wa snm mujaheed, mushaharkisa na xaq buu uu leeyahay.
  3. Nuune dadka Hawd and reserve area ku dhaqan iyakay uu taala haday rabbban inay ka go aan oo ay iska xoreyaan Ethiopia , amay inay dalkooda imaansadan labbada miid wax uu dhexeyaa adeerow ma jirto.Eritrea iyada go aansatay inay iska xoreyaan, wanay xooroobeen , laakin Hawd and reserve area walii ma arkin waxay doonayan , Ma dall gaar ah ma inay somalia ku biiran , ma inay somaliland ku biiran clear agenda ba ma laha. Eritrea waxay ahayd gooni isutaaga eritrea wa muqadis. Laakin Kuwan Somalida maba laha plan. Qaar ba uu shaqeya ismaamul goboleeedka somalida Ethiopia qaar ba uu shaqeyaaa jabhada hubaysan qaar ba shacaab ah waxbaba aminsanayn.
  4. somali dee ka hor ma jirin before1884 dawlad somaliyeed ma jirin dad nomads aha uu dhulka iska warwareega ayaa jiiray , eeg,dhulka hawd andreseve area xabahi malaha waxa iska leh somali. laakin waxay ka miid yihin Dalka Ethiopia ., dalka Ethiopia na wa multhy ethnic.
  5. Somaliland dhaqaaqday waleh hadabay qaxootii from somalia iyo Ethiopia uu soo qaxeen lol. We will give integration lessons soon, for the koonfurians and the Ethiopians.
  6. Yaa ka wax weydiya ba horta isaga iyo jamac maxammad qalib , cant go their home lol. puntland bay iska dhiibeeb lol
  7. One question . lacagta aad waxa ku dhiisaysiid halkeed ka keenaysa?
  8. General duke , Cowke is not an imposter he is just not caadi dhanka maskaxda lol
  9. Ilahay ha uu naxariisto qabriga na ha uu nuuro mujaheed lixle
  10. i know this guy 1. Maxamed Axmed Xirsi Geele.
  11. Edna adan is not a christian she is a muslim qof ,muslim ah hadaad gaal ku sheegtid danbiga adiga iska leh wax xubso Dr adan the father of adna was a Christian ., but adna is muslim aniga ku xaqijin karra taas sxb.
  12. I am not that sure, we where clapping our hands when the first electoral Commission was announced, how are these guys different then jamac Sweden , i mean its the same game different players. I have to see in order to believe they are honest guys and really want to hold election. Any thing from that Viva Somaliland.
  13. There is no room for somalilandiid in somaliland
  14. Originally posted by Cowke: Duke, are you comparing jidbaale (an unknown merfish squatter) to a reliable news media in puntland whom everyone in the region knows? C'mon that is a bit weak don't you think. As far as the SSC people are concerned. They are anti-somaliland there is no doubt about that, however their is a minority (3) garaads among them that are also anti puntland. Now these 3 garads have a fair few following, however i am certain without the consensus of all the garads which 12 garads are totally missing will definitely have a huge repercussion on the ssc click. I personally prefer that ssc stays in puntland because puntland is turning into multi party democracy and seats won't be allocated based on "districts and clans" Now it is very well known with-in puntland circles that the mudug people and the ssc people have always voted lets just say "1" direction in election time. It appears they have some sort of agreement among themselves to vote for each of their own representatives when it's election time. For example if a mudug guy runs he has ssc votes secured. If a Sanaag Or Sool guy runs he has mudug votes secured. A recent example of this is; 1. Abdullahi Yusuf election in 98 had full backing from ssc. 2. Abdullahi Yusuf 2002 war against the kings had strong backing from the ssc. and 3. Ilkajir runnning, he had full support from the mudug ppl and his region also. So it's plain as day within puntland that there is some sort of agreement between these respective regions in puntland to vote for one and the other candidates. My speculation is they want to rough out the kings. Mudug has 10 seats, ssc has 17, and sanaag 9 seats. In combination that works out to be 36 seats of the 66 parliament. That is gigantic 50% stakehold in the parliament. Where-As Bari has 21 seats a 31% stakehold. Nugaal has 9 seats and is usually the indepedent and has 13% stakehold. This region usually always turns out to be the "swing" state of puntland. I myself politically not long ago was not a fan of ssc returning to puntland deep-down because i know it will affect our political standing. However seeing now the multi-party thing is actually hitting the ground and looks like to be reality by 2013 election. I don't mind anymore. The Respective candidates will be chosen on merit and clan-seats will only have effect regarding bills being passed through the parliament. So I personally am not as weary as i used to be of ssc due to this multi-party thing. Who knows farole might be using this to calm down a few weary heads in bari who don't want to see 50% stake hold going to 3 regions that are politically always aligned together. That is my two cents. However i am happy their is multi-party it will give assurances to those that are concerned with the clan-distribution and the worries of a pan-ssc-mudug dominance in the parliament at the expense of bari and nugal whom even if we did combine our votes would not match the share that duo have. The kings have started forming some sort of alliance with nugaal, they voted for farole as a token of their gesture. We will see if this streghtens political ties between the region. waxanii ma war ba mise adiga soo dho dhobay
  15. They want to be with Somaliland how ever, there is another group who loves to be with puntland here is the biggest error the puntland supporter says xagla toosiye or the guy they call dr selebaan was part of puntland and because he lost from abdisimad cali shire , he know whants his own clans state. and he is after the seat of abdisaman cali shire. The vice president, which is dominant Clan in the region while xagla toosiye is from Buhuudle. Any way garaad jamac supports Dr selebaan. While garaad selebaan supports Abdisamad cali shire. While garaad jamac garaad ismacil the garaad of lascanood is friendly to Somaliland and the governer of Sool.
  16. This is great news waxa fiicnan lahayd inay ka qaraxdo dhul dilaac between Somaliland and koonfuria taasa fiicnan lahayd.
  17. Originally posted by MoonLight1: Maybe this has been coused by the first roadside bomb planted by the supporters of Garaad Jaamac. loooooooooool
  18. loooooool wasiirka kalumaysiga wuxu uu dhashay buhuudle bal nin buhuudle ka yimi muxu kaluun ka yaqaana lool
  19. Kelya shirka waxay ahayd inad tirahdan dagaal baanu soo qaadayna, garaadka ba yara saadaaliyee.. Laakin hogaamiye iyo hogaamiye kuxigeen waxba soo kordhin meysso. wa inad dagaal so gashan
  20. loooooooooooooooooool, waxaad mooda inu maanta garaadku hub so iibsaday
  21. loooooooooooooooooool, waxaad mooda inu maanta garaadku hub so iibsaday
  22. fm baanu furnay bey beryahan udub ku sheekeyssa