Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. Originally posted by Abokor Omar: Its the ''SOMALI National Movement''. it was not called somalia national movement but somali, marka wa caadi
  2. Nabii maxammad never used to call him self a salafi so u should never call your self a salafi
  3. ^^^Viva somaliland reer lascanod inta ismacil mire skoolada loogu dhigi laha waxa loo dhigaya Iebrahien koodbuur iyo kuwii dalka u so halgamay.
  4. snm always wanted independence. umar carte qalib was the prime minister of somalia ama kooxdii manifesto. When somaliland declared independence from somalia in 1991
  5. Mamuulka xarakata mujaheediinta al ashabaab, oo mar dhaweyd soo dhaweye dagaalka u ciclaamiye Dawlada Ukrain. Iyaku oo sheegay inay gaalada meel alale meel ay ku arkaan inay ku leyn doonan. waxa kalo warku tibaaxaye dhoola tuski ay sameyeen xaraka tu alshabaab inay mid ka awood roon soo ban dhigi doonan todobaadkan fooda nugu haya. Emirka ku magac dheer Abu zubeyr Godane oo isna u sheegay saxafaada inay barro kicin doonan gaalo baddan oo Ifka ku nool. wararka laga helayo dalka Yeman oo iyaku na hanjabad, u so jeediyey ururka al shabaab. Dawlada federaalka eeh somalia ayaa iyaku na saxaafada u waramay oo sheegay in anay raali ka ahayn inay dawlada ukrain so weerarin dalka somalia hase yeeshe waxa la sheegaya, inu sheikh sharif sheikh axmed uu aan ba bixi doono dalka iyo ukrain. Source. alwariya.com
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Kp1U7EQ0nU&feature=player_embedded Yasin juma in lascanood
  7. yeah he should, but no one knows how he looks like lol.
  8. Cabdillaahi Yuusuf oo Markii u Horreysay ka Hadlay Wakhtigii la Go’aamiyey in Somaliland Gooni u Go’do “Axmed Siilaanyo waxa uu igu yidhi arrintii lixdankii khaldantay ilaa aannu saxno idinla midoobi mayno” Waraysi – Col. Cabdillaahi Yuusuf London (Jam/Golisnews)- Madaxweynihii dawladdii Mbeghati ee Soomaaliya Col. Cabdillaahi Yuusuf Axmed, ayaa markii ugu horreysay tafaasiil ka bixiyey sababaha keenay go’aanka goonni-isu-taagga iyo madaxbannaanida Somaliland. Col. Cabdillaahi Yuusuf oo hadda socdaal caafimaad ku jooga magaalada London ee carriga Ingiriiska, ayaa waraysi aad u dheer oo uu siiyey telefishanka UNIVERSAL, waxa uu ku sheegay in ururkii SNM qorshaha goonni-isu-taagga Somaliland go'aan ku gaadheen ka hor 1991-kii shirkii magaalada Burco sida taariikhda hore loogu hayey, isaga oo xusay in boqorkii Itoobiya ee Mingiste Xayla Maryam uu taageernasaa in uruka SNM dawlad gaar ah oo Somaliya ka madaxbannaan samaytaan marka ay xukunka ka tuuraan Siyaad Bare. Waraysigan oo uu la yeeshay weriyaha caanka ah ee Cabdisalaan Ibraahim Hereri oo ka tirsan telefishanka Universal, waxa uu si faahfaahsan ugaga warramay dhacdooyinkii taliskii millateri ee Soomaaliya, waayahii afgambigii millatari ee uu hoggaaminaayey Maxamed Siyaad Barre, dagaalkii Ethiopia iyo Soomaaliya 1977-kii, afgembigii dhicisoobay ee 1978-kii iyo weliba fakadkii uu ka fakaday maamulkii Siyaad Barre 1978-kii dabayaqadiisii, isla markaana ku galay dalka Kenya oo uu uga sii gudbay Ethiopia, cahdigii aasaaska jabhaddii SSDF iyo weliba wakhtigii ay SNM tagtay Ethiopia. Ugu horreyn, Cabdillaahi Yuusuf oo ka jawaabayey su'aal ku saabsanayd sababta keentay inay kala aragti duwanaadaan jabhahaddii uu hoggaanka u ahaa ee SSDF iyo ururkii Somaliland xoreeyey ee SNM waxa uu yidhi; "Horta markii hore annagu waannu ka sii horreynay SNM oo annagoo afar sannadood dagaallamayna ayey yimaaddeen. Waa jireen niman ka horreeyey, balse Axmed Siilaanyo oo haddana ah siyaasi ayaa markaa yimi oo guddoomiye u ahaa; waa la isu kaayo keenay maalin oo meel miis ahayd ayaanmu soo wada fadhiisanay. Aniga [Cabdillaahi Yuusuf] ayaa hadlay oo waxaan idhi, waar haddii aynu dagaallamayn oo waxaynu ka dagaallamayna tahay sidii taliskaasi iyo ninka haysta meesha looga saari lahaa, isla markaana Soomaali dalnimadeedii la isugu keeni lahaa aynu midowno oo wax isku darsano, markaan intaa idhi waxa ii jawaabay Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud (Siilaanyo) oo markaa isaguna SNM guddoomiye u ahaa, waxaannu igu yidhi; “Siilaanyo waxa uu igu yidhi arrintii lixdankii khaldantay ilaa aannu saxno idinla midoobi mayno, markaa goosashada Somaliland intay taa uun daba socoto ayey u muuqataa." Cabdillaahi Yuusuf oo sharraxaad ka bixinayey hadalkii Axmed Siilaanyo, waxa uu intaa ku daray, "Markii uu Siilaanyo hadalka i yidhi dad badan oo meesha fadhiyey oo saraakiishii annaga dhinacayga ka tirsanayd SSDF may fahmin, laakiin anigu waan fahmay wuxuu u jeeday. 1961-kii inqilaabkii fashilmay ee nimankii saraakiisha ahaa ku doonayeen inay woqooyi [somaliland] ku qabsadaan oo ay intayada saraakiisha ah ee reer koonfureedkana xidh xidhaan oo woqooyi goonni u gooyaan oo dal madaxbannaan laga dhigo, taas ayuu Siilaanyo u jeeday oo uu daba socday," ayuu yidhi Cabdillaahi Yuusuf Weriyaha ayaa ku celiyey su'aal ahayd, markaa ma waxaad u jeeda goonni-isu-taagga Somaliland kuma u iman sida la sheego markii Burco ay isugu yimaaddeen 1991-kii ee wuxuu ahaa wax hore u jiray oo Siilaanyo ogaa? Waxa uu ku jawaabay; "Haa Wallaahi, anigu taasi ayaan qabaa nimankaasi go'aanka iyo qorshaha goonni-isu-taagga mar hore ayey gaadheen, wuxuuna ahaa wax hore ugu qorshaysnaa ee yaan been la isu sheegin oo aan imminka la odhan Burco ayaa 1991-kii lagu gaadhaye." Jamhuuriya Online
  9. Somali shot after allegedly attempting to attack Danish cartoonistJanuary 1, 2010 8:21 p.m. EST Kurt Westergaard is known for his controversial depictions of the Muslim prophet Mohammad.STORY HIGHLIGHTS Assailant allegedly tried to enter the home of Danish political cartoonist Kurt Westergaard Westergaard known for his controversial depictions of the Muslim prophet Mohammad Since 2006, Danish authorities arrested others allegedly plotting to kill Westergaard RELATED TOPICS Kurt Westergaard Denmark (CNN) -- A Somali man was shot as he allegedly tried to enter the home of Danish political cartoonist Kurt Westergaard -- known for his controversial depictions of the Muslim prophet Mohammad -- on Saturday, police said. The 27-year-old man, who was not identified, wielded an ax and a knife and cracked a window at Westergaard's home in Aarhus, said police spokesman Morten Jensen. A home alarm alerted police to the scene at 10 p.m., and they were attacked by the man, he said. The officers shot the man in the right leg and left hand. He was hospitalized, but was not seriously injured, police said. Westergaard's caricature of Mohammed -- which depicted the prophet wearing a bomb as a turban with a lit fuse -- sparked an uproar among Muslims in early 2006 after newspapers reprinted the images months later as a matter of free speech. The cartoon was first published by the Danish newspaper Morgenavisen Jullands-Posten in September 2005. At the time, Westergaard said he wanted his cartoon to say that some people exploited the prophet to legitimize terror. However, many in the Muslim world interpreted the drawing as depicting their prophet as a terrorist. Over the years, Danish authorities have arrested other suspects who allegedly plotted against Westergaard's life. After three such arrests were made in February 2008, Westergaard issued a statement, saying, "Of course I fear for my life after the Danish Security and Intelligence Service informed me of the concrete plans of certain people to kill me. However, I have turned fear into anger and indignation. It has made me angry that a perfectly normal everyday activity which I used to do by the thousand was abused to set off such madness."
  10. Anigu siday tahay uun baan sheegay alshabaab waxa ka horeyee Maxakimta maxakimta waxa ka horeyee al iltaxaada. dee kuwan na qaar ba ka danbayn ti alla na meel bay ku qorantahay run ahaanti.
  11. ^ After al shabaab there will be another group and after that group there will be another wa iska caadii
  12. Mala wayay qof soo dila ninkaas oo jeell uu gala maxa maxkamad iyo waxa la iskala daalaya.
  13. whats the difference between darwiish from burco and darwiish from Lascanood.
  14. The referendum, scheduled for January 2011, is a crucial part of the peace deal signed nearly five years ago which There have been angry demonstrations this month about electoral reforms Sudan's parliament has passed a key law paving the way for a referendum on independence for the oil-rich south. The move ends months of wrangling between the north and south about how the referendum should be conducted. Last week, southern politicians walked out of parliament in a row over where southerners would be able to vote. The referendum, scheduled for January 2011, is a crucial part of the peace deal signed nearly five years ago which ended two decades of civil war. The 2005 peace agreement saw President Omar al-Bashir's northern National Congress Party (NCP) going into government with former Sudan People's Liberation Movement (SPLM) rebels from the south. It is widely predicted that the south will vote for independence but there are concerns that tensions will increase in the run-up to the referendum and a general election in April. 'Second-class citizens' Mr Bashir and SPLM leader Salva Kiir reached a deal on the referendum earlier this month in crisis talks that followed angry demonstrations by southerners about electoral reforms. What future for Nuba Mountains? Fears of renewed war South Sudan awaits oil bonanza But when northern politicians tried to amend a section of the referendum bill about where people could vote last week, southern MPs walked out of parliament. This prompted the United States to put pressure on the NCP. The law passed on Tuesday now stipulates that southerners living in the north will be allowed to vote there if they were born after 1956 but those born before that date will have to register and vote in the south. The SPLM had feared the north would manipulate the vote if southerners who had not lived in southern Sudan since independence in 1956 had been allowed to vote anywhere. "Anybody can claim: yes I have my grandparents from the south... unless you go and verify yourself in southern Sudan, this can be abused," SPLM MP Aligu Manawa told the BBC's Focus on Africa programme. BBC Africa analyst Mary Harper says Sudan's politicians try - in public at least - to talk of enduring unity and good relations between the north and south. But they sometimes slip up and Mr Kiir recently warned southerners that if they voted against independence they would become second-class citizens in their own country, she says. There are also problems regarding the border between the north and south, as the status of some areas has not yet been clearly defined. And there are serious tensions in southern Sudan, with different ethnic groups fighting over land. More than 2,000 people have been killed and 250,000 people displaced this year alone. The 22-year war between the mainly Muslim north and the Christian and animist south claimed the lives of some 1.5 million people. Source: BBC
  15. i agree somaliland.org garbage bey noqotay beryahan, danaha somaliland babay ka so hor jeedaan mucaradnimadii bay qallad ka fahmeen, baan is yidhi.