Xaaji Xunjuf

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Everything posted by Xaaji Xunjuf

  1. Wasiirka Arimaha Gudaha Somaliland oo Qaybta Booliska Gobolka Sool iyo Xafiiska Laanta Socdaalka maanta xadhiga ka jaray + Daawo Maqal iyo muuqaal Posted to the web on Mar 14 S Halkan ka daawo Qaybta booliska iyo laanta socdaalka oo xadhiga laga jaray laascaanood. Wasiirka arimamha gudaha somaliland cabdilaahi ismaaciil cali cabdilaahi ciro ayaa maanta xadhiga ka jaray taliska qaybta gobolka sool iyo laanta socdaalka ee magaalada laascaanood oo uu dhamaaday dhisme ka socday xarumahaaas waxaana ku weheliyay waftiga wasiirada Wasiirka Boosta iyo isgaadhsiinta cali maxamuud axmed cali sandule wasiirka cadaalada iaxmed xasan cali casoowe wasiiru dawlaha waxbarshada somaliland taliyaha qaybta booliska badhasaab xigeenka mayerka degmada laascaanood iyo saraakirsan ciidanka booliska wasiirka ayaa xusay in dhismaha qaybta gobolka sool oo in badan burbursanayd ay maanta faxad weyn noo tahay anaga iyo bulshda ku dhaqan gobolka sool waxuuna xadhiga ka jaray taliska qayb bilayska isagkaoo u mahadceliyay shirkada daldhis oo ku dhamaystirtay wakhtigii loogu talagalay wuxuuna sidoo kale faray taliyaha qaybta booliska gobolka sool in ay ka faa,idaystaan iyadoo hore xafiisyadani ahaayeen kuwo aan la isticmaali karin balse aad maanta aragtaan quruxdeeda sidoo kalena waftiga wasiirada oo uu horkacayo wasiirka arimaha gudaha somaliland ayaa xadhiga ka jaray laanta socdaalka ee magaalada laascaanood wuxuuna sheegay in laga hirgeliyay laamaha socdaalka dalka 3 meelood oo kala ah wajaale lowyacado iyo tan magaalada laascaanood isaga oo arimahaas ka hadlayana wuxuu yidhi isku soo wada duuboo xarumahan maanta xadhiga lagay jaray ayaa u muuqda horumar u soo kordhay gobolka sool iyadoo taliska qaybta booliskuna ahaa goobta kaliya ee ay ka muuqatay burbur baahsan oo markii danbana roobabku wax yeeleen. holhol.net holholnews@hotmail.com
  2. Ta yar eeh cass eeh xijaabka bluega xiidhan is kind of cute, Mey iksa deyso buuqa ay iska so dagto hargeisa
  3. We wants what’s best for our brother castro , if he goes to koonfuria and gets killed muxu soo kordhiye we are trying to protect all the citizens of Somaliland
  4. laakin kuwan calan blue bey wataan Alshabaab calanka ma ogolla
  5. Haya imikana maxa la gudboon Shirki Dibu shirinta lolz
  6. is it Khusuusii or is it Qusuusii , Qolladi Bariga sool Xata Afkoodii bey badalayaan
  7. Khaansirku wa duulaya maalin dhow huuno engine uun ba lugu xidha wa Duuli kara
  8. Khaddar is telling us cali khalif galaydh wasn’t aware of The declaration of independence in 1991, which is absurd Garaad cabdiqani and garaad selebaan and cali khalif Knew exactly what was going on , Why didn’t you just say cali khalif didn’t like the independence of Somaliland, The declaration of independence was very clear
  9. yaa Mujaheedinta u dhawaan kara bal wakaase ha ku dhacan inay dacweyaan
  10. I heard Garaad soofe Maxamuud xaji cumar camay buu meesha keenay oo walaga diiday shirki na wa diiday now Beesha buhoodle support the khusuusii but the garaad of buhoodle doesn’t.
  11. Garaad soofe duraan shirki fashil bu ku sheegay maxa ka jira arinkas.
  12. Originally posted by General Duke: Xaji Xunduf, adeer the story proves how bankrupt your arguments are. In clan terms those from Western Somalia are closer in blood to Faroole, than those from Bay, yet again read the story. Only in Puntland adeer. They were the words of the leaders of your administration not my words It was Ilka jir and your faroole that stated , that Ethnic Somalis in the Ethiopian Somali region . Are not Somali citizens , There for are not welcome In puntland Don’t describe your puntland as a paradise for Somalis from other regions The poor people from baydhabo are blamed for something they did not do , we all know who was behind the explosions in bosaaso. internal beef between reer boosaaso.
  13. Originally posted by General Duke: With all the talk of “Pirates” and they hate Somali’s, and they hand over Somali’s, and they are “whore land”, and so on. The reality can not be further from the nonsense the political “enemies” of Puntland spew. Puntland is the hope, the inspiration and the place where many Somali’s from the south in their hundreds of thousands have found a haven, a home and a place to prosper. With its deep poverty, the people of Puntland have been generous, to their fellow Somali’s. To live in Puntland you need only be a Somali, nothing more or less. Are you sure didn’t faroole claim that Ethnic Somalis from the ONLF regions aren’t Somali citizens but foreigners
  14. Somaliland only deals will Nations not with individuals or high ranking pirates
  15. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^Xaji, you did not add anything to the argument. Again if you can not convince the likes of Rageh Omaar, how can you convince any nation state? And what will Convincing a reporter , Contribute to Somaliland?
  16. Yes Dukey No body Supports Somaliland , They are all for somaliweyn , thats why somaliland is still standing and strong, If its all nonsense why keep mentioning it
  17. Originally posted by *Ibtisam: Israel is not a Jewish state. Horta maxaad ahey, I am not even sure inad ruun tahey. Oke it an Arab state happy
  18. So why is Israel seeing a s boogyman , Israel is just one of those countries in the world. That has interest , I don’t see any problem with Somaliland seeking Relations with the Jewish state We can provide Isreal access to the most strategic location in the world, While we will have access to Israeli Hi tech Industry and investors , guys the cold war is over The Americans are competing with the Chinese and the feuding forces such as The Jewish state And the iran Will compete for access in east Africa both Parties will gain from this. And guy what makes one gaal better then other Lets cut ties with all the infidels Or lets work with all of them
  19. Originally posted by Che -Guevara: ^What's wrong with pursuing your interests no matter how misguided they might be? What makes his interest misguided?