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Posts posted by Passion_4_Fashion

  1. garawa....where in the good Gods world is that?




    dowlada sanadkaan dad ahbal yaal eh baa runti iskuugu soo aruuray. ninkastaba wuxuu rabaa qabiilka oo ka dhashtay dagaankooda in laga dhigo magaalo madaxda. Laakiin waxeysan fahamsaneen taariiqda muhiimadiisa, maxaa yeelay, Xamar waa wadnaha Somalia....hadaan baa'bi inno waxaan baabi'ineenaa Somalia sidey u taalaba. Aqli lix saac yaashaan goormeey wax fahmi doonaan?

  2. ^^^totally agree with the *advice of the year* thing.


    phanta - lool


    Qalanjo - follow ur heart....if it says the right thing to do is to contact him, then do so...what have you got to loose?

  3. ^^ahlam...hmm dont know about that they might tease the poor girl and call her ahbal


    stpaulchick....honestly girl are you due to give birth, I believe congratulations are in order, congratulation for your information


    I would suggest these names


    1. Ramaas

    2. Sumya ( and you could shorten it mya)

    3. Sabrin

    4. Nastexo

    5. Qamar (this is my favourite)

  4. all of the thingS you have listed my beloved wiilo also apply to me....although i would add 1 or 2 things.



    he must have good personality, sence of humour

    he must know womens worth...a guy who does not compare me to his mother, aunt or even ex.

    last but not least a guy who can challenge me mentally (perhaps even physically)


    right....I know I'm not asking much....oh yeah 1 more thing he better be into fashion....i dont want him to cramp my style na'mean, got a ego to look after.

  5. I tell ya 1 thing....i don't know about before but since 9/11 happened Muslims are now more united if you ask me...the town I live in, you see alot of muslim youth practicing their diin, and masha-allah the way them boys dress you can see the sunnah shining. I say we ought to be greatfull to these kufars, bringing us closer...they might label us as terrorist...but honestly they are blind to see the impact this "war on terror" has had on us. and I honestly believe it will continue even to bring us more closer and closer till we are ready to face them on the Holy war/jihad.


    May I take this opportunity to thank these Kufars for making me stronger muslimah now than I was 3years ago. thank you!

  6. Salaamas all


    I believe donating your organ to a needy person is really the gift of life. I wanted to know is it halaal or haraam to donate your organs when you pass away? I have to say it's not something I would personally do....but this question has bothered me a while now......sisters n brothers could you please answer my question

  7. darling sister, ani maad ii xanaaqsan tahay? shuushuumoow'gaan hoo bal I apologise, quf xun baan noqday...walaashiis SOL ilbiriqsi inaan kusoo galo aan ilbiriqsi kale uuga baxaa walaahi....waqtigi baa xag alle cariiri iiga noqday....xumaato iga ma aha waxaana rajeynaa inaad iga raali noqotit/dulqaadatit. haye bal sheekadi reer baro intee maree?


    CM- dhibaato aa ii keentay, maba kula hadlaayi markale

  8. ^^waxaan oo su'aalo yaa ku weydiiyay?


    Msword - loool, girl u funny, fingers crossed that she wont take ur advice..... :D


    cutie lil gal - tell ur friend to get a LIFE....that ought to keep her busy