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Posts posted by Passion_4_Fashion

  1. ay yay yay....jeylaani iyo wiilo aa noo soo baxay....dooq baad leedihiin...heesaha aad noo soo xusheen baan la dhacay


    laakiin walaalayaal.....waxaan rabay quf nolosheyda muhiim ku eh inaan u sameeyo heeso xul ah oo jaceyl ah....marka ina-adeerayaal ma igu caawini kartiin oo ma ii sheegi kartiin heeso oo quf kastaba markuu dhageysto qalbada ka taabaneyso

  2. I could not agree with Bilan more....but do you listen JB?


    JB...u need to spend more time with the muslim ummah....hope u don't go astray


    tell me one thing JB....why should one question Allahs law.....what will you question next....where is Allah from? Subxanallah!


    the purpose of this Dunya is to obey your Greator...we are all his servant.....I have a obeying Allah I am His servant....I would not want to be a males servant.....Lord have mercy!.....Ya us from the path which leads us to astray. amen!