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Posts posted by Passion_4_Fashion

  1. ^^^loool


    looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool @ Shoobaro walaahi fixdi aa iga dhamaatay, adaaba war heysit.


    Buumaaye dadka kale warkooda dhag ha u dhigin....talo shoobaro uugu tag


    war annakaa wax aragnay

  2. ^^^xalay dhacdaalkii dhacay buuga taariiqda waa in dhinac looga whole family screaaamed like wackos last nite....they might have been only 5 but it felt like 500 it was awesome!


    PS. Dijibouti had only 1 person representing the whole country...what on earth is that all about? I mean they have goverment n all...annakoo doolad haysanin aa shan ku martay. :confused: ....