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Everything posted by Curly

  1. Oh wow sheherazade you’re my new found best friend now (Whether you like it or not!) Lol, that was hysterical, I just love the stupidt*y of that pointy haired boss! I think I should stop reading these; it’s starting to rub off on me, because I was very rude to my boss the other day. They were talking about an annual conference they went to a few years back were they were asked to bring along something that was special to them. And silly me without thinking asked my boss “What did you bring?...Yourself?†You should have seen the look on her face, but she eventually broke into a laugh after she got over the initial shock. I guess it was pay back for all the comment she’s made about Somalis, lol She always commenting that Somalis run on a different clock to that of the standard GMT…she’s forever saying “is that an English 10am or a Somali 10am?â€
  2. You a lot are hilarious! You can’t assume someone is dumb just because they have a bad general knowledge. If this woman claimed to be a geologist and still didn’t know where Somalia was then I’d say she wasn't a very good geologist but just because she’s some project major doesn’t mean her general knowledge should expand over everything! Now Classique tell me, what is the capital of the country this project manager came from and are they situated on a coast?
  3. I wasn’t objecting to advice moti was giving, rather to whom he was giving the advice! Anyways, my quote is from a world renowned scientist who wasn’t giving advice but making a statement, which I found amusing. The fact that he’s a dead Jewish man does not concern me or change my view of the statement he made! And yes I agree with him, insanity is replying to you again and again in the hope that you will write something worth reading!
  4. Alle-ubaahne have you nothing better to do? You poor little man, to think you’re so bored that you resorted to making personal attacks. But you could have at least been alittle more bothered about it, well enough to make some sort of sense at the least. Or maybe have a motive? And must I remind everyone again?! I don’t read Somali…this is discrimination!
  5. So am I alone?! Does someone share my twisted sense of humour…Any one?! And to think I questioned the existence of any witty like minded nomads...well now I guess I was right to question it!
  6. This is what becomes of idles minds! Soon you too will be giving advice to inanimate objects and people that are long gone in the hope that they’ll take heed. So OG do you still talk to your plants or have they died of boredom?
  7. At last someone decides to talk about something worth talking about! I honestly believe that selfishness is in our genes, it is something that no one can escape. If the simplest of life forms such as bacteria, who are unable to display emotions can present actions that are surprisingly similar to so called “selfish acts†that how can we be free of it? I recently read froman article on newscientist, that a group of mutant bacteria have been identified who due to their selfish characteristics have been dubbed “freeloadersâ€. These freeloaders are unable to form fruiting bodies for reproduction and so they form spores and greedily push their own genes into the next generation. However once these selfish freeloaders proliferated rapidly into the community this obviously displaces the normal ratio of fruit body forming bacteria. And this eventually leads to a dramatic population crash and therefore whole colonies perish entirely. Getting back to the topic at hand I would say that yes, Mutakallim I completely agree with you at times it seems that the most virtuous and religious of us exhibit selfishness to some degree if not the most. I can’t help but think that some of these religious individuals are too caught up with what they stand to gain (i.e. rewards) from a charitable action than say what the receiver stands to gain. But yet the same is evident with those who are not religious or not even Muslim, when they are charitable they usually think of the praise they’ll receive from others and the receiver that what good comes from the actual deed and to those in need. So I guess it's safe to assume that are different types of selfishness, some more obvious and some more acceptable than others. Therefore indubitably your guaranteed to find yourself in this situation constantly. I was recently faced with a dilemma this Ramadan while at the mosque. There was a public collection where people were openly asked to make pledges as to how much they will donate. Obviously this was being used as a method to ultimately raise a very large sum of money by putting people on the spot and so encouraging potentially selfish acts, where individuals will be given a platform on which people can give only to receive praise rather than be giving (Which I believe diminishes the whole point of giving charity!). Anyways, I found myself contemplating over what my real intentions were if I were to join in on their little charade. Would it be for a little praise, to gain rewards in hope that it’ll help secure me a place in heaven or genuinely out of the pure intention that what I give would be helping those less well off. However, I would like to conclude that like these selfish bacteria, our greed and selfishness will only result in our demise as an entire race. But if I was given a choice I would choose the selfish want for praise and rewards over the greedy selfish want for power and wealth any day! "Altruism to me would be perfection and humans are far from perfect!" Quoted from me!
  8. This didn't go down well in the joke section...I'm sorry and yes I know I have a rubbish sense of humour, but these comic strips make me laugh...Maybe someone else agrees too!
  9. Originally posted by Garab Tuujiye: Youngest person in SOL: SUE (2nd year) I am NOT THE YOUNGEST! how dare you?! You seem more childish than me with the half wit topics you constantly post! And I’m ashamed with the rest of you for taking part in all this ridiculous, time wasting and not to mention pointless chin wagging session, and to think not even a single person even bothered to defend me! And you wonder why I'm so bitter...You all hate me, you couldn't be more obvious about it! **starts sobbing**
  10. Yeah I'll join the bandwagon! WOO HOO, GO OG!! Yep! Thanks for making my life that little bit more unbearable.
  11. As FF said, the reason why some men choose to marry aboard is because they want women they can control and manipulate. Sorry but if that’s what they want so that they can feel that little bit more secure about their sad little existence, then I say good riddance and good luck to those poor women who end up with them. If you ask me these men are far from eligible because the only thing these men as eligible for is a bloody brain transplant!
  12. Curly

    Dilbert comics!

    ^^^ I like this one too!
  13. This is my favorite comic strip! It's better than the simpsons, I think.
  14. Death is the only thing we’re guaranteed in this life, it is just a question of who goes when and how. Allah hu naxaristo And Amiin to all the Dua made.
  15. I love wasting my money on clothes! Who doesn’t but I thought I’d tell you all about a new shop thats opened, attached to the new section of the East London Mosque. It’s called ‘Arabian Nights’ and that shop is to die for! The only problem is none of their cabya fit me because I’m too tall apparently, Ha! what a joke… I’m only 5ft7! It’s funny because I don’t go around wearing them all the time but I just adore them. However, their scarves are just so lovely! The woman who owns the shop is just so friendly and she assured me they get some nice ones in for my height, inshallah. But I spent most of the time just admiring the shop, pity the decor is not for sale, I just loved those little trinkets.
  16. Curly


    I could have sworen there was a section for this! Sorry, I couldn't help myself I had to state the obvious!
  17. Thank you!!! You don't know how much I needed that
  18. Can someone please tell what the days of the week is in Somali. I'm always forgetting Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. I know it's sad! But seriously need to know
  19. well click here and you will see!!! It's a brilliant game..but make sure you read the instructions and click the correct gender. Considering I don't drive, I was actually quiet...well,rubbish! but oh well. Oh don't forget to say how well you scored!
  20. Originally posted by sheherazade: Good husband ku ye. So relevant. Yeah I noticed that too, most Somalis nearly always put everything down to either needing a good husband or not being able to find a good husband. lol life is so simple for them...when their main goal in life is to reproduce, I think.
  21. ^^^ I'd say I'm pretty old but i still take xagaal ciid.
  22. Oh and I was wondering how many people use the word Bacbaca, I'm sure I've spelt that wrong. It means the palm of your hand.
  23. You may think I'm joking, but I use 7 out of the 9 words you posted, on a everyday basis. These are: Harraad = oon/thirsty (as in wan Haraaday) Hubaal = being sure of/tultulaaro miyaaa (Ma Hubo or ma that the same?) Dubnaha = lips/bushimaha (we also use dubin) Fiid = right after sunset/habeenka intuunan gudcur noqon (fiidka) Habsaamid = soo daahid/being late or being lost (wan habsaamay or wa habsaamtay) Haleelis = helid/raadis/to find or to look (wan heelay or ma that the same?) I'm surprised you lot don't use these. :eek:
  24. Lol femme, You're one of us are you? Join the nerds, you know you want too!