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Everything posted by juma-nne

  1. Which one is the Kenyan foriegn minister? A bitter man is a cynic man. Get over and move on Che . LA socotey maakhirna waa kudaba jirtaa. to Xaaji xunjuf. Horta "Cawil tuug" ma xoogaagii dekada iyo Haamihii total, laga soo ururiye ayuu kenyatigii marba mid u xaambarayaa miyaa?
  2. Slow indeed adeer, the election was supposed to be held in April 2008, whats the date today? -------------------- Adeer, I refer to you propagandas. Hadda ma wax kale ood la shir timaadid ayaad weyday? This is worthless sxb.
  3. The whole Administartion is filthy corrupt. Peopple needs change.
  4. Well, look at the distance sxb and ask the economists. You need only one big port for the area that is functioning perfectly. We also don't have the capacity to create many ports. That believe me will turn into clan thing and you will have more than you expected. I agree with JB on this. It will create a clan based Port race. Here is a scenario of what will follow. Mydh Port Xiis Port Laas ciidleh Port Karin Port Bullaxaar, Port Berbera Port Zeilac Port et,etc,etc.
  5. Iska daaya Wiilku wuxuu ku xiranyahay Qolada Qaran News. Oo nanays ahaan loo bixiyay "QURUN NEWS"
  6. Go to hadhwanaagnews same report if not worse
  7. Dadweyne mucaaradad kala hortagay Wefti uu horkacayay Xoghayaha guud ee UDUB February 18th, 2010 Comments Off Hargeysa (Somaliland.Org)- Xoghayaha guud ee Xisbiga UDUB Jaamac Yaasiin Faarax iyo Madaxa Ololaha Doorashada ee Xisbigaas Cismaan Cabdilaahi Cigaal (Hindi) oo maanta ku soo laabtay Hargeysa, ka dib markii ay socdaal ku soo mareen gobollada dalka qaarkood, ayaa weji-gabax kala kulmay xaafado ka mid ah Magaalada Hargeysa. Xoghayaha guud JJaamac Yaasiin iyo Madaxa Ololaha UDUB oo dhawaanahanba socdaal ku marayay qaar ak mid ah Gobollada dalka, gaar ahaan bariga, ayaa maanta dib ugu soo laabtay caasimadda Hargeysa, kuwaas oo inkasta oo dadweyne iyo Gaadiid kale isugu soo baxeen soo-dhawayntooda, haddana waxay mucaaradad iyo weedho ka dhan ah kala kulmen qaar ak mid ah Xaafadaha magaalada Hargeysa. Weftiga Jaamac Yaasiin oo lagaga hortegay Tuulada Halleeya ee bariga Hargeysa, ayaa markii uu soo galay geesta bari ee magaalada waxa uu la kulmay dadweyne tiro badan oo ka horjeeda Siyaasaddooda, isla markaana kula kacay weedho ka dhan ah Ololahooda iyo guud ahaan siyaasaddoodaba. “Doonni mayno UDUB iyo siyaasaddeedaba, waa la nacay UDUB..” iyo ereyo la mid ah ayay dadweynuhu kala hortageen Xisbigaas. Soo-dhawaynta Weftigan Xoghayaha guud ee UDUB ayaa waxa hadheeyay kelmadaha iyo dhawaaqa lagaga horjeedo Siyaasaddooda iyo guud ahaan Xisbigaas, waxaanay dadweynuhu kor u hayeen Kabahooda. Dhinaca kale, qaar ka mid ah dadweynihii isugu soo baxay badhtamaha magaalada Hargeysa gubay Calanka UDUB, waxaanay halkaa kaga dhawaaqayeen ereyo ay ku muujinayaan siday uga horjeedaan Xisbigaas. Somaliland.Org Hargeisa News Desk wararkasomaliland@gmail.com
  8. Che not all your neigbours are enlisted here What about Geele of Djibouti? and asap. you should have added Siilanyo and riyaale's strugle for the top sit in your Neigbouring Somaliland
  9. ^^^ true i agree on this 1. What else you expect from these Fadhato gangs?
  10. originally by Garoodi Somalia doesnt have a constitution, even if it does the cult of man is often more powerful than any written document And How exception is Somaliland from the satatement above? Arent Mujaahid Riyoole and his Mafia cabinet enjoying same inequivocal Powers?
  11. Oo kaalaya, horta sheekadii Sheikh Isxaaq bin Hashim, iyo Jabarti Bin Fulaan miyay beenowday?. Why are the supposedly decendant of the two sheikh denying their ancestry?. mise bahashu markeedii horeba luga kuma taagnayn?
  12. If your prediction is real and genuine then all would fall in place. reading this post I rememeber the somali reference to one whotalks from both sides of their mouth. "Laba Aflayn" Secondly the famous somali saying . Guurku haidambeeye horta geediga magaadha?
  13. It has nothing to do with Union ,,, great transformation indeed. Democratic nations have all right to demonstrate and condemn the government for some actions. Good job reer Laascaanood ,,,,, JB I am sure you dont realy mean what you say in as much as you are not saying exctly what you mean. I think your statement is to congratulate the LA peopple for their help in the strategised longevity craft by the Hargeysa state house Mafias.
  14. isnt this the same Minister who acused Kulmiye party of Planting the bombs in Hargeysa yet failed to substantiate his claims. What makes his accusation against Eritrea a valid one?
  15. Why are you confused? Since when did the Eritrean tyrant become a friend of Somaliland? Please feel free to break the news for us. You just gave me some breaking news. Erithrea an enemy of Somaliland? War dee kadaaya Soon every moving object would be an enemy of Somaliland.
  16. :confused: Now I am confused How does that make him an Enemy of Somaliland. Or should I believe that all Ethipia Foes are Enemies of Somaliland?
  17. Lol. Juma nne, ka daa please. It's a good development runtii. So it means I could jet off from Nairobi at Quraac time and eat waslad hilib ah in Hargeysa. Then jet back to Nairobi for casho? Neat. I am serious paragon. I hope Mr. "White Spear" would not let the cathinone concertrated Kenyan brand of khat land in Hargeysa. I am telling you it would cause great disaster.
  18. It is good news. I only hope these are not some Khat planes. JB managa hubtaa inaadan khat deal meelaha ka soo gelin? I hope not. otherwise ummadii ayadoo daba-musbaarkii la liidata haddii Kangeta iyo Gisa loogudaro waa "Kadar oo Dibi dhal"
  19. Waxaan leeyahay sidaad sheegtay haddii Khilaafku sadexdayada Shirgudoonka uun yahay xal la waayi maayo." Xaajigii sowkan iska cabaade. Walee asad baa helay
  20. As I previously said The Game goes on while the peopple are fed up with these selfish elders.
  21. Graet development indeed. Hope KQ too would join the race.
  22. This is all games by the house of elders. war yaa usheega ummaddu doorashadii madaxtooyada oo hirgasha ayaiy idinkasugaysaa ee wanjalaadan ka daaya.