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Everything posted by DraGon

  1. Qoute: "MMA,,, can you get the correct URL of the Ethio... forum.. seems like its down or something" lol. Action is ready for some action.
  2. Qoute: "We in the Muslim community express our love to this blessed baby and Messiah" Nuur Whats wrong with that statement????
  3. Bro thats sad to hear.. Inna lilah wainaa illehrajicun. Do u mind explaining how that happened??? U see I also live in Toronto but never heard of this story.
  4. Ngonge granted its a beautifully city but there are alot of other equally beautifully cities around the world. I live in one...Toronto I will rather go on a safari in Africa any time of the day than visiting another city just to admire some structures.
  5. Action you are right there is nothing wrong with diversification, after all the oil is not going to last forever. UAE has a growing population and what is a better investment than human resource. Look at Japan a country without any natural resource is now the second largest world economy. How can you explain that??? FYI real estate and the Airline industry are the two most financially volatile investments in the market. Rememeber the Big real estate investment in england some years ago i believe by the Reichman family??? What happened?? Remember Donald Trump?? I think he is filing for bankruptcy now. There is no one Airline company in the world that is not subsidized or have been bailed out by there governments one way or the other. Two of the largest Canadian Airline some years ago were forced to merge for economical reasons. My point is all it takes for the Dubai cards to start falling is when another country with equal money, equally invests in real estate or its Airline and that my friend is when Dubai will be turned into a ghost town over nite. About tourism!!! what is there to see in Dubai by the way???? Other than shopping.
  6. I am happy for the developments thats going on in dubai. But I think the most important development is human development. If you look at world economical, educational and political indexes you will see that Arab countries are falling behind. Can you believe not even one of the Arabian universities is ranked among the top 500 best Universities in the world?? The developments that is going on in Arab is not as a result of there respective society ingenuity or wishes but the desires of the ruling elites who wish to prove to the world that some Arab countries are as advanced as any western countries. This is all form over substance, an indepth look will prove all this physical development is made possible by foreigners. Not only is this country economical development due to foreign expertise but also political and social life is defined by foreigners Just pick the local paper (english) of any of this arab countries and see who are the editors. In contrast Israel as a country has invested alot of there resources on human developments and as a result israel is a leading nation in production, research and development. Why cant Dubai achieve the same???? I wont be suprised if Dubai has a higher income per capita compared to Israel but I can almost guarentee you more Israelis are happy with ther nation than there arab counterparts.
  7. Lander well said bro. couldn't agree more. Iran has proved to be sophisticated, modern, democratic and in tune with world politics than any other country in the middle east and for that they have gained alot of admiration from alot of muslims especially non-arab muslims. Take the current nuclear stand issue with US for example, they technical isolated US politically something sadam hussein and any of the arabs leaders couldnt fathom. This guys know how to play the games. The difference between Shia and Sunni sects is perpertuated and politicized more by arabs than Iranian from my personal experience. Can you believe the ONLY unanimous resolution EVER passed by Arab league is codemnation of Iran for "occupying" a disputed island with UAE. Shias/Iran are only Muslims/nation who have proven to defend the interest of all Muslims in this day and age. When the Arabs are asking Muslim women in France to give up there rights Iran is helping build schools for the affected girls, when Bosnian Muslims were slaughtered Iran was the only country that supplied arms to the defenceless Muslims. Not to mention Lebanon and Palestine.
  8. Viking wacha nikuambiye Salaf has admitted to in another thread to belong to an organization called Troid in Toronto. This organization was banished from all masjids including Troid which is one of the most liberal and inclusive masjid in Toronto attended by most of sijuis. Troid was banished from all the masjids for exactly what Salaf is preaching here, I attended a conference organized in Salahuudiin masjid and the next day they were kicked out. For what reason you might ask??? Insulting and talking bad about some scholars.
  9. Sxb personnally I dont really pay attention to all these groups....salafi, ahlul suna or whatever...neither do I support any. If you read well I told you of attending a conference organized by Troid. It was after the incident in Salahuudin that I found out how Troid was perceived by the rest of the Muslims communtiy. You see I dont care what the comminity says about you or any other organization for that matter, it seems every organization/group is accusing the other one way or the other. I mostly go to Taric mosques and alot has been said about Taric especially by Khalid bin walid masjid. Therefore accusations against any organization does not hold water with me. My judgement toward Troid is based on my observation and discussion with members of Troid. Bro I dont follow any Masjid or neither consider myself to belong to this or that group, simply put I am a Muslim. I told you about my concern with Troid, not that i really care even though I have my own suspicion, based on what I know and found and fyi its not about religious issue. God knows my Islamic knowledge is soo limited.
  10. Brother are you a member of Troid?? The reason am asking, this group is or was perceived to be controversial/misguided by most Muslims in Toronto, correct me if am wrong,I know for a fact alot of Masjids have disassociated and stop cooperating with Troid. Khalid bin walid being the first one. Couple of years ago I attended a weekend of meeting organized by Troid at Salaahudin masjid in Scarborough and on the second day the Imam of masjid cancelled the meeting for what was said the previous day. Now I was one of the brothers who confronted the Imams for his decision. As a result I visited Troid office in weston to lend some support, but after having a discussion with one of the brothers--a convert--I was not impressed at all to say the least. What concerned me the most, was, most of the members if not all were reverts to Islam and yet they were challenging and Isolating themselves from the rest of the main stream muslims. The reason according to the brother was the rest were simply wrong and traditional in Islam. Now this was two years ago things might have changed.
  12. Nationalist thanx for the site. Unfortunately my somali is rusty. In the Quurbaawi site Qawdhan a somali man is pictured standing next to a wheelbarrow on a partly paved road. From the story did he pave that road by himself or what? Just curious.
  13. PS: I said my dad him self is Half OG, that makes me 1/4 OG right? Does that mean you spend 1/4 of your time with us, Somalis.
  14. The Sad part is the very ppl who are responsible for such crimes and atrocities, mind you acroos Somalia, are expected to form a government for us. Now is is that a joke or what, somalis??? Ilaahayow ina cafi Ilaahayow ina cafi Yes indeed
  15. "Your stance is that the Somali Republic should continue being stateless?" Yes..Untill the day Somalis are willing and capable to rule with justice and fairness. NEVER AGAIN do I wish or want to see my people suffer as a result of incompetent rulers.NEVER.
  16. "Are you sure?" Yes I am Horn "There are alot of reasons I can refute that statement, chiefly among them being that now Somalia is so under-developed that it is not even included in the UN Developement Index." What do you expect from a country that has been ruled by incompetent rulers for over 30 years and has been through civil war. You wanna compare oranges, compare somalia to comparable countries like Congo, Siera Leon, Rwanda or Cote D'voire. Don't forget that Somalia has always been underdeveloped. "Walaal a two-story building going up there or a single streetlight in one village in Somalia hardly compares to the rate of developement the rest of the world is experiencing. We are deceiving ourselves if we think so." What do you mean by the rest of the world bro?? How can you compare Somalia with rest of the world?? Lets be realistic Somalia is a failed state, that was underdeveloped to begin with. Don't forget that. And what you consider a two storey building is a huge developement to others. Why do u think nomads here who live far from there homeland take pride in this two storey buildings?? Becoz it wasn't there to begin with.
  17. Qoute by Bachelor: "a bad goverment is better than no goverment". I dont know if I agree with this statement!!! Granted Somalia hasn't had a central gov't for 14 years, with all the consequences as a result, Somalia in general as a country and ppl have achieved more in the last 14 years without central gov't than the prior 30 years of gov't. I understand there is alot we could have achieved if we hard a gov't...But my question is what kind of government???? This idea of any gov't is better than none is absurd and illogical to say the least. Look at Haiti ppl!!!! Its been going through circles of instability and chaos with governments. The underlying social political and economical problem is overlooked because of the notion of any gov't. Is this what you are wishing for Somalia and somali ppl??? Do you wish that we go through the Some failures of the former gov't and after 20 years find ourselves in the same predicament? Do you think we have learned from our mistakes?? I dont think so, just look at the quality of the ppl who are going to lead this gov't and tell me you are hopeful. Not me I am concerned. I say lets disagree stay in peace and maintain status quo untill the right time (InshaAllah) and the right ppl. will come.
  18. "Some muslims consider teaching non-muslims about islam is their essential duty. But I think at this stage we need to teach ourselves how we can implement islam in our daily lives, before we go out to preach for others. Otherwise we might stand out as hypocrites" Hear Hear This is my take on this topic, there is no doubt that we are being scrutinized and targeted unfairly by the the society (western) we are living in and is orchestrated from the top down by devious group of ppl who want to achieve some power or domination of Muslims(read Arabs)resource. Now in this day and age its becoming morally wrong to attack a group of ppl because of race or ethnicity, like the colonial times. It is illegal according to international laws and almost hard to sell in western society. What is still acceptable is to attack what others believe/way of life (remember communism) only if you can prove the threat is not the people but the idealogy they subscribe to. Thus Islam. America and the Zionist are out to get the Arabs, they want to control them and there resources and to achieve this Islam is become the scapegoat. Whether these campaign against Islam effects non-arab muslims is irrelevent to them, there objective and the persception of there masses is what counts. Thats why I dont give rats *** what the avarage joe or jane thinks about me or my faith. I know it can be frustrating at times but I cant waste my time. If you want to do something, target your energy and efforts colectively through an Islamic organization or institution that is capable of countering the source of problem
  19. MMA Thanx thats funny and cool...A white chick in a dirac.lol Men some ppl are quick at shooting from the hips. Come on DA and OG give the bro a break??? This was done all in humor and ofcourse with some personal opinion for that matter. Why do u feel the urge to challenge or be critical in every matter of cultural discussions?? Besides I didn't see anywhere where the bro said or implied to be a somali you have to wear a dirac and whether he said it or not am sure it will not affect in anyway your choice of dresiing!!!!
  20. Amiin May Allah make it easier for them. I feel helplesly sorry for those nomads, they were suffering due to lack of government, horrible drought and now this.
  21. So true sister and thanks for the advice, I personally think one shouldn't take anything for granted especially if its matter of DIIN. I also had a a similar experience, I went to an indian restaurant owned by bangledishi muslims and was shocked to find out they were serving non-halal beef, but to there credit they atleast made me aware. Some other places wouldn't even care to warn you. Sister the name HALAL is unfortunately commercialized this days, I know a non-muslim business displaying halah sign on there premises just to attract muslim customers. It is becoming a marketing tool and guess what!!! even the big business like IGA and SOBEYS FOODS are gettin into it.
  22. Sue said "Well I'd have to say...she's rather well read." If you read my initial post i gave her the same credit differently.