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Everything posted by Qurac&qansax

  1. Akhriso:-Heshiiskii Kalluumaysiga DFS iyo DG Ee Baydhabo – Idil News WWW.IDILNEWS.COM Waa nuqulladii heshiiskii Baydhabo ee Kalluumaysiga oo ay wada gaareen DFS iyo Dowladaha Xubnaha ka ah. Saxiixa heshiiskan,wuxuu dhacay 2028,iyadoo uu PL ku matalayay MW Gaas. Si...
  2. This agreement was made months ago. if you recall, when HSM son was arrested in Istanbul, HSM sent minster of defence and met his counter part. why two defence minster meeting for a civil matter, a car accident!!!. It was proposed at that time, to freed his son and Türkiye to look like will be doing something for Somalis by way of coast gourd and so on. This agreement is not for Somali interest. There is no check and balance. Türkiye will abuse it and will take 30,50,60% and wipe out any fish left there any no one will know it, because we don't have the capacity. and will give the agreement a lip service by showing it is training but will never give a credible equipment such as boats, radars, guns and so on. This agreement was not necessary. Ethiopia would never dare to attack Somalia or annexe its territories.
  3. i could not agree more. you seem to understand more the somali problem than any one in this forum or in goverment.
  4. Galbeed, i know you you are not doing this for you love of HSM. But let me ask you, can you ask a thief to safeguard gold. The same thing a know non low abiding and constitution abuser can not be trusted to look after it. HSM, is the worst president to be intrusted to amend the constitution. Yes, there is need to change our constitution but it is not HSM. I can assure you, every change he makes, will be changed back, achieving nothing but wasting every ones time.
  5. it is a sign in wadanku uu san gacanteena ku jirin, ee sidii larabo laga sameenkaro. dad wax yac dhihi kara ma jiro, waa cheapka ii buuxi
  6. General Gordan Ku lahaa. Xaa loogu bixiyay. Maa General Daaduud, ama General Indhocade loo bixiyo
  7. General Gordan xagee uu naga soo galay. Ma general baan waynay
  8. This are the vote tally at the UN today for cease fire in GAZA. How in Humane is Those who abstained, the likes of Iraq, Albania, Cambodia, Ethopia, Cybrus. Cameroon, Zambia, Those who voted against it, remains me the Somali parliament motions. It was their pay day, they must bought their vote from US and Israel to go against, some of these countries are in population wise less than 100k, ie Tongo, Papua New Guinee, Marshal Island, Micronesia, Guatemala....i was surprised the Arabs did not overed them accounter proposal....
  9. it seems Deni decided to move the date from 8 January to end of February. The date is muqadas, i don't think it will be acceptable.
  10. MMA, and others. if you calling this man a hero, who killed so many of his people to stay power, who cancelled election and is roughless dictator. Why then, not given Deni the same, he also clean puntland from Alshabaab, built the only comunity port in somalia, done 1p1v, done some many other development in garoowe and so on. You dont call him hero, you call him dictator
  11. the issue is settled but it wont be how HAG and Somaliland wish to have it. it is not going to effect the Puntland election and after the election they will divorce each other.
  12. i think khaatumo will still participate Puntland election, the reason Deni clearly articulated why. Because the current Khatumo administration is " Ku meel gaar", the Khatumo community need time and space to come together and decide when they want to divorcee Puntland, that will definitely be after the election, only three months left. after that whoever is Puntland president will convey a meeting with all Hxxti, and decide a new formula for power sharing.
  13. you right, that is why loo oran jiray Orgiyoole. Xaal waa is badalay, ragii wax bay dhadhamiyeen,
  14. any peaceful co-existence is welcome. Yesterday when the war was waging in Khatumo, FG was telling Khatumo to negotiate with Bixi and was recognising Khatumo as part of Somali land. what has changed? it is easy to eat the cake, but to cook it, it needs courage. the FG decision to recognise Khatumo is a political one. We will see after 8 January, when the reason they recognise Khatumo is no longer there, whether they will recent this decision or will obey it. The minimum, i think they will attach conditions such as Banadir recognition. time will tell.
  15. any peaceful co-existence is welcome. Yesterday when the war was waging in Khatumo, FG was telling Khatumo to negotiate with Bixi and was recognising Khatumo as part of Somali land. what has changed? it is easy to eat the cake, but to cook it, it needs courage. the FG decision to recognise Khatumo is a political one. We will see after 8 January, when the reason they recognise Khatumo is no longer there, whether they will recent this decision or will obey it. The minimum, i think they will attach conditions such as Banadir recognition. time will tell.
  16. any peaceful co-existence is welcome. Yesterday when the war was waging in Khatumo, FG was telling Khatumo to negotiate with Bixi and was recognising Khatumo as part of Somali land. what has changed? it is easy to eat the cake, but to cook it, it needs courage. the FG decision to recognise Khatumo is a political one. We will see after 8 January, when the reason they recognise Khatumo is no longer there, whether they will recent this decision or will obey it. The minimum, i think they will attach conditions such as Banadir recognition. time will tell.
  17. MMA, you right, Deni is not perfect. Nin yahoow, reer qardho baad aqoon, waa dadka aduunka ugu dabeecada xun, waa ha itaaban ku taaban mayo. But there is no alternative. That is the reality.
  18. Arafat, what happened to you. Do you think XSM the most qabiilayste president Somalia ever seen will do those or want to do or care Puntland, he thinks the more Puntland away the better for him because he can do whatever he want to do. XSM created issue with Deni because he knew after 2 years there will be Puntland election and Deni might not come back. Deni was the reason XSM was re-elected we all know that, he owed a lot to Deni or Puntland, instead, XSM refused the three reasonable things Deni asked in return for his support and they are financial support, Garacad to Goldogob road, (Garacad Port corridor ), which XSM promised in his first visit to puntland as he was given the honour to cut the reborn for Garacad port. Financial Support for Puntland election, 1q1c Puntland fare share in his government XSM is in dhuusamareeb as we speak, and gust what, there is tribal fighting between Mudug and Hobyo community, and the mudug tribes took federal government solders hostages that come with XSM. Last time these community fought each other was the last time XSM was president when he come to dhuusamareeb, is it coincident, no.
  19. Deni has a leadership credential. Just think how he answered the question of Khaatumo not participating Puntland election, compare that to Firdhiye statement, it is kaaf iyo kala dheeri.
  20. I don't support Deni. What is not in dispute is, he has a leadership credential. Just think how he answered the question of Khaatumo not participating Puntland election, compare that to Firdhiye statement, it is kaaf iyo kala dheeri. He has done more than any president before him, and there are no credible alternative.
  21. exactly, afkaada caano lagu qabay. Galbeedi waa rug cadaa. I would have waited after election, so i dont been seen influencing the election only 3 months away. After the election, i would have consulted and made the announcement in Garoowe. You don't bite the hand that is feeding you. XSM and Marxuumka why they did not invite Fardhiye when he needed them, six months ago. He should have visited Garoowe before Mogadishu and give where credit is due. The three young siblings Sool Clan, Agah, and gedo community are always jealous over their older brother (Curudka) MJ, but when the going get thought they always call him for help. Who saved Siyaad bare from USC it was not gedo community, who saved Agah for juba land, and who saved Sool Clan from SNM, and as always when they reach their goal, they throw him under the bus. And as Curudka reeerka he always forgive and help when called, and the circle continues.
  22. MMA, Saaxiib, i was not talking about kursi, i was talking about influence and interest. MMA, dont bee dad ka xanuunka MJ hayo, ee saaxiib is deji. We puntlanders are very good to spot markuu qof cudurka MJ soo hayo. If you criticising at least be objective. You tell me, where on earth aysan hagbad ama sholongo ka jirin. This is human nature. I will give you some example to think about. 1. federal government of Somalia. Sholong between Haw and Daar, all its presidents were from those two comunity. No Somalis include you ever, question that or care about that at the federal election. But when it comes to Puntland election, every one "sholongo, hagbad" daya. Baroortu diiqa ka ween. 2. All Somali federal states, Jubaland, Hirshabeel, Southwest, Galmudug, Somaliland all are run by monopoly tribes. 3. US, Canada, UK, all their presidents and prime minsters were white, Anglo-Saxon, protistan, except Barak Obama and Kennedy. 4.Many other countries do the same. 5.I have to put this on caveat, and say this might be the only time that can be justified, but do you know, Abubakar, Omar, Ali, Othman (khulafaau rashideen) were all Qureish. I know many somalis if they lived at that time would have said ," Looma dhama". This is why Somali will never get to anywhere, because they are focusing or asking the wrong question. I don't care if all presidents are all from same family as long they are just and good leader, unfortunately we dont have a good leaders, so that should be our focus how to fix it.
  23. People always misunderstand puntland intentions. its main goal is the peaceful coexistence with its neighbour states. It is Puntland interest to have vibrant SSC, and that is why it invested so much. it did the same for Galmudug , and Jubaland federal state. Puntland invested so much on those state than it had received on their behalf. And selecting member of parliamentary for them, Puntland can gain influence on some other ways.