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Everything posted by Ifiye

  1. Aftahanimo macno masameeyneeyso hadii loo isticmaalo in Lagu raadiyo dano qabiil laguna wiiqo danihii qaranka Soomaaliyeed. Mr Gaas oo aflagaadeeynayo ex-madaxweyno Xassan Sheekh Maxammuud kunadoodayo dhulka beesha kadaganyihiin goboladda waqooyi in eey Puntland kawada tirsanyihiin. Ex-madaxweeyne Xassan Sheekh Maxammuud booqashadiisii Garowe.
  2. Horay ayaan usheegay in Imaaraadku marmarsiyo kadhiganayo DF si eey ugafarxashaan mashaariicdan qarashka badan kubaxayo oo eey balanqaadeen . Awalba Imaaraadku caawinta Soomaalida gobolkasta hajoogaane daacad kama aheeyn. Waxaa macquul ah in Uncle Sam ku amro Imaaraadku in eey Berbera wax uun galiyaan oon saas uweeyneeyn Boosaasana warkeedaba daa.
  3. Egyptians are capable of carrying out preemtive surgical strikes on the GERD. Anyone suggesting Ethiopians can withstand an Egyptian asualt is daydreaming. But I doubt these two American client states will go to war over the Nile anytime soon.
  4. I am not surprised. They are the same people that celebrated when IC and their Ethiopian donkey installed warlord Madobe in Kismayo. They burned president HShM pictures and kissed the Kenyan president Uhguru as a form of protest. This same people shamelessly try to tell us they are defending the Somali unity.
  5. Anarchists from Mudug and Galgaduud regions did the most damage to the prospect of establishing Somali statehood after the fall of Barre dictatorship.
  6. Daacadnimo iyo odaygan kaladheer saaxiib. Waxa uulaseexanwaayay waa munaafaqnimo iyo Amxaar jaceeynimo.
  7. I welcome the "savior of the D clan" to lead Pirateland. They are free to choose whoever they like. However I doubt the IC community will allow such thing to happen unless they pabtized him in Nairobi to help them continue the Somali project faithfully like the current pirate leader Mr Gaas.
  8. Ethiopia is more destructive than all the Arab playboys combined. What makes them more dangerous is the fact that they have boots on the ground and a deep knowledge of Somali society and their love affair with clanship.
  9. "Wasiiru dawlaha arimaha dibedda ee Dowlada imaaraadka Carabta Dr.Anwar Qarqaash ayaa sheegey in ay heshiishka dekedda Berbera la galeen xukuumadii hore ee Soomaliya, Xiligii Dowlada Xasan shiikh Maxamuud. Waxauu raaciyey Waraysiga in ay taageersanyihiin Midnimada Soomaaliya oo aanay safaarad iyo qunsuliyad ku lahayn Somaliland . Sidoo kale waxaa Ku jiray waraysiga in Heshiis aysan La gelin Maamulka Soomaaliland, Balse ay dalka ku joogaan Heshiis Dowladeed oo Rasmi ah"
  10. The UAE and others will continue using corrupt officials and IC installed regional warlords to keep the central government weak.
  11. Dhageyso:-Soomaaliland oo sheegtay in RW Kheyre uu Saami ku leeyahay Kaydka haamaha Shidaalka Berbera By Radio Dalsan Reporter on Apr 18, 2018 Guddiga dabagalka Musuqmaasuqa ee Golaha Wakiilada Maamulka Somaliland oo maalmahaan ku sugnaa Magalada Berbera ayaa Maanta booqday Keydka haamaha ee Dekada Berbera,waxaana Guddigu ay sheegeen in Guddiga ayaa waxaa hogagaminayay xildhibaan Naasir Xaaji Cali Shire oo ka mid ah Guddigaas,waxa uuna sheegay in Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Soomaaliya uu saami ku leeyahay Shirkada laga kireeyey Keydka Haamaha shidaalka Dekada Berbera ee Berbera oil Group. “waxaa noosoo baxday in ay khatar ku jirto hamaha shidaalka Berbero,waayo waxaa jiro cadaw ka faa’iideysanayo Shirkadan ku buhoobay halkaan oo intooda badan laheynba cida leh ayna diideen in ay sheegaan Berbera Oil Group,waxan xaqiiqsanay in ra’iisul Wasaaraha Soomaliya uu qeyb ku leeyahay ayuu yiri Xildhibaanka w4Marka laa soo tago Warka ka soo baxay Guddiga dabagalka Musuqmaasuqa ee Golaha Wakiilada Maamulka Somaliland,majirto cid sirasmi ah u xaqiijisay Saamiga la sheegay in shirkadaas uu ku leeyahay Ra’iisul Wasaare Xasan Cali Kheyre. Ra’iisul Wasaare Xasan Cali Kheyre ayaa horay Saami ugu lahaa Shirkadda Som oil and Gas balse markii Ra’iisul Wasaare loo Magacabay uu kala baxay Saamigii uu ku lahaa. Hoos Ka Dhageyso Codka.
  12. Bosaso-[Puntland Post]-Wasiirka Wasaaradda Maaliyadda Dowladda Puntland Mudane Cabdullaahi Siciid Carshe Dhaqaaje ayaa xariga ka jaray dhisme cusub oo dib u dayactir ku sameysay Wasaaradda Maaliyadda ee xarunta Boosaaso Disappointed. This commercial city deserves better financial ministry building than this.
  13. Ethiopia 'hero' runner gets asylum donations after Oromo protest sign. Image copyrightEPA Image captionThe "x" symbol is used by in protests against the Ethiopian government attempts to reallocate land A crowd-funding campaign has raised more than $40,000 (£30,000) to help Ethiopia's Olympic marathon silver medallist Feyisa Lilesa seek asylum. He crossed his hands above his head as he finished the race - a gesture made by Ethiopia's Oromo people who have suffered brutal police crackdowns. He says he may be killed if he goes home but Ethiopia's government says he will be welcomed as a hero. However, state media is not showing photos of him crossing the line. There has been a wave of protests in Ethiopia in recent months over a series of frustrations, including attempts by the governments to reallocate land in the Oromo and Amhara regions. US-based Human Rights Watch says security forces have killed more than 400 Oromo protesters, a figure the government disputes. Rule 50 of the Olympic charter bans political displays or protests and the IOC say they are gathering information about the case.
  14. The Oromo and Amhara nations are once again getting ready to evict Woyane from their land.
  15. The official portrait of Siad Barre, the dictator who many say drove Somalia to the dogs. AFRICA REVIEW | FILE MOHAMED HAJISunday, December 26 2010 at 17:10 comment The making of the Somali Manifesto twenty years ago was a turning point in Somali history. On May 15 1990, something of a miracle happened in Mogadishu when 114 intellectual and economic élites consisting of the most brilliant politicians as well as prominent professionals of the nation issued an manifesto and sent it to Somali dictator Mohamed Siad Barre, urging him to step down in order to salvage the nation from complete collapse. That manifesto was prophetic. The Somali élites, later to be called ‘Manifesto group’, explicitly wrote: We, the undersigned elders, who took part in the national struggle for independence – sultans and chiefs of the Somali communities from the various regions, religious leaders, businessmen, intellectuals and others – strongly and unanimously feel that we can no longer remain passive spectators, nor ignore the duties and responsibilities that we owe to our people and our country, both from Somali and Islamic points of view, given the sufferings, the bloodshed and the incalculable loss of life and property that our people have suffered for so long; as well as all the consequent unforeseeable and negative repercussion and risks that these may result vis-à-vis our national integrity and security. Among others things, we are deeply disturbed by; a)the civil war ranging between the government forces and the opposition movements which has caused unlimited disaster to our motherland, not only militarily but also politically, economically, socially, morally, and materially – to the point of making us feel ashamed of ourselves as Somalis as well as being made pessimistic about our future; b)the killings of tens of thousands of innocent civilians including: the aged, women and children as well as the destruction and looting of their properties; c)the fleeing of hundreds of thousands of people from their homes because of fear for their lives which compelled to seek refuge in other countries like Ethiopia and Kenya. Punitive measures In their manifesto, they cited the destruction and looting of major cities and towns where most of the wells and water reservoirs on which, because of the nature of land, the very existence and the life of the nomads and their livestock so much depended on were deliberately destroyed as punitive measures, thus compelling the public to say: "Things were better under colonialism!" The manifesto proposed arranging a reconciliation conference either in Djibouti, Egypt or Italy. It also proposed a committee of eminent Somalis to prepare for what was to be the National Reconciliation and Salvation Conference. Paradoxically, far from accepting his proposal, Barre responded with brutality by arresting and dispersing the signatories. Somalia’s first President , Aden Abdulle Osman, was one of many. Among other detained signatories were Sheikh Mohamed Mo’alim Hassan, Somalia’s Sheykhul Azhar; Sheikh Mukhtar Mohamed Hussein; Mohamed Yusuf Muro, the only Somali except Hawa Tako who sacrificed his precious life for Somali sovereignty; Abshir Kahiye Farah, the man who threw a first stone at Italian colonialists in the day of Ha Noolaato demonstration in Mogadishu; Ibrahim Roble Warfa “Doonyaale”, one of the most senior high-ranking Somali military officers before Barre’s rule. Others were Haji Jirde Hussein Duale, the wealthiest Somali man prior to Barre’s rule; Mohamud Geddi Mohamud (Fuuje), a former senior high-ranking police officer before the regime; Ahmed Abdi Daher “Shell”, a former civil servant, and others. The list was a long one. An excellent illustration of how this incident unfolded can be found in Saado Ali’s song in 1990 that seeks an answer on how those who struggled for Somali independence could be detained for voicing their concerns. The song goes: Raggii gobonimada dhaliyey miyaa dhulka lagu xumeeyey / dharaar xabsi loo taxaabay / tujaarkii miyaa dhab loo xiray / aqoonyahan miyey dhibaayaan / ma culumo ayaan dhiman-na nooleyn / ma dhiillo col baa baxaysa / ma dhiiggii dadkaa qulqulaya / dhurwaaya miyaa cabbaaya? Dhunnoo dheygegnoo wareernee / ninkii Madaxweyne dhaarta / dhoobada dalka ugu horreeyey / dhambaalka midnimo saxiixay /dhiggiisa markii la doortay / xukunka xaraggada u dhiibay / Makastu ma iney ku dheeshaa? Markii dhaqdhaqaaq xorriyadeed dhulkeenna laga billaabay / ninkii dhagixii ugu horreeyey gumeystihii dhacay ku tuuray / ninkii dhaawucu ku gaaray / dhiiggiisu u hooray ciidda / dhiirrane ma ifkey ka qariyeen? Markii ergaygeennu dhoofay /ee dhawaaqeenna Unada geeyey / xorriyo loo dhan yahay dalbaayey / ayaantii ninkii la dhaafshay / halyeygii naftiisa dhiibee / durriinka dhibaatadiisa billaha dhinaca ula yaallay / ninkii dhimasho u bareeray / miyaa... miyaa... xabsi dhagax ah jiifa? A decade ago, I interviewed the composer of this song, the late Abdi Muhumad Amin on Himilo newspaper and asked him what had prompted him in 1969 to write “Waddadii caddeyd, cagta saarnaye, ku carraabiyow, cimrigii jiryow, jiryow, caynaanka haay” and why he came to the breathtaking conclusion in 1990 by composing of “War ninkoow, ninkoow, ninkoow.” The poet who was a far-sighted Somali traditional intellectual retorted: “It was a change of circumstance – just say a matter of time.” Clear disdain However, Aden Adde made his clear disdain for dictatorship in 1965 by enlightening one American historian, E. A. Bayne: “A single party system gives too much temptation for the development of a “man-on-a-horse” who might want to be a dictator. This dictator will never be Aden Abdulle, but it might be someone who came after me.” Wasn’t Aden Adde a mystic in predicting the process of dictator-in-the-making? On the face of it, he was more than a mystic – perhaps a saint like the ilk of Sheikh Abdulkadir Jeilani or Sheikh Aweys Al-Barawi. At least, he was like chalk and cheese to Kenya’s Daniel arap Moi who, according to the Martin Meredith’s 'The State of Africa,' said in 1984: “I would like ministers, assistant ministers and others to sing like a parrot after me. That’s how we can progress.” After all, the Somali manifesto had twofold characteristics. Had Barre accepted recommendations laid down in manifesto, Somalia would have been saved from disaster. Equally, had the United States and the United Nations propped up the move in pursuing pre-emptive diplomacy, Somalia would have gone on to become a failed state. Unfortunately, the US did not rescue Somalia from anarchism as it had saved Ethiopia when Meles Zenawi and his guerrilla fighters crept into Addis Ababa. In his book ‘Missed Opportunities’, Mohamed Sahnoun, former UN Envoy to Somalia, rightly accused the UN of not intervening Somalia during that critical juncture when the manifesto élites organised themselves to carry out power transition – from Barre’s hands to democratic government.Lament for a lost opportunity, anyway! (Mohamed Haji (Ingiriis) is a Somali writer based in London. He can be reached at: Ingiriis@yahoo.com)
  16. Any evidence the pirates refused to contradict the FG or you are simply making shit up.
  17. The only groups Ethiopia will share with this money are the terrorists, clan militias and every other entity it can use effectively to destabilize and encourage the balkanization of Somalia.
  18. Far from the truth. It's more money for the Ethiopian state not only to oppress the locals more but also to use this newly founded wealth to keep neighboring Somalia stateless for a long time to come.
  19. In other words Nabad iyo nolol gangs are using the tax money they collected from poor MOGADISHANS to wage wars inside Somaliland borders when hundreds of Mogadishu residents are getting killed simply because its the seat of the federal project. This is unacceptable.
  20. And at the same time Mogadishu is the only Somali region the federal project collects money from. https://www.hiiraan.com/op4/2018/apr/157480/analysis_of_2018_fiscal_budget_of_the_federal_government_of_somalia.aspx