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Everything posted by Dahireeto

  1. Jawaari denied the arrested were his men. So which side is lying and making up stories? http://www.muqdisho.online/maxaa-ka-jira-in-xabsigga-la-dhigay-ilaalada-gudoomiye-jawaari/
  2. Separatists around the world are following this case closely.
  3. "The prosecutor's office of Schleswig-Holstein state applied for an extradition arrest warrant against former Catalonian regional president Carles Puigdemont from the superior regional court,"
  4. OW, knowing Gooni and his code speak, I think he was referring to the other book Barwaaqo wrote. Gooni was taking a dig at Somaliland connecting one event with another in a dog-whistle language. Only those who understand him get a laugh about it. haha
  5. That book is written by Af-Barwaaqo, current Somaliland minister of Information.
  6. cadnaan1, 6 hour flight vs 3 hour flight and there is only $30 difference? Who wouldn't have a problem with that.
  7. OO, why is the GERD so important to Tigray? Isn't located in Amhara land?
  8. If MBS survives the Wahabis in his own country, there is hope for other countries. They will kill him soon.
  9. Reading from a teleprompter, he tried to sound smart, but failed. Someone should tell Abiy that only Somaliland is seeking secession.
  10. @Oodweynehas been wakiil on the internet for many years and that did not bring recognition. Muse is right to cut off payments.
  11. lol. Mooge, Muse got big cash man. His pockets have never been fuller thanks to DP World.
  12. That is disturbing news. We need MMA to clarify what is going on in his home state.
  13. Walaahi Kenya is not joking. They are building the damn wall.
  14. Is it me or the video looks fake to scare the family or someone else set it up??
  15. The Dr in the first video has pure Somali accent without lahjad. No Mogadishu, Hargeisa or bari accent. Cool.
  16. Yaay, Djibouti is coming with us. I wish the split was without non-Somalis following us. Why can't they stay with the rest of their people? We want to have our own continent.
  17. Old Observer aka gebremichael is who I am cheering for. Let us hope he makes it.
  18. Lasqoray Port is coming What about Lughaya? Hobyo?
  19. Faisal Roble is a great person. He doesn't hate any tribe.
  20. The people there are pastoralists not farmers.
  21. The US has very little ability to shape Ethiopia's future or policy. It lost ground to China.