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Everything posted by maakhiri1

  1. IOM will be fine and done good for his people, but this is obvious,Arabs feel humiliated by Dp world saga, and this is revenge. Ha u biqin, this is a game, and Arabs will lose at the end.
  2. West Somalia sounds good, latest, Ethiopia is as of the breakup Yuhoslavia, half a dozen countries will emerge, as of now, I am making my papers in the oil rich new country emerging in Killilka.
  3. Thanks for the update mate, hadaad tashanwaydo, waa laguu talin, your Sool guy is mostly accurate,
  4. Garaad Jaamac Ismail nailed it, no more wasting time, get on with business.
  5. Waraabe will either move to Mogadishu or will be arrested in Hargaisa.
  6. Gooni, run buu ka hadley, ma sida AbdiWeli Gaas baa hurudey intii wadanka la qabsanaayey, dhulka ugu wayn SL qabsadey intii Abdiweli joogay. aan ku xusuus sho Taleex!
  7. Will not be surprised if he goes with Farmaajo to Mogadishu. He is doing his old profession, spying!
  8. Nonesense, Nin geelliisii dhacan yahay hadal uma furna. Markaad taada ka adkaato, baa tukale ku dari kartaa! waxaro laguma aamino karo.
  9. Very good question, buy time to develop and build an army, then remember what happened to separatist Tamil Tigers!
  10. what is your Ethiopian name? How many bastards left behind by the Cuban soldiers?
  11. There is no tape, but ego, he does not want to admit he got help, that he couldn't win without Russian help, millions dooped.
  12. This is a big test, where everyone else failed, hope they succeed.
  13. Silver lining, atleast SLers can display SL flag during Hajj.
  14. Federal Gov strategy is Isreal strategy towards Palestine, prelong negotiation and tire them out. SL should do whatever possible to force start negotiation.
  15. Next time we march to Addis, and there are no Russians and Cubano, who is gonna save Ethiopia! we are patient but Ethiopia knows Somalis are warriors,if thet don't stop meddling in Somalia, and soon we will rise again and kick their ass. why do you think we defeated and chased them so easily before Cubanos and Russians came?
  16. aad bay u dhacdaa arinkan, laguma khasbi karo, waa in labada belood ay ka go'daa in ay heshiyaan, ogaadaana in kala guuri karin. Maahmaah baa ahayd “Dab Munaafaq Shiday Muumin baa ku gubta” mar walba Geel jire aan qiima lahayn baa Hal door wax yeela, halkaas bay ka kac daa.
  17. Cubano, could you interview this soldier, if he is still alive, will tell you everything.
  18. I remember Oodweyne , who was in completely different level, saying here, they will give us $1 billion. UAE gave billions to both Sudan and Ethiopia. and over 20 billion to Egypt. And many of diehard SL have this grandeur delusion,
  19. This nothing but symptoms of a bigger problem, SOMALIS have embarked on something they have idea how it will work, dozen presidents, many don't realise it now, but once everyone gets it, hope it is not too late.