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Posts posted by galbeedi

  1. Che, of course we support them, but talk is cheap, we need real change in terms of security and substance. Hassan Sheikh has done a lot in terms of police , government ministries, rehabilitation of the city and bringing the world to somalia in terms of foreign embassies and contacts. Mogadisho airport and ports became operational under his watch, but he was moving in a slow pace and in to the wrong direction on the issues regarding security and Somali sovereignty. We have thrown him out because he was dragging his feet and leaning on the backs of Ethiopia and others to resolve problems.


    One thing is for sure , Somalis will not wait for another four years to get real results. The drought is still there and no one is leaving Mogadishu hotels. If we want things to remain the same , we would have kept Hassan Sheikh.


    Laba sanadood gudahood haddii aanu arki weyno isbedel Muuqda:


    " arrintu Farmaajo iga kaxeeya ayey Noqon"







    First of all , no one is picking fights with the neighbors. All we want is for the Somali state to be a sovereign nation deciding how to build and conduct internal national security issues without the interference of those who were claiming to be helping Somali security for twenty years, yet with their help things were getting worse by the day.


    Samafall says,

    " most of the regional states bar Somaliland come under the federal constitution and it is simply agreeing a foreign policy conduct that is built in the constitution with the regional states"


    There is no foreign policy built in the constitution with regional governments, period. In many parts of the world neighboring provinces and regions have mutual interest and trade contacts that compels cooperation. Other than transit from Berbera and meager trade from Boosaaso, there is no trade or exports leaving Somali territories that goes to Ethiopia. The border has been sealed always even during peace times. That is why the Somalis in Ethiopia remain poor . without trading their natural brothers on the other side, they depend on the mercy of the Ethiopian dictatorship. My friend the issue is much bigger than your own enclave.


    There is nothing but a proxy regional militia created to prolong instability. You and I know that most of the agreements entered between the federal government and regions are guaranteed by Ethiopia . We have a lot of issues regarding the plight of Somalis in zone five and the border, yet Cabdi Illey will never visit Mogadishu to discuss these matters. Do you think there would be "Ehlu Sunnah" or other gangs without Ethiopia? I do no think so.


    People keep talking about the red carpet and the usual pampering that were planned to mesmerize the insecure Somali leaders who are eager to get some badly needed recognition from others as leaders.


    Those of us who follow Somalia see this film many many times , and even the script is identical.


    Here is what people have said the relation between the early years of Hassan Sheikh and Ethiopia and Kenya, here in SOL in April 2013, just six months after his eection:


    Thursday, April 18th, 2013 | Posted by SEK5

    Madaxweynaha Dowladda Federaalka Xasan Sheekh oo dhowaan tagaya waddanka Ethiopia…. Waayo??


    Wararka aan ka helayno magaalada Muqdisho ayaa sheegaya in Madaxweynaha dowlada Federaalka Somalia mudane Xasan Sheikh ku wajahan yahay wadanka Ethiopia halkaas oo uu kaga qayb galayo shir ay isugu imaanayaan wadamada Ethiopia, Somalia, Kenya iyo Jabuti.

    Kulankaan ayaa wararku sheegayaan inuu qaban qaabqaabiyey Madaxweynaha Jabuuti Ismaaciil Cumar Geelle.

    Madaxweynaha Jabuti oo garwadeen ka ah kulankaan ayaa xogaha laga helayo xusayaan inuu ku dhexdhexadinayo Madaxweyne Xasan Shiikh iyo Madaxweynaha Kenya iyo Ra’isal wasaaraha Ethiopia.

    Xiriirka dowladaha Ethiopia iyo Kenya ay la leeyihiin dowlada Federaalka Somalia ayaa maraya heerkii ugu hooseeyey kadib markii labadaan wadan saluugeen siyaasada Madaxweyne Xasan Shiikh ee ku wajahan wadamada dariska ah.

    Wadanka Kenya ayaa ciidamadooda ku sugan yihiin gudaha Somalia gaar ahaan gobolka Jubada Hoose halka dowlada Ethiopia dhowaan ciidamadooda kala baxdey qaar ka tirsan gobolada Bay iyo Bakool.

    Dowlada Kenya oo ciidamadoodu ku sugan yihiin magalada Kismayo ayaa tageersan shirka maamulka loogu dhisayo gobolada Jubooyinka halka ay ka biyo diidan tahay dowlada Federaalka ee uu Xasan Shiikh ka yahay Madaxweynaha.

    Dhinaca kale xiriirka Ethiopia iyo dowlada Federaalka ah ayaa wanaagsaneyn kadib markii gudoomiyahii hore ee Bay oo xiriir dhow la lahaa ciidamada shisheeye ee gobolka sugan la badaley kuwaasoo deganadaas ka qabsadey xoogaga Al-Shabaab.

    Wadanka Ethiopia ayaa dhinaca kale ka biyo diidan xiriirka sii kordhaya ee u dhexeeya dalka Masar oo ay ka arrimiyaan ururka Akhwaanul Muslimiin iyo koox diimeedka Damul Jadiid kuwaasoo awood siyaasdeed ku leh dowlada Xasan Shiikh.

    Si kastaba ha ahaatee kulankaan ayaa la filayaa inuu diirada saaro sidii la isugu soo dhoweyn lahaa Uhuru Kenyata oo dhowaan la doortey, Ra’isal wasaraha Ethiopia iyo Madaxweynaha DFS kuwaasoo aan ku faraxsaneyn siyaasada Xasan Shiikh ee ku wajahan wadamada dariska la ah Somalia kuwaasoo qayb libaax ka qaatey dagaalka lagula jiro kooxda Al-shabaab.


    Sound familiar. Walee reer aan ogahay ma guuro.


  3. I hope he wouldn't fell in to the trap of eliminating Al-shabaab without addressing the financial, logistical and intelligence support from foreign forces. We know their are two Al-shabaab one that is domestic and extremists and one foreign and deadly who will be willing to use Somalia as collateral damage in their international chaos theory agenda. Any Somali leader must distinguish the difference between Mukhatar Robow and Al-qeada.


    As I said before in this pages, no primitive Somali guerrilla movement could last in the bush a week. You must have a Somali plan. Ethiopian gross domestic production was $10 billion in 2004 when they begun to interfere with Somalia. Today i 2016, they hit the $60 billion mark. 20% of that is our domestic GDP undermined by their constant meddling of Somalia. Their will be no Ethiopian airline without the million diaspora Somalis flying through them.


    I know many Somalis are in high hopes for this government , but those of us who have cooler heads have seen this film before. Hassan Sheikh met Obama, David Cameron and others during his early years and John Kerry came to Mogadishu. This trips by Farmaajo are familiar, but what is his plan?










  4. Che ,


    They have the momentum, but so far I have't seen any real moves. Even Micheal Keaton said that the president and the prime minister must introduce different way of securing the parliamentarians and ministers .


    Other than nominating the prime minister , cabinet and commanders , what is his plan to pacify the city?. Most people keep talking about ministries and their work force which has no bearing for the future security of Somalia.


    Dadku ma waxay u malaynayan wasiiro cusub iyo dad cusub in ay wax ka bedelayaan xaalada Muqdisho.


    Mr Farmaajo , what is your plan. Of course , you got momentum, but what makes you different from Hassan Sheikh.


    IN this town nothing moves. The parliament is on vacation and will come back in session in July after "Ciidul Fidri". Dheriga dhadhaarka ha ii kala bedeline , maxaad qorshe haysa?.


    The election commission should start their work yesterday.











  5. This will be the second defeat of the extremist right wing parties of Europe after the loss Greet Wilder of Holland. Despite their constant noise they do not have the numbers.


    So far the Russians have paid no price for their american election tempering, so they went ahead and kept their push to dismantle the EU.

  6. The Dugsi Quran must start at early stage with parietal guide or they could become extremists . Unsupervised and unguided kids will not become productive members of society. If parents do their duties with help of Allah, Somali young kids could achieve every thing.


    teenagers with drug and other issues need a change of scenery, but parents must accompany them and work with them. Unless the teenagers complain , western governments can not take them by force without the parents permission.

  7. Of course they should. I hope Farmaajo realizes how powerful the Somali state is. Without Ethiopia and Kenya these states will focus schools, hospitals and roads rater than fly to Addis and challenge the Somalli state.

  8. What a lie in our face. He says that he deals with the regional governments with the permission of he federal government. If I were the president, I would have said in a diplomatic and polite way that we do not appreciate the constant involvement of foreign governments i n our internal affairs without naming anyone.


    Only a fool would believe that Ethiopia want to help us defeat Al-shabaab.


    The positive thing that comes from this meeting is that for the first time Ethiopia is in defensive mood in both policies and Somali issues. Their weakness is apparent and the best way to reduce their influence is to minimize their involvement of the security issues.


    For start, they must stop the illegal support of "Ehlu Sunna" in Galmudug, and the Somali government must control their movements. Second, no regional state leader should visit Addis without the permission of the Somali government.





  9. Gooni,


    Jubbada aad sheegayso maleeshiyu beeleed ayaa xoog ku haysata. Kenya ayaa meesha ku haysa. Shalay ayyaan daawaday Xildhibaan loo diiday in uu hadlo oo uu boobka iyo ku tagrifalka awooda Ahmed Madoobe ku hayo dadka wax ka sheego.


    Haddaan u soo noqdo ciidankan wax la yaayey, waa gardaro garab og. Gudoomiyaha hanti dhawrka qaranka waxa illaalinayey "walaalaha galgaduud", sida hadalka uu u dhigayna waxa ka muuqata dulmi iyo fudayd. Waxa uu yidhi "Askarta ayaa isku soo dhawaatay, isqoonsatay, ka dibna isxabaeeyey, shil ayuu ahaa". just like that.


    The same thing happen to two 'xildhibaans" from Sanaag when intelligence force shot them in a main street. This crime shows two things. First, this town is becoming more dangerous and the fear of booms and assassination is real. Second, this shooting is the carried out by those who operate with impunity in Mogadishu.


    Madaxweynahuna waxa uu yidhi safarkaygii "Ethiopia waan soo gaabshay, si aan "Baroor diiqda wasiirka uga qaby galo'. He spent two days there, yet want to stay more. one more thing he should improve his "Soomaali language' vocabulary.





  10. Barwaaqo,


    Beytkaas si wacan ayaad u turjuntay. Especially " have been yearning to tie the knot in order to succeed;. Please keep trying to do more.


    If I had to translate from English to Somali , I would probably have written a good summery of the song, but when it comes to English it will be difficult for me to the do literature side.


    We will pass this one to Coofle and Oodweyne,

  11. Allah Ha u Naxariisto . MMA Samir iyo Iimaan adiga iyo reekiisa dhamantiin. I heard he was the youngest minister. A young man educated in a refugee camp, yet reaching new heights after hard work.


    A government that can not even protect it's own ministers is doomed. Some reports said that he was leaving Villa-Somalia , and those who killed him were ridding the vehicle of another government official.








  12. By the way, the Ethiopian ambassador that was supposedly given the end of the short stick happen to be an ethnic Somali. He is a distant cousin of the prime minister which means the Ethiopians are scared and want to keep their influence, so they sent a Somali guy.




    First of all, this is a real and honest debate by the Somali parliament. I am really impressed about the young members who expressed their view in a well organized manner. Further more , both of those who oppose and those who agreed with motion explained their position with conviction and reason, yet their political inclination is visible.


    In any political motion, there are two opposing sides where each group is trying to impose their view or exaggerate the merits of their case while undermining the viability of the other case. In any case , after watching this civil debate, there could be a middle ground that could satisfy both groups.


    While this motion is a legitimate motion that should be debated and adopted eventually, it needs more time and amendments to reach a consensus that satisfies both the regional representation of the recruits , while avoiding of the sectarian character of regional army. One issue that we all agree is that conscripts must come from the whole country and from different walks of life.


    Here are some of my points regarding the national army.


    1- Despite it's large numbers, the current members of the Somali army could not defend the nation from Al-shabaab insurgents and could not defend the borders of the country, yet you can not disband them all. Those who showed , duty , loyalty and discipline should be kept. Many Somali soldiers had paid the ultimate price in Mogadishu and surrounding regions while on duty. Almost every minister or member of government is guarded by these soldiers, and more than often , they are the ones who take the first bullet from the terrorists. Those who are good soldiers must be kept . That does not mean incorporating the tribal militia of Mogadishu who masquerade as the national army.


    2- Recruiting the national army from the regions is a good step to accommodate national representations from every corner of the country, yet , it is recipe for disaster to keep them, train them and allow them to operate from their own regions as stated by the " National Security policy". They would be more loyal to their regions or tribes than the nation. So in order to fulfill the national representation requirements , and form a national army, the recruits must be mixed in and trained as brothers in arms in different regions. The army camps or barracks based in the regions must be managed by the national army. The command and control of these bases should be under the national defense. In most modern constitutions, the national army should not fight and engage it's local communities, except for national emergency or unforeseen calamities. Do not overextend these bases, the logistical night mare of supplying all would be a difficult task, just select four major bases for the moment. Balidoogle, Carmo (Puntland), Dhanaane (Jowhar) and Mogadishu could accommodate the 16,000 soldiers recruited from towns and villages across the regions.


    3-The federal states do not even have the capacity to deliver the basic services that should be their primary duties. Education, health care, policing, registry and regulation, tax collection and other public services should be their duties. Some of us were asking that how would these dead beat states who could not build a simple school are demanding the most difficult job of training a national army?. Well, it is simple. They just want to get some of the pie (money). For years, they have been watching the Mogadishu based gang pocket millions of dollars from the military budget with no tangible results. They have seen the Turks, Gulf Sheikhs, Americans, Italians, The British , The EU and others pour money in Mogadishu for the benefit of the local oligarchs, so they want to get some of that money in their regions. These Somali regions are broke. They do not have any viable internal revenue or transparent tax income, so the foreign pushed cash cow is the only means for them to make a buck. Just like the Ugandan, Djiboutians and others, they want to make some real money for themselves and their soldiers. I really would not want to deny the Somali regions to pocket some of the resources that others have been getting for the last few years under their name ( Soomaalidu in ay waxoogaa cashayso in loo diido ma ha haboona). If you look things in that logic, it could be beneficial for Somalis to have little bit of the pie among the Billions spend on others. Since money is always the root causes of problems, the regions and others might overlook the future implications. The best way to get some of the pie is to demand the training , salary and equipment of the regional police including "THe Daraawiish" who would intervene any armed conflicts.


    The best idea that comes from this policy is the forming of the National federal police. They should not be large numbers , but small well trained and equipped force that is en tuned on law enforcement and crime investigation. Small contingent of this force could be placed in major centers and towns. There are a lot of crimes of power abuse , misappropriation of funds and corruption going in those regions and there is no one to make them accountable. As we have seen in many regions, Somali tribes do not investigate or enforce the law against their kin. Few years ago, there were prisoners released from jails in Garoowe and in Burco after locals refused to keep them inside. In fact it is well known phenomena in towns like Garoowe where the natives always claim to be their town (Magaalada reer hebel baa leh, ma oga miyaa in ay caasimad u tahay Puntland oodhan). A well educated and organized federal police could create a real climate of law and order. " Dadka dawlada boorsooyinka ku sita sida Shariif Hassan oo kale ayey la xisaabtamayaan


    4- Former aviation minister Jammac Jangali had exposed the weakness of his former government and their inability to build 10,000 soldiers. He said that " we could not find money to pay them", yet, they all found money for their pet projects in Mogadishu. He concluded by saying the world are building army for us (ciidan ayaa la inoo dhisaya). Only in SOmalia you would see people saying , " the world will be feeding us, the world will be supervising, the world will be devising our constitution, and the world will be building us a national security force. These things follow the same pattern of the billions of foreign aid poured in Africa and other places with no visible and tangible results.


    A 10,000 Somali army will cost less than 20% of the budget. In 2016, They did claim a budget of $250 million. Everyone wonders what is more important than the army and police.


    10,000 x200 = 2,000,000

    2,000,000 x12 = 24,000,000


    If you add some logistics and other equipment it does not exceed the $50 million mark. Amisom is spending $1.2 billion in every three years. " Waxaan maqli jiray muraadka Muqdishu muraayad baa kaa xigta.


    5-Another fallacy is that the governor of the provinces were always responsible for the security of the province. That might be true technically , but the job of recruiting training and logistics was always the duty of the central government and the army. There were always coordination and cooperation, yet the army barracks were off limits for the civilian leaders. Armies operate under the federal jurisdiction and is governed by a different laws. As I stated earlier , many years of squander and abuse of power in Mogadishu has resulted a huge distrust of the capital by the federal states and they are finally aiming high and are going for the kill.



    6--The foreign trained and paid army does not serve the Somalis. if you travel to Gaalkacayo on the Galmudug side and Boosaaso , Puntland, you would see the foreign trained anti terror forces who do not answer either to Puntland or Galmudug. in 2009, C/raxman Foaroole went to America and asked the state department to deal with his government directly on the issues of security in Puntland rather than these unaccountable forces . When he tried to fire the commander after the "PIS" General Osman Dayaano, he refused to step down . The Puntland intelligence service are paid a monthly salary of $1500. These are the people who cleaned Al-shabaab from Puntland and the Galgala mountains. They are really effective , but they are owned and paid by a foreign government.



    -Somali tribes see regional armies and the backing of foreign powers a recipe for power and influence. So far ,we do not know the authors of the so called national security police document signed by Hassan Sheikh Mohamuud and others. The idea of creating a tribal army were always the projects of the European powers who had colonized the world, but it took center stage in the 21st century when the American forces who were occupying Iraq build a sectarian Sunni tribal army in order to sideline the deadly attacks of Al-Qaeda. Since Al-Qaeda was a multinational terrorist organization, who were murdering everyone, the Americans created a Sunni army and called them the " Sons of Iraq". That Sunni army eventually overcome the terrorists of Al-qeada and became influential force.


    After the Americans left Iraq in 2011, the Shia dominated government targeted them and abused them which eventually created the modern day ISIS. The Somali regional army might have a similar scope of using them to defeat Al-shabaab in the tribal homelands. If Every tribe cleanse it's own terrorists in their territory , why you need a national army, so goes the plan. In other words, the whole country will be militarized. There could be some blow backs from these armies controlled by governors. For starters, they will become more authoritarian ;they will be less inclined for national cohesiveness and would eventually curve their own country.


    These suggestions might seem to be dramatic for many of you, but sometimes there has to be a legitimate force and strong will to keep people together. If there is no legitimate , moral and legal force to keep nations together, believe me every ethnic, tribe or group would have it's own cake and eat it. Another un foreseen issue is these forces will be trained on the scope of just killing and defeating Somalis. They could be a force that fights only Somalis without the scope of national sovereignty , which is the defense of the nation from foreign enemies.


    Make no mistake, Somalia is not the only country in the world inhabited by quarreling tribes who went through a civil war. Look at Iraq, despite the daily killings and other issues, the national government is not abandoning it's moral duty to save guard it's sovereignty. In neighboring Ethiopia no one is allowed to have paramilitary forces or any thing similar of nation army except the Somali Regional State, why?. The Oromo , Ahmara,Affar and others have small civic police to do community policing. The Somali para military Liyu Police is created to crush the Somali rebellion in the region and keep both the Ethiopian and local dictators in an absolute power. who knows, the whole issue of regional armies could be the product of the neighbors.


    Even in Somaliland, the armed forces of that region never fired one bullet against outside forces who might pose a threat. The Liyu police and others enter in Somaliland without permission and rob and murder people at will, yet , the local army never confronts them , because they were trained to fight other Somalis. The Somali regional forces will take that idea even further. The same story is happening in central Somalia. The paramilitary Liyu police might cross to Galmudug and murder people at will, but the well armed Gamudug militia would prefer to fight their brothers in Puntland than the Ethiopian force. This is a fact that is well known among Somalis every where.


    I do not think the Somali regional states insisted on this, because they were always the ones who used to complain about the interference of the federal government while insisting about following the constitution. It is a foreign idea that came from those who finance the "Somali trust ship". The southern Somalis were familiar with these kind of " administrative over-cite" by the colonial powers. From 1950-1960, they were under the Italian trustship while having parliament, premier and other titles.


    If the new president want to wish to be another overseer of the provisional Somali government financed and controlled by others, he will be doomed just like the one before him. If he thinks others will be building armies for him , he is dreaming. Former prime minister C/rashiid Sharmaarke visited Washington in 1963 and met president John Kennedy. The Americans did help Somalia in so many ways, but were very reluctant to provide weapons for the nascent Somali army. By late 1963, Emperor Haile Salaase threaten to invade the country. While president Aadan Cadde was in Italy , Sharmaarke made secret deal with Moscow and saved Somalia to be invaded and occupied by the king. My friends , in order to survive , you must be willing to do the necessary sacrifices that lift nations from demise ( Dadkani ma waxay rabaan in dad kale ceelka u qodo biyahana u dhaamiyo?".


    Someone , in early nineties, said that in these parts of the world , leaders are always worse than their predecessors ( Aadan Cadde ka soo billow midba midka ka dambeeya wuu ka sii liitaa,, Soomaaliland Cigaal baa diyaariyey, haddana waxa ina hor fadhiya oday la baxnaaninayo o xanuunsan. Ma laga yaabaa in midka Ahmed Siilaanyo ka dambeeyaa in uu ka sii darnaado).


    We are all aware of the difficult position this president finds himself, and we hope when the time comes , he will be ready to confront these issues head. Making tough decisions means inconveniencing others and doing the un thinkable which is taking the burden of nation building by Somalis themselves.



  14. Suldaanka,

    This time you went to far. The so called parliamentarians in Mogadishu are much younger and probably will be more effective than those in Hargeisa who convene once a year. They might have been elected as members of certain party , but today, they do not belong to no one but the green buck party.


    How about the "Guurti" who were never even selected for 25 years, yet when they passed away, their son on uncle takes place. Years ago they used to reconcile when communities were in conflict, nowadays, they even abandoned that duty , so if I were you , I would not celebrate much , but would reflect more.


    As I said Somaliland is doing better thanks to the people and Mohamed I. Cigaal who established the government institutions which is disappearing as we speak.


    You keep talking about how "AWdal and Khaatumo" are opportunists by trying to carve their own territory. Unless you have been living under a cave that is the trend of the Somali politics. As Somali nationalism disappears, tribal nationalism will take it's place . If the so called " Maammulo" do not provide people with basic living standard of putting food on the table, liberty and rule of law, people will seek alternatives to that system. Believe me , these days , it does not even take much to achieve that goal and set up a tribal homeland, as long as you are willing to make a deal with the devil. Just look at Jubba Land .


    We have been watching Siilaanyo visiting Berbera which is less 200km and the flying back to Hargeisa and then greeted at the airport by 200 unemployed politicians seeking a favor, and everyone proclaiming " Madacweynihii ayaa soo guryo noqday".


    Mr. Suldaanka,


    Sidi sididaada mooyaane dhul u dhacaaga hubso. The Somaliland of today is a necessity, and we all believe that it could not accommodate different communities aspirations of economic prosperity or even basic rule of law. The people , who are honorable had decided to keep it together for now, but God knows how long that patience will last. So , do not celebrate but reflect.




  15. He should stick to his stand. I have zero knowledge of international diplomacy, but if you read few books or follow pronouncements from leaders after tense meeting between strategic rivals, you would learn few things. For twenty years, they keep telling us that they were helping us. Only a fool will accept that trap.


    Mr. president , if you want some examples of the Ethiopian plot, here are some history lessons between Shariif Ahmed and Meles.


    The most basic thing about diplomacy is that " they always say the opposite of what they want". Shariif Ahmed visiting Ethiopia immediately after he was selected in Djibouti. This was the man who was waging war against Ethiopia and the TNG government for three years, yet without any thoughts, he flew to Addis as oon as he got the blooded throne. They promised to help him defeat his former Friends of Al-shabaab and train his army. Without further discussions, he accepted the security recommendations of the Ethiopian government and proceeded.


    Allah Ha u Naxariistee, a former Somali army colonel by the name of Colonel Cumar Hashi Aadan, who was a members of the Shariif Ahmed camp and subsequently became the interior minister of Somalia begun to follow up and implement what Shariif Ahmed agreed. While he was a power member of the Islamic courts, he went to Hiiraan and spoke publicly about his campaign to expel Ethiopia from Somalia, Xoghayaha arrimaha gudaha Isbaheysiga dib u xorreynta Soomaaliya Col. Cumar Xaashi Aadan ayaa meel fagaare ah kula hadlay dadka gobolka Hiiraan waxa uuna yidhi, "“Yeysan baqdin idin galin kuwa Itoobiyaanka idiin soo horkacaya, waxaan idiin sheegayaan in Itoobiya ay mar dhow dalka xoog looga saari doono, qofkii maanta ku shahiida sidii Xabashida loola diriri lahaana ma ahan qof qasaaray, waxaana idiin soo jeedinayaa aad meel kasta ku qarxisaan Itoobiyaanka“ ayuu yiri Col. Cumar Xaashi.


    After spending one month in Ethiopia, he came back with a thousand men supposedly trained in Ethiopia and crossed back to Hiiraan procliaming that " the Jihaad now belongs to the Somali army". Here is the news of his arrival in Hiiraan with a thousand man army:


    War goor dhoweyd naga soo gaaray Magaalada Baladweyne ee G/Hiiraan ayaa sheegaya in Wasiirka Amniga Qaranka Col. Cumar Xaashi Aadan oo ay la socdaan Ciidamo fara badan ay goor dhow uu soo gaaray Xarunta Gobolkaas, sidoo kale waxaa la sheegay uu la socdo Gudoomiyihii hore ee Gobolka Hiiraan Yuusuf Dabageed.


    Waxaa kaloo lagu soo warramayaa in Col. Cumar Xaashi ay wehliyaan ciidamo fara badan oo gaaraya ilaa 1000 askari, kuwaasoo tababar ku soo qaatay gudaha Ethiopia, waxaana uu kala yimid deegaano ka mid ah ismaamulka soomaalida Ethiopia oo uu ka soo kicitimay.


    That was June 2,2009. Within two weeks , Colonel Cumar Xaashi and his entourage was assassinated with one of the biggest truck bomb ever detonated in the history of Somalia. Al-shabaab might have claimed , but almost every person of knowledge , including former president C/qasim Salaad, said that the Beledweyne bomb was a foreign government bomb .


    After the dust settled , colonel Hashi and forty others were murdered. Among those were:

    1. xildhibaan Cumar Xaashi Aadan Wasiirkii Amniga Qaranka

    2. Ambassador C/kariin Faarax Laqanyo

    3. G/le sare Maxamed CAbdi Yarow (Shanle)

    4. G/le sare Maxamed Barre Fiidow

    5. G/le SAre Cumar Xasan Dhudi (Taliyaha Ciidanka ASlubta G/Hiiraan)

    6. Col. Yuusuf Xuseen (Timacadde)

    7. Nabadoon Faarax Cabdulle Fiidow

    8. Nabadoon Xasan Biriqow

    9. Nabadoon Xasan Cilmi Hurre (Dirir)

    10. Nabadoon Axmed Carrabey

    11. Nabnadoon Cilmi Shire

    12. Abwaan Maxamed CAbdi Cibaar

    13. Abwaan CAbdi-dhuux Guure CAli

    14. GAnacsade Buulle Xaashi Aadan (Wasiirka Walaalkiis)

    15. Eng. Cabdifitax Cali Xaydar


    Iyo 23 ruux oo isugu jira Saraakiil iyo illaaladii Wasiirka.


    Every Somali politician will tell you that Ethiopia wants a peaceful Somalia and it is willing to help you achieve that. Only a fool will think the diplomatic niceties are real.


    Poor Shariif Ahmed. Kenya also trained 1500 sodiers and used that same force to take over Kismaayo and Jubba.


    President Farmaajo should know that he has the support of the most important people in the region, which is the Somali people. Do not visit Ethiopia or those in the region, let them come to you. Let them put their cards openly.


    " Nin ku dilay Hadh kuuma Jiido". the most important job is build the capacity of the Somali army and to keep the support of the people. Look the big picture.


  16. The French right wing party of Marine Le Pen won only 21% of the polls in Sundays's first round election. Just like Greet Wilder of the Nederlands, who employed fear and hatred for immigrants and Muslims, Ms Le Pen got only a fifth of the electorate. That means 79% of the French have voted against her party and ideology.


    While 21% qualified her for the second Round , she will not be able to overcome the 50% threshold needed to win. The parties on the left and the right center Republicans, who are pro-trade and Pro EU, could easily sideline her. The independent candidate Emmanuel Macron is ahead of her for more than 30 points. In the French election of 2002, her father Jean M. Le Pen got 17% of the vote and qualified for the second round. In the second round, the Gaulist Candidate Jacques Chirac destroyed him by winning 82% of the vote. Expect her to repeat that same result.


    Every right wing nut job is in steroids after the election of the narcissistic president Trump. Yet ,after people have seen how Trump is showing his incompetence and leadership, people have second thoughts. People are coming to their senses and are using their head before casting their vote.


    Unless the evil ISIS helps her by committing another big terrorist act, Ms Le Pen will be one of those crazy right wingers who tried to use fear to win the election. In other words Trump and his cohorts are losing every where.


  17. Suldaanka,


    Arrintu xiniinyo iyo waxaas ma ahan, laakiin waxa la isku hayaa waxa weeye dhaankan meesha loo wado aanan garanayn miyaan iska daba galnaa mise waanu eegna meesha uu ku arooro.


    insiders say that president Farmaajo is just implementing a plan that was agreed upon by his predecessor Hassan Sheikh. Those who occupy Somalia are prolonging the formation of the Somali Army. Rather than reform and select those who are trained and willing to do their duties, this new formula totally disbands the current Somali army member.


    It is the new system or formula that colonial powers use to disintegrate the cohesiveness of the people by creating sectarian or tribal army. We have seen these issue in Iraq and Syria. In Iraq, the Kurdistan regional government has it's own army and territory to defend from ISIS and the other groups including the Shia dominated Iraqi army. Having won the right to have their own army and boarders their next move is to declare independence. In Syria , you have Kurd's, supported by the Americans, the Free Syrian army,, a coalition of other Islamist rebels and the Assad government. Each one of them has it's own soldiers, and The quagmire is getting worse by the day.


    Four years have passed since the London conference of 2013, and the nothing has changed. The British envoy traveled to Jubba land and other regions to convince them their plans of creating regional armies. They will be sitting at the table in the London conference and they will be getting their money directly to build their own armies.


    Nothing is changing in Somalia. They always find new ways to drail the hopes of the people. Here is the summury of what the media wrote about Somali army training in 2013 when everyone was hoping the formation of an army within the next four years. So far no one knows where all those trained soldiers have gone.


    here a sample of those who trained:


    Training has been provided to 3,600 members of the Somali army, including 29 women, in the Bihanga training camp in western Uganda from 2008 to 2013..


    The EU training program – known as EUTM Somalia – is part of a multifaceted European engagement that makes the EU Somalia’s biggest donor, providing more than €1.2 billion since 2008.


    Over the past two years, external players including the European Union, the US, Ethiopia and Turkey have separately trained thousands of Somali forces. Some in Somalia say it is a muddled effort, one which, like other aspects of the international engagement here, is based on sometimes competing interests and agendas.


    Add all that the new actors like U.A.E who built their own barracks to train an army of their own. Usually they do not move unless ordered by the Emirates .The Americans have a well trained Somali special forces that is based inside the airport. The "Gaashaan" contingent is paid and controlled by the Americans.


    Then you have 22,000 Ugandan army that resides mostly in Mogadishu. One wonders why a twenty thousand army could not even advance 30 miles outside Mogadishu and engage these hapless Al-shabaab who are traveling with small trucks. The truth is the people of Mogadishu are occupied by African mercenaries who are not willing to defeat a small rag tag army of poor terrorists.


    After seeing what is happening and what Farmaajo has campaigned, A Somali insider told me that , " he is either imlementing the old plan that was decided before him ,or he is willing to go along for now until he figures out a solution( Waxa uu is leeyahay Lugahan Dhiiqada galay, Marba mid u Saar in ta Aad ka Diyaargaroobayso)


    I feel sorry for the leaders because they seem to be hostages of entrenched system run by a well organized group who want to keep this country to remain in chaos.


    Finally, how can you train an army that does not even have it's own barracks.


    Madaama anaan ku jirin dadkan ciidamada loo samaynayo, iyo kuwa maamulaya toona, Dhaankan meesha uu socdana mar hadaanu garanayn, banaaka ayaan ka joogaynaa.
















  18. It is huge task with overlapping responsibilities. Since the federal government does not even control Mogadishu let alone Cadaado, they definitely need the help of these regional governments to to built and command these forces. In other words, the regional governments are presiding and managing the army in their regions. Rather than provide good governance, accountability and providing basic services, they have been given the duties of the federal government.


    The national security counsel (NSC) which is the sole policy of the federal government have been joined by regional states. Here it says, "15. The National Security Council will include the FMS presidents. Similarly, the Prime Minister (PM) and FGS Ministers (Ministers for Internal Security, Foreign Affairs, Interior, Justice, Defense and Finance and the Governor of Banadir Region)


    If that is the case, you might not need the federal government. Why not let the federal member states build their army , police, institutions and then negotiate or choose every four years a president among them to be the president of federal member sates.. Rather than create every four years this weak government that does not even protect it self without Uganda and others, and yet , claim to be the Somali federal government , I would disband it and replace it with the Benadir regional government..


    Instead of having these large members of parliament , ministers, and heads of government in one city , with overblown budget of $250 million, I would create the " Banaadir Regional government" and it's duties should be pacifying that city only. A safe and functioning Banadir regiobal government will sit in the meeting as a member state.


    Malaha hawshan aan ku daalnay labaatanks sano waxa haboonayd in dadka Muqdisha jooga la yidhaahdo isa oo nabadeeya oo maamul soo samayta. Dawladnimada dusha la idinkkaga keenay, ee idinkuna aad Soomaalida ku baadhanaysaan ilayn " MUkulaal minankeeda Joogta Miciyo Libaax bay leedahay" arintu weeyaane. Hadhowna laga wada hadlo meesha la aadayo.



    In every federal jurisdiction in the world the central government and the regional federal states corporate for internal security and the delivering of the service, yet the Somali system is one of a kind or the most strange federal arrangement in the world. This country is not the only one in conflict supervised or aided by the international community or regional states, but in almost all cases the front line states leave quickly in short and reasonable time, or they do not intervene directly at all.


    The UK government ha called a so called Somali conference in London to raise money from the donors states. The last time this was done Somali regional leaders were there. If there is no credible Somali federal leader or president to represent Somalia, then change the format , but if you want the Somali state at the table , let the president or the prime minister sit in the table. NO country in the whole world acts this way. it is not done in Afghanistan, Iraq, Kosovo, Congo or any other place where there is a conflict.


    Finally, We the "Reer Woqoyi" will not accept this so called regional formula masquerading as the Somali government. It is a southern government.


    My first

















  19. Fear became the latest weapons to achieve political power in Europe and else where.


    I was trying to write this thread last week to warn western nations about Russian plans of instigating fear and terrorism in order to influence the French election. They already knew the Putin's plans , but I wanted to highlight some of the latest would be KGB plans.


    I was just few days late before the latest Champ Elysee, Paris attack that took the life of a police officer while wounding others.


    The latest news, confirmed by reliable news outlets , "The man believed to be responsible for Thursday’s terror attack in Paris was previously investigated for terrorism threats and jailed for shooting police officers, it has been confirmed". Not only that but, he does not seem to be a young man who was radicalized--he is 39 years old criminal-- or has an affiliation with the modern terrorist group called "ISIS Inc.", who claims everyone and any thing related to terror crimes regardless of the motivation. "Cheurfi was previously jailed for attempted murders that saw him shoot two police officers – one during a car chase in 2001 and a second days later when he shot an officer after seizing his gun in custody", Parisien reported.

    At a trial in 2003.


    The biggest common denominator in all these French attacks are they had been committed by people known to be criminals, drug dealers and youths with long history of crime and theft. Some, like the two brothers who were accused to be the masterminds of the Bataclan theater massacre, were owners of a night club and bar where criminal and ghettoized underworld meet to party and consume alcohol and other illicit drugs. I do believe that pious and religious people would not hurt innocent people who are going by to their daily lives. It is a huge intrigue for many Muslims that need to be sorted out.


    While gangs and religious fanatics could intersect to achieve their sinister goals, it is unconscionable in the Islamic tradition, especially in the "Wahabi" inspired sect, to commit deadly crimes of death and mayhem in the name of religious purity or Islamic caliphate , while consuming alcohol and other illicit activities prohibited by Islam. That is why it is very important for the intelligence community to investigate these crimes in different lenses than the usual ISIS thing. Certainly there are individuals who are sympathizers of ISIS who would commit terrorist crimes, but also other state actors like Russia might try to take advantage to infiltrate these countries and influence their political systems..

    This could be in a long line of unrelated crimes comminitted by criminals and others with completely different motivation, yet using the ISIS Inc. cover.


    Three people were killed in ‘‘random’’ and ‘‘unprovoked’’ shootings that unfolded in a matter of seconds Tuesday morning in Fresno, California, and were motivated by racial hatred, authorities said. When the suspect was taken into custody, he yelled ‘‘Allahu akbar,’’ according to Jerry Dyer, the Fresno police chief.


    Authorities identified the suspect as 39-year-old Kori Ali Muhammad and described him as a man with a lengthy criminal history who went out Tuesday intending to kill people. Police said he dived onto the ground when he saw an officer before being taken into custody.The shooting rampage Tuesday erupted after Muhammad saw news reports identifying him as the suspect in a killing last week, the police said.


    As these reports indicate, every criminal with Muslim name wants to identify with ISIS criminal mafia so he could look better in the news reports. The police chief said this was a man "filled with racial hate".


    If this Russians were able to influence and undermined the election of the American people, any thing is possible. An American FBI agent testifying in congress had highlighted how much money the Russians are spending in France and other European countries to influence and undermine both the EU and NATO. In this games, France would be the biggest price. If France falls under the yolk of the right wing leader Le Pen, and withdraws from EU, that would be the end of European Union.


    For the last few weeks Le Pen and her Front National were losing in polls , and their were a possibility that she might not make to the second round. Suddenly, in order to influence the election, ISIS Inc. hit Paris three days before the election . Even peaceful Sweden who never had any terrorism related events since 2010, were attacked by a man from former soviet republics who used a bus to maul down innocent by standers. Putin's sidekick, president Trump, had been publicizing and commenting about non existent Sweden bombs few weeks ago after seeing a fear inspired documentary at Fox news. Well, finally got his wish. Just like Putin, Trump is rooting for Le Pen and yesterday he said that , "Le Pen is the strongest French leader".


    Earlier this month when Trump Attacked Syrian air base for the chemical attacks, I thought that he finally saw the light and he is willing to change policy of allowing the Syrian dictator to keep killing his own people. Yet, after observing his actions, it seems he and Putin are the same page. As, the NBC commentator Lawrence O'Donnell put it at the time of the bombing, the whole thing might have been planed by Putin to take the heat off from Trump which worked perfectly well. They just used the old American book called " wag the dog".



    The barrel bombing of Syria by Assad and Putin had already produced the largest refugee movements since world war. There were refugees from Syria for the last five years, but when you barrel bomb Aleppo, a city of four million people, with long history of know how and culture, people will abandon their homes and find save places to survive. In return , the desperate refugees heading Europe and other places to survive , were called migrants by the Russian organized media in the west and their trolls in the social media.


    If the Russian dictator is not confronted , expect more chaos and political gridlock in Europe and else where