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Posts posted by galbeedi

  1. I was targeting director Sanbaloolshe, but a good source who is well connected told me that, the Director of NISA (National intelligence service agency) is one of the toughest men in the Farmaajo government. He has no fear, and he knows how to confront the threat.


    In 2013, he even arrested a corrupt member of parliament who were trying to free a suspected Al-shabaab operative.




    This gentleman has cleared the case for many, yet deafening silence from the government is not the answer.


    When you have Mustafe Dhuxulow and His cousin as Ethiopian ambassador, expect many more issues.


    If Farmaajo does not clear the Ethiopian spies , he will not finish his term. General Gabre insisted, and many were trying to satisfy him.


    The bigger issue is that the appointment of personnel on tribal loyalty . Rather than appoint competent Somalis who could see the big picture.


    Dad Soomaaliyeed oo garanaya khatarta ay Ethiopia ku hayso mushtamaca aya jira. Farmaajo waxaan kula talin lahaa in uu Soomaalida xalaasha ee kartida leh u dhiibo arrimaha muhiimka ah.



  3. I did smell the trators long time ago.


    Laakiin maalinba qof baa ii soo dhuunta wax igu akhriya si uu iiga bedelo runta dhabta ah. todobaadkan nin odaya aaa aaanayey Ahmed Madoobe oo geesi ku sheegayey. Aniguna waxaan ogahay i uu yahay basaas Kenya iyo Ethiopia keensadeen.


    Ilaahay ayaa kashifay tuugtii habeenka madow inoo soo dhuumatay.


    Some even wrote that the Washington post has reported " Qaldi Dhagax has surrendered peacefully and the somali government had only facilitated"


    The Washington Post is a serious paper, but unfortunately thy do not have good sources in EAst Africa.





  4. General Gabre congratulated Ethiopia for the abduction of Qalbi-Dhagax. In his facebook pages he cleared the air for all of us.


    He said:

    "Congratulation for Dear Ethiopians and Ethiopians Somali regional State.


    I have been working more than more than one month to hand over the most wanted terrorist C/kariim Sheekh Muuse in Kismaayu.


    The leader of the banned Ogaden National Libration Front ONLF (called UBBO in the local context) Terrorist has been handed to Ethiopian Intelligence by Somali government, the terrorist group was among five organizations outlawed As Terrorist by the Ethiopian government in 2011.


    I thank his excellency president of Somalia Farmaajo, The Prime minister of Somalia Hassan Ali, Director general of NISA Sanbaloolshe, and member of parliament Mustafe Ali Dhuxulow, and Special Thanks to my Dear Friend President of JubbaLand Autonomous State of Somalia who played major role to hand down this major terrorist.


    I urge the remaning ONLF terrorist (UBBO in the local context) to surrender themselves peacefully into the Ethiopian government because to is no place to hide for the entire State of Somalia "


    Thank You


    It seems a small group of Ethiopian spies and their tribal friends have taken over the country. Why MUstafe Dhuxulow , a member of parliament from DAyniile community is doing in the intelligence issue. Our friend Holac, here in the SOL , had stated that this adopted Son of Dayniile could not pull out Somalia out of misery.


    WAdanka ma waxay u maleeyaan xaafadan iyo wiilka ay gacalka yihiin in ay ku amarkutaaglayn karaan iyagoo u adeegay cadowga soomaaliyeed. Waxaan mahad u celinaynaa General Gabre oo ooda ka fayday waxii ay qarinayn.







    It is easy to answer. All the president has to say is we made mistake and those who were responsible will be brought to justice.


    The big silence makes the whole thing suspicious. Which means the transfer was agreed among the highest level of the government.


    Please do not insult our intelligence. You held him few days issued an Ethiopian passport and now you claiming he surrendered voluntarily and coming home.


    Your next move will be Ethiopia will record a video tape and Mr. Qalbidhagax will claim he went home voluntarily without coercion and Somali government has nothing to do.


    Finally the corrupt Universal TV will interview him in addis and he will repeat the same thing.


    Dad wax magarata ah ayey inoo haystaan.


  6. This is huge in Kenya . These judges have opened a can of worms. If they were smart enough , they should have moved and repeat what the observers and others had said.


    The second ballot will be disaster for Kenya. Odinga himself could not believe it . He was crying like someone who got the biggest gift of his life. The second time he will be elected president or else.

  7. Dadka calanka lulaya malaha waxa uu haystaa doqmo aan garan karin dhagarta ay biyaha hoostooda ka wadaan.


    The Ethiopians probably asked him to prove his loyalty to the regime of Hailemariam, and this was his move to show by selling Somalis.


    WE already new how he got elected, but since the system itself was bad, we tolerated the hand rigging and vote buying. In the Somali tradition, when someone is courting a girl, he may exaggerate his wealth, knowledge or ability in order to gain her hand. After the marriage is consumed or the wedding happens, the truth settles , and everyone forgets about the manner the road was traveled.


    In that same manner we Somalis forgave the discrapansies of the election. Despite the money spent and other manipulations of the vote , we all welcomed him, because, we did believe that while the game was dirty, we respected the players who dared to participate for the sake of the nation.


    Waxaanu is lahayn bulaacada siyaasada waxa uu u galay in uu dadka Soomaaliyeed dhibka ka dulqaado.


    Since he betrayed the trust of the people in a way that never seen in the history of the republic, we will dig and explain how Farmaajo got elected. WE already knew he was the third highest spender of money behind Hassan Sheikh and Cumar C/rashiid.


    These Ethiopians really play well their games to undermine the Somali leaders. They knew this guy was in MOgadishu for all these years, and in order to embarrass and expose the weakness of the president they pulled off this plot at this moment.


    Furthermore, they announced publicly before even the Somali government released any statement. Which says, " Ninkan aad lahaydan waa wadani , arka waxa uu sameeyey"


    If this president does not reverse his policies of "war on terror" to make Somalia like Afghanistan and the reliance of foreign powers for his existence, he might not even survive next two years. If he thinks Ethiopia will help him keep the power, he must be dreaming.


    His earlier policy of taking a neutral position on the issues of the gulf brought him a lot of support from the Somalis. It wasn't pr-Qatar policy, but the right of the Somali state to stay out of local conflict, yet, lately he has been working to reverse that decision by courting dictators like Al Sisi and the SAudis. We know that the Somali intelligence is mostly financed by UAE and others. C/weli of Puntland might be corrupt, but he is not fool. He probably got inside information about these issues and jumped ahead to the Saudi side.



  8. Farannajo iyo dhamaan dadka Soomaaliya madaxda ka ah waa dad iska dhiibay wadama shisheeye.


    Most of the Somalis in the diaspora are political refugees and asylees. It is against the international law to to return political opponents from the country they were escaping. Ethiopia and Somalia had never exchanged political opponents.


    I knew there was something wrong when he surrounded himself with old boys of Damujadiid.: Sanboloolshe, Taabit, Fahad Yasin and others.


    Waar tuuga inoo soo dhuuntay aan iska qabano inta uusan wakhti badan inaga khasaarin.

  9. Khaainku ilaa muddo ayuu dhuuman karaa.


    The ONLF chairman said that Farmaajo has sold out Somalia when he went to Addis this summer. When he visited Kenya and Ethiopia , people were asking what kind of agreement he signed, No one knows .


    Sagaara Xaar muuqda ayay assaastaa.


    Wadaniyiintu ninkii ay ku bedeli lahaayeen ha inoo soo diyaariyaan.

  10. Waa in Dawlada Soomaaliyeed dhaqsa u dalbataa soo deynta muwaadinkan Soomaaliyeed. waxa la yidhi "Caduur Dhaw DHawdu uma Dhacsana" Waxaad moodaa wiilashan xukunka haya iyo daba dhilifyada ethiopia ee kalkaaliyeyaasha ay ka dhigteenba ma oga khatarta arrintani leedahay.


    Nin muwaadin ah oo dalkaan u soo dagaalmay, oo ku dhaawaxmay in cadow loo gacan geliyo waa Qaran Dumis iyo Khiyano qaran (it is treason).


    For three years he have been living freely i Mogadishu and suddenly the Ethiopian installed regions were chasing him. The Galmudug guys wanted to abduct and transfer to Ethiopia in order to gain favors. A new --who knows he could be an old spy--called Jeneral Galaal , who is now helping Ethiopian backed Ehlu Sunnah rebels , might have encouraged Galmudug to commit this crime.


    If this crime were committed by tribal enclaves, Puntland or Galmudug, it would have been understandable, since their tribal system is weak vis a vis powerful nations in terms of intelligence, diplomacy and power.


    Ma oga miyaa in Jamuuriyada Soomaaliyeed ee Xorta ahi ay ahayd amaba tahay meesha dadka Soomaaiyeed ee xornimo doonka ahi ay ku soo hirtaan oo nabad, magangelyo iyo muwaadinba ka noqdaan. Hore ayaan u sheegay waa dad aan taariikhda iyo Sooyaalka dadka Soomaaliyeed waxba ka garanayn.


    Waxa la yaable sida degdega iyo sida dhaqsaha ee hawsha loo galay. Waa arrin u muuqata in dad sirdoonka ka mid ahi in ay qarash ku Qaateen.


    Taliyaha sirdoonku waa in uu si dhaqsa ah isu casilaa . Waxa uu khatar geliyey mustaqbalka xukumadan iyo xidhiidhkii kala dhaxeeyey shacabka Soomaaliyeed.


    Taliyaha sirdoonku ,Ama waa basaas Ethiopia u shaqeeya, ama waa nin aan ka war ahayn waxyaabaha ciidankiisu ay faraha kula jiraan. Aduunyada waa la soo dhaafay wakhtigii hal nin ama qof gudoomiye ahi keligii go'aan gaadhi jiray. Waa in ay jitaa hogaanka maamulka (intelligence management leaders or executives who should debate these issue).


    At this juncture, I Would not push the impeachment of President Farmaajo for two reasons.


    First , the nationalist wing who could have reversed this decisions and lead Somalia to different direction are not ready at this moment to take over the helms of power if election is called next year. Second, impeachment will only serve the best interest of EThiopia and their spies, because they are ready to strike any time.


    Weli miyaad aragteen baarlamaankii oo hadlaya? waa maya. Iyaga iyo gadhcasaayaashu arrimhaha beeshooda iyo kuwa shisheeyuhu xaga dambe ka wado ayuun bay ka halaan oo motion ka keenaan.


    Arrintan waa in sida ugu dhaqsaha badan dawladu uga jawaabtaa, isla markaana muwaadinkan dhaqso loo soo celiyaa. Ma ahan nin qori wata ee waa siyaasi madax ka ah urur gobonimo doon ah oo Soomaali ah.


    Haddii kala oonay sidaa ahayn, walaalayall, dadka Soomaaliyeed ha lugoynina, oo u sheega in ay waxba gacanta idinku jirin oo idinka iyo shacabkuba la haystayaal tihiin.


    Ilaahay markuu wax daaha ka rogayu , si mucjisa ah ayuu ummadda wax u tusaa. Tani waa cashar, muujinaysa karti darada kaadirinta dwlada.


    SAnbaloolshe waa in uu dhaqso meesha uga baxaa. Haddii kale Farmaajo ayaa bixi doona.













    There is news in the media about an ONLF activists by the name of Cabdixakim Sheekh Muuse wjo is abducted from Gaalkacayo, Galmudug.


    An Ethiopian operative in Galmudug masquerading as interior minister spoke to the media and accused the federal government of interfering a local case about an ONLF member. The fool does know that issues of intelligence and national security is the jurisdiction of the federal government. He wanted to personally deliver the activist to Ethiopia.


    furthermore, the Kismaayo administration also wanted to take this activist and transfer to Godey and claim the credit. Shariif Hassan probably wanted the transfer to happen in Baidoa.


    AS brother C/malik Coldoon said , this is going to be a huge scandal that will have huge repercussions for the government of Kheyre and its leader President Farmaajo. ONLF activists have offices in Canada, America and Europe without any interference from these governments. The ONLF movement is an indigenous and local Somali movement in the Ethiopian occupied region of Western Somali or Ogaden.


    This movement had never targeted any civilian, and never ever involved any terrorism in the last 30 years. It is a local movement that is fighting for freedom and self rule from the old Ethiopian empire. The Somali government has no reason to target these activists within the republic. For years Ethiopian installed Somali regional states were abducting business people, traders and other innocent people to get favors from the Ethiopian authoritarian dictatorship.


    No one had expected that the new Somali government will follow the footsteps of the regional leaders. If this is the case and the government had handed this activist to Ethiopia hell will break loose. This is going to be the beginning of the end of the Farmaajo government. If this is true, All that talk of Somali independence and nationalism might have just a plot to gain power.


    I will not buy the stupid excuses of certain media saying that an extradition treaty was signed between the two countries. That is false. They are saying that each country must bring home their prisoners and exchange them to serve their time in their home country. Folks, this case is totally different. Besides almost all Somali prisoners in Ethiopia were innocent. This man was a free activist in the land of the Somalis and he should not be harassed let alone abducted and transferred to Ethiopia.


    Finally, if this case is true, either Farmaajo is a liar who manipulated the Somali people or he is incapable of facing a powerful enemy. Malaha dadka leh dalka waa la haystaa ayaa run sheegaya oo madaxweynehuune awood ma laha uu ku horjoogsado Quwadan shesheeye.


    A reliable source told me that almost all Soomali intelligence services members draw their salaries from foreign countries. At the end of the month you might hear, " Waar Fransiiskii mushaarki ma keenay, ama UAE ma keentay lcagtii. Some might even serve Ethiopia without the knowledge of president Farmaajo and do their duties toward their overlord.


    By the way this speaker Mr. Coldoon was arrested in Somaliland for many months and accused of criticising Ethiopia.

















  12. Did you hear about a man burning a mango tree for a charcoal to make few bucks?. Rather than nurture the tree and gain some food for life, he is "raising against time" in order to cash for few dollars that will buy him a lunch or worse, for a bundle of Qat. The same thing could be said about Somali regional governments wholesaling port assets for paltry of few million dollars.


    In Somaliland, the deal that was rushed by the government to pocket few millions for the second largest port in Somalia, might have already reached it's end between the DPW and the Hargeisa government.


    According international analysts, The controversial UAE firm’s $442 million investment deal which would see the company owned 65% of Joint Venture with Somaliland Government stipulated that DP World takes the task of renovating and overhauling the port, something that the company has so far failed to do.


    Instead the company opted to maintain the company’s original structure, and despite producing over $10 million in revenue from the port per month, has not taken any efforts to modernize or add capacity.



    Under the deal, DP World was also supposed to support the port with modern equipment and start the expansion of the port’s capacity with the construction of a 400 meter square area, a responsibility the Emirati firm also failed to fulfill.


    The breach in the port’s contract by the firm will likely ran into immediate opposition in the region, with significant parts of the local population opposed both the port and military base deals with the UAE. The biggest advantage of the deal was the plan to pave the 280 km Berbera-Wajaale highway to expedite transit freight to Ethiopia, yet , it seems that part of the deal is scrapped from the next faces of the project.


    In business, when you sell stakes in your company or assets, usually you exchange cash, shares and investment to enhance the growth and the cash follow for yourself and the investors . .When I saw the minister of foreign affairs of Somaliland announce a cash advance of $15 million dollars as signing bonus, which is called (Xaqul qalim in Hageisa), I knew there was something fishy about this deal. How could a government exchanging a billion dollar asset for few millions of dollars before the conclusion of the deal. Why would you bribe yourself and make your negotiating position weak.


    So far, Dubai world port has done nothing other than to layoff 25% of the work force and collect millions from the local economy.


    Inflation is skyrocketing and the only answer to the problem is the constant printing of the Somaliland Shilling.Rather than decrease liquid money in the market and improve exports for hard currency, they are flooding the market with printed papers as legal tender money and made the condition worse.


    Wax baso wax beel bay leedahay.


    Just 800km to the north east in Boosaaso, another similar deal is cooked by president C/weli Gaas. Just like Berbera, the Gulf company has promised to invest multi purpose facility with $336 million dollars divided in two faces. Also, just like their cousins in Hargeisa, they got $15 million dollar cash. According to Faisal Rooble, a Somali political analyst and activist , Mr. Gaas has allegedly pocketed the money for his own corrupt practices.


    Furthermore, just like Somaliland , he started printing illegal money to cover the unpaid salaries of civil servants and teachers. According to Garoowe online, a local news site: "Traders in administrative capital of Somalia's northeastern semi-autonomous region of Puntland, have shut down their business premises on Wednesday, Garowe Online reports.


    "The closure of city’s main businesses has sparked after an order from the local government, instructing the traders to use a counterfeit Somali Shilling banknotes printed by the current Puntland administration".


    "Some of the traders, who spoke to Garowe Online on condition of anonymity, said they have decided to close-down their businesses, because they are losing money to false currency, which the government is forcing them to use it at gunpoint".


    For years, the Somali leaders used to pocket money from NGO's and aid money for their own enrichment and for their political interest, and that was tolerated by the public for one reason or another. The problem is now thay are whole selling national assets and the future economic growth of the country for few bucks.


    Compare how other nations and regions had approached and managed foreign investment of their ports and countries . Here are few examples:


    Sri Lanka has signed a $1.1bn dollar deal with China for the control and development of the southern deep-sea port of Hambantota.


    The deal had been delayed by several months over concerns that the port could be used by the Chinese military.


    The government has given assurances that China will run only commercial operations from the port, on the main shipping route between Asia and Europe. Sri Lanka's government says money from the deal will help repay foreign loans.

    Sri Lanka says the deal will help it to get out of the debt trap. It borrowed billions of dollars from China to build roads, ports and airports to revive the economy after the end of the civil war in 2009.


    As you could see over a billion is paid for 70% stake to operate the port.


    In Pakistan, the Chinese government is investing $46 billion dollars in what is called China Pakistan Economic Corridor or CPEC, for rail, electric and port development.


    In any multilateral trade or investment negotiations, usually it is technocrats and experts who negotiate the nitty and gritty details before the leaders sign the final agreement. Here , in both Puntland and Somaliland what we have is leaders sending their family members to negotiate on their behalf and pocketing cash before the the final deal is reached, which could only be characterized as bribing your opponent to accept your agreement.


    Politicians taking kickbacks is not a new thing, but to exchange of the future of your people for few bucks is not only greedy but immoral.


    Federalism and delegation of power meant to delegate service and state institutions for the benefit of the locals, yet what we got in Somalia is a license to loot and serve the interest of the foreign powers. Somaliland has 68 ministers and probably another 50 or so who were fired without cause are still drawing a salary.


    No to be outdone by Somaliland, the man in Garoowe, C/weli Gaas, in August 2017, appointed 53 ministers after he manipulated the parliament to fire his own ministers. With yearly budget of less than $30 millions, the Puntland elite are hiring themselves as ministers , vice ministers and state ministers. I guess every sub clan must be happy after they have been bribed by their own money. Rather have a water well or hospital, they will have couple of ministers (beeshu wixii ay rabtay ayuu sameeyey). The lazy elite, rather than create jobs , and build infrastructure for the public are creating cushy do nothing jobs for themselves. How else would you describe a 53 minister cabinet in $30 million dollar budget.


    Some well meaning people might argue that in order to rule and build things , leaders must satisfy the and play by the corrupt cultural practices of the elders and locals. I disagree. Since it is given that a typical Somali leader would rule four or five years, why not leave a legacy of institution building and good governance. If they throw you out for doing the right thing, that would be considered a success among the people.


    Farmaajo was welcomed because during his premiership he tried to pay the army on time and allegedly stood up against Uganda, which could true or not.


  13. I heard last week Ahmed Siilaanyo saying to people, " Do not go to Mogadishu". but if you ask people , they will tell you that people, especially the youth do travel back and from Borama and Hargeisa to Mogadishu . For these youngsters, these talk is nothing more than an eighty years old grandpa talking none sense.


    Dadka iyo baayac mushtarkuba habeen iyo maalin way is dhexmaraan. Dhalintu meeshay doonaan ayey u safraan, siyaasiyiinta wareersan waa la iska dhegeysataa,


    Soomaalidu sideetamaadkii markii uu qaloocsamay maamulka iyo dawladnimdauba, waxay odhan jireen , " Waar dhagweyntan ha dhageysane hawshaadaa halkaa iyo halkaa mar oo dhameyso.


    Waa sidiiyoo kale Hargeisa ha iska hadashee ummadu waa mid.

  14. Dear sister Khadra,


    Thanks for sharing your trip back home.


    You really described well both the business drive of Hargeisa and the loud,pushy , proud and direct talking culture of Northern Somalia. It is one of the places where the original Somali tradition of clan and honor also still alive and well.


    I like your mercy and empathy for the poor and those who have been have left behind by the culture of oligarchy and looting practised by the ruling class. I am really proud of the new generation of young Somalis in the diaspora, who grew up in a culture of fairness, meritocracy and fair play feeling the pain of their people. Six years ago when I visited both Djibouti and Hargeisa , I was the guest of the elite who benefited the system, and I never felt comfortable by their excess and way of life. I like the sense of justice and caring shown by our youth to their fellow Somalis.


    As you stated , Qat is the biggest social calamity of the Somalis especially Somaliland, yet no one is discussing to either eliminate or reduce the harm it causes for the fabric of our people. Without our proud Somali women every where , I do not know how we could have survived both at home and abroad.


    Khadra said "


    I realized that despite all these external differences, we are all Somalis. As a Somali living anywhere outside Somalia, you will always be a Somali"


    Keep in mind that the north might have peace, but the true wealth of our country rests in the south; mostly in its fertile soil and rivers. The north and the south have both untapped resources of human capital that needs to be put in use. We cannot do without each other".


    That is the universal mentality of almost all the Somali youth both men and women in the diaspora. In North America ,where people are divided in two or three major categories, no one cares which village or clan a Somali person hails. I can not tell my kids who are getting educated in major universities in north America ,which clan they belong or should support. Of course they know which region their families come from, but for them , the most important aspect of their life is being a Somali nomad, and they share their life experiences with other Somali boys and girls who hail from Burco, Boosaaso, Baidoa and Banaadir. Their identities are Muslim and Canadian Somali.


    If you ask a Nigerian in Lagos , where is he from?, he will gladly say that he is an Igbo from the south west Nigeria. If you ask him the same question When he is in London, England, he will answer that he is from Nigeria without naming his tribal homeland. If you ask him that same question when he is in Brooklyn , New York, he will answer that he is from Africa or west Africa.


    In the 21st century, We Somalia are scattered around the globe and because of the information highway and the village nature of the world, our strength as a people is getting stronger , because of the new generation of Somalis who are not loyal to a village or clan.


    This travel and dispatch by this sister magnifies the true nature of Somalis regardless of south or north. I do not like both the south and northern politicians , but our people are one. In fact let me say that:


    We Somalis are one people, one Nation, under Allah (SWT) and indivisible.


  15. In Kenya, The ingredients for violence and civil war were there. A highly contested election, allegations of fraud, and the murder of an election official were some of the reasons that put fear among the Kenyan electorate. According to amnesty, "This brutal murder has sent a chill down the spine of many Kenyans and raised the spectre of violence,” said Muthoni Wanyeki, Amnesty International’s Regional Director for East Africa, the Horn and the Great Lakes.


    “Msando’s murder is the most horrendous incident this election year, but it is not the only one with the potential to sow fear. Numerous threatening statements have been made by high-ranking officials and politicians that infringe on people’s rights to freedom of expression and to access information.”


    It seemed the media and outsiders were sensing a similar fate as 2007 were more than a thousand were killed. Raila Odinga probably had won that election, but the electoral commission announced the result prematurely and made Kibaki the winner.


    This time around , before the results were announced , the opposition claimed victory and accused the election officials of fraud and electronic hacking. Confrontation was inevitable, yet the presence of former U.S foreign secretary John Kerry saved the day, and saved Kenya from another violence and civil war.

    By declaring the election free and fair , Mr. Kerry doused the flames of fire with big bucket of water. As such Odinga and his people had no choice but to cry and regroup.


    It looks like the world want a peaceful Kenya in this region. With Al-shabaab inside Kenya, a civil war or sectarian violence would have destroyed Kenya quickly.


    Odinga had run for president three times without success. During his term as prime minister, he orchestrated the invasion of Jubba land by the Kenyan forces. previously, I did like the opposition especially since Farah Macalin was a member, but the erratic behaviour of Odinga and his meddling of Somali affairs made him a bad candidate. Few days ago he even reportedly announced that he may recognize Somaliland if he won election.

  16. When "The interview" an American action comedy was released in 2014, KIm Jong Un threatened America with "sea of fire". The film which stars Seth Rogen and James Franco as journalists who set up an interview with North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un , and are recruited by the CIA to assassinate him.


    KIm Un almost declared war if the movie is released. A North Korean foreign ministry spokesman said in state media that , the movie's release would be an "act of war". He added, Making and releasing a movie on a plot to hurt our top-level leadership is the most blatant act of terrorism and war and will absolutely not be tolerated."


    Rogan on twitter said, "People don't usually wanna kill me for one of my movies until after they've paid 12 bucks for it."


    Kim said a gust of rage will come from his soldiers, and if the U.S released this film " a merciless counter measure will be taken".


    For most of us these words are nothing more than a small time dictator seeking attention.


    The problem is in the south of the border we got another dude with bad orange hair who want to play KIm's game.


    Here his message to his buddy KIm



    Here is the message from Trump to his buddy:



    Trump campaigned to use the nuclear weapons if provoked. Now, is this two crazy dudes bragging about their power or could it lead a disaster?


    How long these deplorables tolerate TRump?.

  17. That crime was premeditated crime. Which means he planned prior to the crime. In the western justice system , it is called first degree murder.


    Because of his position and power, the government should have dealt this crime according to the justice system. I have no issues if the victims agreed to accept blood money, but why would people pay money for a crime that was premeditated?.


    It is a bad system. First you have to imprison him and try the case in the courts. This crime was committed against the state by murdering innocent person, so he must be prosecuted to the full powers of the state. After the verdict of the court, the relatives of the murderer and the victim could negotiate, but first, justice must be served.


    Now If this case was dealt without the intervention of the state , other cases must follow similar rules. WE see every day soldiers who committed similar crimes shot to death by the courts without debate.


    The soldier who shot minister Siraj must be also be dealt in similar fashion. That soldier's actions although reckless , could be described as manslaughter or what under Islamic rules proscribed as " defensive" .


    I saw one of the fake generals claiming that the soldier used the gun in a peaceful place around Villa-Somalia which is debatable. Of course he was acting with impunity and recklessness, but no just court could find him for the death penalty.


    This is the kind of moves that create different justice for different groups. " Gaafow ayuu dirawal u ahaa kama siideynayso sharciga.

  18. Suldaanka,


    What you have stated is a logical post. Who would have thought that a hand raised in a hall will be the final call of deciding an important election.


    Then you said , " It is a farcy when you compare the technology that is being used for the upcoming Presidential elections which is among the best in the world".


    Well, if they can not tabulate properly for 77 votes in a single room, what makes you think that they could manage a new technology that needs modern knowledge.


    For those of us in the diaspora, is like pulling a horse and buggy in the 21st century. My problem is the slow moving chairman Cirro is laying low as usual.

  19. After 90 days Ahmed Siilaanyo and company are done. Soon She will be going to Cumar Geele and will beg him for the re-start of the negotiations with Somalia. Nothing is expected to come from these talks. She and company are looking to get some badly needed cash before the end of their term.


    There were some money from the E.U frozen by Hassan Sheikh last year and they want to cash it before they leave for good. The tough talk is smoke and mirror to mislead innocent people.

  20. The system of government has ceased to exist long time ago. This parliament did not hold any meaningful voting for seven years. Other than the Dubai Port issue which was forced through coercion and bribes, not one single meaningful vote was held in this champers. While responsible government and accountability is gaining ground in Somalia, Hargeisa administration is been dismantled as we speak.


    We live in the 21st century and these stooges could not manage the voting of 77 members. They should have the recordings of major parliamentary proceedings. Since they are backward and weak government, they should have at least tabulated in paper and loudly announced the names of the members after their names was called.


    How can you trust a lowly secretary to count hands and announce the result without proper check and balances.


    He said that he has " swore to up hold the integrity of the vote", No one should believe this man or his claims. What people need is concrete proofs to verify the result.


    Magaalada Hargeisa waxa jir dad horjooga maxakamadaha oo kuu markhaati furaya haddii aad waxooga lacaga bixiso. Sidaa darteed Markhaati beenaale Hargeisa wuu buuxaa. Dawladnimana laguma maamula waan dhaartay.


    Trust the system not the individual. Xariifkan cadayn ayaa laga rabaa.


    The opposition should hold it's ground and the courts should handle the issue,. If this secretary can not furnish concrete proof, a second vote should take place.


    Kulaha waa la i dhaariyey.


    If these guys can not manage the voting of 77 members in a room, how could they manage election?. Expect mayhem.


    Which world this incompetent people live?


    Haddii cid lagu aaminayo waa" la i dhaariyey", miyaanu ogayn in maalin walba siyaasiyinta iyo wasiiradu ay Kitaabka Suuban gacanta saaraan , maalka ummadana dhacaan.


    Every statement this fool makes must be rejected out right. He claimed that he managed the impeachment against late president Cigaal twenty years ago. I do not believe one single word this man says.







  22. Successful satire is the one that mocks the establishment and those who are in power. It is an outsider art to fight back or expose the hypocrisy of the politicians , governments and people in power. It is truth telling through humor and comedy. It is the weapon of the underdog to expose how things should be or should not.


    If you mock or demean a poor person or those who are disadvantaged --like most conservatives do-- it will not accomplish its purpose and would seem condescending, power abuse and patronizing.


    Also, it is not easy to be funny. There are natural born comedians and funny people who use colorful language in their daily interactions. Being funny is hard work. Great American comedy shows have dozens of writers who prepare their craft full time. It does need preparation and talented people composing good material that is liked by most people.


    Somalis Used comedy to judge and expose government hypocrisy through poetry and playwright. Even when there was a dictatorship which objected the slightest infraction that exposes its incompetence and corruption, Somali composers tried to send their message through coded words.


    The great Somali star Maryan Mursal was jailed after she sang a song called the three enemies (Saddex Cadow ayaa jiray) by Abwaan Mohamud Tukaale.


    Saddex cadow ayaa jiray

    Dadka soo caddibi jiray

    Oo ciriiri galin jiray

    Labo waa la cidhib tiray

    Cilmi li'i wax laga baray

    Cirka waa ta loo kacay

    La carraabi gaajoo

    Caydh xoolo laga dhaqay

    Hayeeshee colka u daran

    Wali caymo loo waa

    Culimada adduunkee

    Caafimaadka baadhaay

    Cudurrada la dabar goyn

    Caashaqa ha lagu daro


    Cimrigiisu dheeraa

    Ciidankiisu badanaa

    Calankiisu adagaa

    Waxa ila caajiba ah

    Carraduu ku nool yahay

    Ciddeen kaga dacwoonaa

    Wuu naga cad goostoo

    Ka cabbaaday duniduye

    Sidee loo curyaanshaa

    Oo loo cadaadshaa?


    Roughly it translates that " there were three enemies of humanity , namely illiteracy, poverty and disease. Illiteracy was overcome and humanity is racing to space. Poverty is almost eradicated,, but the fight to eliminate disease still continues. She is asking those who are fighting disease to also include "love" which is deadly.


    She is lamenting about the strength of the love (Caashaq), his armies and ruthlessness.


    Siyaad Barre said, " Imikana ma caashaq bay igu sifeeyeen"


    That song was rarely played in Radio Mogadishu. You might also heard about the late satirist C/laahi raage who in the nineteen seventies said ,there are only three choices, either support Siyaad Barre, Keep your mouth shut or go to Afgooye . " Ama afweyne raac, ama afkaaga hayso ama Afgooye aad.


    Now Fast forward to the 21st century and the topic at hand.


    Among the cartoons of Amiin Caamir, the best ones are those who expose hypocrisy, public looting and serving the interest of the foreign governments especially Ethiopia and Kenya. Although sometimes he immerses with unnecessary campaigns or attacks, what we like about him is that most of time his cartoons advocate for the poor and those who are oppressed.


    Unlike Amiin or others , Universal TV is a well known media outlet that serves the powerful and those who are against the Somali people through bribe taking and personal interest. In fact, it is the only Somali television which campaigned for the presence of Ethiopian military in Somali. With late president Hassan Sheikh , they combined a policy of bribery and intimidation.


    In 2011, at the height of the Arab spring and the uprising of the people, Universal TV went out of its way and muzzled those who tried to expose the Hypocrisy of the Arab rulers and the dictators of the horn of Africa.


    Ahmed Hassan cawke (AHN) , one of the most famous Somali broadcasters of our time , who was called " Codka Qaranka" during the hey days of the Somali republic, was asked by a Universal studio personality in Djibouti about his impression in Djibouti and the Arab spring.




    After the airing of this segment, Cumar Geelle , the Djibouti dictator, demanded that Cawke to be fired, and the owner of the Universal TV just did that and fired Cawke. I knew long time ago that the owner of Universal TV takes yearly a huge sum of money from Djibouti to not only protect and promote Cumar Geelle, but he attacks and defames the opposition. The Djibouti opposition leaders told me that the Somali internet and TV outlets have all refused to air any news from the opposition due to constant bribes from Djibouti.


    Those of us who follow the money know that the so called " Faaliyaha Qaranka" does not have any integrity or journalistic standard to air his comedy by exposing hypocrisy of the powerful and help those who are powerless. Rather than expose hypocrisy of rulers, they are promoting the power of the rulers and undermining the powerless which is totally against the purpose of modern humor and comedy.



    Here, in this segment---wearing dark glasses which is totally unacceptable for someone broadcasting a show---he attacks Farah Macalin for no apparent reason other than Universal TV being a hitman for Ethiopia and company. There are few reasons that this hit job is stinking of bribery and collusion with the enemies of Somalia.


    First, Farah was never accused of misappropriating of funds or any corruption both in Somalia and Kenyan media. His constituents in Garissa never said that Farah is in politics for money and nothing else.


    second, he is the first Somali of Kenyan descent who took the stage in the Kenyan parliament and challenged the ruling Kikuya and others about the interest of the Somali Kenyans and Somalis in general. Few years ago, he came in Alberta, Canada and had a productive conversation with the Somali Community. I remember him telling us that , " We SOmalis in kenya are among many tribes including Turkanas, Kikuya and others and will never accept to be second class citizens,". He underlined their efforts to increase the number of Somalis in the public service and politics and universities. In fact, if you want to see him and Bilow Kerow in action, just watch the proceedings of the Kenyan parliament.


    Third , why attack some with no apparent reason from nowhere. Are they saying that the other competitor in the raise has a better record than Farah Macalin?, no. In another segment, they even presented some pictures of the drought and said Farah is not doing anything to help. What really made this hit job ugly is Farah wasn't in the government for the last four years. He was working with IGAD and was campaigning the removal Ethiopian troops from Somalia. While regional governments , including Somaliland were crying for the death of former Ethiopian prime minister, Farah was the only one who welcomed the demise of the Ethiopian dictator.


    Now, he is campaigning to get back his seat and oppose Uhuru and company, and Ethiopia and their stooges , Universal TV is on the attack.


    Absolutely there were no reasons to undermine a good Somali who stands for the independence and dignities of Somalis every where including Kenya. I urge Farah Macalin to take the necessary legal steps to punish this bribe taking, weak minded and corrupt TV.


    I am totally against the idea of muzzling or arresting journalists which is always the work of the dictators, but I am in support of libel suing of those who wilfully defame and attack those who are defending the honor of the Somali people.


    Jeebku ha xanuuno halka ay calooshu xanuuni lahayd.


    Make sure they cough some of the hard cash they took for bribes throughout the Somali regions. Just like warlords and businesses who made huge money for the lack of the Somali state, there are many media outlets and internet websites who make many on the backs of the Somali people. This TV is not the only one taking bribes and undermining Somalis, but this one is ugly , daring and does not even know how to hide the money.


    This in not a comedy but a disorganized and dishonest hit job that does not pass the basic test. At least you should have taken off of your glasses so we could see your face, or maybe your lying and bribing and it is very difficult to face the camera.


    I think that the main reason Ethiopia and their stooge universal TV is waging this campaign against Farah Macalin is probably his latest interview about Somalia.