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Everything posted by GaraadMon

  1. I'm from a family of 7 children and we've managed just fine. All of my closest relatives have families of similar size yet we've produced about a half dozen ivy league graduate students and pretty much everyone has a career of some sort (trades, medicine, engineering etc). It may sound like I'm bragging, but I'm just re-iterating the point that 'successful' families don't have to consist of two working parents with 1 child. We didn't get too many luxuries in our childhood, but we were a strong family. That said, I'll gouge out my eyeballs before I have more than 2 kids
  2. I think I've found one in The Helmy Research Group (Photonics) at the University of Toronto, but I can't find any Somali names under the listed research associates/alumni, so he likely has an Arabic name. His picture can be seen here in the centre-right slide show.
  3. GaraadMon

    Amal Aden

    The single worst mistake the diaspora made was to congregate together in to ethnic enclaves. Why leave Somalia to go and live in a Somali neighborhood? The apologists in the community fail to mention that many other groups (such as the Chinese, Indian, Iranian etc.) have also been stigmatized in the west, yet they hold many of the top jobs here in academia and have vibrant communities.
  4. Miyir;861240 wrote: I am in for the long run. I think they will hit BIG. I'm under a similar impression. I just hope we aren't given the same gong show later on in the drilling campaign.
  5. Miyir;861210 wrote: See as learning. most money was made the first six months of 2012. I am guessing you have invested through broker? Simple rule when investing speculative trades do lot of research if its outside of your field or experience second always buy low and sell high or sell high and buy low (lots patience). it was fun watching the stock going up and down, experienced traders made lot of cash. I am waiting next ride, use the experience You gained the first loses and set up your own online account to trade (most banks will set up for small fee) You will make back more than you lost in a short time. Disclaimer: Speculative trade is not suitable for everyone. Thanks for the advice. Although I invested after the initial 12-20 net pay was discovered at the first well, it didn't seem speculative at the time as they had apparently hit oil, it was just a matter of getting it to flow. The CEOs of all three companies were talking about 70% chances of recoverable oil, and a potential 100-150 mbbl payout. Then it all suddenly turns to water.
  6. VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Aug. 27, 2012) - Horn Petroleum Corporation ("Horn" or the "Company") (TSX VENTURE:HRN) is pleased to provide an update on the drilling program ongoing in Puntland (Somalia). The Shabeel North-1 well has reached a total depth of 3945 meters and has encountered metamorphic basement at a depth of 3919 meters. The well penetrated 149 meters of interbedded sands and shales of the Triassic Adigrat Formation with no oil or gas shows and only minor porosity exhibited on electric logs. Accordingly, the well is being plugged. As noted in a previous Puntland drilling update, the Upper Cretaceous Jesomma sands did exhibit porosity and hydrocarbon shows but produced only fresh water on a drill stem test. These sands are similar to the Jesomma sands encountered in the previously drilled Shabeel well in respect of log response and oil and gas shows. It has therefore been determined that additional testing of these zones in the previously drilled Shabeel well is also not warranted. Based on the encouragement provided by the Shabeel wells, the Company and its partners, Range Resources and Red Emperor, plan to enter the next exploration period in both the Nugaal and Dharoor Valley Production Sharing Contracts ("PSC's) which carry a commitment to drill one well in each block within an additional 3 year term. The current operational plan would be to contract a seismic crew to acquire additional data in the Dharoor Valley block and to hold discussions with the Puntland Government to gain access regarding drill ready prospects in the Nugaal Valley block. The focus of the Dharoor seismic program will to delineate new structural prospects for the upcoming drilling campaign. Keith Hill, Chairman of Horn, commented, "While we were disappointed that we were not able to flow oil from the first two exploration wells in our Puntland (Somalia) drilling campaign, we remain highly encouraged that all of the critical elements exist for oil accumulations, namely a working petroleum system, good quality reservoirs and thick seal rocks. We look forward to working with the Puntland government to move our exploration project to the next phase which will likely require us to focus on prospects in different areas of the basins. One should keep in perspective that it often takes a number of wells to find commercial hydrocarbons and we plan to continue our aggressive program to unlock the potential of this highly prospective region." Horn holds a 60% working interest in the Dharoor and Nugaal Valley blocks and is the operator. The other partners in the blocks are Range Resources (20%) and Red Emperor (20%). Africa Oil Corporation holds an approximate 45% equity interest in Horn. Source: HRN Petroleum I'm probably set to lose boatloads of money when the TSX opens, no biggie :cool: Then again, the money I've lost is measly in comparison to what news of oil could've done for the region and Somalia. It's not over though, I think they'll re-survey the the basin with 3D seismic testing (which they should've done from the beginning). Also, drilling in the Nugaal valley will likely commence soon and it has far more potential.
  7. Apophis;861043 wrote: You would be taken more seriously if you didn't start with the highlighted words. What did you expect? Hate is his trademark. @sharma-arke451 I recommend the following regimen: 1.Stick your thumb up your rectum 2.Run in circles 3.While still following step 2, scream Death! And Murtad! A total of 15 times each. Repeat this prescribed course for two weeks and if you haven't been rid of your bloodlust, seek professional help.
  8. It's frustrating isn't it? I'm commonly confused with Tyson Beckford.
  9. What a waste of an oppurtunity. They should be sent back and replaced with kids who truly wish to learn.
  10. *Blessed;860991 wrote: ^The above post is intended to expand on my previous comments for someone who has objected to my last post in private. I'm not interested in debating my faith with people who don't believe because you're not interested in my Islamic perspective and I'm not interested in yours , so there is no point in going around in circles and disrespecting each other, is there? Why would you assume that? What would be the point of a thread if there weren't any differing opinions? Forum: A meeting or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged.
  11. It's strange how the two regions (the Horn and Lebanon/Syria) seems to be tied together in a cycle of progress/regression. When Lebanon/Ethiopia came out their civil wars, we entered ours and now as we are approaching the end of ours, the two countries are experiencing the re-ignition of old tensions.
  12. Somali philosopher;860660 wrote: ^^that is no excuse to want to see any living being starving. would you take pleasure in that? Fixed that for you.
  13. Khadafi;860627 wrote: Running away from war to a land of oppotunites and then landing in jail, thats a sad story! Considering what children in Somalia go through on a daily basis, 'sad' is now an endangered word and shouldn't be used to describe the cases involving the worthless bags of doodoo seen in this thread.
  14. Apophis;860635 wrote: ^^^ I don't know what's more disturbing, the fact that someone is going around a city asking for a bj from grown men or that Seattle isn't like as portrayed in Fraser but looks like a ghetto. There are ghettos in any North American city, Seattle's are more tame by comparison. I'd say that Seattle is more similar to Vancouver than it is to any American city. The kid in the video reminds me of an autistic Somali kid I knew, except the autistic kid was much better behaved than this goof.
  15. I find it hard to symptathize with someone in poverty marrying multiple wives and have many children. As I've said before, Saudi Arabia is a socially stunted nation, it's economic 'success' is purely accidental.
  16. This isn't that rare in Chicago. Every April will have a weekend with 40 to 70 people being shot, a spring cleaning of sorts.
  17. He was fortunate enough to have his case resolved so quickly. Those 15 months must've felt like a lifetime to him, but compared to other cases involving wrongful convictions, his is far from being the worst. Rape cases will always be tricky as they're henious but require less material evidence than crimes with similar sentences.
  18. Che -Guevara;860240 wrote: What's to you what people choose to eat? +1 Somalis love to preoccupy themselves with the lives of others. Also, the title of this thread is asinine.
  19. Aaliyyah;859708 wrote: I dont know about the UK but in here from what I hear no one puts any effort in finding who killed any of the somali young men (and noting many of them were in gangs) the system doesn't seem to think they are a priority and who knows there might have been few innocent men here and there. But, in general the somali men in particular seem to have made for themselves a bad reputation. Yes, there have been a few innocents here and there, like the cab driver in Edmonton, the robbery/beating death of young man in Fort Mcmurray and the downtown shooting of the 41 year old in Edmonton. In the case of Edmonton. The majority of the cases were likely Somali on Somali (you hear things). Many people know who killed who, some are too scared to come forward, while many others don't care. Of the few victims that I personally knew, I honestly wasn't surprised when I was told of their deaths. The manner in which many were found dead should tell you these homicides weren't random acts of violence. I haven't heard of too many innocent people being shot in the middle of an empty school park at the dead of night.
  20. What about the rights of the competent? The Constitution should confer at least 100% of the seats to the non-inept. Whether they be men, women or half-eaten Hyenas.
  21. Somalis are essential migrants from pre-dynastic Egypt, so it makes sense. Ancient Egyptian is the oldest known Afro-Asiatic language (under which the Semetic and Cushitic languages fall under) from what I know. Also, certain Ancient Egyptian customs like female circumcision are found in the Horn and North Africa. Out of all the Arab countries, modern day Egyptians cluster closest to Somalis, followed by the Yemenis. That's surprising when you consider the distances between the two countries. With that said, I agree with the above comments about not trying to claim something so far gone. Afro-centrists preoccupy themselves with the days of yore, while forgetting the more important issues of today.
  22. Don't let the country's wealth fool you. Saudi Arabia is a child masquerading itself as an adult.
  23. SomaliNationalist;737587 wrote: I would like to start by saying that I support and admirer the Israeli nation, I am proud to call myself a Somali Zionist. Of course, Israel is a great development model for Somalia, just in 60 years Jews developed their country from a poor backward desert into an, economic, political, technological, military, political, superpower which is self-sufficient. The somali people can also achieve the same as the jews if they are, nationalistic, unite, have visionary politicians, put their country's interests above everything in life,Somalis abroad to use their influence in the countries they live in to help Somalia's national interests, Israel can help Somalia develop our farm areas in the southern somalia to an agricultural paradise, Israel can help Somalia to build a strong military and share their knowledge in all areas with the Somali people, long live Somalia and Israel. I'm speechless.
  24. raula;859569 wrote: " Degenerate Cultures..." well well..that says a lot? You might want to look at some historical data/facts on where there used to be "degenerate" before times like slavery/colonization et cetera. Btw, some systems are directly interfering w/black progress like the rates of incarcerations in USA (don't know about other countries in particular)..when you have disproportionate #'s of black/minorities incarcerated more than they exist in schools & that could start from their nascent years in school/daycare..where minority children are expelled or punished severely compared to other groups. I'm not denying that a brutal past and exigent circumstances led them to this point. I'm just stating my opinion on what I see now. They made many strides during the 60's and 70's but all of that was lost during the heroin epidemic of the 70's and the devastating crack epidemic of the late 80's-early 90's. Also, the rates of incarceration are the symptom of the problem, not the the cause of it. I'll also argue against the notion that they are expelled or punished more severely, I'd say that the opposite is what's making things worse. The denial of social responsibility is why thugs and menaces are rarely expelled and continue to harass students that want to learn (that includes black students). I knew a Jamaican kid who put someone in intensive care at my old high school and was allowed to return, they cited 'problems at home' as being the reason behind his attempt at murder (which is bull as I knew his family). Yet they enforce a zero tolerance policy that would have anyone else expelled for a simple skirmish. What's embarrassing about this is the fact that this low expectation of black men applies to all of us. During the rash of Somali homicides in Edmonton, I had skipped a few classes (like any other kid at the school)As a result, my guidance counselor brings me in to ask if I had been involved with a 'rough crowd' in the past and if I needed someone to talk to :confused: