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Everything posted by Mukulaalow

  1. Saalax ma garanayo maalmahan Banaair wax loogu sheegay, malaha Baligubadle iyo Banadir baa isga dhex yaacsan.
  2. Yaanyuuroow haye reer Norge maa taheyna, Tronheim, mise Bergen mise reer Tromso far end aa tahay Maya Nuune I am reer UK, but my missus came from there Oslo. Xaaji, Shukaansi waxaa ka daran,, Raysalwasaare: War heedhe madaxweynihii ayaamahan lama aragee meeyey? Xoghayaha Madaxtooyada: oo ma ogid miyaa, Madaxweynaha waa Walac oo matag bay ka wareegeysaa markay aragto Mahiga iyo buhuko. Raysalwasaare: haa, ma anaan garan saansaanteeda.
  3. think she is from Norway by just looking where she is standing, that window is a Norwegian one. Good forensic spot Nuune. A Daahir Calasow female version.
  4. Here is Sh.C/Xakiim Sh.Cali Sufi, nice voice.
  5. Sh.Abdirasheed is a the father of Somali reciters, but voice wise I prefer his bro C/Xakiim Sh.Cali sufi. Check this kid on 2010 Dubai competition.
  6. Here is my all time favorite reciter, Sh.Hamza, he has golden voice. Allah bless him.
  7. its very tricky for him, which one should be called the 1st Lady.
  8. Two little cute ladies. War ninku waa dhibanyahay, ma Somaliland iyo Khaatumuu kala ilaaliyaa mise naagihiisa. Allooow sahal amuuraha.
  9. Waxa meesha ku baaba'ayo waa caruurteeni, taasna maba la arkayo. Haddaadan is abaabulin oo aadan ka shaqeyn horumarka deeganadaada, yaa kuu maqan oo aad sugeysaa? Somalida degan dhulka K5 ayagaa cadaw isu ah, ayaga is dila. Wixii ka dhacey Raas waa la wada arkey, marka maxaa Ethiopia la iskaga celiyaa? dad isku duuban meesha maba joogaan? ayagaaba isku maqan. Caqli xumada Soomaalida haysato meel walba ay joogaan, waa arrin aad looga naxo. Well said Somalina, Ethiopia has blinded us to see our bad deeds to each other.
  10. very close, not bad at all. I will reward my self with 7/10
  11. I heard this reer waqooyi guy who took a bus from Muqdisho to Hargeysa, but the driver changed route and decided go through Bakool then ethiopia and all the way to Hargeysa. The reer waqooyi guy was sleep all day on his seat when the bus stopped in Xudur later in that afternoon for a short break. Two young girls selling popcorn and cigarettes jumped on the bus asking people if they wanted to buy (Ariiro sigaara fadaase, daango fadaase), the old reer waqooyi guy suddenly opened his eyes and was shocked with what his ears were receiving, he looked at the guy sitting next to him and said (Chaw, waryee heedhe war basku dheereeyaa, goormaynu Ugandha soo galnay).
  12. Very good Nuune, this really needs to be promoted as it is part of culture and civilization, how about a yearly festival of Somali dialects.
  13. Hooba Hunduraase, barshinaa fadee. I just made this Maahmaah up, is that correct maskiinow. I am going to bed soon.
  14. We Somalis don't appreciate benefits of diversity and multi linguine a country has, the death or damage of Maay language is a death or damage of part of Somalia, I remember here in England few years ago the UK government was spending millions to save the Cornish language which is spoken by less than 300 people in Cornwell as it realized this language was dying. Also there is a UN report which says there are around 100 languages vanishing every year. UN report Indigenous Language / Cultural Extinctions 60 - 70% of the world's 6,000 languages are endangered and have no children speakers.1 Up to 95% may be extinct within 100 years.2 the extinction rate of languages, and often the people who speak them, is astounding. language and cultural diversity is often matched by regional biodiversity - suggesting that both language and nature are a single system of diversity. "first world" societies are replacing ancient linguistic cultural diversity with vast "mono-languages." 0.2% of all existing languages are spoken by over 50% of humanity, inhabiting upwards of 85% of the land surface of the globe. these same languages are of the cultures primarily responsible for the global extinction crisis.3 The more vunrable languages are the Jiido language, The Tunni, Af Garre and maybe Barwaani although Barwaani shares some structure with Kswahili.
  15. MM, I disagree with you, yes afmaxaatiri is also in danger but, at least it has got its basic litreture, grammar and stracture recorded and some how developed, bury in mind poetry protects the core of a language and is what keeps a language in tact from one generation to another. The afmaxaatiri has rich source of poetry, and there is realization from Somali intellectuals to save the language and do (erey bixin) for all items, for example I saw this guy who was working on how to (erey bixi) the mobile phone and all the words related to it, for example he called the mobile phone (koor) koorta loo xiro ratiga waxay u dhigantaa mobilada aan isticmaalno, that is very good step to prevent foreign words infaltrating into a language. Also there is a growing book clubs and writers who promote in somali writings and books. But all those small but important steps are not taken by Maay speakers.
  16. I have never been to Bakool, but friends told me the Bakool Maay is the original Maay, yes from Buur to Afgooye is half half dhex walaaq, the closer you come to xamar the more you understand. But I believe Somalis long neglected this dialect (Maay), for example you don't see Maay intellectuals and proffesors writing in Maay, if a language is not developed with its literature, poets and grammer, it will just die, and that is what I fear will happen to Maay in the next maybe few hundred years if it does not get attention from its people first, than the Government.
  17. Xudur is the heartland of Maay language and culture, their accent is the purest Maay accent, although its hard for me to understand, but the Buur accent is the easiest.
  18. They are made of motor tyres, they are economical, hard as well as water proof.
  19. Alliyah walal...walahi im a nationalist at heart...Your people live Everywhere in Somaliland they prosper they welcomed everywhere no problem...If you dont believe me, Somaliland is your country visit it and see for yourself. You are more then welcome to any city in Somaliland we know we brothers and sisters...the pirates waxba ha ka sugin they fighting along sub sub sub clan political arrangements... We live together around buhoodle, we live together in Sool we aint going anywhere, no need to create further division. We shared Somaliland before and we will share it again inshallah. Waaw change of strategy, first time I saw the Hawkish neo con Hermet begging Khatumits. This is what Slanders need, soft soft diplomacy.
  20. Eedo, Puntland maxaa kugu diray, soon you will come home inshallah. Waryee Somalia, war heedhe gabadha eedo hanaga dhihin, Ma eeda Saado baad ku qaldeysaa. Aaliyah sis, what I don't understand is, Why are Khatumo people care about TFG recognition? they should concentrate their effort on building institutions.
  21. Af Soomaali is rich with diverse accents and dialects, each one has its own art, attraction and good on something. Af Reer mudug = Ku muran. Af reer woqooyi = Ku shaxaad. Af Maay = Ku ducee. Af Xamari = Ku shukaanso. Af xaayow = Ku habaartan. Af Barwaani = Ku xamo. Af Reer Bari = Ku Faan. Af Reer Waamo = Ku Baashaal. Af Tuni = Ku Hees. Af Reer Sujuu = Ku Rafaad. Af Reer Jabuti = Ku Qayil. Af Reer Somali Ethiopia = Ku Gabey.
  22. The Doctor is back with a Swanky new video. War heedhe Dotoore Maanta ma Carmo baad jirtay, carmaa booming ah baa la yiriye?
  23. Last Ping Pong news said (Kala noqotay). Still waiting for the latest news update from Abdiwali Ping, And Shariif Pong.