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Everything posted by Mukulaalow

  1. Somaliland wasted 20 years of International ictiraaf, Khaatumo wasted 2 months on National iftiraaf.
  2. My advice to Khaatumo people, Get your selves together, Liberate your capital, start providing services to your people, Get your own army and police to protect your borders. Then everything will fall into line, you can not waste your time seeking something which is not on Shariif or Cabdiwali's hands, you need to create realities on the ground, then 2 regions or more may not matter as Galmudug did.
  3. ...balse talo ahaan nin waa inuu 40 ahaadaa gidaar kasta madaxa ku soo dhiftay ar muxuu kan soo dheeldheelay.
  4. Ah, the joys of being young bursting with life thinking of nothing but pretty young flowers whose eyes melt your soul like an ice and their innocent giggles send shivers down your spine and their sweet and soft voices leave you with nothing but a life time of hope, hope that one day that same sweet and soft voice will sing you a lullaby, that same amazing eyes will look at you with admiration, respect and most of all with all the love in the world that her young and innocent heart could ever hold...Ah, the joys of being young indeed. That could be a good love song. Did you write those lyrics for aaliyah Mr Bob?. Where is she?
  5. Stability iyo horumarka region-kaas wuxuu ku iman gor gortan run ku dhisan inuu dhaco. Udhaxeeya ONLF iyo dowladda dhexe. Ileyl in loo heeso iyo waxa xaqqa runta u leedahay laguugu sasabo jid meel laga dhisay iyo school ku iman mayso. Dadku waxay wax iska dhicin karaan markay heystaan nolosha asaasiga ah, dad cudur iyo gaajo dilootay goormay halgamaan, qofku wuxuu ka fakarayaa wuxuu ilmihiisa siin lahaa iyo siduu ku badbaadin lahaa reerkiisa, mida kale ee aanan ilaa iyo hadda fahmin waa Somalida Kenya wax badan ma dhaamaan somalida kunool Somaligalbeed hadana waxaan u ogol nahay inay systemka Kenya kamid noqdaan oo ay xuquuqdooda ku raadsadaan si sharci ah, laakiin markay noqoto kililka haddii aad soo hadal qaado war nabad aynu xuquudeena ku raadsano waa lagu caayayaa oo waxaa lagu leeyahay iley baa laaluush siiyay iyo waxaan loo joogin. Let these people start living.
  6. Fiqiburaale baa ku jiraa laga yaabaa, ayaantan uma bogin xiijiga.
  7. What about Gal-Awdal State? have you seen their nice flag.
  8. I think it dates back all the way when the mother of you're clan udbo lacag died of jealousy when Siciid was born Udba Lacag.loool. oo Xaaji, ileen nimanka lacagta ay leeyihiin waanu soo daabacaynaa ileen islaantii baaba udbaha lacag ku sidan jirtay.
  9. ;) Cute cats, you know what I mean.
  10. Guys calm down. Ma saan jecelnahay mise sida dustuurku qorayo. the federal constitution clearly states a federal should be formed by 2 regions or more (The 18 regions of Somalia before the war), its very clear article, now lets see Khaatumo, does it qualify, NO, because Khaatumo has only one region almost fully supporting them, Here are the 3 regions and their districts where Khatumite people live and support Khatumo state. Sool laas caanood (Yes) caynabo (No) xudun (Yes) taleex (Yes) Sanaag ceerigaabo (Yes, only 1/3 of Ceerigaabo) (The other two thirds of Cerigabo is claimed by SL and Makhir) ceel afweyn (No) laasqoray (No) badhan (No) Togdheer burco (No) buuhoodle (Yes) shiikh (No) oodweyne (No) It seems the Federal government is confused with what the constitution states as they recognize Galmudug as a State which does not control other than part of Hobyo district and South of Galkacyo.
  11. .....their struggle will continue. And what kind of Burger did you have for lunch today saaxiib. Masaakiintan doonaysa inay ka baxaan cudurka, jahliga iyo horumar la'aanta yaan la lugoynin. This region is the most backward because of instability.
  12. BOB. Mukulaalow, Yaanyuurow and Bisadoow are all the same. Someone who respects CATS.
  13. I can't imagine leaving my parents to live with someone else. Narniah, Don't you know your dad took your mum away from her parents. it just natural to leave the nest when your ready to fly.
  14. Abtigiis Haddana waa taas teedii oo Ina Iley baa lacag siiyey .. PROOF Please, a brawn envlope, a fat cheque, or an account intercepted would help. Mise waa iska sheeko Soomaali. I met these boys in 2009 and they were genuenly worried for the welfer of their people, and I still believe that.
  15. Nonsense. Some of us are descendants of the great Abdirahman Ismail Jeberti. Oday C/laahi visited the oldman in his grave few years ago, they should get some DNA from the bones, that will answer alot of questions.
  16. Waryee Garnaqi is ilaali, Xaajiga Xunjuf iyo xertiisa yeysan ku maqal, They believe they are directly from the household of Prophet Muhammad (PPUH), that is why they are called Duriyada, the other guys in Puntland, well they are just happy with an Arab shaikh, they are not pushing hard like the XX guys.
  17. XX...Adaa waalan...loool
  18. Ditoorka still counting the Billions of the oil, this is peanut to him.
  19. Has already been done and if my recollection is correct, somalis were found to have 5% attributable "subharan african DNA", 15% Eurasian DNA and the remainder is 'unique'. Ok. I didn't know that, is there anywhere I can read the results Oday, do you have the research result with you, if yes, paste it pls, love to read it.
  20. ^Wait minute, here comes the descendants of the mythical Arab Shiekhs Che, Shiikhii Doonta miyaa? no problem he can be accommodated here, maybe he was originally Oromo, went to Arabia as asylum and came back with a Yemeni passport. just joking. I think there needs to be a deep research to be done on Somalis and their origins, in these days its very simple since the DNA technique is advanced and they used this method to determine on some experimental DNA testing on Afro Americans to pinpoint where exactly in West Africa they originated from.
  21. Oromo and Afar are our closest biological relatives I think.
  22. I heard this guy who refused to marry until he gets the perfect woman, and his perfect woman has to have 36 perfect descriptions, but as each year was passing and he could not see that perfect woman he started loosing patience and was getting older, he started dropping the conditions one by one until he was almost a middle aged man and desperate, he was asked are you ready to get married now, his reply was yes, and then he was asked what kind of woman? his reply was, anything which looks like a woman. So never wait for the perfect man or perfect woman as there is no such a thing, if you meet a decent person with manners and Islamic morals you should get married.
  23. Where is Galmudug in this, they attended the London conference, at least they should get some projects as well. Mise labada afmiinshaar uun baa la eegayaa. ;). Hope this fund is used sensibly for the benefit of the people.
  24. What I don't understand is, if the ssc people don't want SL, then why Lascanod is still in their hands, War naga daaya nimanyoho Khaatumo waxba iskuma haysaane, its 2 months since the establishment of Khatumo and all we see is parties and songs.