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Everything posted by Yunis

  1. what if Romney wins without Ohio?, it's possible try it at - not sure how Ohio's only 18 Electoral votes became a deal breaker for GOP tickets. Che' - true G.W made sure the courts are on their favor.
  2. NGONGE;884904 wrote: "We left the boxes in the village. Closed. Taped shut. No instruction, no human being. I thought, the kids will play with the boxes! Within four minutes, one kid not only opened the box, but found the on/off switch. He'd never seen an on/off switch. He powered it up. Within five days, they were using 47 apps per child per day. Within two weeks, they were singing ABC songs [in English] in the village. And within five months, they had hacked Android. Some ***** in our organization or in the Media Lab had disabled the camera! And they figured out it had a camera, and they hacked Android." Crazy world, or perhaps there is method to this madness and MIT is comparing research data on tablet experiences between chimpanzees at the Zoo with that of poor African students.
  3. Very close in all important states and could get messy. with tea-party crackers, it could make 2000 elections of ballot recounts and vote rigging allegations a minor incident.
  4. Kismaayo: (pp)- Waxaa soo baxaya ama la dhihi karaa waa fashilmeen qorsha-yaal ay wateen madaxda sare ee DF ee Soomaaliya qaarkood, kuwaas oo doonaya sidda Puntlandpost ay ka soo xiganayso magaalada Muqdisho inay fashiliyaan qorshayaasha maamulka loogu soo dhisayo deegaanada Jubbooyinka & Gedo. Dhowr Casho kahor ayey ahayd markii guddigii farsamada ay isaga soo huleeleen magaalada Muqdisho, kaddib markii la isku dayey in khakhashaad la geliyo barmaamijkii lasoo waday 4-tii sano ee la soo dhaafay, isla markaasna uu madaxweyanaha Df iyo guddoomiyaha baarlamaanka Federaalka ah ay isku dhinac ka noqdeen in la maja xaabiyo barmaamijka maamul samaynta jubbooyinka iyo Gedo . Puntlandpost oo soo xiganaysa Illo muhiim ah ayaa loo sheegay in masuuliyiinta dowlada Federaalka ah ay u suuriweysay in ay wax been ah ka dhaadhiciyaan guddiga farsamada ee Muqdisho tegay kaddib markii madaxda sar sare ee dowlada ay Jeebkooda kala soo baxeen 6 xubnood oo iyaga ay soo xusheen kana tarjumaaya fakirkooda , xubnahaas oo la doonayey in lagu qaso guddiga farsamada , si ay u carqaladeeyaan barnaamijka maamulka loogu samaynayo deegaanada Jubbooyinka & Gedo, nasiib wanaag waxaa arrinkaas si isku duubni ah uga horyimi guddigii farsamada ee ka koobnaa beelaha deegaanadaas wada dega, oo si isku duubni ah u qaadacay siyaasada guracan ee ay la yimaadeen madaxda sheeganaysa inay wadanaka hogaangiisa ay hayaan waqtigan. Isku duubnida guddiga farsamada ayaa Weji gabax ku noqday madaxda dowlada, kuwaas oo doonayey inay hab qabiil u kala fur-furaan guddiga farsamada, nasiib wanaag guddiga farsamadu waxay noqdeen kuwo isku dan ah oo fiirinaya maslaxada iyo danaha beelaha dega Jubbooyinka & Gedo. Read on
  5. Some folks here should visit back home. you'll find grown men sleeping on the same bed. Smiling friends with their hands over each other's shoulders or holding hands fingers entwined, none of these are considered disgusting.
  6. Yunis


    Sandy landed a large tree in my doorstep and is still causing intermittent power issues..., at least it got me WFH execuse in my macawiis....good luck with everyone else...
  7. Haatu;883779 wrote: lol Abwaan. Is it me or you claim to know nearly every other Faarax out there? The other day you claimed you were the speaker's former neighbour know this? Yaakheey cusbadda ka yaree To his defence Abwaan is only omniscient in people. He is infinitely wise dhinacaas
  8. Yunis

    Niiko ?

    Nothing attractive or enticing about Niiko. In reality, Niko is striping with layers of garments. Many guys like it, yet most feel its not for their own sister's, wives....
  9. Great song. well done Sayid:cool:
  10. ...If she doesn't give any money to charity, she's going to look bad ^^Their concern is with her image if she doesn't donate any. There is morality questions begging to be asked for some one selling their body in order to help the needy. Its not fair tho, She earns $780,000 Vs the $3,000 for the guy doing the same online auctioning.
  11. AsadSL;883144 wrote: The president is coming to Canada to meet with prime minister and foreign minster of Canada..... ;)
  12. Jacpher;883079 wrote: Allow ka badbaadi. Hodhoow baa mid ku oran Puntland baad u duceeysay. Oo maxaa loogu duceyn karin. Ma gaalaa dagan? Adigaaba ducada dadka ugukala qaybinaya. Allaha ka leexiyo Somalia oo dhan including Puntland...
  13. Secessionist emotions overtook the HCTV reporter. Jamal raises valid points on the state of professional Somali Journalism, if there is even such a thing these days.But, he takes it further to sensationalize the issue by continuously blaming on their own deaths.
  14. ,.... Degmada Yaaqshiid iyadoo illaa iyo iminka aysan jirin cid ka tirsan maamulka Degmadaas oo ka hadashay Dhibaatada Aadanimo ee loo gaystay Gabadha yar ee Afar iyo Toban Jirka ah... Maamul Xaaraan ah Cadaalada laga sugayo maxay tahay?
  15. Libaax-Sankataabte;882465 wrote: Election talk Indeed, bottom line is getting over the 270 mark. Romney's case was quoting Arab intellectuals at the UN to appear foreign policy expert
  16. I really missed Khatumo parties, I attended few and they threw the best Xaflad by far. Viva Khatumo State of Somalia
  17. Oh no Obama fumbles the Isreal support question....
  18. General Duke;882379 wrote: Faroole seat is a tough race.. what you saying here Duke, Faroole ku fiican midi midi ku taagta Somalia?
  19. I hear Prof Gaas is poised to take Faroole's seat, maxaa warkaas ka jiro?
  20. This is Somalia, I would say, lets hope for the best and prepare for the worst
  21. wiil;881066 wrote: With the exception of the hand grenade, these are the same concealed weapon signs I see in Ohio restaurants. But, who would really comply these in Xamar?Madnuuc kuye..sheeko
  22. Faafan;880908 wrote: Liyuu police is being disbanded as-well, the end of the Ilay-era. where is the source, this can't be all coincidence the same time that ONLF rejects Ethios demands at the Nairobi talks, Cabdi Ilay and his Liyu police get disperse.
  23. ^it’s evident, Obama is showing more passion this time, but Romney still sticking it to him.
  24. ^^I wanted to see any IT related jobs. They have one, 'Database Officer' with a list of duties that include monitor, backup, capture and generate data reports for their troops. This is really a data-entry position, but the pay range is at DBA specialist levels. Amisom meelna uma socdaan any time soon.
  25. Kulmiye;880382 wrote: mareykan waa broke and on tipping point with debt yet look at the amount of money wasted on campaigns & politicians with sacks and sacks of empty promises. blame the oil industry! Broke as ever – plus, It’s a neck and neck both in crucial Virginia and Ohio, but unlike 4 years ago the media is now piling up on him. Obama is toast; I never understood why Somalis cheer for his slogans.