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Everything posted by Yunis

  1. Raisulwasaare Dr.Saacid“waxan taagersanahay in shacabka Jubboyinka iyo Gedo ay samaystan Maamul Goboleed“ Kismayo24 - Raiisul Wasaaraha dowladda Soomaaliya, Cabdi Faarax Shirdoon ayaa wareysi gaar ah oo uu siiyay BBC ku sheegay in uu ku faraxsan yahay in baarlamaanak Soomaaliya ay ansixiyeen xukuumaddiisa. Ra’iisul Wasaaraha ayaa ku ammaanay go’aanka ay xildhibaannada ku taageereen dowladiisa oo uu sheegay in tirada sabab uu u yareeyay ay tahay sidii ay isbeddel deg deg ah u keeni lahayd. Raiisul Wasaare Saacid, waxa uu sheegay in markii uu eegay duruufta Soomaaliya iyo dhaqaalaha dalku heysto ay qasab ku noqotay dowlad kooban. Waxa kale oo uu ka hadlay sababta uu uu xukuumaddiisa ugu soo daray, Fawsiya Yusuf Xaaji Aadan oo ka soo jeedda Somalilan. Raiisul Wasaaruhu waxa uu yiri “aniga ma qabo in Fawsiya ay ku jirtay kala go’a, oo ay olole gaar ah gashay waxaan arkay dastuurka xisbigeeda” Waxa uu sheegay in sabab uu uga shakiyo aanay jirin Fawsiya iyo dadka kale ee ka tirsanaa jabhaddii SNM. Raiisul Wasaaruhu waxa kale oo uu ka hadlay maamul u sameynta magaalada Kismaayo oo uu sheegay in ay dowladdu ka soo saartay qoraal siyaasadeed oo waafaqsan dastuurka, kaasi oo ah in ay ku taageeraan dadka degaanka inay maamul sameystaan. listen
  2. Kisymayo24 - Madaxweynaha Somalia Xasan Sheikh Maxamuud ayaa manta mar uu warbaahinta kula hadlayay magaalada Muqdisho ayaa waxaa uu si fog uga hadlay arimaha Maamul usameynta Jubboyinka iyo Gedo. Madaxweynaha ayaa waxaa uu shegay in Shacabka Jubbaland ay tahay in ay ayagu ayahooda ka taliyaan isla markana ay so xulankaraan hogaamiyihii maamuli laha . Madaxweynaha waxaa uu sido kale sheegay in Dowlada Somalia aysan ogolan doonin in dagaalo sokeeye iyo qalalaaso siyaasadeed ay ka dhacaan gobolada jubboyinka iyo Gedo. Madaxweynaha ayaa waxaa uu sido kale sheegay in Maamul usameynta Guud ahaan Gobolada Somalia Dowlada Somalia ay ku leedahay kaalin fududeeyn ah Maamul usameynta Jubboyinka iyo Gedo na kuwaas la mid noqon doonan. Hadalka Madaxweynaha ayaa waxaa uu ku soo aday Xili Raisulwasaaraha Somalia Dr Saacid uu Mowqif adag ka istagay Maamul usameynta Jubboyinka iyo Gedo. listen
  3. ^^I doubt Pres Hassan is planning to talk about property redistribution in Xamar any time soon. But, it will be a step in the right direction if he started that discussion and will for sure defuse some of the Jubba state hysteria. Until than, I am afraid this will remain a list, un-used archived database list for a long time to come. Alhamdulillah - Our own fam property (albeit, bruised and battered) is in safe hands.
  4. Is this the same Bashir Goth who used to praise SL enclave as that shining city on the hill, now politically labeling it to the status of Guantanamo - war meesha maxaa ka jira? He can’t be mad cuz Riyaale is out of power or being a front for Fowziya selling out.
  5. ;)what is this 'Koonfur Galbeed' admin that president Hasan is supporting? This is getting out of control...
  6. ^^Abwaan the 'wadani' salvaging multiple 5 year old quarrelsome threads and that 'Argagixiso' supporter Maadeey comes to the aid of president Xassan, talk about closing ranks against their perceived shared threats...that is right, is dhiciya raga waryaaya
  7. Alpha - notice Waqooyi Galbeed girl seems be fixated with something. No smile, her eyes wide open, peeking at the doorway or perhaps a crack at the window. At any minute she is ready to burst out and declare mini photo up secession.
  8. Jacpher;887480 wrote: I don't understand why Gabbal's block remain mum on the issue of Jubbaland formation. Between the three gobol, they make up close to the majority if not the single majority clan yet they aren't voicing any opinion. I'm sure by now we would have heard from Gabbal and co. Reerka ma PM baa lagu aamusiyay mise dhinacba lug beey kula jiraan. Jacpher - waa ku sidee, among the many loud reer Bari surfers here, you were part of rare breed of cool headed Boowe that I have come to expect some balance approach in reasoning. Perhaps, Abtigis and his marqaan induced condom insults got in the way. You’re in fact saying for the block to be silent; they must be complicit with Pres. Xassan’s meddling in the affairs of Jubba’s. Far from it, ever since the end of September when Shabaabs vacated the city of Kismayo, there has been total of 4 major consultations among locals gathering in the city in support of federal state, and the block played its role. I must admit Saacid’s deafening silence on the issue deservedly gives him the short end of the stick, denoted to a marginal PM on a leash. From what hear Saacid himself is for Jubba admin but buying time to gain some leverage. However, the stakes are higher with or without PM post, but, you can’t blame the block for giving him some breathing room.
  9. Raamsade;887559 wrote: There is no such thing as "Gedo community." Ther are Gedo communitIES. Why do you sound aggrieved? Are you by any chance quulle-head? Name calling by a reformed Mory!!an behind computer screen is one thing, but it’s quite another when the same forum warrior offers himself an expert of a region and its inhabitants which they have no knowledge of. There is definitely a Gedo community, if you have an ex to grind with them or you are alleging they have taken someone else's land, that is your own problem and one which there is nothing you can do about.
  10. Sol nac-nac never ceases to amaze me, So you surfers speaking for Gedo community now?
  11. Eng.Cadde;887244 wrote: ....and reer mogdishu will make sure it wont happen,.... That is right Mr. Engineere - tell them, all powerfull reer Mogdishu will set them straight:D. War engineerka hala dhagaysto.
  12. ^^Khalid. a president who needs protection from his own Unuka in Xamar by the Ugandan soldiers feels the need to dictate to others.
  13. ^^@JVA So President Xasan wants to consolidate power through clan politics, but sending a delegation led by indha'ade to Kismaayo that is upping the game and won’t fly. Jeremy Scahill of Nation discussing el duce indha’ade: Yusuf Mohamed Siad was not always known just as Indha Adde . As one of the main warlords who divided and destroyed Somalia during the civil war that raged through the 1990s, he brutally took control of the Lower Shabelle region, which was overwhelmingly populated by a rival clan, earning him the moniker “ The Butcher.” There are allegations that he ran drug and weapons trafficking operations from the Merca port. Then, as the religious and political winds began to shift in Somalia after 9/11, he remade himself into an Islamic sheik of sorts in the mid-2000s and vowed to fight foreign invaders, including rival warlords funded and directed by the CIA.
  14. Che' wax interesting majirin sxb Naga daa bahasha:D. No drama, no excitement on election night. Surely opportunities for a cliffhanger were there, among whole host of other issues you had a re-election of an Incumbent president with bad economy, most expensive and most negative campaign ever, yet it didn't deliver anything interesting. Even Ohio results came way too early than usual, by 10pm they were announcing it’s all over, most folks me included were hoping for nail-biter stuff. The election of President Xasan Sheekh which was held at heavily fortified temp parliament building had more excitement.
  15. ^^Hard to believe now, but, Obama actually prepared both winner and concession speeches. Fox is too predictable, they are now putting blame on chris Let's hope on his second term Obama embarks on a history making agenda, and stops appeasing GOP extremes in congress that he did on the first term.
  16. lol So, Interpol is gona catch him in Somalia? NG - why not create your own 'Somaliland Hands over alleged celebrity criminals' to interpol. Image the google hits on that, you're wasting a valuable hit;). This has the potential to neutralize Fowziya debacle waryaa.
  17. Che' - my prediction is the Supreme Court. GOP loves close calls; they are expert in vote rigging. Come Wednesday morning, there could be G.W flashing smiles from his range.
  18. what Xiin is attempting here is an open treason, announcing khaatumo initiative as failure entity. a bit harsh, less he missed Khaatumo events like I have been. Those Khaatumo celebrations I attended by far provided rare collection of sista's that were easy on the eye;). No other Tol-state can come near. Khaatumo forever....
  19. @Abwaan – sxb Dhiig iguma kicin these stitched-up video from Keymedia, laakiin waxbaan ku waydiiyay. How come your doubletalk adrenaline hits the roof whenever these keydmedia vids appear by mumbling arguments like this one. Waxaan malaha adiga ayey kugu cusub yihiin dad baa early 90s-kii fiirsan jirey 90s-kii? not true, everyone else did it in the 90’s, yes. Keydmeida in their malice assault on history in trying to glorify USC’s thuggish past is the only one doing this divisive and dangerous qashin today (Nov-2012) in order to rehash old wounds. …. but it is still "Xog" if you don't see it like that kuguma khasbayo, laakiin ha isku deyin inaad aniga go'aan ii gaartid Maba kuu gaarin g'aan, laakiin don’t speak for others who also might consider keyd qashin as an authentic historical reference. I asked you directly and you finally answer it, by proclaiming it’s in fact ‘xog’, now, please don’t lecture me about wadaninimo or how we should learn from it and move on, you can’t have it both ways.
  20. On all Keydmedia posts seen here, one thing is always expected:D. You can always count on Abwaan and his claims of 'Keydmedia xog badan bay hayaan',. What xog? , all they posses is qashin. ofcourse, they are free to pre-package single sided selected clips, dubbed them with fake patriot voice-overs and produce million of these snippets if it suits them. But, what I failed to understand is how one considers these as xog?. Even going further to list and say all involve either foreign or Somali are evil, a bitter irony of that is staring at the mockery done here in the name of media by Keymedia and yet, betray them as part in parcel of greater evil we are all suppose to be guilty off, when they are the once creating qashin as history. laakin, which other rebel group (they were many) or their children is doing this nonsense horta? its only one...
  21. Whether it's 2700 Ugandans dead or claims of shabaab dealing a heavy blow to a foreign infidels,its all for the mighty dollar war profiteering for one and a distorted world view of misinterpreting a religion for the other. AUN the real victims who must survive between these two on a daily basis.
  22. labellavida;884807 wrote: Thanks, guys. I haven't moved in. I decided not to. Thanks for all your help. you're kidding right? you mean the decision not to move in with this friend of yours was based on these faceless anonymous surfers and their advices