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Everything posted by Yunis

  1. Xiin - This is how I interpreted your short PM selection criteria, which speaks volume Sxb:- (1) Must be a Block: – This one is no brainer, [Khatuumites, Gedo, Puntland, Galdogob, Makhir, Afmadoow…….everyone is a player]. Xiin is being fair here, but, wait. (2) Must have a political base and support to advance existing cooperation between current stakeholders: – Xiin narrows down the selection close to the home, eliminates [KHaatumo state, Azania, Jubaland, and Makhir state ] on grounds that none had the clouds during the transitional period, nor do they still poses the necessary field administration under Faroole’s (Stakeholder) constant veiled threats. (3) Must be outside of President’s Islamist base: - Finally excludes any consideration to individuals coming from the president’s islax party (which are rumored to have high level Reer Gedo members). Xiin finally makes his mind up, while unleashing Mooge Fadhikudirir style to fill the gap more forcefully to the rest of us - pretty slick..
  2. War nagadaaya - This is hardened Reer mudug dude, obviously a perfect airport training exercise, the dialogue gives away. I prefer Chinese kulahaa
  3. Jaamac –Since you claim to you‘have read the book and have contacts with the author, can you share some of the evidence used in support of the passage quoted below – try to avoid injecting your own unsubstantiated ‘waxaa la yiri’ and the usual unreliable Somali historic revisions. Just quote the evidence used in the book, surely, you want give SL school children the clear evidence to back up these alleged allegations: ...haween uur leh iyo caruur-ba inuu xasuuqi jiray.....32 dumar ah uu ina Cabdalla Xasan qabi jiray .
  4. Xaaju Xunjuf - arguing for Gedo community only in sol forum.
  5. Xaaji Xunjuf;872582 wrote: Did you read the book? No, I have read its reviews.
  6. Xoolo xaaraan ah ayuu cuni jiray.....300 oo geela oo uu ka dhacay dadkii deegaankaa degennaa...haween uur leh iyo caruur-ba inuu xasuuqi jiray.....32 dumar ah uu ina Cabdalla Xasan qabi jiray. Absolutely nothing here to get excited about in this book, at least from the review summary provided. This can't be the result of 15 years of painstaking, duedilgence 'Baaritaan badan' that reveals wealth of historical evidence, these are eerily familiar fancy clan grievances scribbled down in the middle of Khat sessions that formed the basis of this book.
  7. AUN, this seems to be a hit. lately are evil forces with sinister plans to derail any progress...
  8. ^ its definitely not Gaabane, says my (his own relative) source. Che -Guevara;871665 wrote: Yunis....It went from bad to worse in instant but I assure it wasn't my doing , ask Gabbal and Garnaqsi. That bad huh - then all powers to the admin for adhering to clean content. You say, you had nothing to do with it, but since I believe it was the same dude twice, and not more than one guy. I am not willing to anoint you as the ‘agent provocateur’ on this board.
  9. Macallinka;871663 wrote: @Yunis Oba alwayz wins , ma maqashay mukulaal minikeeda joogto miciyo libaax ay leedahaya;) Laakiin maalintii la dhaho hala doorto madaxwayne from Abwaan's folks waxaan ka cabsanaa inay furka tuuraan ileen sanadyadii ugu danbaysay oo dhan bay u barteen in madaxa loo salaaxee ! Xamar has become a home turf for Oba’s camp, and that has to change for Xamar to stay capital for all. But, this time, I sense lots of sensible Somalis are breathing sigh of relief, giving them the benefit for upping the game to an articulate leader who understands the plight of ordinary citizens. the Abwaan camp were preoccupied trying to replicate Farole style federalism admin’s in both South Galkayo / ximan xeeb, whilst Oba folk worked their base and set it out to claim the bigger prizes. Oba has a winning streak but, has to learn to share – hadii kale Abwaans and the rest of us furkaan tuuraynaa:cool:.
  10. @Three cousins – Warya the Transition is done with – the selection process hinges on vetting within the agreed parameters of 4.5 basic formula, and doesn’t say he has to look for the prime number within the formula. What is going on here - Warya @Che’ you did it again miyaa. It gotten that bad, that quickly for that dude Jaamac** to get the Admin’s attention? Was it really that bad? Just like everyone else, my earlier predictions went off radar. But, a very reliable feed I got insisted, that the PM will most likely be Dr. C/Weli Sheikh Ahmed. Who did both of his MBA and PHD in economics at University of Ottawa, Canada - a former senior director of South American economic development for USAID, World Bank, and currently at Islamic Bank’s North African division. You can be assured, if I am proven correct, I’ll keep on bragging just like @Abaan (and his late - second round call to be exact) on Press. Hassan winning it all
  11. Che -Guevara;871515 wrote: ^Did he molest you? ^^^Che – what you on about? If I remember correctly, there was a forum mujaahid… Adam-something-Jungle, who wasn’t able to keep his emotions in-check & you kept on pushing, giving him kick-in-the-teeth until he lost it all, and got banned for it. Let’s hope, Adam-some-Jungle….oh I mean Jaamac*** can withstand your toasting now.
  12. ^^at Erigavo - didn’t know that one. More reasons to institute portal. But, I couldn’t help it after GD classified a genuine puntlander with that ‘Ancestors’ clause, that is not in either me or shinbir's realm.
  13. Gooni – dadkan Bare ayay oogaga dhagan tahay. dhalinta afka duubana, balan ay qaadeen last week, ayay buriyeen manta oo ahyd in aysan magaalada dhexdeeda ku dagaaleyn. Marka, subax kastaan phone call ku bilaabaa magaaladaas, si aan u dhaho 'nabad ma ku toosteen'. Maanta dadka waxay u sheegeen in magaalada ay tahay goob dagaal. Even wakhtigii Qabiilada la’sku haystay banaankaa la’iskula bixi jiray. Hiiraale meshaas uma secdee, waxa soo socdo allaha ummada ha ka badbaadiyo…
  14. Shinbir - just don't say that out loud while you are there or it'll be 'oo boowe, ina ayahaada iisheeg', an easy disqualification.
  15. Mooge;871193 wrote: I was right. If you don't know the facts, don't open your mouth. You are head of state. Don't embarrass your country. it looks like Xasan was responding to tabloid stuff. ^^Mooge – Here you claim president Hassan chose to speak without knowing all the facts. Why do I have a feeling if this was A-wali, you would be quick to announce him as a courageous leader, who at the drop of a hat forced Kenyan leaders to apologize for their errors. In fact Farole does this routinely, yet you keep singing his praises.
  16. ^^@Macallinka - dhibka dhaaf. Not a shocker really, its all of them really and Its not limited to leaders too - cheats and chronic corruption is the Somali way At least Oba has nothing to complain, He lost one while gaining another:D
  17. Yunis


    Good Stuff @Narniah
  18. ^^ This stuff sells from ‘Muslim Rage’ title, provocative cover (with protesters who look identical to those characters in the film) and a known anti-Islam fanatic to give her Muslim rage narrative. Newsweek just pulled an Ingenious Marketing Stunt.
  19. General Duke;870239 wrote: Faroole has pushed the communities in SSC & Rad Casayr to rebellion. His actions, his insults and his arrogance compounded the situation. a realization Faroole will continue to be a liability for his own community come Post Sept 10,2012 of Somalia. Its pointless now to voice opinions as to why you didn't raise those blatantly honest concerns years ago.
  20. Sulleiman The Great;870167 wrote: the only nonsense here is you there is no one more deserving than the former Pm and putting tribal politics aside it would be a decision most somali would feel comfortable with, and that most somali expect if the president ...chooses someone else based solely on political or tribal companionship will end up nothing more than a controversial president and the last thing we need right now is a controversial president. People like you who seem hell bent on opposing puntland rather than finding an acceptable middle ground are whats wrong with somalia, dont act like Prof. gaas being selected would be the worst possible outcome or some dire plot, when we all know is something even the most bitter anti-puntlander would be willing to have Gaas return as PM.... That is load of bull rants. But, you guys seem to think elections or selecting PM posts are done through internet. Haven’t you learned anything with all the dizzying campaign pre-election posts for Gaas that was mobilized on this forum?. Look, it matters not even an ounce of concern for me who he selects or which region they are from, even if it happens to be a puntlander, but it’s not surprising me that you and others here with the same old politically asinine, childish hollow behavior of casting the first alarming bells of doom-and-gloom for this president, if he picks islaax member or this and that other group and should instead pick Gaas. That is a bygone TFG era, and certainly not one that helps Somalia come back from abyss and on towards genuine stability.