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Everything posted by QabiilDiid

  1. ^^^^Whether you believe it or not I am from Hargeisa and it is the city of my father and grandfathers. His Excellence Osman Jama “Kalluunâ€, His Excellence Jama Mohamed Qalib “Jaamac Yareâ€, Mohamud A. Jama, “Sifir†and many many others are my heroes because day and night they are working to keep the Somali unity intact. The phantom state of Riyaale and Waraabe supported and protected by bunch of zealots using naked armed force, intimidation and whatever psychological tools they can get including insults and character assassination, can not, I repeat can not keep the Somali people in northwest region hostage forever. No more, we, the people of Hargeisa are going to accept any more lies and empty slogans. We are Somalis and we’ll safeguard the Republic of Somalia and the unity of all Somalis forever. We’ll work towards the realization of the dream of our forefathers and grandfathers and the mandate we inherited from them which is no other than that this generation has to see all Somalis living under the umbrella of one Republic where everyone's rights and liberty are protected and the dignity of the Somali culture and Islamic faith is protected.
  2. Cusmaan Jaamac "Kalluuun", geesi Soomaaliyeed dheh!
  3. ^^^Ma maqashay, aakhiraba nin geel lahayn lama ammaanneyne?
  4. Originally posted by Qacbaro: Nayruus... aniga muslim.. don't know what u r talking about? !!! Qacbaro: Ma markii kuugu horeysabaa in ad maqasho Soomaalidu muslinna maaha gaalana mahaaha? You cannot brush aside the observations made by outsiders of our culture and way of life.
  5. Originally posted by SHOOBARO: [QB] ^^^^^ It's obvious that the British captain was talking bout the elderly somali seaman, but was using sarcastic criticism........AND......The reason why the elderly somali seaman told you this story is you reminded him of when he was younger "tanag maran" so he implied the same story on you, telling you tanaga wax ku rido in taadan aniga oo kale noqon kuray yahoow. How many times have you heard that Somalis are neither Muslims nor infidels? Do you think people who coined that expression were targeting a particular group or individual like me?
  6. Have you heard of “WAA TANAG BARAN"? An elderly Somali seaman, wise and well-traveled, communicative, a good store-teller, and really a hard worker, had once told me a comment made by a British ship captain on the work habits of Somali seamen. In Somali the comment is: ninka Soomaliga ahi waa TANAG BARAN. An empty barrel! A man of no substance, no principles, cheap and can be easily lied to and bought.
  7. LS, I absolutely agree with the position of His Excellency Abdirsaq H. Hussein, the ex PM of the Republic. In a wonderful tone of voice, he said,“the Presidency of the Republic should go this time to a qualified individual from the Northern provinces of the Republicâ€. He even indicated out that Siinlaayo has very good qualities for becoming a presidential candidate. Mr. Siilaanyo should go for the gold and give it a shot; I think you should include his candidacy in your poll.
  8. MONTREAL, Sept. 3 /CNW Telbec/ - Reporters Without Borders called today for the immediate release of the editor of the independent daily paper Jamhuuriya, Hassan Said Yusuf, who was arrested on 1 September for the 15th time in the past decade in Hargeisa, capital of the self-styled state of Somaliland. It called on the government to explain his detention by a dozen police who burst into the paper's offices late at night with an arrest warrant as he and his staff were preparing the next day's edition of the paper and took him to the city's main police station. "This arrest, the latest in a long campaign of legal harassment against Yusuf, shows that vigilance is required even though no major infringement of press freedom has occurred recently in Somaliland," the worldwide press freedom organisation said. The city's police chief said he was arrested because he had several times refused to obey a summons for questioning by the prosecutor-general. He said the arrest was legal and that he would be brought before a court. The paper's staff were prevented from visiting him and could not contact the prosecutor- general, who was not in his office. It was the 15th police action against Yusuf since he became editor more than a decade ago. He was arrested in the street in Hargeisa for similar reasons in November 2003 and released on bail a few hours later. Independent sources in the Somali capital of Mogadishu said he has been picked up because the paper reported on 30 August that Somalia and the regional Inter-Governmental Authority on Development (IGAD) were annoyed at Somaliland's refusal to take part in a regional reconciliation conference. Somaliland, which is in northwestern Somalia, declared itself independent in 1991 but has never won international recognition. For further information: Emily Jacquard, Communication, Reporters Without Borders Canada,, (514) 521-4111, Cell: (514) 258-4208, Fax: (514) 521-7771
  9. Nairobi:Xuseen Maxamed Caydiid iyo Cabdicasiis Sh.Yuusuf oo maanta u dhaartay xubinimada baarlamaanka KMG ah ee Soomaaliya iyo warar kale - Friday, September 03, 2004 at 15:14 Nairobi(Allpuntland)-Tan iyo intii ay bilaabantay gudbinta liiskii xubnaha baarlamaanka KMG ah ee Soomaaliyeed iyo dhaartii 22kii iyo 29kii bishii hore lagu dhaarinayey intii badnayd xubnihii baarlamaanka ayaa waxaa jirey mas'uuliyiin ka tirsan xildhibaanadu inay ka biyo diideen gudbinta liisaskaas ,taasoo sababtay inaysan xubno ka tirsan xildhibaanadu aanay ka soo qaybgelin xafladihii kala danbeeyey ee dhaarinta xubnaha baarlamaanka KMG ah ee Soomaaliya oo dhowaan lagu qabtay xarunta Qarammada Midoobey ay ku leedahay Nairobi-Gigiri . Xildhibaan Maxamed Faarax Caydiid iyo Xildhibaan Cabdicasiis Sh.Yuusuf oo ka tirsanaa xildhibaanada aan dhaaran ee ka biyo diidanaa xulitaanka iyo qaabka loo maareeyey liiska xildhibaanada ee beelaha ay ka tirsanaayeen,isla markaana dhowr jeer qabtay shirar jaraa'id oo ay ku canbaaraynayaan Guddigii Fududaynta IGAD ee waqtigiisii dhammaaday ,oo iminka kor kala socda shirka ka dib markii shir guddoon Soomaali ah lagu wareejiyey xilkoodii ,ayaa ugu danbyantii maanta ka soo qaybgalay dhaartii xubnihii dhimmanaa qaar ka tirsan lagu dhaarinayey. Xildhibaan Caydiid oo saxaafadda u warammayey ayaa maanta sheegay inuu ugu danbayntii go'aansaday inuu u dhaarto xubinimada baarlamaanka KMG ah ee loo soo doortay,isagoo sheegay in sababta uu dhaarta u diidanaa markii hore ay ahayd isagoo doonayey in la soxo qaladaad jirey oo dulmi ah oo ay ku keceen Guddiga Fududaynta IGAD. Xildhibaan Xuseen Caydiid waxa uu intaa ku daray in isaga oo u danaynaya ummadda Soomaaliyeed oo dhibaato muddo badan ku soo jirtey ,loona baahan yahay in lagu dedaalo in laga saaro iyo Guddiga Fududaynta IGAD oo sheegay in la xallin doono waxyaabihii ay tabanayeen ay keentay ugu danbayntii inuu go'aanka ah ka qaybqaadashada dhaarinta ku dhaqaaqo. Dhaarinta labadan mas'uul Xuseen Caydiid iyo Cabdicasiis Sh.Yuusuf ayaa waxay soo afjaraysaa ka maqnaantii qaar ka tirsan hoggaamiyeyaashii kooxaha Soomaalida iyo maamulada,oo waxay haatan intoodii badnayd ka mid yihiin Xildhibaanada KMG ah ee Soomaaliya ,marka laga reebo Gen.Maxamed Siciid Xirsi Morgan oo isagu soo haleeli kari waayey ka qaybqaadashada shirka dib u heshiisiinta Soomaalida iyo ka mid noqoshada xubnaha baarlamaanka KMG ah ee Soomaalida ,arrintaasna ay sababtay sida uu sheegay afhayeen u hadlay Jananka ka dib markii loo diri waayey gaadiidkii soo qaadi lahaa iyo dalkugalkii(Visa) uu ku soo gali lahaa dalka Kenya. Waxana uu sarkaal u hadlay SPM/SRRC oo ku sugan Nairobi uu u sheegay,inaysan waxba ka jirin eedaymaha sheegaya in ciidammo uu wato Gen.Morgan ay ku hawlan yihiin guluf colaadeed oo ay ku qaadaan jubbooyinka,waxana uu intaa ku daray inuu Jananku weli ku sugan yahay goobtii uu ku sugnaa markii hore,isagoo taageersan ayuu yiri geeddi socodka nabada iyo dhaarinta xubnaha baarlamaanka KMG ah,balse waxaa eedaymahaas aan salka iyo raadka lahayn wada ayuu yiri kooxaha iyagu xaqdarada ku haysta deegaanno aysan lahayn oo weliba ku doodaya in la soo weerarayo. Iimaan Cali Cabdi Allpuntland,Nairobi,Kenya ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ********taada cabudhista ay ku hayaan dadka reer Muqdisho ee doonaya in ay u soo bannaan baxaan si ay u taageeraan barlamaanka cusub ee soo nooleynta midnimada Soomaaliyeed, waa in ay si deg deg ah u joojiyaan.
  10. Originally posted by rudy: a coin has 2 sides, all i am reading is one side .. namean! how we come that we always run around with one person's point of neview!! I’ve not met an objective Somali having a positive comment on the Warlords, or for that matter, foreigners heaping honours upon them. For these killers as you rightfully called them, there isn’t other side of the coin.
  11. A study case of immaturity in politics and life skills! This guy stumbled in a simple business contract, the consequence of which he was jailed in foreigner land and milked out of thousands of dollars. Never the less he is fighting to the teeth to be the crowned president for 9million plus Somalis. Check the personal observation about Hussein Aydiid by a Mogadishu resident:
  12. Press Statement Adam Ereli, Deputy Spokesman Washington, DC August 23, 2004 Somalia Transitional Federal Assembly The United States is encouraged by the swearing-in of 194 members of the Somali Transitional Federal Assembly. This is an important step toward the reestablishment of effective governance and stability in Somalia. However, we are concerned that 81 members of the Transitional Federal Assembly have not yet been selected. We urge the Somali participants to work in an inclusive manner to quickly resolve the remaining differences blocking the swearing-in of the remaining assembly members. Only when the Assembly is complete will it be possible to select a President, Prime Minister and other government officials to create a representative Transitional Federal Government capable of beginning reconciliation and reconstruction in Somalia. After thirteen years, the possibility of reestablishing a government in Somalia may finally be on the horizon. We call on all Somali participants to approach this process with sustained commitment, honesty and goodwill. 2004/923 [End] Released on August 23, 2004
  13. ...Chin Radio dowladda federalka ah ee Kanada waxa ay ruqsadda warbaahinta uga haysataa iyadda oo ku ballan qaaday in ay jaalliyaddaha kala duwan ee dalka deggan ay u fidiso ay afkooda hooyo ugu helaan warbaahin danahooda maalin joogga ah ugu qaadaa dhigaan oo ay aad ugu yartahay xayeysiiska....
  14. Akhristow waxa aan iga wareeriyey sida qaar ka mid ah wariyayaasha gacanta ku haya raadiyaasha jaaliyadaha Soomaaliyeed ay sida shaksiga ah u isticmaalayaaan aalladdaa loogu dhiibay si iskaa wax u gabsa ah. Magac ha ku yeesheen waa wax la garan karo; laakiin ha ka leexiyeeen ujeeddooyinkii loo sameeyey oo ganacsi ha galiyeen waa wax laga xumaado; waxa aynna arkeen xishoodka dadka Soomaaliyeed iyo xisaab la'aantooda. Aan soo qaadano Codka Beesha Soomaaliyeed ee Toronto. Caawa oo aan ka dhegeysanayey internetka aniga oo xiisaynaya dhaartii la dhaariyey qabaalilka Soomaliyeed si ay baarlamaan u sameystaan oo aan rajeynayey barnaamijka oo dhani in uu noqdo arrintaa xiisaha leh ee laga yaabo in ay saameyso Soomaali oo dhan dhammaantee, ayaa boqolkiiba 90% barnaamijku waxa uu noqday xayeysiis iyo ii dheh; waanna habeen kii la rabbay in ay khadka furaan oo jaalliyad oo dhammi aaraa isku weydaarsato. Waa marnaamij jaalliyad ee maaha marnaamij ganacsi. Daddi haddii ay qalad iyo meel-ka-dhac ka aamusaan, hal qof uun baa qasi, wixii loogu dhiibayna si xisaab la'aan ah u leexsan. Sidee u fiican oo aad qaladka oo kale u sixi kartaa?
  15. Haddii aan dhumarka lagu soo xuleen nidaamka qabaliga ah ee lagu soo dooranayo nidaamka wakiilnimada, dumarku waxa ay xaq u leeyihiin in ay qaataan 51% kuraasta golaha wakiillada si ay dheddigga Soomaaliyeed oo dhan codkoodda ay kugu hadlaan......Su'aashu waa ragga iyo dumarka Soomaaliyeed kee baa tiro badan?
  16. In badan baan is weydiiyey muxuu aqoon yahan Samatar oo ay caddahay in uu yahay nin karti iyo hufnaan leh; garanna kara baahida jeelalka Soomaaliyeed ee soo socda ( haddiiba Soomaalidu ka ummad is-haysata ayna dabar go'in inta uusan dhammaanin qarnigan cusubi ee 21aad)uu u asaasi waayey urur middeeyaya wax garadka jaalliyadaha Soomaaliyeed ee dibad-ku-noolka ah? Yaan sugeynaa? Ma Ingiriis intuu inoo yimaado in uu SYL kale oo summaddeedu turub tahay (Turubna waa khamaar) inoo sameeyo? Ragga hataan soo diganayow, dan iyo xeeshiin!
  17. Post any informative about Somalia in here to educate our members about their country.. Peace [/QB] Maxa ka sax ah???? 1900-1920 War against British,Ethiopia and the Italians by the Drawish. 1928 Drought 1940-1945 Second World war 1943 SYL 1940-1950 INTERCLAN CONFLICT 1950 Trusteeship of Somalia 1950 "Habtii" famine 1954 RESERVE AREA GIVEN TO ETHIOPIA BY THE BRITISH 1963 NFD GIVEN TO KENYA BY THE BRITISH 1964 War between Somalia and Etiopia 1969 Militry dictatorship 1977 War between Somalia and Ethiopia till now (source OXFAM 1993).
  18. ...hoodi...dalaq... salaan.. ...Col. C/llaahi Yuusuf “Soomaaliya uma baahna wadaad gacma jilicsan ee waxey u baahan tahay habaarqabe hanitya, habaar-qabena waa aniga C/llaahi ahâ€