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Everything posted by Coofle

  1. Just today I was filling up a form...I wrote 1st of January 19** ... I smiled at 1st of january, the application form smiled back at me...We both knew it was a lie.
  2. I have realized I am grown-up when The boys in which I used to joke with and even play manytimes started calling me "Camuu" Adeer...That was a call .... I am not even dhalinyaro or ciyaala xaafad anymore ... once you go adeer you never go back. The right of passage existed in Somali culture but in a different sense the Huthis of yemen. ... To get married in old somalia (western Somaliland especially) a man should have proved he is man enough to get a wife. I think it was called "kobor jabsi" I am not sure though. .. unfortunately it did not happen while in 18 years of age .. usually it was in mid or early 30s.
  3. NGONGE;915825 wrote: How did you manage to live in every part of SL, saaxib? Ma bisad luntay baad tahay? Waa long story...arsaaqadu iyo calafku meeshii ay kaa galaan kolnaba lagama my family is very multi-regional.
  4. GaroweGal;915069 wrote: Coofle your world view is similar to those wicked Wahabbis, western-loving sheikhdoms who were exposed by Wikileaks whispering into the ears of their Western masters "would you please bomb the Islamic Republic of Iran coz they are Persians and we are Arabs". Huuno Let us clarify one thing.....Although I am native/fluent Arabic speaker,,,I am Not an ARAB...I am SOMALI....waxba carab ha igu dhajin. its well known fact that Al-Dajjal will emerge from somewhere in Iran...and in case you don't know, Iran has sanctions on practicing sunnah, the violations committed are off limits and off records...barbaric people indeed....I recommend you read about shiite and "Al-raafida"...
  5. Caano_Geel;915815 wrote: this is funny wallee when a burcaawi from burco say ''waar maxamuudow orodoo ninkaa raacoo nootaayadii ina ina muuse dhag-jar, kasoo saxeex war-qada kala goynta labada baloodh ee cadaynta sar-faynka dhulka'' reer borama ''huuno ninka muxuu ka hadlayaa? Waar yaa alalh yaqaan oo nooga turjuma Frankly speaking I have lived in Every part of Somaliland...And at the end of the day the hadal is the same....waa buunbuunin uun waxan la leeyahay dadku waa kala lahjad.
  6. nuune;914902 wrote: Waa sax, maybe my accent wasn't the best afterall, since I had a Baajuni accent, my first word was, see camal waraa, then the fees came in loooolzz Waliba Avoid saying "Baajuuni" while in Somaliland....The word have a different meaning down there.
  7. Being a Somalilander is not a matter of passport! ...... Halkaasi in la sii balbalaadhiyo ayay u baahantahay.
  8. somalee;914892 wrote: They'll need lots of that. There's a right wing government in Tel Aviv and war is imminent. Iran and Israel will never fight....Ha rumaysan baalaxooftada la inoo dhigayo. Soon both they will realize they have the same enemy....Ahlu sunna wal jamaaca.
  9. Khayr;914878 wrote: Where does the saying of Habir Wadaag come from, if the relationship names are based on the Patriarchy? Good discussion its Habro-wadaag.... Habro as in plural...
  10. Waaryaa alpha... my invitation is still pending.... A khat session...anigaa bixinaya marduuf daba-masbuur ah iyo kookaha.
  11. nuune;914868 wrote: Not attracting tourists, misleading article, well last time I was there, there was a compulsary $30 when leaving out of Hargeisa/Berbera, and when arriving they take $100 from you and give you thier own exchange rates, so in essence, from that $100, you ONLY get aroung $60-70 dollars exchanged for you into SL-Shilling. Are they going to waive that, and introduce this new fee of $10 which is already in place as hidden fees, then I support it, but not on top of what is already being levied on travellers. $10 already in place as hidden fees $40 when entering paid in exchange rate $30 when leaving out at the airport Total: $80 airport FEES, that was 3 years ago, now must be higher Those are only imposed on foreigners (Specifically Reer koonfur) .... my last time was 2011 and I paid no dime...Ironically while on the road from Berbera to Hargeisa I wanted to drink some Tuulo shaax, unfortunately the smallest bill in my pocket was 100$ bill.
  12. Haatu ... Direct Translation From English will not do you good...Try going classic Somali.. Waxaan kuu soo tabinayaa Salaan Qiimo , Qaayo iyo Xushmo ku dheehantahay. Salaan aan ku galbiyano dareen ka soo burqanaya ilaha wadnahayga. salaan hadii uu cilmi boodhari fursad u heli lahaa noloshiisa maalmo dheeraad ahi ugu biiri lahaayeen. Waa salaan Jacayl. Waxa cawo iyo ayaan ii ah hadii uu dhambaalkaygani ku soo gaadho, waayo waa dareen in badan igu dhex qalaamo rogmanayay oo aan rabo inaan barraxa soo dhigo. blahblahblahblah
  13. A milder form of NORTH KOREA... Shiites are preparing for the wrong enemy (Sunnah) but being attacked by the right enemy (The west)
  14. Coofle

    To impress....

    Alpha Blondy;914509 wrote: wyre, sxb. your love life is a pathetic joke and it doesn't help when you post silly threads about how to impress a chick. nice guys come last sxb. you're too nice and these creatures will only take pity on you. i was like you once a upon a time. i get them easy these days because i'm not nice to them. i don't try to impress them with all of the above that you've mentioned. e.g this chick is mad about me at the moment. she's besotted with Al too. i don't like her at all. i'm not too impressed by her attempts either. its a little silly, actually. but she won't leave me alone. i'm getting a little impatient with her tantrums. nice guys don't get maids....kkkk...nice guys get ladies
  15. Coofle

    To impress....

    Dumarku markay ku rabaan wax ka qosol, kaftan iyo farxad badan lama arkin....Marka ayna ku rabina no matter what you do, marmarsiyo iyo mukur bay raaxada kaaga qaadayaan...Make her want you.
  16. Che -Guevara;914603 wrote: Coofle...Are wives more important? lool Aad iyo aad...... A wife's body is her man's business Sister Kollay nin kale ayuun bay u dhaxaysaa...ani tan ii dhaxday ayaa muhiim ah inaan la arag...
  17. Waranle_Warrior;914387 wrote: Looool, He needs to borrow one finger from Faroole looooooooolzz good one
  18. Waaryaa NGONGE..... Your description is Final niyaw....WOmen are MAD....
  19. Alpha Blondy;914576 wrote: LOL@Taleexi is this what you've resorted to when the reality on the ground goes against you?. you're hatred knows no bounds ma istidhi:D Walaahi I enjoy Your posts more just seems right... By the way, Men are polygamous by default....Ceeb maaha...Being monogamous is by choice. Gabdhahana Sawiradooda meesha ha laga qaado, They are someone's sisters and may be Wives..
  20. QansaxMeygaag;914340 wrote: Radio Cairo used to have Somali service as early as 1960s so it is possible that the song was played in the early 60s as well. The service was used to good effect for dhiiragelinta NFD folks and telling folks there to join Somalia and secede from Kenya... Yeah Laftaydu ku tiri ku teen baan ku maqlay "Radio Cairo" ayaa lahaa laan af-soomaaliga ah, oo BBC-da wuuba ka horeeyay ama isku waqti baa la bilaabay...But I have no documented source...Just odayaal baan ka maqlay.
  21. Ninkan miyaan Markuu Laascaano marayay wadanka laga tarxiilin..This is old news I think
  22. Reeyo;914206 wrote: Coofle: I agree, that is unacceptable. You're right Somali kids living in Hargeisa right now write better in English and Arabic then they do in Somali. There are no Somali literacy or classic studies in any of the Universities- Primary kids can sing and recites Arabic tunes but not many of them learn gaabays? We have no libraries and weddings don't play classical music or dances. What sort of country will it be in couple of years? Cultural Suicide is on process by Somalis...flocks of graduates from Sudan and Saudi Arabia all with Anti-cultural sentiments are axing the Soomaalinimo....This is Hargeisa We are talking about, The cradle of Literature...At least Jigjiga is a place to encourage Fanka iyo suugaanta now. Weddings play Ethiopian songs those days.
  23. Nuune and Raula ,,,, Maxamed Nuur Giriig just escaped my mind... I used many of the lines in this song "Timahaaga Dheere" to girls back in my teenage years... Anna waxa i dhaawacay Dhaayaha u rooneey Dhoolo ka qosolkaagee I used this a lot.kkk Nuune...The description is profound...Waxaad u dhigantaa Dhibicdiyo cadceedo isku soo dhawaadee....spectrum ..Are you sure he was singing in 1948...Malaha taariikhda ayaa kaa yara khaldan. Another songs would be ~Hoheey dumarku Waa hadh qaboobe damaloo Hanfi iyo dabayl lee!!! ..... Dumarku are good yet description ever..This song was on my mp3 for so many years. ~Maahee Qadraay Qiimiga kalgacal Ee Quruxda badan Maad ila qorshayn....I heard this one morning on Hargeisa Radio , I just stopped , next day Cajalada baaban ku soo duubtay. Giriig is MEGA-Qaraami...
  24. Then comes the Legends that just needed someone to appreciate their works and push them forward..Waa Hibooyin Hiil waayay 1- Cabdilaahi Xalaweyste (Famous for Shamseey adi daraadaa) " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen> 2-Cumar Nuur Cabdule (Famous for Jamaadeey) 3-Xasan Diiriye AUN (Fiidmeerta Duushaay, Fariintayda Qaado, Ha furfurin Adoon arag, Farxadii Jacaylkeen.....) 4-Shariif Cabdalla (Miyaad i gargaarayn)