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Everything posted by Dhagax-Tuur

  1. ^Pls don't call me 'dude'. Something in my guts turn 360' as I hate someone to refer me with anything American. Thanks very much.
  2. I would if i thought it reqd a constructive answer. I just think your taking it to over board. It happens, get over it. I won't this with an answer. "Because I'm Somali" kulahaa. Really. Somebody should inform him Somali rapists exist too So, in your case, one fish spoils the entire ocean!?
  3. You asked for direction, you were given directions. Just ‘cause you’re a Somali doesn’t mean you’re family nor does it warrant any special treatment. You’re a stranger, she treated you like one. Basics of protection mate. I clearly stated in the thread the loss of culture. There is something unique about somali-da, just in case you are not familiar with. Tell me, honestly, if you don't feel aware of yourself, particularly,if you are not doing the right thing, when you spot a Somali in a crowd? Why do Somali people avoid each other in clubs and whenever they are into their mischeives. Don't tell me you do not long for what is part and parcel of you. You are somali, therefore you behave and act like a somali. And expect other somalis to behave the same. Therefore, when you notice a difference in one of your falks, you would become concious of it and question. Do not deny the facts, falks, please. it does not matter where on the face of this earth i be, I will always act according to my values and my culture without leaving out the general etiquettes. Damn, what is wrong with this people! How come you don't get this simple point. You seem to be either lost about it or distorting it. Let me put it this way. I was in London, few wks back, on a bus. This somali guy comes on the upper deck. Young and recently got there from Somalia . He started off with me just like you would expect from a somali and i did not alienate him, make him uncomfy and this guy was way too extreme. He was behaving as though he knew for ages. I have taken the opportunity to honor my culture and how my people behave. But for this young lady, I have behaved perfectly humane and none somali like whatsoever, yet she treated me so un-like a somali. If you do that, and condone it, God help us!
  4. ^ that was the last thing on my mind. I never NEVER try cheesy lines with respectable sisters. I would rather be myself than otherwise. I was actually little bit annoyed by other stuff on my head at the time. And I am sure that did not manifest itself on my face as i genuinely needed the assistance. It is down to changing culture and people. That is my take. "eating out and being shown around" - that happens between people who know each other. Not absolute strangers. But why are you taking my point out of its context? Completely turning it around. For what purpose? Try to be little bit more constructive, and less victious, bro. Or, is the general rule, observe and pass by!
  5. I ask the question because I was on a visit to one of the Scandinavian countries, recently. As I often do, I like to get to know the city that I am visiting and avoid people showing me around at all costs. Just to challenge myself without any harm or inconvenience to myself. It is something that I do, and I like doing. It was the second day of my visit and i was travelling from Point A to B in the City. I was travelling on the Metro and it was late in the evening, about 23:15hours, the train terminated before my destination. So, I had to change. Even though, I was trying hard not to ask anyone for help, and the locals are not so outgoing, I suddenly spotted a Maali girl on the platform, few metres away. Manna from heaven, eh? You would think so!. I approached with good manners and politely told her that I was not from these shores and asked for clarification of whether there will be a train to where I was going. What surprised me most was her body language when I was asking her the question. I guarantee you, I am not the least presentable guy and my manners were no where near abnormal. The young lady in her early twenties with qimaar responded so like a local. No difference whatsoever. No traits of Somaliness. She cautiously answered my question looking at me with scary eyes and totally not anything like a Maali. I didn't want to start any conversation as I saw her condition. And to make matters even worse, she escaped to the other end of the platform, after a while. Which has left me with this feeling which brought about me to question: Is there a common Maali tradition left anymore? We have come to know somalis identify with each other and behave somalis when they set eyes on each other. Have we lost our tradition for good? Are we assimilating faster than we can even recognise in ourselves? Or is this unique to Scandinavia? I am sure we do not have people with such characteristics in the UK, where I lived for a while, unless one's been outright rude. Has it happened to you, nomads? Is this something you have spotted in local maalis in your travels? Your takes, please.
  6. GeelJire: And if we don't have that faarax or xaliimo than what should we do?? Appreciate singledom and never rush!
  7. You are all nuts. partners or potential wives are not like movie/drama script you can write and edit. Things happen and most of the time happen for a reason. So, stop being picky and appreciate your Xaliimo/Faarax, if you have one, that is.
  8. There are a lot more somali related stuff that need our support and attention than a man, evidently, caught on camera in the process of commission of a crime. Whatever the crime. Maybe, those who are advocating for this case should consider helping the vulnerable somali young men/women who are going thru tough time in London and elsewhere in the UK. If you want to help, go out there and help prevent such awful acts being committed in the first place. You know what I am talking about if you are a Londoner! The Qaat-devastated, mentally unstable, jobless and mostly clueless youngsters on the streets etc. This is where such problems breed and finally manifest themselves. If you are already involved, GREAT, if not, it would be good than ranting on the WWW screens! P.S. No offence to anybody.
  9. I HAVE TO admire the brilliance and go-getter attitude of Hibo. You need it, therefore you go out there and get it! Period! Walaalo, you have balls! If only there were million of YOU in our midst! On the other hand, I think the program is great, but it is kind of 'see-thru x-ray' and out in the open and that does not fit Somalis. With so much talent and ICT expertise out there, I think someone should capitalise on this and introduce proper guidelines and rules and deliver service that matches all others on the web and suits the 'treacherous somalis' Where are the somali entrepreneurs!? Once more, walaalo good luck. --------------------------- ...Divided we fall! --in solidarity with Hibo.
  10. What a heart-pouring session. The young lady sparked quite a moment, a very un-like nomadic moment. Nomads are experts in keeping their feelings and knowledge of themselves and their affairs to them alone. I have been here for a while, and it feels that I am getting to know some of the falks here today and on this thread. And everybody is broke, financially, anyway. Could that be 'cause almost everyone is student!? Hahaha! Ok, let me join this xalqa that almost sounds and feels like alcoholics anonymous' first session! My nom: Geel-Jire Gender (I prefer this to sex; overused, misused and abused word): Male Location: London, England Occupation: part-timer on mennial job and full-time student Interest: I still do not know. Music: Soulful music, even tho I like to keep it to as minimum as possible. I am more into listening Islamic talks. Great for the soul and mind. You (poster) might try it, it might be better than punk and metal music. I do not know. What else? Oh! What do I do when people are not.....: I think I wouldn't do anything out of the ordinary. That is about it. Keep it rolling.
  11. Whatever happened to the era where one would settle for Mr or Mrs not so right! Everybody is going about he/she should be (what they should be but not what they are) this and that. How about getting Mr Normal and shaping and moulding him into Mr Fine or Right? I think I would respect a lady that appreciates her man's shortcomings and works with him on overcoming them and eventually end up with fine marriage and happy successful life. After all, life is not what it is, it is what you make of it. So, nomads cut the dreaming and start living the ugly world we are in. A world where a difference is made by the power of one's thought, the intellectual use of time and effort employed. Quote: "what u want and who u want changes by the day if not hour!!" - truely said. And, remember this: simplicity is bliss.
  12. I must agree with Bachelor with this. Why the sudden interest with the geezer's years, if there ain't something there. I smell fish here. You know, there are avenues that one could exhaust for this sort of info on a certain Farah or Xalimo. Do some social engineering, and I bet before you know it, you would have more info than you know what to do with, I guarantee you. 'He challenged me', 'she asked...'....That ain't cutting it! Boo to Bach for smelling fish miles away. I knew you had such a acute sense of smell!
  13. ^^I don't really know how that message ended up here. It was for the admin initiated thread. Apologies.
  14. Hello Admin (bro&sis) Waa maxay Chat room enter prompt-ga naga hor imanaysa marka page-ku load-garoobo? Ma standard-kii baa hoos u dhacaya. Waxaan, aniga iyo inta ila midka ahiba, uga baranay shaqo iyo service heer xirfadle ah bogga iyo inta ka mas'uulka ahba, marka fadlan kala sooca chat facility-ga iyo dhanka bbs-ka ee bogga. Waad mahadsan tihiin. Concerned customer.
  15. I am speechless! Remind me, why are muslims SO divided and broken into pieces? SubxaanAllah!
  16. ^^it was ok. I didn't have to watch the damn cartoon. Thanks for your effort.
  17. Damn, human brain IS quite something! I have got only 4. But i was amazed to discover there was 6! How on earth did they know this? Gosh, i would love them to study my brain and tell me what the heck i could make millions of (i aint that greedy, but money helps, right? Liar if you say NO!).
  18. ^^Easy now. You are de-railing a fine topic. Go out of the door and beat the hell out of each other, out of our sight, ok. To the originator of the topic, I thee say: "everyone to their own". We're living in an increasingly global society that is blurring boundaries of culture, traditions etc, the only thing that can keep a muslimah (or a muslim for that matter) is not his/her culture in today's world, it is the Deen of Islam. If you lack that, the rest can easily be robbed of you! Lest you forget that the polluters of the world have the necessary tools to infiltrate any system other than 'proper' Islam. So, I think you should be advocating for Somali back to their Deen, not Somali girls lost the plot! Besides, tho I've to admit i didn't read your post - maybe the caps put me off, the decay of morals/religion etc goes for both genders. Enough said.
  19. I haven't read all of your comments due to scarcity of time, but what you asking for is of higher ideal and has a philosophical dimension to it. But the counter question is: can one form his own identity distinct of his society? Don't think so. the individual is part of the society and what you (we) should be aiming for is lifting our society from - to use your word - animalistic level to human level. After all, what shapes the individual is his/her surroundings (environment), i.e., the society he/she lives/grew in. PS, Congrats for the Moderator medal, mate. J'Maal is impressive as well.
  20. Dhammaan aqayaarta aan kor ku xusay waa inay si deg deg ah isku diiwaan galiyaa GOLAHA AQAYAARTA DHALIN YARADA SOL. Haddii kale baafintu way dheeraanaysaa oo ilaa iyo waxay gaaraysaa Xarunta baafinta iyo is gaarsiin Sol, ayagoo waliba lagu qaadi doono sharciga G.A.D. SOL. Fadlan soo gaarsiiya warkiinna G.A.D. SOL. [/quote ....Wiilo, Amba BBC-da (ama idaacad kale oo somali ah)baad u shaqaysaa ama dhagaysigaaga barnaamijka baafintaa fara badan! This is pro broadcasting - written in unique somali style! Are you member of the Bush House team or what?
  21. .........huuuh! Says more about female mood than anything else. Problem for us men is that female moods are dynamic whilst ours is static.....which reminds me that opposites attract! Why not the other way, so life (relationship life) should/would be easier? P.S. I ain't having no female probs at all, Just-In-Case!
  22. A/Calaykum.... I thought you were married already, Rud? Is this Xalimo #2? If your answer to Q2 is p+, then what the heck are you asking advice for this lot for(sorry, falks, it is true, most of you are singles, and singleton-ness is a disease - sharka cawdi billah - whose simple cure is marriage! )? Good luck, matie.
  23. A/Calaykum.... Xerta Sheikh Rabiic’s get together ....That is hilarious! I am gonna start growing me hair now to be a member! ....iix ax iix ax....!lol