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Fartun, I found all your stories booooooooring!!! Hadii canjayladaada (laxoodaada) ay diyaar kuutahay school in your case will be lost cause :rolleyes: Castro's recommendation sounds good about now
^ilaahada sheekadii aad ii balan qaaday ayaan kaa sugayaa Glad to have you back sis, aniga schoolka iyo math ayaa iqabo now days.
Choc/honey,you are contradicting your-self either love them or hate them its simple really. About the alcolole, sister have you been sleeping or I'm guessing you never been to club atmosphare in MN or maybe isolated to your little world. Costro, I agree Jamaicans are cool ppl esp,when they become mulim. Soomlida waa most racist ppl within, so imagin siday ku yihiin other cultures.
"Misunderstanding is hardly the problem. In my eyes, they are naago qooqay (who are seeking the pleasures of other nationalities) in need of a culture refreshment." Name calling is prohibited so pls keep your opinion to your self! About dating with Jamaican or other nationalities walaalo apportunity comes in once in a life time Now,tell me why do I wanna shukaansi or even marriege from Farahs?? pls convince me as I'm confused??? Habarta odayga lasaar, maxaa Jamaican ka soomlida nimankooda saaray, cajaa'ib could it be out of jealousy??
Zafir, it looks like you pissed Kat off, anigana waad isii maratay dee About the replacement its very hard runtii cuz I sat my mind to Kat, and I need to rethink for a sec....can I choose for us next person than?? Choc/honey, what happen to you girl, missed your posts ma UFM buufis gugu ritay or what??? waad mahadsan tahay walaashiis
^you mean 3...runtii?? I know I come across angry black female but I can be freaky sometimes. Zafir, what better way to spend your V-day than 3...but under one condition, Kat must participate
^Isqabooji Wijdan, kat or whatever you want to be called this beautiful V-day. I dont know but there is something about you that I like or attract to, okey boys get your mind out of.... Anywho, I should diffenatly get the mahadnoq simply cuz I posted the topic. Let me know hadii aan kaaxishoodsiyey, which means you feel the same way too Wijdan?? macnee pls
Idinkoo dhan ayaa mudan.
"I knew we wouldn't get far in this stolen car." looooooool, thanks you made my friday.
Miskiin,sifiican ayaan kuu fahmay & waad kumahad santahay. I really liked Sungubs work, its something that most of us can only wish for and believe me aad baan uga xumaaday markii ugu horeysay oola iisheegay waxa dhacay. Laakiin markii aan wacay gabdho saaxiibaday ah oo ay isku qoys yihiin waxay igu yiraahday dadkoo dhan waxay leeyihiin sangub balwad malaha aan naagaha ka'aheen, wuuna faradhaadheer yahay. Although, I understand your frustaration and sympathy, however,I can't helped but to ask you this one question. Why can you look from the girls prospective?? I mean she is maximum 22yrs, garbadh soomaliyeed, someone's daughter , sister, and friend who has no reason to make such acusation plus sumcadeeda is on the line. Marka naxariista aad udareemaysid Sungub maad ayadana udareentid? "We do know it well that episode in the Quraan regarding Caasho [r.c.]. Eebbe didn't reveal a verse regarding that quickly, but after the rumours were persistent, it was tantamount to settle the rumours once and for all; Eebbe then warned us not to believe anything quickly that we have no knowledge of". I totally agree and ilaahay khayr hakaa siiyo.
"War dadkaan Sangub ayaa lagu sixray. No wonder the other thread was "parked" in the office section to thaw the nerves". [Rowda, that thread wasn't deleted.] Marka hore waadmahadsan tahay walaalo. Ninyahow masidan daacad bey kaa tahay mise anaa fahmin?? Walaahi walaalo miyaadan axrin the police report?? Sangub manalugu sixrine ilmo yar ayuu kufsaday, hadii aanan la'isindha saabeyn dee.Maxkamada waxa kadhacayo siduu ilaahay qoray but that doesn't mean ma'ahan wuxuu sameyey. Subxaana laah, walaahi dadkaan in karbaash lala dhaco mo'oyee sikale waxkuma fahmayaan "Dad qaarkood meel baa gubaneyso because Sangub magaciis ayeeba maqli la yihiin". Indhasaab (blind support) I would say. No one cares about old somalimens name kuwii yaryaraa baaba maara loowayey "Sangub waa abwaan Soomaaliyeed, waa odey Soomaaliyeed. Waxaan la sheegaayo dhaqan Soomaaliyeed ma'aha, hadee jirtana maxkamadaha u daaya [xataa maxkamada gaalo ha ahaatee]". Car yaanan soomali arkin oo yaabin, hada maxaa iishaygaysaa in odey weeye lagudaayo. is that your defense?? thank God we here in America and sheekada wadan keena lagusoo gubay kama shaqaynayso (no laaluush pleas)! Maxaa naga quseeya hadii fanaaniinta oodhan ay support gareeyeen, cajaa'ib walaahi. Maskiin iga raali ahow laakiin meel xunbaad taabatay. I for one know atleast 10 somali girls oo lafara xumeeyay way before the civil war and after, so please dont say this doesnt happened, just say you dont no anyone ayku dhacday simple.
^wow intersting pics thanks walaal Allamagan, Adaa mudan walaalo.
My question is, why the adms delated Sangubs post before??? Oh yeah I forgot, we not supposed to talk about this, it never happened, plus the girl didn't even have a breast at the time of the incident,so how can he molested her?? I really have a lot of respect for SOL webside,esp, anything that concerns a freedom of speech or someone stating their opinion without the risk of thier topic being dismissed (dee ma'ay dhicikarto marka aan tirtino). Kat, sis why are you even bothering madax adeeg maryoolay oo haday waxbatayn iyo hadii kaleba ay la'aqli yihiin geel-jiraha soomaliya jooyo. we are very good at talking about topics that has nothing to do with the real problems of Somalida but God help you when you bring up topics such as qabiil,xoogitaanka dumarka, etc. Wardee muslim baan nahaye maxay inanta sheegayssaa??
Kat, since I'm still taking ESl classes, u should give me a day or so unless everyone can read somali plus I've english assignment due tomorrow and am posting on SOl sad hah? Being somali /muslim woman I feel sad that most posts here are focusing on the negative side than the positive side of having a somali girlfriend! I hate being freind with men in general all they after is ....yup keep thinking! more to come....
"Loool, you do that, and your next stop will be..where? Yup, u guessed it." Motel 6 Bisharo la'aanto sol abaar waayo runtii!! wax ma'iloobtid?? Kat, u right somalis and logic dont go hand in hand I tell ya. "This has got to be the funniest thing I've read in a good while!...I do seriously hope that was your intention here, a mere joke." abraar, Huuno mawaxaan u ekahay qof ciyaarayso??? waan kufarax sanahay in aan kaaqosliyey though.