Jiiroow Bakaal

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Everything posted by Jiiroow Bakaal

  1. Abwaan;777133 wrote: Hermet...TFG is the ONLY government that we have right now whether you like it or not...Is there a need for a change? yes, balse yaan indhaha la is tirin...Dowlad kale oo Soomaaliyeed ma jirto...period! ] Somalidiina reer KOONFUR runta isu sheega oo iska daaya khiyaaliga SOMALI looga taliyo MOGADISHU oo central government ah wa dhamaatey wakhtigeeda and will never come back TFG waxaa dhaama labada maamul ee Punt & SLand iyaga Amhaar haba u edeegeene AMhar iyo Bantu ma ilaaliso heshiisyo caalami ahna iyagoo Villa Somalia u baahneyn bey galaan
  2. One thing is sure The road to recognition goes through Khatumo People
  3. *****************please respect the rules of the website and stop the clannish talk***********************
  4. Lol http://taleex.net/2012/01/17/maamulkii-somaliland-ee-ka-jiray-widh-widh-oo-mabdaiisii-bedelay-qaatayna-somalinimo kuwa ka jooga Garoowe will be next this year 2012 can be Khatumo peoples year
  5. Amxaarada waxaa la yiri daba6iliftii KONDOMKOODII wey wada xireen loooooooooooooool http://www.xamarcade.com/news.php?readmore=2195
  6. Amxaarada waxaa la yiri daba******tii KONDOMKOODII wey wada xireen loooooooooooooool http://www.xamarcade.com/news.php?readmore=2195
  7. Sijuwigaan siyaasada Somaliya wuu ku wareerey inuu iskaga baxo Sakiima wuki iyo Maharaagwadiisa iska cunaa loo qaataa
  8. Dagaalkii Buuhoodle:Mu’aamarad Faroolan Ka Qeyb Qaatey (cadeyn), iyo Taliye Xigeenkii Ciidamadiisa oo Is Casiley Garoowe 15 janaayo 2012 Wararka naga soo gaadhaya aaga Buhoodla ayaa sheegaya in maleeshiyaadkii ***** la dhaafiyey magaalada Sooljoogto, Wararku waxey intaa ku darayaan in aaga buuhoodle gebi ahaantii isleekaadeen dhirta iyo raga dagaalyahanka ah ee soo gurmadtegey. Dhinaca kale warar laga helayo magaalda Tukaraq ayaa sheegaya in dhamaan ciidamadii *********** ee ku sugnaa aaga Garoowe aydhamaan kasoo kicitimeen, iyadoo qaarna ay Gambadhe difaaca looga jiro ku biireen, intii kalena u gudbeen aaga dagaalku ka socde ee Buuhodle. Waxaa kaloo jira isna in taliye xigeenkii ciidamada Puntland Col; Deyr Maxamed Cabdi IskaToos uu hada Gaadhey Aaga Buuhoodle, warar aanan weli kala xaqiijinin ayaa qaar sheegayaan Inuu xilkii uu u hayey Maamul beelaadkaa uu iska casiley halka wararka qaarna beeninayaan, laakiin waxaa naloo xaqiijiyey inuu dhanka Buuhoodle ugu talaabey laamiga. Sidee wax uga dhaceen Buuhoodle: Waxaa naloo xaqiijiyey in xaley goordambe ay si aan la fileyn uga baxeen ciidankii difaaci jirey, una kolanyeysteen dhinaca hawdka hoose, waxaa kaloo iyana ilaa hada aan la arag meel ay jaan iyo cidhib dhigeen ciidan kale oo saldhiga boliska deganaa oo u sudhnaanjirey calanka buntland kana mushahar qaadan jirey, waxaana saaka dadweynaha Buuhodle mar qudha ka warheleen ciidankii Isaaqa SNM-ta oo ku jira xeradii ciidamada Buuhoodle iyo istayshinkii boliska iyo dhamaan aagii xafiisyada dawladu ku yaaleen. Arintaasu waxey fajeciso ku noqotey shacabkii reer Buuhoodle ooy dantu ku khsabtey iney iyagu difaacdaan caruurtooda iyo guryahooda allana dagaal dheer kadib ku guuleeyey iney orgobihii soo weerartegey isagoo duleysAan ka baacsadaan magaaladoodii, iyagoo gurmad balaadhan ka heley dhamaan magaalooyinkii u dhawaa Buuhoodle iyo reer guuraagiiba. Ciidankii Lagu ogaa inuu Buuhoodle Difaaco meeyey: Ciidankan oo ahaa ciidan aad u hubeysan tababar fiicana qabey ayaa dagaalkii kalshaale ka bacdi waxey odayadii buntland ku xidhnaa ku wareejiyeen in uu buntland mushar ka qaato, isagoo ilaa waagaa musharka ka qaadanjirey Faroole. warar leysla dhexmarayo magaalada Taleex ayaa sheegaya in xalay uu lacag uga direy magaalada Taleex ciidamadaa odey ka mida odayaashii hore Puntland ugu xidhay ciidankaa. Waxaa isweydiinleh sidee ciidankaasu ku ogaanwaayey ciidanka SNM_TA ahaa ee tignikada faraha badan iyo taangiyada watey intuu soo guurayey ilaa xaley ee uu ku waabariistey magaaladey degenaayeen. Waxaa kaloo ka daran guurida ay halmar guureen iyaga iyo kuwii saldhiga boliska u diidi jirey in ciidamada SSC.du la wareegaan ee kula dagaalami jirey oon iyana ilaa iyo hada nin magaalada looga arag. Indheer garadka SSC ayaa waxaa si toosa ugu muuqda in SNM, Faroole iyo weli ashkhaas odoyo ah oo ku caanbaxaey ku xidhnaanshaha maamulada cadowka u ah beesha SSC ay isku xidh iyo wada shaqeyn ka sameeyeen weerarkaa waxashnimada ahaa ee lagu laayey dad muslima oon cidna waxba ka galabsan.
  9. Russia: Attack on Iran a ‘Direct Threat to Our Security’ http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/01/13/iran-russia-nato-idUSL6E8CD2XU20120113 Jan 13 (Reuters) - Russia would regard any military intervention linked to Iran's nuclear programme as a threat to its own security, Moscow's departing ambassador to NATO warned on Friday. "Iran is our neighbour," Dmitry Rogozin told reporters in Brussels. "And if Iran is involved in any military action, it's a direct threat to our security." Rogozin was speaking two days after the killing of a nuclear scientist in Tehran by a hitman on a motorcycle. Kremlin Security Council head Nikolai Patrushev, who is close to Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, said Israel was pushing the United States towards war with Iran, according to the Interfax news agency. Russia, however, opposes a boycott of Iranian oil. "We are definitely interested in the non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction," Rogozin said on Friday. "But at the same time, we believe that any country has the right to have what it needs to feel comfortable, including Iran." Rogozin, often described as an anti-Western hawk, was appointed deputy prime minister in December, and will oversee Russia's defence sector when he returns to Moscow. The United States, the European Union and Japan are drawing up sanctions on Iran to try to force it to abandon its suspected nuclear weapons programme. Tehran says its programme does not have military aims. The United States on Thursday took punitive action against three oil companies dealing with Iranian oil. EU foreign ministers are expected to agree on a ban on imports of Iranian crude oil on Jan. 23 - though with a grace period to give European companies time to find alternative sources of crude. Japan on Thursday pledged to take concrete action to cut its oil imports from Iran. (Reporting By Sebastian Moffett; Editing by Sophie Hares)
  10. Somali Pirates Attack Spanish Warship and Lose http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/politics/2012/01/somali-pirates-attack-spanish-warship-and-lose/
  11. MADRID -- Spain says pirates have attacked a Spanish navy warship off Somalia, drawing gunfire that reportedly left one dead and prompted a helicopter chase in which six attackers were arrested. A Defense Ministry official says the assailants may have mistaken the 165-meter (540-foot) ship Patino for a freighter in the attack before dawn Thursday. The Patino is part of an European Union flotilla fighting piracy in the Indian Ocean. The ministry said in a statement that the detainees had confirmed a colleague was killed, and his body thrown overboard. The official spoke on condition of anonymity in line with department rules. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/01/12/pirates-attack-ship-somalia_n_1201786.html
  12. In the power vacuum, NATO troops withdraw to their bases while Taliban-backed militias take over much of Kabul and Kandahar. Afghanistan’s Mazar-i-Sharif, which is largely Shi’ite, declares itself a part of Iran. The government resigns in Beirut, and Hezbollah forms a new one. A salvo of Iranian Silkworm missiles sets the Saudi Arabian eastern oil fields ablaze. Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates send an urgent diplomatic message to Tehran declaring that they will be “neutral” in the fighting and will not assist the United States in any way. Kuwait sends the same message, while Egyptian volunteers gather along the border with Israel in Sinai, demanding that Cairo take steps in support of their Arab brothers in Lebanon. Kuwait refuses to allow the United States to use its men and supplies at Camp Doha against Iran. In Bahrain, rampaging Shi’ite crowds depose Sheikh Khalifa al-Khalifa and set up an Islamic Republic, forcing the U.S. Fifth Fleet to abandon its only secure base in the region. The Dow Jones index loses another 1,000 points. The United States attempts to get China and Russia to mediate with Iran to end the fighting, but they refuse to do Washington any favors, noting that they had opposed the attack in the first place and also citing their countrymen killed in the U.S. attacks. Suicide bombers attack in London, Washington, New York, and Los Angeles. The attacks are poorly planned and inflict only a few casualties, but panic sets in and the public demands that the respective governments do something. The United States tells the Iranian government that unless resistance ceases, nuclear weapons will be used on select targets. India and Pakistan are alarmed by the U.S. threat and put their own nuclear forces on high alert, as does Israel. Russia and China also increase their readiness levels to respond to the crisis. Iran refuses to concede defeat, and the Iranian people rally around the government. The U.S. public is clamoring for action. Oil prices continue to surge, and the long-term viability of petroleum supplies is in question as the Strait of Hormuz continues to be closed. Another U.S. ship is badly damaged by suicide attackers in the Persian Gulf. American embassies throughout the region are attacked. Anti-American rioting takes place in Jakarta, Kuala Lumpur, Mindanao, and in Dhaka. The United States consulate general in Karachi, Pakistan, is sacked and burned. Forty Americans die along with scores of Pakistanis when the Marine guards open fire. There are frequent terrorism scares in a number of American cities, which are under red-alert security lockdown, though there are no new attacks. Domestic air travel declines by more than 50%. As a preventive measure, there are mass arrests of American Muslim leaders. Some antiwar activists are detained at military prisons, including Guantanamo, under the provisions of the Military Commissions Act and the National Defense Authorization Act of 2012. Israel continues to be bombarded from inside Lebanon. Its air attacks inflict massive damage on civilians but are unsuccessful in stopping the rockets. Its government falls and is replaced by a hard-right regime headed by former Foreign Secretary Avigdor Lieberman. Rioting rocks the West Bank and Gaza, forcing Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to resign and flee to Paris. Hamas forms a provisional government. India threatens to attack Pakistan if there is any question about the security of Islamabad’s nuclear arsenal. The United States uses a neutron-type bomb against the main Iranian nuclear research center at Natanz, which both Washington and Israel had already bombed conventionally and destroyed. It vows to bomb again if Iran continues to resist. Iran is defiant and fires another wave of Silkworms at U.S. ships, hitting one. Russia and China place their nuclear forces on high alert. Pakistani militants assume control of the government, aided by radical elements in the army and the intelligence service. India launches a preemptive strike against the main Pakistani nuclear centers at Wah and Multan, where the country’s arsenal is believed to be concentrated. Pakistan has some of its nukes moving around on trucks to avoid such a scenario, however, and is able to strike back by bombing New Delhi. A minor engagement between American and Iranian forces in the Persian Gulf has ignited World War III.
  13. What War With Iran Might Look Like by Philip Giraldi, January 12, 2012 | Print This | Share This | Antiwar Forum It might start with a minor incident, possibly involving an Iranian armed small craft manned by the Revolutionary Guard. Though the Strait of Hormuz is generally considered an international waterway, the Iranians claim that half of the strait is within their territorial waters. Tehran, in response to intensified sanctions, declares that it can determine who can use the strait and says that it will take steps to keep American warships from entering. The frigate USS Ingraham, patrolling off of Bushehr, is confronted by the small craft and ordered to heave to, an order it rejects. The Iranian commander, ignoring instructions to back off when confronted directly by the U.S. Navy, opens fire with rocket-propelled grenades. The frigate’s Phalanx rapid-fire battery immediately responds by blasting the Iranian boat, killing the entire Revolutionary Guard crew, but two American sailors are also killed in the exchange and four are wounded. Fighters from the aircraft carrier USS John C. Stennis are immediately launched under standing orders, and they devastate the naval base that the Iranian boat departed from. President Obama holds a press conference and calls the incident an act of war and vows to do everything necessary to support U.S. forces in the region, but he stops short of a commitment to stage a full-scale attack on Iran. A hastily called meeting of the U.N. Security Council results in a 17–1 vote urging the United States to exercise restraint, with only Washington voting “no.” In the General Assembly, only the United States, Israel, Micronesia, and Costa Rica support possible military action. The United States is effectively alone, but Israel takes advantage of the growing war fervor in the United States to launch an attack against Iranian nuclear facilities. The recently completed nuclear reactor at Bushehr is destroyed, killing 13 Russian technicians working on the site, and the aboveground buildings at the Natanz nuclear research facility are leveled. Russian-supplied Iranian air defenses shoot down six Israeli aircraft. Washington receives no prior warning of the Israeli attack, though it does pick up the signal traffic that precedes it and knows something is coming. It makes no effort to stop the Israelis as they fly over undefended Iraqi airspace. Congress and the media rally behind the Israelis and demand war. A bill in the House of Representatives calling on the White House to take military action in support of Israel passes 431–4. A similar bill in the Senate receives only two nays. President Obama hesitates but then approves a limited offensive, directed against Iran’s military, its nuclear sites, and, most particularly, its Revolutionary Guard installations. In the first few days, overwhelming American air and naval superiority destroys Iran’s principal air, naval, and army bases. Iranian Revolutionary Guard facilities are obliterated, as are the known Iranian nuclear research and development sites. The limited offensive soon becomes anything but that, with strategic bombers dropping 30,000-pound Big BLU bunker-buster bombs to strike underground labs and processing centers. Population centers are avoided, though smart weapons are used to destroy communications centers and command and control facilities. There are nevertheless large numbers of civilian casualties as many of the targeted nuclear sites are close to or within cities and large towns. Infrastructure is also hit, particularly bridges, roads, and power-generation stations close to known nuclear research centers and military sites. There is a pause in the attacks, and Iran strikes back. With nearly 10 years to prepare, Tehran has successfully hidden and hardened many of its military and nuclear facilities, a large percentage of which are undamaged. The aircraft carrier USS John C. Stennis operating in the Gulf of Oman is hit by a lucky strike by a Chinese Silkworm cruise missile that comes in low and successfully evades countermeasures. The Stennis retires to port in Bahrain. Three other support vessels are also hit and severely damaged when they are attacked by waves of small craft manned by suicidal Revolutionary Guards, not unlike the kamikaze attacks in the Second World War. The Iranian attackers are annihilated, but the Pentagon refuses to say how many American sailors have been killed in the exchange. Pro-Iranian riots break out in Beirut. In the south of Lebanon, Hezbollah fires salvos of rockets into Israel, striking Tel Aviv and killing several hundred Israelis. Israel responds by bombing Lebanon and Syria, which it blames for supporting the attacks. Upgraded Iranian Shahab-3 missiles also strike Israel, killing more civilians. The Israeli Defense Forces are fully mobilized, and troops are sent to the northern border. Syria and Lebanon also mobilize their forces. Rioters in Baghdad attack the American embassy, which demands that the Iraqi government “do something” to protect it, but Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki shrugs and says that the situation is out of his control. Large public demonstrations demand that Iraq support Iran in a fraternal struggle against the United States. Shi’ites sympathetic to Iran sabotage Saudi Arabian eastern oil fields. Hundreds of alleged saboteurs are shot dead by Saudi security forces. An oil tanker out of Kuwait is hit by a Silkworm and runs aground to keep from sinking. Another hits a mine. Insurers at Lloyd’s of London refuse to cover any tankers transiting the Persian Gulf, claiming that damage incurred during a state of war is not covered by the policies. Oil shipments from the region, one quarter of the world’s supply, stop completely, and oil goes up to $300 a barrel. Wall Street suffers its biggest loss in 20 years, with the Dow Jones index plummeting more than 900 points. The United States offers Iran a cease-fire, which Tehran rejects. Two days later, President Hamid Karzai of Afghanistan is assassinated by a Shi’ite bodyguard under orders from Tehran. Pakistan declares that it is neutral in the conflict and orders the U.S. embassy to reduce its staff by 50%, including the CIA station chief and his deputy. Order breaks down in both countries, and the Pakistani army declares a state of emergency, closing the border with Afghanistan. NATO calls an emergency meeting and decides to begin the evacuation by air of the multinational force trapped in Afghanistan, leaving many weapons and heavy equipment behind.
  14. Dhallinyarada waxey gudaha u galeen 100 kilimeter Kenya adoontiina roobab aan la socon la nahay bey ku leehiyihiin
  15. Ismaciil Buur ina adeerkiis buu u xagliyey waxey ahyd inuu Casoowe shirka ka saaro maadaama Kampala accrod uu mamnuucayay in Sheriif Hassan xilka laga qaado Ismaciil Buur duulduulki Somaliya ka soo gaari jirey buu u baqaaya iney ka go`do
  16. PRESS RELEASE (for immediate release) TFG To Investigate 1988 Incidents in Hargeysa and Burco Mogadishu, 08 January, 2012; TFG has said it will investigate the circumstances surrounding incidents in which towns in the north west Somali was hit by bombs from unknown source allegedly killing many civilians and wounding several other people.
  17. The Holocaust of Somaliland must be told once in every hour thats how the Ictiraaf will come
  18. Qof walba oo munaafiqiinta PIS disha bey ku leeyihiin waxa dishey AL shabaab arinku waa cad yahay Ictisaam waxey la saafatay TFG oo la safan AMISOM oo la safan ETHIOPIA marka ICTISAAM waxaa la gudboon willka taksiilaha AUSTRALIA ka ahaa iney wax barto una sheegto Qur’an: 1. "Waman Yabtaqii Qayral Islaami Diinan Falan Yubala Minhu Wahuwa fil Aakhirati Minal Khaasiriin" 2. "Waman Lam Yaxkum Bimaa Anzala Laahu Fa'ulaa'ika Humul Kaafiruun". 3. "Wa Man Lam Yaxkum Bimaa AnzalaLaahu Fa'ulaa'ka Humal Daalimuun”. 3. "Wa Man Lam Yaxkum Bimaa AnzalaLaahu Fa'ulaa'ka Humal Faasiquun"
  19. Duqeyn culus ayaa goordhaw ku bilaabatay Masjidka weyn ee Al Hidaaya oo xarun u ah culimaa'udiinka Soomaaliyeed ee ku caabaxay fidinta diinta islaamka ee loo yaqaano Tabliiqa. Wariyaha SomaliMeMo ee magaalada Muqdisho oo soo xiganaya qaar kamid ah Mashaa'ikhda masjidka Al Hidayaa ayaa soo sheegay in ciidamada Kufaarta Afrikaanta ah ay madaafiic culus ku garaaceen Alhidaaya. Madaafiic BM-ka oo ay isticmaalayaan ciidamada shisheeye ee ku sugan Warshadda Baasatada ayaa si daran ugu hoobanaysa Masjidka Al Hidaaya oo ku yaal xaafadda Waxara cadde. Warar Hordhac ah waxay sheegayaan in uu dhintay mas'uulkii ugu sareeyay Masjidka ahaana Khaadimka Masjika Alhidaaya oo lagu magacaabi jiray Sheekh Cabdi Raxmaan Tabaruc. waxaa kale oo dhaawacyo halis ah gaareen 7 kamid ah Mashaa'ikda masjidka waxaana kamid ah Sheekh Yaasiin, SomaliMeMo oo laxariirtay qaar kamid ah culimada ku sugan masjidka ayaa waxay u xaqiijiyeen in 14 madfac uu ku dhacay gudaha masjidka iyo hareerihiisa. Sheekh Cabdi Raxmaan Tabaruc ayay xidid ahaayeen Allaha u naxariisteen Sheekh Saciid Yaxye oo isna ay sanadii 2008-da gudaha Masjidka ku gowraceen ciidankii Itoobiya, ayada oo sidoo kale Culimadii xiligaas ay itoobiyaanku gowraceen uu ka mid ahaa Allaah ha u naxariistee Sh Cabdale Maxamud Ciise. Waxaa socda gurmad ay mujaahidiintu u fidinayaan culimada ku waxyeeloowday duqeynta ku dhacday masjidka, masjidka Alhidaaya ayaa kamid ah goobaha lagu cibaadeysto waxaana muuqanaysa in ciidanka AMISOM isku magacaabay ay qaadeen wadadii Itoobiya
  20. Futoole buu lacag ka so qaatey dadkuu garaad aan u ahay leeyahayna wuu lugooynaya reer SOOL waa iney odayaasha badawda ah ee gaajada ah ka saraan siyasada
  21. ^^Gacanta waxey ka gooyaan kuwa tuugada wax xada taana diinta islamka ayaa qabta mise waxaa tahay kuwa raba kitaabka iney qaar ka qaataan qaarna ka taga? Suaal Faroole oo ah hogaamiye SHACAB MUSLIM AH maxuu ku diidey inuu kitaabka ALLE ku maamulo ICTISAAMNA maxy ka iraahdeen arinkaas? DIINTUSE MAXAY KA QABTAA KUWA AAN KU XUKUMIN SHACABKA EY U TALIYAAN SHAREECADA ISLAAMKA?
  22. Samafal;771747 wrote: Sheekh Daahir Aw Cabdi ayaa Sheegay in Maxamed Siyaad Bare uu dhaamay kuwa maanta qofkii khilaafa dilaya oo aan waxba ogoleyn ,iyaga oo culumada ka diiday nasiixa walba oo ay soo jeediyeen.t Ma ninkii laayay wadaadada diinta difaaceysey yirina RAG iyo DUMAR baa siman ayaa dhaama niman kugu wacaya xukunka shareecada wakaas ICTISAAM taloow xoogaan ay u hayaan Shabaabka ma Xabashi kula dagaalamaan ICTISAAMOOW U TAGA FAROOLE IYO SHEEKH SHERIIF UNA SHEEGA wa man lam ya7kum bimaa anzala Allahu fa'ulaika humul kaafiroen - wa man lam ya7kum bimaa anzala Allahu fa'ulaika humul dhaalimoen
  23. Nin talada ka go`do ma umoodaa Absiweliga Habarta ninkii qabo ee adiguna ku dhalin maxaas kuu yahay? A D E E E E E R Ethiopia waa adeerka Abdiweli ask Puntland which is technically the younger wifey of Ethiopia